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Let us casuals do solo ranked!


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I don't think I'm terrible, like certainly not bottom 5 %. This season on my commando healer, I had 11 losses, 10 wins, rating around 1200 now. Among the 2 wins, 2 were against a platinum-medal (top 5) sorc healer. Among the losses, 4 were with a hopeless team member, 2 were really caused by me alone, despite having the better team; including 2 rounds of getting globalled within seconds. Not great, I know. On some chars, I don't even make a bronze medal; best last season was a silver medal in grouped (just joined the "mats farm" calls on public chat; no regular group).


I think that's just a little bit below average. But I'm getting threatened, insulted and cursed at all the time.


  • Like a thread last week pointed out very well: Solo ranked comes with the deal that you get random team members.
  • I always say to these haters: If only there were something like solo ranked, except you can pick your team! Like, a "group ranked" or something.
  • If the other 7 are hundrets of ELO points better than me, you won't lose much rating when we lose because of me being on the team. But if we win, like in that game against the platinum healer, we all gain big time.
  • I never heard any complaints when we were winning, because the other team had a terrible (worse than myself) player. Like "damn that sucked; such a boring win because they had that loser". They enjoy the easy, "undeserved" win.


Some blame is also on the match making: Don't group casuals like me with or against anyone on gold-level or higher. It's frustrating for them, because it turns a challenging game of skill into one of luck, who gets grouped with the worse low rated players.


Check out my chars if you want: Felinia this season solo Darth Malgus, or Yamelah last season group ranked and solo.

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Oh i did play few games with you one night on my guardian dps, yeah i can say that you are doing your stuff good. But yeah s-r is mostly decided by who get more global materials in their team.

You still can carry 60% of the games and climb if you good enough on your class tho.

Edited by GUN_GAME
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Sadly some degree of toxicity is always going to be a thing so long as losses result in lost ELO. I'm not defending the players who spout off the moment things don't go their way, just stating an unfortunate reality.


The system should be reworked so that points are only gained for wins and none lost if you lose. It won't entirely eliminate toxicity, because there is always going to be some of that in PVP (competition plus anonymity turns some people into jack@sses), but it will improve the environment in Solo Ranked somewhat. It would also be a quality of life improvement in not penalizing players for having the misfortune of ending up grouped with throwers, leavers, mat farmers, ect.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Iam sure you are a nice guy threadmaker. But i have zero sympathy for you tbh.


RANKED per definition is NOT CASUAL.

If you want casual you can do REGS, thats the definition of casual PVP. Or pvp in your new stronghold for the ultimate casual experience.


If you treat something that people take very serious and put ALOT of effort and TIME in it as something CASUAL...and you know you are below AVERAGE playing with WELL above average players well then prepare to take the heat.


You may think its unfair, bad design etc but this is just reality of the situation dude.


if you want the S10 weapons, flairs and the season rewards well then you gotta PUT IN THE WORK just like 95% of the people are doing it in ranked (except for the 5% of 100% that is not legit)

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If you want casual you can do REGS, thats the definition of casual PVP.


If you treat something that people take very serious[...]


You may think its unfair, bad design etc but this is just reality of the situation dude.


Is this the reason why Ranked players love to destroy Regs ? Because it is not "serious" ?


Is this necessary to destroy everything in which casuals can have a challenbe of their own ?


And why don't casuals have their own Ranked bracket, even, into which top players are NOT allowed to go in ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Iam sure you are a nice guy threadmaker. But i have zero sympathy for you tbh.


RANKED per definition is NOT CASUAL.

If you want casual you can do REGS, thats the definition of casual PVP. Or pvp in your new stronghold for the ultimate casual experience.


If you treat something that people take very serious and put ALOT of effort and TIME in it as something CASUAL...and you know you are below AVERAGE playing with WELL above average players well then prepare to take the heat.


You may think its unfair, bad design etc but this is just reality of the situation dude.


if you want the S10 weapons, flairs and the season rewards well then you gotta PUT IN THE WORK just like 95% of the people are doing it in ranked (except for the 5% of 100% that is not legit)


For you to comprehend...


Casual ranked means he tries to win and does his best, but he isn't obsessed with rating.... People take very seriously ? You should take your job seriously, dude.... not a video game meant for fun and relax.


