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Couple of things to think about before you post


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1. This is an MMORPG. If you aren't social lvl 5 by the time you reach lvl 50 then you made it a single player game all on your own and you have no say so in what is and isn't a MMO. I have done every single quest in this game with a friend and it adds a whole other level of fun to it. Try playing with other people instead of blaming Bioware for something you can control.


2. No one cares if you think the game sucks. I know 23 people who came over from my old WoW guild, 8 people from APB and 12 more from Fallen Earth. Only 1 of them does not like the game. 1 out of 43. So stop trying to convince other people that they will hate the game when they get to lvl cap because you do. Maybe if you didnt spend the last 2 weeks playing non stop then you would have plenty to do for months to come. Besides 6 months from now it is going to be a whole different experience than it is right now so stop trying to predict the future.


3. The game has been out 2 weeks. If you honestly think the devs aren't working on all of the bugs and implementing changes to things people have requested i.e. UI, then just stop posting and go read. I don't blame them for not coming on these forums and posting because reading one page of this drivel is enough to make me give up on mankind as a whole. I will repeat what I said earlier, if you don't like the game stop playing it and go play something you enjoy. The forums are for feed back not doom and gloom mines bigger than yours posts. I can tell you right now not a single thing you post in this forum will change anyones opinion of this game, people have to experience things for themselves.


4. For those of you who love the game and have constructive criticism or suggestions to make things better please continue to post. Don't let the very small vocal minority ruin the forums for all of the others. They are just mad that their friends are leaving their favorite game to come to SWTOR to play and they subbed with the mindset that the game will fail, when they see it isn't they go all forum commando and start trolling everything. Truth be told I don't care how big SWTOR gets as long as they same level of quality and fun is still being produced in the years going forward I'm sure I will be playing in some capacity.


5. Bioware should be glad to know that their game is causing this much uproar and putting fear in the competition's communities. Never have I seen so many people trying to convince others that a game is horrible. They are flooding other games forums, review sites and pretty much anywhere they can type freely. We know you don't want all of your friends to come here because you don't like it but guess what, they don't care what you want just like Bioware doesn't care.


Now that you've had a chance to read over these things please continue your trolling but keep in mind what is listed. That should be your guideline for all future posts.

Edited by solidkjames
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