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Well, lesse.


Talaa Sal'is Bl'agi:

Race: Pureblood

Height: 5'10

Weight: 159 lbs

Hair: Black

Class: Sith Warrior (Jugg)

Currently single, as having a sociopath for a brother tends to keep the boys at bay.

Bio: She's the younger of a set of twins, born the slave caste. Her father was a 'cleaner' at the academies and her step-mother is a maid for a moderately wealthy family. Her twin, Alaian is the one person she is sure would die rather than hurt her. They've been at each other's sides since birth and, with them both going to Korriban at the same time, it seems it will stay that way for some time. She's protective of her brother, often worrying at his lack of physical strength will be an issue, which is one of her largest motivators.

She's known as a champion duelist and is exceptional with a singer weapon as well as dual wielding, and knows her way around a staff and pike.

She's quick to anger and easily moved to violence, but she's also quick to 'forgive' (though she never forgets) and isn't known to hold grudges. She's intelligent, much more so that people give her credit for, but prefers to leave such matters to her twin. She doesn't mind being seen as little more than a brute, because that means she's being underestimated.


Alaian Kalli Bl'Agi

Race: Pureblood

Height: 6'2

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Black

Class: Sith Inquisitor (Sorc)

Single and much too busy to consider relationships. Also threatening to kill anyone who so much as looks at Talaa wrong eats up a lot time.

Bio: He's the older of a set of twins, born to the slave caste. He's extremely protective of his sister, maybe to an unhealthy degree. He would die for Talaa, and the sentiment is returned, but he'd rather just kill for her. While Talaa isn't one for casual cruelty he seems to reveal in it, perhaps because growing up and being viewed as 'less than' those around him has created a mean streak.

He's not prone to emotional outbursts, but prefers to hold onto his anger and hate to use later. He's viewed as cold and nearly emotionless (as strange state for a Sith) by those who don't know him. He's physically smaller than his sister, lacking her obvious power, but he's always preferred to work from the shadows anyway. He is perceived as weak, and indeed is one for face-to-face combat, but as he delves deeper into the secrets of Sith Alchemy/Sorcery it's becoming clear that his lack of strength is more than compensated for his handling of the Force.

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Trooper Vanguard Kiandi Paythos.


Born fourteen years before the Treaty of Coruscant on the plant of Corulag, Kiandi's upbringing was wholesome and idyllic, if somewhat disciplinarian. Both Kiandi's parents had spent three years on an Imperial prison ship, eventually being freed by a crack Republican commando unit.


After being decorated by the Republic for their services against the Empire, Kiandi's parents settled on the core planet of Corulag. From a young age Kiandi showed great promise as a soldier and despite never being pushed by his parents, showed a great interest in all things military. At the age of 14 and while still in the Corulagan cadets, Coruscant was attacked by the re-emergent Sith empire. Kiandi vowed to continue his training and one day join up to roll the Sith back.


Now 24 and a Republican lieutenant, the ideals and the training instilled in Kiandi by his parents at a young age resonate more than ever.

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  • 7 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sith Sorceress – Feral Kai


“It is commonly believed by many that the Nightsisters of Dathomir came into existence as a dark side faction of the “Daughters of Allya” also known as the “Witches of Dathomir”. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the Nightsisters may have existed on Dathomir for millennia. The Daughters of Allya were founded by the dark Jedi Allya after she was exiled to Dathomir by the Jedi Counsel around 600 BBY. At the time of her exile, Dathomir was in use as a penal colony by the old Republic, although its history as a planet for incarcerating criminals can be traced back to about 3300 BBY under the Paecian Empire and possibly even as far back as 4000 BBY by the old Sith Empire under Emperor Vitiate.

There was already a sizable human settlement in existence when Allya arrived. Her subsequent overthrow of the existing leadership, imprisonment of the male population and reordering of society under her as matriarch set in motion the rise of the force cult that would bear her name. Yet, in studying numerous records, it is clear that force sensitive humans have existed on Dathomir as far back as 36,000 BBY. Records from the Paecian Empire concerning Dathomir, make numerous references of the penal colonies being raided from time to time by “dark witches using fell magics”. Many of the Paecian bureaucrats however, simply excused these reports as fabrications for embezzlement of supplies by low-level administrators.

