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New Group Content!


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It is up to us to make SWTOR and BW hear our voices. Ill probably get banned from the forums for this or the post deleted because they just sweep everything under the rug here and pretend there is never issues.

But I can be silent no more.


BW promised that they would never go a year again without releasing new operations. A commitment that they have failed to live up to. I have been a faithful sub and an consistant streamer for years now. I'm tired of this.

This 15min of story a month for the next year model is garbage. Your metrixes are garbage. You are losing subs left and right for what. Get it together and make this game what it once was. You have a had some brilliant ideas lately that made the game better but they are all in vain due to the lack of group content. The UI editor looks amazing. But what does it matter because there is no ops. I could go on but I'm tired of harping on it.


They did a podcast for you. Hopefully you listen. People are pissed. Hear us.



Retweet and repost this!!! Make BW hear our voice.


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