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Your most and least favorite class story? 🌈📚


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Least fav is smuggler, it kinda puts me to sleep a bit.


Most fav is difficult as there's a few I love. Consular, Agent and BH are in the three favs.


In the BH story I love the great hunt - it gives a good reason for tracking down specific targets and eliminating them, with the added fun of an opponent also after the same targ.


Consular I love because its different, more diplomatic less just point and shoot !


Agent story I also love because its different.


The rest, warr, knight etc end up being very repatative, find sith/jedi kill sith jedi (because they never let you spare them etc.. on the sith warr side especially because those Jedi so act unjedi like even if ur lightside!)

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Favourite: SW....so far.


Least Favourite: Agent, the ***** has bugged out on me twice now. Just before Balmorra and just after Balmorra.

That ship has a terrible holoterminal that doesn't work, must have been made by Dell. Oh and it looks I'm done with her entirely on this particular laptop as it's not limited to Balmorra and is limited to literally EVERY holoterminal conversation. So that story is a bust.


A more accurate answer though would be definitely the Trooper. Boring companions, boring story and just generally boring. I do like playing as one as long as there's no talking involved.

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Most favorite: Dark Side Sith Inquisitor, the first story i played when i started playing, it will always be special for me.

Dark Side Sith Warrior comes really close though.


Least favorite: Light Side Consular. Boring story with the most boring companions in the game, and the romance options suck so bad.

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Favorite: Dark Side Sith Warrior

Least favorite: Any Trooper


Didn't really like the consular story either, but I like the female consular's voice so it kind of made up for the story a little bit, and a bit of the opposite with the Jedi Knight story, I like the story but not a fan of the knight's voice.

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Least favourite... probably Smuggler, though that might be because I was running a male one.


Most loved - A tough one. I enjoy pretty much all the stories (though I felt Inquisitor was a bit off as an Assassin). Probably going to say Light Side female Jedi Knight as I have more of her than anything else, followed by Warrior (pale grey), Agent (fairly Light) and Bounty Hunter (again, mostly light).

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Favorite: Neutral or DS Sith Warrior.

Least Favorite: LS Jedi Knight.


The Sith Warrior story nicely depicts the character's climb from the starter world until the end of the class story. I think it's interesting. The Jedi Knight story bored me, I think because it's so on the nose. No surprises.

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Most favorite: Smuggler

Least favorite: Imperial Agent (I'm in the minority here, I know:D)


As am I xD, I really can't stand the IA storyline (especially chapter 2, I have a real intense hatred of that one), so that gets least fave for me.


For most favourite, I find myself being tied between consular and trooper.

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Best: Sith Inquisitor. You are fighting for you life from the beginning to the end, great suspense, unexpected twists.

Also good: Imperial Agent, Jedi Knight (after Chapter I.)


Worst: Jedi Consular. Extremely boring. I went full dark side doing this -which i don't usually do- for some cheap laughs.

Also bad: Trooper (intro and Chapter I. is decent, everything after that is horrible)

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Fav: LS Sith Warrior, mostly because it is great at showing how uncompromising Jedi actually are. They attack you, even if you try to tell them you don't want to fight. I also think it's kind of funny to turn a Jedi master to the dark side by being nice to him :D


Least: LS Jedi Consular. So preachy! The Consulars are, anyway, but full on LS? Snore

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Favourite is Darkside Inquisitor for me. Always be a special one personally because it was the one I wanted to play ever since I first heard the classes being announced pre-launch and was the first I played. Leaning light side Smuggler is a close second because the wise cracks are amazing IMO haha


Least favourite is hard to say because I honestly enjoyed each story thoroughly. But I'm just not that picky honestly. If I get invested in the story I'm playing and put myself in the mindset of the character I'm playing I can enjoy any of them. But pushed to say which I enjoy the least I guess I would say pretty much any darkside Jedi playthrough or lightside Sith just because I haven't really done them because the entire idea is offputting to me. I've heard Darkside Knights are dumb because really if the council had any sense they'd do something about your obvious darkness rather than keep trusting you same goes for the Consular honestly. Though at least there you don't get the council seat at the end I've read. But I usually think to myself why wouldnt these people just go join the Empire/Republic xD Lightside Sith make slightly more sense because most lightside options are about helping the empire rather than killing some nobody for pleasure so overall you still are kinda evil anyways.

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