One of the strongest chains of evidence for the early existence of the Nightsisters, lies within the records of the old Sith Empire. These records, though hard to come by, chronicle a number of Sith slaves from Dathomir and other worlds who were found to be force sensitive and sent to train at the Sith Academy on Korriban. Though many died during their training, the ones who survived went on to become apprentices, Lords and even Darths. A few even went to sit on the Dark Council.

One such slave, a Dathomirian female named Feral Kai, was a Nightsister who trained as a Sith Sorceress. She discovered and mastered the lost ritual of Force Walking and used the power of captured Sith spirits to defeat her master. She took his seat on the Dark Council and became head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge. She was known as Darth Occlus and was an ancestor of Tamith Kai, the Nightsister who allied with Brakiss to train acolytes at the Shadow Academy for the Second Imperium in 19 A.B.Y.

Jedi Historian: Master Rachi Sitra 42 A.B.Y.


Feral Kai was born in the year 3667 BBY to Basha Kai, a Nightsister on the planet of Dathomir. She was raised in the stronghold of the Spider Clan where she was instructed in a formal education. At the age of six she began training in the martial arts including the electroblade, electrostaff, vibroblade, blaster pistol, and hand to hand combat. She also learned herbology and healing techniques.

At the age of fourteen, she underwent the “Venn Fas”, the Dathomirian Rite of Ascension. All adolescent Nightsisters must undergo the Venn Fas if they are to continue their training. The Venn Fas is a grueling trial where an initiate must survive alone in the wild for 35 nights throughout the lunar cycle of Koratas. She is required to go naked into the wilderness armed only with a rancor claw. To survive the ritual, she must awaken her sensitivity to the force. The dark side is strong on Dathomir and its use in the Venn Fas is vital for survival. Many initiates die. Only the strongest, the most cunning and skillful endure to become acolytes.

The ritual requires the initiate to find shelter, hunt and forage for food, clothe herself against the elements and meditate at the five ruins scattered throughout the country. If the initiate survives the month and returns to the stronghold, they are welcomed back in as an adult. The initiate enters as a child, but emerges as a woman.

Feral Kai survived the Venn Fas and continued her training until she was brought to the Sith Academy on Korriban at the age of 24.

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Sith Marauder – V’arael Kun

V’arael Kun was born in the year 3673 BBY on the Swoke Swoke world of Makem Te. As his name suggests, he is related to the Dark Lord of the Sith and fallen Jedi Knight Exar Kun.

The Kun Family Lineage:

The Kun family is one of the original noble families of Dubrillion who colonized the planet in 10,000 BBY. While never becoming an established royal dynasty, they were quite influential in advising the Falvians and the Basiors until their exile in 3998 BBY. With the rise of Exar Kun as the Dark Lord of the Sith and his war against the Republic, the entire Kun family was exiled from Dubrillion by King Uthur Basior when it was discovered that Duke Xaven, the head of the Kun nobility was secretly plotting to depose the King and place Dubrillion under the leadership of the Dark Lord. Duke Xaven and his co-conspirators were executed and the remaining Kun family were banished in disgrace from the Royal Kingdom and their names were removed from all royal records. Summarily, they were turned away from most Republic worlds and after months of wandering the galaxy, they were finally allowed to settle on Makem Te.

V’arael is the descendant of Exar’s younger brother Valdur Kun. Like many in his family after the exile, he grew up in poverty and abuse. At the age of ten, he was put to work running errands in the Swoke Swoke iron mines. By the time he was thirteen, he was mining iron ore for twelve hours a day. At the age of sixteen, it was discovered that he was force sensitive when he killed a Swoke Swoke overseer by choking him using the force. Shunned by his family and hunted by the authorities, V’arael fled Makem Te only to be captured by slavers and sold to Rodian scavengers on the junk world of Raxus Prime.

It was during his time on Raxus Prime that V’arael’s strength and power in the force grew. He soon learned that emotions such as fear and hate fueled his power and that embracing the pain of his harsh life gave his power strength. While on Raxus, V’arael’s sense of the force became amplified to the point of killing him. He could feel the force constantly vibrating in his body and hear it buzzing inside his mind. His health began to suffer as the noise of the force would keep him awake and the constant tingling even into his bones wore upon his body. By sheer strength of will and overwhelming wrath, he wrestled with the force and ultimately bent it to his will. He would later discover, using Sith holocrons, that an ancient Sith artifact called the Force Harvester was buried deep beneath the surface of the junk planet. He later surmised that the device amplified the force within him to such a high level that he was compelled to adapt his body and mind to contain and control it or be destroyed.

