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What is being done about the exploiters who made billions?


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I would be surprised if anything will be done.


After all to access those Billions they have to be a subscriber and that means they are paying monthly and they don't want to be driving away their subscribers.


Agreed, I think nothing can be done because none of those exploiters was stupid enough to leave all those billions on their own characters or account. Likely they created fake accounts already, or had alternative accounts. The credits from the exploit are more than likely stored within guild banks, legacy banks and in items. The run on the GTN happened for one purpose only: to launder the money. Having billions on a character or account sticks out from the crowd, several hypercrates or rare items per character doesn't.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Next time ill exploit my *** off then.


I'd heavily discourage you from doing that, because while you may be doing much good for yourself... you'll harm others. Maybe not harm in the greatest extent of that word, but you'll be definitely ruining a lot of fun others have with this game. In essence... be a better person than those lowly slugs who did make use of the exploit ;)


Does anyone else's blood boil when these things happen and then the uber-rich have the gall to tell us all to run heroics or spend hours gathering/crafting and we can be just as rich as them?


Well, it is the path to becoming rich in SWTOR though... either that or you have to put down real money to buy Cartel Coins to be able to buy hypercrates to sell or rare items that are on the Cartel Market. You can't become rich in SWTOR by doing nothing.


So no, my blood doesn't boil when I hear that specifically because it's just the truth. My blood does boil however when a bunch of lowlives go and abuse an exploit, undoing a lot of hard work some people put in, in amassing wealth in this game through legit means. My blood boils when I know that those lowlives have an crazy amount of credits now at their disposal and can buy up the GTN again anytime they want, cause the economy ingame to decline further and inflation going up as well. My blood does boil when I know that those people can corner any part of the GTN market they want and drive up the prices without blinking an eye. And then the amount of credits people worked on for years to amass decreases in worth and value a lot.

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Does anyone else's blood boil when these things happen and then the uber-rich have the gall to tell us all to run heroics or spend hours gathering/crafting and we can be just as rich as them?



Well, that's called work and I have no issues with that as I do it myself. What makes me mad is people exploit and make billions in a matter of minutes when I work my butt off to earn my 100 million in credits.

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Does anyone else's blood boil when these things happen and then the uber-rich have the gall to tell us all to run heroics or spend hours gathering/crafting and we can be just as rich as them?


And even if we do work our butts off, we would never be that rich doing it that way. The gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” in the game is so large now, that any normal player will never catch up.

All that means is the Uber rich can now dominate the whole GTN market because they basically own everything that is worth anything. Prices will continue to rise and they will continue to say how we have to work for it.

The whole scenario isn’t much different to real life now. Except the market is so small and and the ones that own it will dominate and shut out anyone else trying to make any credits because they can always afford a price war to drive down prices and then buy everything cheap again. You know, like how they do when the stock market crashes and the Uber rich see it happening before anyone else, make it worse even and then come out richer on the other side.

Moving forward the Uber rich will get richer from peoples hardwork running heroic and crafting, while they sit there and do jack squat.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Does anyone else's blood boil when these things happen and then the uber-rich have the gall to tell us all to run heroics or spend hours gathering/crafting and we can be just as rich as them?



I have 100+ mil on my toons. I've not once ever exploited. I've run heroics/dailies in the past. As of late just been PvPing. Still making decent money. The whole key to having millions is NOT buying every thing you see. Having self control. lol

I have guildies that haven't exploited that have more than me & they just play the game & buy/sell on GTN. It's all about how badly you want said items & paying attention.


(That's not excusing the exploiters. And btw doesn't matter if they send the credits to other fake accounts. Last time they did a huge credit exploit BW chased those down too. It's not that hard as it's very traceable especially if they mailed it.)

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I have 100+ mil on my toons. I've not once ever exploited. I've run heroics/dailies in the past. As of late just been PvPing. Still making decent money. The whole key to having millions is NOT buying every thing you see. Having self control. lol

I have guildies that haven't exploited that have more than me & they just play the game & buy/sell on GTN. It's all about how badly you want said items & paying attention.


(That's not excusing the exploiters. And btw doesn't matter if they send the credits to other fake accounts. Last time they did a huge credit exploit BW chased those down too. It's not that hard as it's very traceable especially if they mailed it.)


I don’t think that’s the issue here. People who have worked hard “do” deserved to be in a position like you are. The issue is these people who have exploited, have a lot of influence on the GTN and prices will continue to escalate. I’ve even noticed less popular, and what I would call rubbish outfits, now being sold at higher prices than they were. This means that only people in your position can afford to buy anything, which is not how the system was designed or how it was for the first 4 years of the game.

