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Planetary PvP achievements for PvE-completionists


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As a PvE-completionist, planetary achievements have been holding me back for years. Knowing i would never complete the planetary achievement because of the PvP-goals, i loose my incentive and then give up swtor for a few months. Only to return and bump into the same problem.


I know its possible to agree with a fellow-player to go take turns in killing each other, but that's just not my definition of gaming. Even if i would do such a thing, i can't imagine doing it for for 30k times. So .. is it possible to relocate those PvP-goals in the achievements list?


I've read previous posts about this question. Please, don't tell me to go world pvp ;). If i wouldn't have considered or tried it yet, i wouldn't be writing this post.




Edited by Ludustonalis
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Some guilds arrange events to get the planetary pvp kills, sometimes individuals too. Keep your eyes open on fleet chat, or ask around if anyone knows when someone has scheduled an event for that. They can be really laggy, and can crash your pc, but if you want the cheevos... :)
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I too feel that these achievements were introduced with a different kind of game in mind, one where open world PvP is popular and abundant.


The number of kills required does seem out of balance with the PvP opportunities. The need to grind these achievements while doing a farm grind event is proof of this.


However, if you want to get these checked off joining a farm grind event is the quickest way to do this.

Edited by DKEVINZ
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