Upon finding his new-found strength, V’arael dominated his Rodian masters. He slew all of them but one and compelled him to fly him off world. After viewing the astrogation charts, V’arael was led by the force to travel to a planet called Vaynai. They arrived without incident and using the force, V’arael was successfully able to wipe the mind of the Rodian pilot. He survived on Vaynai by manipulating others with his use of the force, either by threat of violence or mind control. It was during one of these forays that he caught the attention of a Sith Acolyte who sensed his power in the force. The Acolyte contacted his master, Tremel, the Headmaster of the Sith Academy, who instructed the Acolyte to take V’arael to the training grounds on Ziost. The Acolyte convinced V’arael to accompany him.

V’arael arrived on Ziost at the age of 23. Having received no formal education as a child, much of his time was involved in learning how to master the basics of math, reading and writing. Using the force to accelerate his retention, he learned to read and write in Basic, Sith and Huttese. When he wasn’t in the class room he was on the training floor learning sword techniques using an Electroblade. In addition to swordplay he was also trained in hand to hand combat and basic force techniques for self-defense. For the next five years, V’arael grew in stature and power and his strength in the force far surpassed others at the training grounds. At the age of 28, V’arael received a summons by Tremel to report to the Sith Academy on Korriban to undertake the Sith Trials.

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  • 3 weeks later...

History of Nathrrya Therin-Palatine


All years are BBY


3698: Axxila sees the arrival of two young people in their mid twenties. The first is Marrick Therin a young man born from a long line of the Jedi however while he has the Force he’s nowhere near strong enough to be trained by the order but even so his force affinity helps with his job as a senior investigator for the Republic’s Justice Service. He has a brother who still lives on Coruscant, Tarrant and the two keep in regular contact.


The other is Ro’wan Palatine one of the Sith Empire’s many infiltrators, what makes her special is like Marrick she has some force affinity and her last name for she is the daughter of a very old and prestigious Sith family. Ro’wan has been sent to help infiltrate Axxila’s government and ensure the planets allegiance to the Empire when the time comes.


Not long after their arrival the two meet both socially and professionally for Marrick is Senior Chief Investigator of the Axxila Justice Service and Ro’wan is the government official in charge.


3697 to 3682: Over the next 16 years Marrick and Ro’wan become good friends, rumours even start that they may be romantically involved but nether say anything to confirm or deny these. Ro’wan has also been in regular contact with her parents who are both senior Sith. They take the news of her romantic interest in a man of Jedi lineage quite well they even go so far as to give their daughter their blessing should her romance lead to marriage. Ro’wan knows her parents well enough to know they are up to something though she is uncertain as to what it could be at this time.

3681: The Sith Empire invades the Galactic Republic though it takes several months for the Republic to realise this. Ro’wan confides in Marrick that she is a citizen of the Sith Empire as are a number of other key members of Axxilan government. There soon should be a small Imperial task force arriving to officially clam Axxila for the Empire. She fears this will end their romance.


Marrick responds by saying he had known for a while she had been hiding something from him though he had no idea what it was. He surprises Ro’wan by asking her to marry him for she might be an Imperial be he loves her. This compels her to confess her Sith heritage warning him that if they do have children and they are strong in the force they will have to be trained as Sith. Marrick accepts this and later in the year the two are married.

3679: Marrick’s brother Tarrant contacts him with the news that he and his wife have had a son, Casavir who is strong in the Force and will be trained as a Jedi eventually.


3678 to 3663: Marrick and Ro’wan welcome their daughter, Nathrrya. Marrick informs his brother that he now has a daughter though it’s too early to tell of she’ll be strong in the Force. For the next fifteen years Nathrrya’s childhood is relatively normal as she went to school like anyone else. She is somewhat spoiled by her parents as she knows nothing but love from them both. Nathrrya is also aware of her cousin Casavir though the two have yet to actually meet. Everything changed for Nathrrya when she was fifteen as this was when her force abilities began to manifest when in an effort to protect some of the younger girls at her school she unleashed a very strong force push on a group of boys sending them flying and injuring several of them badly. The young woman’s desire to train to be a starship mechanic and engineer come to an abrupt halt but she never totally gives up on the notion.