Of course it’s a free market and people won’t buy if things are too high, but inflation has been rising dramatically over the last 12 months and with the exploit, it has spiked. Normally a spike will drop, but with so many unintended credits now in the game and most of those credits are controlled by a small amount of players, that spike isn’t likely to drop because people with 100s millions of credits don’t really need more and can just leave things at higher prices until or if they sell. That also means the only people buying anything will be those who control the credits and the average player will essentially be forced out of the market because it’s unrealistic to play 100 hours and then spend 300million to get one full armor set.

This will eventually affect players like yourself because people won’t even buy your things and you’ll also have to pay more for items because that’s how inflation works.

I don’t know if there is an easy fix to this inflation and credit problem. Any credit sync they add to the game will hurt the average player and do nothing to the Uber rich. I think they would need to impliment a multistage approach to fix the problems.

Here are a few I’ve seen.

- Put a reasonable credit cap on GTN listings

- Put a reasonable credit cap on how many credits a player’s legacy can have

- Put every CM item on direct sale and at a 50% discounted rate or priced more reasonably than they are now. More people would be likely to spend $2-5 here and there than solely relying on whales to buy things. That’s why micro transactions are so lucrative in mobile games because people don’t see $2 items as budget breaking and are more likely to spend $30 over a month than paying $30 in one hit for two items.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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They can go into people's accounts and remove the exploited credits. Problem is a lot of these players laundered their money into the GTN. It would be nice if Bioware would make sure this bug doesn't resurface ever again. This is the second time that I know of that this bug existed.


It’s too late for that to make any real impact now. The credits are in the game. It will have the same inflationary affect on the GTN as governments printing too much money in realife.

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What is being done about the exploiters who made billions by buying companion gifts and selling them back? If you don't take away their money I'm gonna be pissed that I didn't exploit as well.



I didn't exploit either, not that I could have logged in at that time if I had wanted to do so.. That being said, the saying exploit early and exploit often is a saying for a reason.

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Nada, zip, zilch, zero. Just another reason I don't play this game seriously. Personally, I have every cosmetic item in the game I could want, so I don't care. However, no actions being taken against exploiters just further proves how much of a joke the game is in it's current state. At this point, if I'm in the mood, I do my pvp dailies & logout. Then I log in to FFXIV (Where they actually add content regularly). I just play TOR for what it is & don't expect much. Hopefully the next SW mmo is decent.
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If they do anything at all, which I doubt, we're most likely not going to know about it. They actually don't HAVE to tell us what they plan to do, or what they did to those that took advantage of the exploit.


I know the GTN has, in some cases, leveled out, but in others it is still showing outrageous pricing. On SF yesterday the Life Day Snowball Cannons were between 20 - 25 million. This morning they are between 100 - 175 million. :rolleyes:


Now, if BW really wanted to help the players out, they'd put that Snowball Cannon on the CM for direct sale. Not only would that allow players that didn't get it a few years ago the chance to have it now, but it would also "stick it" to those GTN'ers that are inflating the pricing to unreasonable amounts. :D

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I know it sounds funny to at least a couple of you that have watched my few posts here on SWTOR and maybe did remember this handle back in SWG. But I did once apply for a Community Representative job while SOE/LA still had SWG going in Austin, TX. Unfortunately, I couldn't make the interview for the job at the time it popped up due to family stuff on my end.


What is my point? Oh yeah...


This falls somewhat under the same circumstance that an employee of a company will never ask you for your password. Basically, they can't give us specifics on what is going to happen. About all they can say is that, "Yes, SWTOR Community. We are aware of the exploiters and do take this very seriously. However, we can't tell you the actions we take against another account or accounts."


Seriously, when they let us know... it will look like that. It is all they can say under the circumstances. And, yes, what happens may wind up being a slap on the wrist compared to what we'd like-- but it is what it is. I wouldn't lose complete hope though. I have a feeling if they're waiting to sort out the whole mess it could get as cheerful as, "We'd like to announce that we've restored x billion credits to the galactic market after various entities tried to embezzle their way to the top!"


I might get fired... but that's how I'd handle it with a CR spot here once the mess was sorted. :)

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Does anyone else's blood boil when these things happen and then the uber-rich have the gall to tell us all to run heroics or spend hours gathering/crafting and we can be just as rich as them?




But then I remember that it's just a game and I have a dreamjob in real life which gives me a lot of time playing video games and why should I care for someone who has to define themselves by their wealth in a mediocre MMO.

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Why make billions when we could make... millions? ;)


Honestly, this exploit never occurred to me. I just used cheap gifts to get some companions to level 50.


Yup, I leveled about 30 companions to 50, then bought another 5000 of each type of gifts for later. Luckily I had about 65 million credits to spend, so was able to take advantage of the lower gift price. It worked out pretty nice since it took 477 gifts to reach 50, from rank 1 if you had the legacy perks. That was around 460,000cr to go from rank 1 to rank 50. Way worth the cost :) and much better than the 4,770,000 it normally cost.

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