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Why is the GTN default sort "Time Posted" instead of "Lowest Unit Price"?


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Why is the GTN default sort "Most Recent Time Posted" instead of "Lowest Unit Price"? When I want to buy something I don't care who posted it or when. I care about the lowest unit price. It's annoying that every single time you access the GTN you have to sort by "Unit Price".


I've asked lots of people and everybody says the same thing, they do their search and then sort to see the lowest unit price. If this is the most common usage then it means two database calls are being sent when only one is really needed.


Can someone explain why sorting by the most recently posted time is the best option?

Edited by UlaVii
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Yeah there's a few of these default settings that don't make sense to me. Another that comes to mind is the default settings for achievements with everything opened instead of closed. Or with reputations where you have to click a button to hide the finished ones instead of that being the default mode.
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