3663 to 3643: The next twenty years see Nathrrya trained in the ways of the Force and the Sith though Marrick teaches to her what he can about the Jedi and their ways. Usually Nathrrya should have been sent to Ziost then later Korriban for training however due to her being a Palatine her powerful Sith family had her trained on Axxila exclusively by people they trusted she was even trained by her mother’s parents though she did not know them as such.


Ro’wan’s parents wanted to see Nathrrya’s potential for themselves and they were more than impressed. Nathrrya preferred to use her brain, logic, reason and persuasion to solve problems and get what she wanted though she wasn’t afraid to use her lightsabre if need be. To them she was the best of both her bloodlines as she had traits of Jedi and Sith. Nathrrya controlled the Dark Side and it did not control her. A rare thing for any Sith to master much less one so young.


It was a very bitter realisation for Nathrrya to realise that her Sith grandparents saw her as nothing more than a grand genetic experiment. Sith had a preoccupation with bloodlines and hers to put it mildly was... unique. Nathrrya angry at what she had discovered had confronted her parents wanting to know if their family life was all an act and was she the product of Sith seduction.


Her mother, Ro’wan had been shocked as was her father Marrick. Both parents told their only child that no, she was not the product of seduction and that their family life was no act. Ro’wan had gone on to explain that was why Nathrrya didn’t have any siblings as much as they wanted to have more children they couldn’t put them through what Nathrrya now was having to deal with. If nothing else the whole fiasco had made Nathrrya determined to succeed if for no other reason than she could say ‘kriff you’ to her grandparents.


Nathrrya’s lightsabre was unique as she was for the blade was longer than a traditional single bladed lightsabre and it was violet in colour she had also built it herself much like a Jedi would. For Nathrrya the hardest part had been finding the right colour crystal for her weapon but eventually it found her. The young woman was wondering one of the markets and she passed near a stall selling ornamental crystals unbeknownst to the stall owner one crystal could be used in a lightsabre and the violet crystal called to the force user as she drew near. Those present swore that the crystal began to glow. Nathrrya summoned the crystal to her hand and she was still a good ten feet away shocking most everyone. Nathrrya went home very happy.


3643: Saw Nathrrya sent to Korriban for her dark side trials which was part of a plot by the Palatine’s to bring down Darth Baras. As such she could not use her lightsabre and had to restrain herself to maintain the illusion she was just another acolyte, which was so far from the truth it wasn’t funny. Baras fell for the ruse and Nathrrya became his apprentice.


3642 to 3637: Nathrrya found herself in the middle of a renewed galactic war. It wasn't all bad for she met Malavai Quinn on Balmorra. Nathrrya would also meet her cousin Casavir for the first time on Nar Shadda and come face to face with Lord Synge, also known as K'Natara, another apprentice of Darth Baras and the one attempting assassination against Nathrrya. She and her cousin would team up on Tatooine and again on Belsavis and several other worlds most notably on Rishi and Yarvin 4.


Nathrrya and Quinn travelled to Quesh where they met up with Lord Synge again. Nathrrya and Synge get into a heated lightsabre battle where Synge was hit across the face with the tip of Nathrrya's blade, causing her to become scarred in the process. At this point, Quinn stepped in between, confessing to Nathrrya that he wasn't going to allow her to kill his daughter. This was a shock to Nathrrya but she relented and Quinn attended his daughter. Days later Synge disappeared.


On mission on the icy world of Hoth, Nathrrya and Quinn meet up with a Cypher Agent, introduced as Jaena. Nathrrya, once again, was shocked to learn that Quinn had another daughter. Quinn also met this daughter's husband and Nathrrya became aware of the disjointed family relationship between Quinn and his children.

Quinn makes an attempt on Nathrrya's life, letting her know that he had been in the service of Darth Baras the entire time. He fails in his attempt but while it left a crushing weight on Nathrrya's heart, she spares his life. This act of unconditional kindness is forwarded to both Jaena and Tara and both girls choose to side with Nathrrya's logic.

