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KotFE Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw Cutscene Keeps Freezing


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I am currently playing the Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 6: The Dragon's Maw mission and this one cutscene keep on freezing.



I am at the part where you go around the place Vaylin is going to give a speech or something and I have to plant Ion Charges on specific nodes. Well, when I go to place the first Ion Charge and get to the cutscene it starts out fine but after Vaylin stops talking and senses that one guy and finds him it cuts to a black screen. It's on the black screen for like 5 seconds with no noise and then the cutscene returns but that guy Vaylin found is frozen and I can't interact with anything except exiting the cutscene. I have tried multiple Control Nodes to see if that's has anything to do with it and it's not. I tried closing my game and relaunching it but that didn't work either.



Thank you for your assistance.

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I cant even get past the first cutscene.


Same here. I was able to get out of the instance by changing to master mode and getting kicked out of the instance to reset, but I tried to reset and go back I , and now I’m stuck at the opening cutscene and can’t get out at all.


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