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At this point we should stop making super weapons.


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- Revan blows up the Star Forge


- Jedi Knight destroys Planet Prision, Power guard, Shock Drum, Death Mark, and the Devastator

- Trooper disarms ZR-57s like a regular Tuesday, and blows up the Gauntlet

- Imperial Agent disarms Desolator, and Blows up the Shadow Arsenal like a boss

- We disarm Hammer Station

- We take away Cademimu's Missiles

- We destroy a Rehkata in a box that makes Cyborg Zombies (which sounds awesome)

- Republic destroys Prototype Fleet Cannons stolen by pirates on Hoth

- We Blow up the Stealth Armada in the False Emperor

- We destroyed a lot of Isotope 5 stuff

- We kill a lot of Rehkata tech enhanced Revanites

- So many OPs killing Big things

- We blow up so many Star Fortresses

- We blow up Tyth and beat him down then rebuild him and probably gonna do that again several time more after

Episode 4

- Luke uses the force and blows up the first Death Star

Episode 6

- Lando and Nien Nunb blow up the second Death Star

Episode 7

- Poe Dameron blows up Star Killer Base


When will anyone learn that making a super weapon will mean losing it afterwards…

When a super weapon blows up they say "Impossible!!!" When it's the second time, and not the last time it will happen (talking about battlefront 2s trailer content)…

Can we please have a story without a super weapon but bit more apocalyptic like Ziost.


Though he's truely dead to me 6-7 years later


What I want to see is 2 force Gods clashing in space with darkness and light used as weapons.

What do you guys think?

Did I miss any super weapons in the first spoiler?

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The Force is Night and Day, the Whisper and the Shout, Hope and Despair. In All things is the Struggle for Balance. The Force surrounds us, Binds the Galaxy Together. The Force is Life and Remains in Death. The Force is All in the Nothingness and I am One with the Force.


Why reduce it all to 2 Force Gods . . . ?;)

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There's also the Mass Shadow Generator used at the end of the Mandalorian Wars.


I don't have a problem with superweapons playing some role (that Battlefront 2 trailer was awesome and the premise of "Well...the weapon's destroyed. Now what?" is neat). It makes sense that they'd come up repeatedly in thousands of years worth of spacefaring warfare.


Please, please, anything but "Force Gods."

Now that I think of it, "the Mother" was conspicuously absent from the Mortis arc, wasn't she?

If Disney retcons the old EU only to bring back Abeloth, I'm gonna start a Gofundme to build a Death Star specifically designed to aim at their HQ. :cool:

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And you get a super weapon , and you get a super weapon ,

AND YOU get a super weapon .



inb4 my grandma flies in in her Death Star powered wheelchair........

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Well, a super-weapon creates a sense of urgency (extinction threat) and quickly unites conflicted diverse folks against a common enemy. Also, it shows a differential in power and lays ground for heroism.


COns: overused and misused as a shortcut to the culmination rather than the good old world and character building. Ain't nobody got time fo dat, right?

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Ofc, another thing to consider is also that many of these superweapons seem to have glaring weaknesses. Enemies can "easily" get close enough to some sensitive component to take out the weapon and the entire ship/station/planet it's mounted on. The things are slow or even stationary, and no one seems to have thought about defending them properly.


Short of nukes the best superweapon we have today is an aircraft carrier. It's fast, it carries a lot of aircraft and it can absolutely knock out anything in range of the planes launched from it. But it's not alone. It will have an escort. One or two missile cruisers to discourage enemy surface navy, several destroyers to keep aircraft, missiles and/or submarines away, submarine-detection helicopters, all the works to make sure no one gets too close. And speed as mentioned. Once the carrier starts attacking something it will not lie still waiting for it's own aircraft and any enemy missiles to come back, it will move at 35 knots or more to a new position. An enemy calculating the carrier's position from the course of attacking planes will get a lock on where it was half an hour or more ago.


Star Wars superweapons (and indeed fleets) seem to lack any such safeguards. Like so many other popular future-fantasy franchises the battles are more age of sail than anything else, probably because it makes for more exciting battle footage and character tension if you actually see the enemy you're fighting. Mooks or heroes getting blown up by a Predator drone, aerial bombardment, artillery or whatever where you don't even see the opponent isn't exactly exciting for the audience.

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