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Ending up with Akaavi & Risha?


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I am having trouble proving or debunking something I was told a long time ago that I took at the time as fact.

I was told that as long as you romanced Akaavi fully first Then switched your focus onto Risha then you could marry both of them. I have been playing with this in mind, but I just don’t want to be roped into a relationship with Akaavi alone.. seeing that if I had to choose one or the other I think I would go with Risha.


Does anyone know the truth to this?


Thank you


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Does anyone know the truth to this?


Thank you



You can do that the other way too: romance Risha and then switch to Akaavi.


The trick is to complete 1 companion dialog line until completion without talking to the other companion. Make sure you get the Legacy perk for that companion. Then, romance the other character. There will be a fight, where you need to choose the new companion. The original companion will take a huge affection hit, but will still be your wife. Finishing the second companion will make them your wife too.


I believe you can do this with any character with multiple romance options.


Proof: I did it on my first character: a Gunslinger.

Edited by Bstr
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Can you choose to marry only one? :eek:


Yes, if you never romance the other character or decide to call it off. Or if you try to romance both at the same time: the argument will end up with you breaking up with one or another.

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