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Stronghold Area Lag Temporary Fix


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Hey folks,


Shortly, we are going to be implementing a temporary fix for the lag issues that you have been seeing. We have discovered an issue with the "line of sight and collision on decorations" implementation which is causing it to happen. As a part of the temporary fix, those of you in your Stronghold will be dropped back to character select. This will be happening soon. If this affects you, wait a few minutes and you will be able to log back in (if that doesn't work, repeat that process).


Once you log back in you will notice that the new line of sight changes for decorations are no longer active. This functionality will remain turned off until next week when we can implement a new patch to address it.


Thanks everyone!



Edited by EricMusco
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We have discovered an issue with the "line of sight and collision on decorations" implementation which is causing it to happen.


Once you log back in you will notice that the new line of sight changes for decorations are no longer active. This functionality will remain turned off until next week when we can implement a new patch to address it.


Thanks everyone!




^^Called it. :) It was afterall.. the only significant function change introduced with the new SH besides adding PvP (w/toggle). And clearly LoS is something that demands the server do calculations.


Now... this being the case... it really should not have taken 3 days to turn LoS off until you can fix it. :cool:


On the plus side... got a temp fix before the weekend.... and in place for however long it takes to actually fix the issue.


On a constructive note: most players appreciate that you have made the PTS active again ahead of a major patch. This particular issue though.... escaped PTS because there is really no load testing done on PTS.. given how few players bother to go to PTS... and that there are never very many people there at any one time. I'm not sure how to get more people on PTS doing more stress testing... but adding LoS to decorations is something that clearly would have benefited by a properly server load test. Even a formal "code review" before implementation could have helped here if it included a "what could go wrong" assessment before adding something like Los on decorations which clearly would make demands on the servers since it requires calculation and determinations.

Edited by Andryah
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^^Called it. :) It was afterall.. the only significant function change introduced with the new SH besides adding PvP (w/toggle). And clearly LoS is something that demands the server do calculations.


Now... this being the case... it really should not have taken 3 days to turn LoS off until you can fix it. :cool:


On the plus side... got a temp fix before the weekend.... and in place for however long it takes to actually fix the issue.


On a constructive note: most players appreciate that you have made the PTS active again ahead of a major patch. This particular issue though.... escaped PTS because there is really no load testing done on PTS.. given how few players bother to go to PTS... and that there are never very many people there at any one time. I'm not sure how to get more people on PTS doing more stress testing... but adding LoS to decorations is something that clearly would have benefited by a properly server load test. Even a formal "code review" before implementation could have helped here if it included a "what could go wrong" assessment before adding something like Los on decorations which clearly would make demands on the servers since it requires calculation and determinations.

I'm not sure about other players, but I would personally have been on PTS if it has been smaller. As it was, I didn't have room on my PC to install the whole game twice. So perhaps they could make most of the game files shared between PTS and the regular game, or only include the parts that need tested?

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I'm not sure about other players, but I would personally have been on PTS if it has been smaller. As it was, I didn't have room on my PC to install the whole game twice. So perhaps they could make most of the game files shared between PTS and the regular game, or only include the parts that need tested?


The code base isn't the same between the two, and mixing and matching code between two different sets of code is begging for errors. Things referenced in one might or might not exist in the other, etc. It really does require its own implementation. It's not just x with a little bit of y on top. It's x+y and x+z and maybe a bit of new x+a thrown in as a new feature.


The implementation between live and test might seem to be nearly the same to you, but it's square peg round hole.

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The code base isn't the same between the two, and mixing and matching code between two different sets of code is begging for errors. Things referenced in one might or might not exist in the other, etc. It really does require its own implementation. It's not just x with a little bit of y on top. It's x+y and x+z and maybe a bit of new x+a thrown in as a new feature.


The implementation between live and test might seem to be nearly the same to you, but it's square peg round hole.


That makes sense. But I can definitively say that downloading a second 40gb version of SWTOR onto my M.2 SSD was a major deterrent for me. Need an option to install the PTS on another drive.

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Hey folks,


Shortly, we are going to be implementing a temporary fix for the lag issues that you have been seeing. We have discovered an issue with the "line of sight and collision on decorations" implementation which is causing it to happen. As a part of the temporary fix, those of you in your Stronghold will be dropped back to character select. This will be happening soon. If this affects you, wait a few minutes and you will be able to log back in (if that doesn't work, repeat that process).


Once you log back in you will notice that the new line of sight changes for decorations are no longer active. This functionality will remain turned off until next week when we can implement a new patch to address it.


Thanks everyone!




Thank you Eric for getting back to us with a semi fix for the weekend and some info. It’s much appreciated.

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