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400 Slicing - should i delete it?


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Hey Guys,


Just some advice please...


A friend told me to get slicing pre nerf to make cash for speeder, so i started...i now have 400 slicing (i dinged 400 a few days after the nerf)


Do you think i should just remove it for something else? it really isn't making me any money at the moment.


Or is it worthwhile keeping it? maybe for Endgame slicing? i'm only level 32 so the slicing i find throughout the world only make me 400 creds etc.


It never did really make me that much profit, i think it got nerfed just as it was about to get nice.


Thanks in advance.




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I've got 400 slicing. Got there a little before the nerf so I made a couple hundred k credits. I'm considering keeping it simply because I think most other people will drop it. Might well be that this pushes the supply of 300/340 crafting missions so low that they'll get expensive enough to justify having slicing to get them. That and I guess there are a few instances where it might be useful. We'll see how it pans out.


Crafting in general isn't profitable enough for me to bother levelling something else right now.

Edited by VenomByte
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I have 400 slicing, 400 scaveging and 300 cybertech, and I have found that slicing makes me the most credits by far


most of the credits I make from slicing come from getting the epic (340 skill) mission discoveries then selling them at auction, and also from me riding around searching for lockboxes


generally I tend to do the level 41-48 missions for lockboxes and ONLY the missions marked with "bountiful", "rich" and "abundant"

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Slicing has several rewards :

- rare plans for cybernetics

- rare single high-end missions

- mods/augmentations

- cash


Only cash was nerfed, but it was so nerfed I'm now loosing money in non-Intermadiate/Abundant missions.


So using this skill for money income is over now.


You will have to do as other players, stockpiling your hard earned cash quest in order to have enough to buy speeder/skills.

And to play the game in "hard" or "masochist" mode as you will have only quest granted gear on your toon.


Welcome to the gold-seller era ...

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I had around 350ish slicing and I dropped it yesterday. Today's patch doesn't mention any change to the slicing profession, so I just took up another gathering skill.


It all depends on your server's AH health atm. Someone here mentioned he sells the epic 300/340 missions he gets from slicing missions, that's awesome. But on my server, those are not selling at all. Also, I find it to be too low of a chance to get an epic or even rare mission and the slicing missions take up 30 minutes. Therefore, I imagine slicing to become more profitable once you have all companions because you can do more missions per hour and find more epic missions that way. With my current 3 companions, this is taking me hours to even find a single epic mission which in turn doesn't even sell for 10k.

I'm sending my companions out to other missions and selling the mats I get from that for profit. This is actually making me more of a profit than I was doing with slicing, but it takes time to sell you stuff on the AH.

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slicing is primarily a gathering profession (as it always was intended to be). Go out into the world and get free money without having to sell a single mat like the bioanalysis/scavengers have to do by clicking on nodes. This profession was intended to be a simple money maker for those not interested in crafting and it is working exactly as intended for that. You just can't expect to send companions on missions and make 200% profit back for zero effort.


However, from my experience post nerf, the blue chests and the schematics/epic 340 missions that come back from missions actually make them slightly profitable as well (increasing with the more people that drop slicing as well).

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I can maybe make ~5,000 credits with slicing (per day via missions). It really doesn't seem worthwhile to me anymore.


I will probably become a biochem instead, in the long run it will save you more money.


(You save the on the cost of using stims and meds since you don't actually consume them, especially if you PvP all the time.)

Edited by Purlana
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Slicing still makes decent money. I run 3 (10k affection) companions on it and during the day I make about 50k-100k in pure creds mission tokens are extra. The only missions you should be running are 41-48 Rich and 49-50 Abundants (there are 3 of these total). When you crit you profit about 4-5k when you don't you make 500-1000 creds. My crit rate seems to be about 15-20%.


Epic 340 mission quests sell well on my server though (15k for every things cept investigation) on normal day that'll bring in another 100k for me. I could probably make more on true gathering professions but this is just super easy and the mission tokens sell in minutes.


The kicker is I'm rdp'd into my home pc via my iphone so I can send my companions out all day long while I'm at work that helps a ton. I'm able to run about 50 missions a day.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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With Scavenging 400 I'm doing 7x more money I do with Slicing 400.




But I've kept Slicing because I enjoy opening lockboxes and because I'm still leveling my third tradeskill.


Is this with slicing missions or gathering nodes?

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Slicing has several rewards :

- rare plans for cybernetics

- rare single high-end missions

- mods/augmentations

- cash


Only cash was nerfed, but it was so nerfed I'm now loosing money in non-Intermadiate/Abundant missions.


So using this skill for money income is over now.


You will have to do as other players, stockpiling your hard earned cash quest in order to have enough to buy speeder/skills.

And to play the game in "hard" or "masochist" mode as you will have only quest granted gear on your toon.


Welcome to the gold-seller era ...



Slicing is a Gathering skill. Missions for gathering skills weren't designed to generate profits. If you question that, go run some missions for Archaeology and see how you do.


The fact that lockbox missions for Slicing (above rank 1) are profitable is pretty amazing in itself. (I've proved this by tracking 500 slicing missions of various levels and types post-nerf.)


The gold-seller era of SWTOR started when the devs decided to implement the monstrous credit sinks they implemented and has nothing to do with this slicing adjustment.

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With 400 slicing, and my toon at lvl 33, I'm raking in the credits. The harvesting alone while I'm out in the wild is great money. Ever since I hit the lvl 30 areas, each node drops 800-1k credits, and there are plenty of them to go around. Especially on planets like Alderaan (Imp side) where nodes are everywhere and largely unguarded.


Couple that with always having 3 idle companions on full time slicing missions, which does make money (just not as fast), and selling the schems and purple missions, I'm always gaining money and that's with me spending an obscene amount on the GTN daily.


In fact, I'm raking in so much that quite often now I forget to make sure all 3 of my idle companions are doing missions. Granted, it was much much easier pre-adjustment, but it's still a great gathering skill. The trick is to actually treat it as a gathering skill.

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How is slicing in end game flash points and operations? I know that you can use skills to help in dungeons (e.g. slicing a terminal to get an elevator working or using archaeology to open a door). I haven't played the higher level dungeons yet. Are there instances where you thought "man, wish we had a slicer in the group."?
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I hit 400 the day after the nerf. Ran it a ton since then and have gotten very little. I dropped it yesterday.


Some 50's I know are using other professions to make more money in the log run once they get maxed. Slicing is simply not worth it anymore if you want to get rich. Augments don't sell for much at all and missions get on average around 3-4k for the good ones unless you're a sucker. When other professions sell items for 15-30k it's time to change.

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