Losing in a video game isn't the worst thing to happen in life.. but guess for some people this is very hard to grasp on.

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Iam sure you are a nice guy threadmaker. But i have zero sympathy for you tbh.


RANKED per definition is NOT CASUAL.

If you want casual you can do REGS, thats the definition of casual PVP. Or pvp in your new stronghold for the ultimate casual experience.


If you treat something that people take very serious and put ALOT of effort and TIME in it as something CASUAL...and you know you are below AVERAGE playing with WELL above average players well then prepare to take the heat.


You may think its unfair, bad design etc but this is just reality of the situation dude.


if you want the S10 weapons, flairs and the season rewards well then you gotta PUT IN THE WORK just like 95% of the people are doing it in ranked (except for the 5% of 100% that is not legit)


They're not complaining that they're not getting the top rewards. You don't have to play arena all day every day like some people to still be decent at them, although you probably won't climb a ton. "Prepare to take the heat" is a ridiculous excuse. Honestly my experience is that a lot of hardcore ranked players (not all, plenty are decent) just constantly try to out-meme each other and act like teens desperate to be the "cool kid". And I think by lashing out at other team mates they're trying to deflect from acknowledging their own shortcomings.


Of course some people really do drag a team down and there are definitely people who probably shouldn't be queuing but as long as someone is using all their abilities, has the right gear, and is clearly trying I don't think you can put all the blame of a loss on them and looking for someone to yell at is pointless. If anything you'll just make them want to keep queuing to troll. If you have actual constructive criticism then by all means share that with them but just throwing a tantrum is stupid and way too common.


I mean I've seen otherwise good players with decent rating get globalled before just because they were caught off guard and weren't expecting it. If it's something that happens to you constantly yeah it's something you need to change in your play style but let's not pretend that good players never make mistakes. They just make less of them. And making one mistake seems to be all it takes to trigger a "go kill yourself". There's really no excuse for it.

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Iam sure you are a nice guy threadmaker. But i have zero sympathy for you tbh.


RANKED per definition is NOT CASUAL.

If you want casual you can do REGS, thats the definition of casual PVP. Or pvp in your new stronghold for the ultimate casual experience.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't Ranked Arenas that also pop in regs?


They sure as hell look a like.


Believe it or not, some people actually fight in warzones. If not for that, I'd be standing still the whole time.


Lose all the cheaters, wintraders, quece dodgers, and account buyers if you still want to pretend Rank measures skill and means something.


That's not an insult to legitimate players, but it is unfortunate for them.


Cheating = No one won.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't Ranked Arenas that also pop in regs?


They sure as hell look a like.


Believe it or not, some people actually fight in warzones. If not for that, I'd be standing still the whole time.


Lose all the cheaters, wintraders, quece dodgers, and account buyers if you still want to pretend Rank measures skill and means something.


That's not an insult to legitimate players, but it is unfortunate for them.


Cheating = No one won.


"what's your rating, noob" ? Is a question often asked by " pro's" when you are trying to have an argument....


They shut you up with their nice golden flair and 4 digit elo's.... What do you know ? You are trash bronze who got his rating by farming mat farmers.


You understand now why these people are so obsessed and full of hate towards "casuals" ? Casuals get int he way of their... ego boosting elo hunting quest.

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This is your SR community, full of kids trying to be cool. I guess there is nothing that can be done about it, MMO these days are full of that. Playing for fun and competition is nonexistent. Maybe if those ppl did some sports irl it would be better ?

Anyway if you q healer you will get blamed for everything, even for bad dps

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It's a toxic cesspool.

I'm a returning player from couple years back, not the best out there, still learning, but I'll try, and I do enjoy some pvp for fun.


But when I see the hostility and toxicity, I stop trying, I'll throw.


Here's the thing, I play for fun, not to prove something to my ego. So if you ask me, I have no sympathy for your ranking if your default behavior towards other is being toxic. If it's such an issue, that makes you rage and ruins your day, your fun, you should be doing something else. Play some other game, learn a new skill, go to therapy, just do something else.