Meeting up with her cousin Casavir, Nathrrya calls on the help of Jaena, Tara and their crews to aid her in the battle against Revan on Yavin-4. With the completion of a successful operation against the Temple Revan was using it was discovered that the Sith Emperor was released back into the Galaxy. Nathrrya, Casavir, Tara, Jaena and company make a truce and become allies in the hunt for the Emperor.


Nathrrya and Tara then are sent to Ziost where activity has been discovered of brainwashed citizens and Force Users. Here Nathrrya meets Darth Nox, a prominent member of the Dark Council and Nox's mother, Darth Occulas. Tara reveals that they are her mother and grandmother, respectively. During the mission things get out of hand on the planet. Tara and Nathrrya made it safely back to the orbital station but Nox and Occulas were trapped on the planet. Nathrrya had gone back planet side to unleash a plan that would bring the citizens out of the trance had it succeeded. However, the Emperor was unleashing the biggest attack against the planet, attempting to consume it entirely. Nathrrya had limited time to escape and even though she tried to free the two captive Dark Council members, Nox and Occulas urged her to go. Nathrrya made it back to the station just in time for the attack to wipe out all life on the planet, causing all of the Force Sensitive people on the station to experience mind-altering side effects.


Tara snapped during this void and attacked Nathrrya, angry at her for leaving her mother and grandmother to die. Nathrrya defended herself and had to physically harm Tara to stop her. Tara's then husband, Leyland Ordo, and Quinn got in the way to break them up. Tara was infuriated and parted on extremely bad terms with Nathrrya because of what happened.


3636: Nathrrya vanishes from the galactic record. The Empire of Zakuul attacks both the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire but Nathrrya’s disappearance remains unexplained.


32: Nathrrya is released from her carbnoite prison and soon finds herself drawn into the Naboo crisis.

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Sith Marauder-Adormtil


Born as the oldest of 2 fraternal twins from different fathers but the same mother and an strong sith lord with an significant power base on Ziost, Adormtil as the one with force sensitivity or better said stronger force sensitivity by others among the 2 twins was trained by his mother and the best sith teachers credits can buy. His talent was so great and his force connection so powerful that by the age of 12 he surpassed his teachers in lightsaber combat and by 8 his mother in the force.


As heir apparent of his mother's power base as an sith lord his future was bright but all ended in one fateful day when as sith are known for fall to all kinds of power plays. In this case his mother backed an faction in the empire that tried to eliminate or at worst bring low the mighty Darth Malgus an hero of the empire and action that backfired badly as Darth Malgus started to eliminate the faction personally and one of his victims was Adormtil's mother and all her power base. The assault was merciless Darth Malgus began cutting trough the troops the family had destroying their defenses with incredible precision and power. An mansion guarded by over 200 soldiers and fortified with the best defense technology available back then was simply unable to withstand Darth Malgus who with his lightsaber and his force powers killed almost all the soldiers and disabled all the defenses reaching the inner sanctum where Adormtil and his mother where.


The sith lord tried her best against Darth Malgus unleashing an powerful storm of force lighting on Darth Maglus who simply tanked it after which in less then 2 moves he penetrated the lightsaber defense of Adormtil's mother and killed her, the went with speed towards Adormtil who using the force took the lightsaber his mother used and dueled Darth Malgus which to the surprise of the mighty sith warrior and hero of the empire managed to keep up with him for an while until the experience Darth Malgus had proved its value and penetrated the young warriors defense and managed an slash on his face right above his right eye stunning the young warrior, a pause that would have meant death if an volley of blasters did not took Malgus by surprise some even hitting Malgus but most being repelled. In that day Adormtil was saved by certain death by his brother as the volley allowed the young warrior to flee to an hidden space shuttle which was ready to take him to Korriban.


His mother planned to send her son to Korriban at the invitation of an teacher there who needed help to convince an powerful Darth to take an more suitable apprentice of an more distinguished lineage and an sith lord's son is an distinguished lineage indeed. After the death of his mother and the possible death of his brother and an scar over his right eye and all the fortune and power of his family gone Adormtil decided to pursue this opportunity with more conviction as he knows this is an way to regain everything lost and more but more importantly its an path for more power for power is what will prevent him from losing everything all over again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agents from the beyond.


The Cybran Nation united the galaxy hundreds of years ago. Peace, and technological prospretiy since then, and with nearly 0 crime, or war. This prosperity lead to 2 things.


