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About fn had it with these drop tables

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5 HM FP. Every single drop, BH ****. Except one, something drop some ****** warrior gear. But guess what................... THERE IS NO *********** BOUNTY HUNTER IN THE GROUP.


****... BW if you wanted me to roll a BH why don't you just send an email instead of making boss drop hints.

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I know... the game should be smart enough to drop useful gear or at least, gear that the current party can use.


They already do that for quest rewards so just modify the logic for boss drops in Flashpoints.


Nothing more annoying that running through the entire Flashpoint and no one came away with anything useful...

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But WHY random loot?

Why not make a loot table that reads the base classes in the actual op and drops gear they can use?


*** is the point of dropping wis robes in a group of a Jugg, 2 BH, and a healspec IA?


For the lulz I guess? For OPs this doesn't happen.

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I've been running BT all day long solo hoping for Mako's chest armor to drop. I have about 15 sets of BH gear.. a single Jugg boot, a single blade saber, and two double bladed sabers.


Mako just isn't feeling the love. Something is very wrong with the loot tables... BH gear is dropping 99% of the time.

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Yeah he's not the only one, we've run Directive 7 the last week and a half and EVERY day but one has been bounty hunter gear and bounty hunter pants at the end. We weren't running with a bounty hunter till today and said, well might as well gear this merc up, and lo and behold, bounty hunter gear again...
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Gotten one piece of Jugg gear so far from HMs. Haven't even seen a Jugg lightsaber drop, only one I've seen was an offhand that nobody could use.


Lots of BH and TONS of IA gear though, every.single.damned.time. It's almost like BW was worried that people wouldn't want to play a non-lightsaber class at the outset, and is trying to make them more attractive.

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I thought they said that the loot dropped from flahpoints should always be party applicable stuff. Like for real, we shouldn't be getting ANY BH gear when there's no BH in the group. IT's a huge waste of time and effort and frankly for the time investment it takes to complete these flashpoints is it so much to ask that at least someone in the group will be assured that their tier piece will drop?


I've run HM False Emperor every single day including tonight (The 20th of January) since the 10th. Every. Sing. Freaking. Time. It's always Sith warrior, BH the MOST and once or twice Agent chest. What's the problem here? Why is player applicable loot not dropping? ANd no, letting my companions use tier gear is not in any way an acceptable reason for that stuff to be dropping.


Please fix this, Bioware. This is a massively glaring issue.

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If this were WoW, only applicable loot dropping would be great. In this game, I'd like to see loot that isn't needed drop occasionally. If it didn't, then there wouldn't be any way to gear companions at all. And no, crafted stuff doesn't count. It sucks.
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Yeah, really hate to burst you "rng is rng' or "random is random" people's bubbles, but this isnt random. We have been farming all the HM FPs for the last 3 weeks daily and every AIM using player in our guild is carrying around at least 3 pieces of the same things, cunning second highest, with willpower and str gear taking a massive (read as almost non-existent) back seat. The loot tables by FAR favor Aim over any other. On almost every run, with the very seldom exception, every boss drops nothing but Aim. And this isnt just in FPs. This crap carries over into Operations, the only problem there is that on normal you cant even assign the drops so we're getting Aim gear going to the same person over and over again.


The loot distribution system, both in terms of master looting in Ops and types of drops, is THE WORST in the history of an mmo. Fix this crap. Please.

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Well, I haven't been doing HM's for very long but I would say I've seen a total of 2 aim pieces... the rest were cunning, jug tank, or non-tank wis gear. Needless to say those quite a few runs geared everyone but me(assassin tank). I am taking this as, the loot tables are supposed to represent a percentage of the population, maybe?


Only guessing this because if I don't run into a bounty hunter, I run into a sniper, marauder, jugg tank, OR sorcerer. I've seen another assassin a total of once since early release on my server. And they weren't a tank. I'm not saying there aren't more but... hell if I found them.


I've seen mercenaries out the wazzoo though. I don't often group with them, downside. And powertechs less. Just luck of the draw usually, filled by time they wisp.

Edited by Sivenom
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I dunno. Seems some people are seeing fairly normal loot and others obscenely skewed loot. All I know is that this is far from random. 15 runs through BT shouldn't result in only 4 non BH drops. The odds of that are astronomical, and there are others that are seeing the same thing over a much larger scale.


Maybe this is a bug that is confined to only portions of the population somehow? Can't imagine how that could happen though.

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