Yeah, matchmaking should be better, I'd probably enjoy playing more people who aren't as competitive about it. But if you're going to be a huge a**h*le about it, I'll just enjoy that I made you rage instead of trying to play the game.


Bottom line, if you would try to be civil, help each other out instead of throwing a tantrum about it, maybe you would have better results.

Edited by Zobotheclown
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Since you can't pick your teammates in Solo, BW needs to adjust the rating system.


No points lost on a loss. You can only gain points. But much smaller increments, like 3-5 points depending on the ELOs of your opponents.


In the current system, you might as well not queue if there is a thrower/terribad in the queue as 50% of the time, you'll get him on your team, and if you get a string of him on your team, you'll lose a load of points. It's stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case you want another look at my gameplay, got caught on a public stream again, Felinia, enemy team:



2nd round you see me fully focussed and can see what I do and cast. HPS was over 8k in round 2.


Currently at about 20 wins and 20 losses, I see myself as pretty average, or just a little below. Maybe I get a bronze medal this season, maybe not. Should clearly be allowed to play.


I agree that there should be something like leagues, or at least avoid mixing VERY differently rated players. E. g. a sub-bronze should play with bronze and silver, but not gold.

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The fact is: casuals ARE allowed to do solo ranked, by design. Or, they wouldn't be allowed to que. Entitlement rears its head, but apparently ranked is for whoever wants to do it and is at least valor level 25. Can suggest a filter for teams balancing, but road blocking will just kill ranked... again. Something destructive to the overall ranked community I thought players learned that lesson years ago - I won't support that.

Rather than pseudo entitlement over BioWare's ranked system, encouraging a growing healthy ranked community makes more sense.

Edited by Willjb
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For you to comprehend...


Casual ranked means he tries to win and does his best, but he isn't obsessed with rating.... People take very seriously ? You should take your job seriously, dude.... not a video game meant for fun and relax.


Losing in a video game isn't the worst thing to happen in life.. but guess for some people this is very hard to grasp on.


^OMG, I know, really.

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In case you want another look at my gameplay, got caught on a public stream again, Felinia, enemy team:



2nd round you see me fully focussed and can see what I do and cast. HPS was over 8k in round 2.


Currently at about 20 wins and 20 losses, I see myself as pretty average, or just a little below. Maybe I get a bronze medal this season, maybe not. Should clearly be allowed to play.


I agree that there should be something like leagues, or at least avoid mixing VERY differently rated players. E. g. a sub-bronze should play with bronze and silver, but not gold.


If it makes you feel any better, there are a lot of S9 gold medalists who struggle to get past 1.2k 1.3k......I Know one who reset his rating at least 2 times by now. :p


20 wins 20 losses tells me nothing about your skill level, but it sure speaks volumes about your que luck.... ;) I have 17-17 too. My rating is the same on friday as it was on monday. and my PVP nights are usually.. 1 win 1 loss, 1 win 1 loss. Unlike you, I am pure garbage...trash the worst you can possibly imagine at my class called marauder.


Also, for me Snave is one of the best opers on Malgus, yet he struggles in ranked rating wise. So it's not Snave, it's the system... and what it' throws at you. Unless they remake this stupid win-loss based rating system, there will be little reason to participate.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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If the game was populated enough, people would mostly do TR. But TR is rare and repetitive (you play the same team over and over). Since TR is a joke, people looked big for a challenge higher than what Regs offers queue for SR. People also queue for SR for other reasons or no reason. With only a 4 man team there’s nowhere to hide so the single worst (most global-able) player ensures the outcome often with more certainty than does the accumulative skill of the rest. That’s frustrating for sure.


Again it’s population. If there were 1000s of people in queue, you soon be matched against other players of similar skill.


An environment that readily allows the games best and worst player to consistently match against each other has a doomed before it starts.


Rule 1 of the internet applies: If you are easily offended, eff off.

Edited by Wimbleton
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Strange enough, sent the gear to my merc, same gear, same spec, same utility, and quickly got to rating 1390 there over 14 games. Two of those were with wintraders who threw my game; otherwise would have been way over 1400.

Check it out if you want: Merc name Arenes, Commando name Felinia, completely different rating & outcome. Felinia is struggling not to fall under 1100.

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