1. Is the need for exploration beyond the galactic horisont.

2. The galaxy started to get overpopulated. Without degrading themselves back to the barbaric ways of conflict and war they need more place to live in the next 100 years, or calculations suggest a catastrophic breakdown.


An old FTL travel technology gave the answer. A massive space station capable to open slipstream portal to the edge of other galaxies, and let to travel to, and from them in seconds. The portal only lasts for a month, and takes 10 years to create. 3 station 3 galaxy, 300 agent. The goal is simple. Gather data, and eliminate all possible threat to the new colonists, or give information on how to defeat them through military campaign, or give warning, that the place is a no-go for colonists.


100 agent arrived to the SW's galaxy. These agents are equipped with technology beyond imagination. Including the capacity to change their own race, gender, and looks at will. The proccess can take from hours to weeks depending on how large the change, but it allows them to take positions in the other societies. This is not some sort of play with the lights or holograms, but true biological modification.


After connecting to the holonet, and kidnapping a few civilians to get the biological patterns the agents spread across the galaxy into all mayor factions taking various roles with various species. See which faction would be enemy, and which ones could be friends. Who can be changed, and who has to be destroyed.


The nano-tech cyborg technology the agents use:

Brain interface grants ability to conver digital, and organic data. Allowing them to simply download, or upload information. Learn any profession, and knowledge in a matter of minutes.

The nano-drones replace the original organic immune system, and allow them to survive almost any toxin, or disease.

Self genetic modification can keep the body in any age. Granting eternal youth. It also allows to alter the biology. Switching to any races any gender with a limit of a certain minimum size. After the change is complete. Not even a full bio-scan can detect the difference.

Force connection. The nano-drones can manipulate the cells in order to create, or cut connection to the force. With connection created they can use the force, but also vulnerable to it. With connection cut they get immunity to mind reading, mind control, and life detection through the force, but can't use the force themselves. Still they can use it to sneak around, and ambush any force user effectively. No matter how strong they might be.

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Most of my stuff gets covered in the Weekly Short Fanfic Prompt thread. But in a nutshell...


Pansey, the Mirialan Sith Warrior.


Pansey was born on Hutta and raised as a Huttball Cheerleader in Fathra's Palace. She was a powerful force sensitive. The Emperor dispatched his Wrath, Lord Scourge, to abduct the child and bring her to Korriban for training. Pansey is placed under the care of Overseer Tremmel for the purpose of preparation. Tremmel is an anti-alien racist and old-ways Sith, so he intentionally neglects Pansey's Sith training; she grows strong in the force, but never is taught any of the code or politics that she would need to succeed in the Empire, making her stupid and naïve by Sith standards.


Tremmel unwittingly steers Pansey down the wrong path when he describes Darth Baras as a Sith Lord who accepts aliens, values non-force users, and threatens to end the "old ways" which Pansey only interprets as more equality and less racism and injustice. Pansey sides with Baras immediately, putting the man on a pedestal and trying everything she can to support his agenda. Pansey has zero personal ambition and is loyal and faithful, which results in her making many (but not all) Light Side choices in the interest of a reformed Empire under Baras, with equality and fairness. When Baras betrays Pansey as a threat (not because of ambition, but because her increasingly Light tendencies threaten his own reputation and agenda), Pansey is forced into the world on her own, ascends as Emperor's Hand, and ultimately defeats Baras.


The Emperor finally comes face to face with the child he has been watching for years towards the start of Knights of the Feet. Pansey builds her Alliance on tenants of equality and peace, to overthrow a corrupt Dark Counsel and change the Empire for the better. After the Quinn's second assassination attempt on Pansey, this time at the behest of Empress Acina, Pansey severs most ties with the Empire and becomes truly independent of either faction.


While accompany Blizz to recruit a powerful force user that Blizz only calls "Jedi Man", Pansey comes face to face with Guss Tuno. Guss is afraid when he finds himself face to face with the Emperor's Wrath, and so he alters his con-man story pretending to be a powerful Sith Lord named "Lord Struction". Pansey… is stupid enough to believe every word he says, and so has taken him in as her partner, believing him to also be an Alien Sith Lord who is battling for equality, with both Pansey and Guss now going on adventures around the Galaxy to help preserve alien races in the face of the facist Empire.

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