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The Republic HASN'T given up, We are still here, the loyal, the few.


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First off let me start off by saying we are on server The Swiftsure and I am a Republic. We are outnumbered 2.7 to 1. Even with those horrible odds we are still taking it to the Imperials. Now with the balanced population on instances in ilum, we stand a chance. Through coordination and working as a "zerg" we made the ever popular sith actually leave ilum to find another instance. So those people that say "Republic are just quitting and giving up", your wrong. We are here, fighting, while others cry and sit on the Republic fleet moaning. Work together, keep pushing and you WILL break their morale. :)


BTW: This isn't a one time thing either, this has been going on since yesterdays patch.

Edited by Rancorzealot
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