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Bring back the Warzone Vendors NOW!


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There was no reason to break them in the first place, there is no "Get rid of the Warzone Vendors Now!" thread, so why are they gone? I asked on Korriban and Fleet tonight (on The Fatman, the most eavily populated server) and not even a troll responded to "who thinks that getting rid of the WZ vendor (in WZs) was a good idea?"


Well to answer what I wrote in general... IT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA! No one wanted that!


So let it be known that you guys are either lying to us or... are just lying to us that it was voiced that people thought it was a bad idea to be able to buy medpacks in the warzones because they forgot to on the station. Hell, while you're at it ADD a PvP terminal in there so I can pick up and turn in my daily without having to go back to fleet.


Anyone else agree or am I just talking to a brick wall here?

Edited by slapslapslap
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Exactly, people abused it for the quick repair. Joining a wz to have 3 ppl repair and leave is not fun.


They have said their working on a system to bring them back without allowing repair. But its no where near high priority so it could be a while.

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1.) this isn't the right forum for pvp topic and 2.) they already said their devs are working on returning the vendors but not until they can remove the repair function from it because you say people weren't complaining about the vendors but what they were complaining about was ppl queuing and then leaving and this was what a lot of ppl were doing. Que repair then leave.
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There was no reason to break them in the first place, there is no "Get rid of the Warzone Vendors Now!" thread, so why are they gone? I asked on Korriban and Fleet tonight (on The Fatman, the most eavily populated server) and not even a troll responded to "who thinks that getting rid of the WZ vendor (in WZs) was a good idea?"


Hey there,


I completely agree with you that the vendors being taken out was a bad idea. However, they did state the reason why they removed it - people were taking warzone queues just to use the vendor and repair, then tehy would leave the warzone, leaving teammates stranded.


That being said, the line of yours I quoted up there is a little shocking. While it may have been a bad choice to remove it, MMO's don't traditionally make most of their changes just because players ask for it. Many changes may come from player feedback... but to suggest that a change was bad simply because nobody asked for it is one of the most shocking demands I've ever seen an MMO customer make towards their game of choice.


Either way, I agree with you that the vendors should come back asap.

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Greetings everyone!


We just wanted to give you the latest comment on the removal of vendors in warzones. You can find this in our Community Q + A Blog for May 11th, 2012:


ZeusThunder: Why were the vendors removed from Warzones? They seemed to be harmless and the community didn't appear to mind them.


Gabe: A number of players would queue up for a quick vendor/repair and leave the match to go back to whatever else they were doing. This impacted enough matches that the cons started to outweigh the pros. We plan on getting tech to disable the sell and repair functions on a vendor, at which time we’ll be able to justify turning them back on for those players who want to purchase consumables mid-match, etc.


You can find this response and more in our latest sticky: Weekly Q&A Archive.


Thank you!

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Wouldn't be so bad if planet vendors sold the warzone medpacs and adrenals so you could restock whilst questing and also spend comms when you're nearing the 2k cap, Guess they want people to go to fleet a lot since fleet numbers seems to be the metric that people use server to determine server population levels.


Also the coding must be pretty sloppy if thay can't just disable the repair button on in warzone venodors.

Edited by TrigPt
ingrish rolly bad
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