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Invisible Player Glitch


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While playing Swtor one day I was grouped up with a Sith warrior and I noticed that both the inquisitor and warrior were invisible. Is this error caused by me moving the response wheel to the bottom left corner? (You can move the response wheel to the bottom corner in the interface editor.) Maybe this error is caused by having my computer screen's brightness set to 1. I've encountered some other minor bugs that fix themselves by turning the brightness up but I don't think they are big enough to post on the forums.

[Please note that I made my gamer tag is (unknownplayertag) and that it's not a glitched gamer tag. The gamer tag (unknownplayererror) wasn't a glitch either. Basically I'm having one computer play a sith warrior and one computer play the sith inquisitor]

Please note that the video recorded was seen from the sith inquisitor perspective and I'm pretty sure that the sith warrior perspective didn't have the bug although I didn't have the idea to record sith warrior perspective. If the sith warrior perspective was recorded it would be a dark video because that screen's brightness was set to 1 in order to save power.

-If you need to see proof click here

(This is not the first bug I've encountered. Click below if you want to see if these two other bugs are connected http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=965405




refer link http://www.swtor.com/r/pxTDws

Edited by unknownplayertag
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As noted in your other thread, sometimes doing a repair can resolve these issues. I've encountered invisible characters in cutscenes before, usually it's a comp or other NPC. It's almost like the cutscene starts before the NPC has a chance to load. Escaping out of the cutscene and restarting it usually fixes it. Sometimes I'll have to do it a couple times.


Also, referral links are not allowed in the body of your post; only in your signature. I'd advise editing your post and removing it. You can setup a signature by clicking on Forum Management above and logging in to your account.

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