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Anyone else totally bummed at the complete removal of Hybrids?


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Are you talking about dps hybrids or these so called tank/healer specs?


You can probably do enough damage as hybrid but you can't be tank or healer if you try to do dps also.


There's already too many Shadow "tanks" who think FiB (or Force Wave) is best AoE.

Edited by Halinalle
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Glad they are gone, the game was not designed with them in mind. They borked balance and any attempt to re-balance was slow. Does it remove some choice ? Yes! But the overall benefit to the game largely outweighs the loss of the broked balance we had!
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OP insists that they loved being unique. So do I.


The truth of the matter, however, is that neither they nor I ever were unique.


^This. I love WoW. I loved it before they revamped the talent system, and I love it even more after. Now, instead of clicking a box for a percent gain here or there, I actually get to choose skills. I can see the difference in my gameplay. I can choose passives or actives depending on how I want to play it. I can switch out my cc for questing vs. raiding. I can take the always-on movement buff or the quick burst of speed. These are choices that I can see and dramatically effect how I play a spec.

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Not totally bummed, but somewhat bummed. I don't care about the dps hybrids, or being unique, but I care about having interesting things to do while playing. And as a Sage healer, I really liked being able to choose a dps-heal hybrid spec for solo content.


In solo content like dailies, where I don't need to be healing constantly, I spend a fair amount of time dpsing. This content got so much more entertaining when I realized I could put 16 points in Balance, get Force in Balance, plus zero-cooldown TK Throw that builds stacks for an instant Mind Crush or Disturbance, and still have a weak version of Healing Trance. It's less dps than a full dps spec, obviously, but it's more fun than the boring dps rotation of the full heal spec.


I'm not sure if I can go back to doing solo content in full heal spec, so maybe I'll switch to dps for those situations. But I like using Nadia, so would I be able to keep her (and myself) alive as a dps Sage, or would I have to use one of my less liked companions? Does anyone here do solo content as a dps using a dps companion?

Edited by Mireleni
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On my sage, for solo content I DPS with Nadia, because she has by far the best gear of my companions. It's great fun, stuff dies really fast.


In answer to the thread title question, no, absolutely not. Happy that they are gone.

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Never saw the stream, so I have no clue what the fuss is about...


However, playing as a Vigilance Guardian, I've noticed that my character is extremely squishy in the entirety of Act I, since you don't get a healer companion until the beginning of Act II. Honestly, non-Tank Guardians/Juggernauts should have a tiny bit more survivability in solo PvE. You have no clue how many times I died to Darth Angral yesterday!


I suggested a list of things in a thread of my own, which can be found here. Feel free to take a look...

Edited by SethMyst
adding a few details
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Nope. All hybrids seemed to be was a way people found that was 'better' in practice than Bioware intended them to be.


All they are about is optimization. Now we'll have a new system to optimize. ~shrug~

Edited by AlixMV
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Hate it but I will live, thou I haven't play wow since they revamp the system.


I also hate the swtor can't live on its own and create its own legacy . Swtor copied the talent system, than follow wow to remove it.


Well.. It was fun while it last. I like it when you can mess around and find a spec that works instead follow others like robot. BTW You can kill hybird by making top tier worth the talent points, instead remove the talent tree.

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The main worry I have is if this will greatly change the feel of the game. I am not just talking buttons but the community. When wow did their change it also changed the community.....brought a lot more ********s into the game that don't have to think to spec a character.
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The main worry I have is if this will greatly change the feel of the game. I am not just talking buttons but the community. When wow did their change it also changed the community.....brought a lot more ********s into the game that don't have to think to spec a character.

Surely you can be more elitist than that.

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not exactly for your reasons, but yes, I'm bummed about hybrid removal. hybrid is how I typically solo.


something friend pointed out to me yesterday. it seems like people who have played WoW and have been through talent change system - are unhappy, while people who haven't played WoW and for whom this concept is new - are excited.


having been through drastic changes to talents with WoW? I'm very very pessimistic. oh I'm looking forward to new planets and new story, but disciplines? will have to see it live before making up my mind fully, but so far.. not good. not good at all.


to clarify. back in WoW days, I used to play around with specs, creating solo builds that allowed me more flexibility especially as dps/healer hybrid. I did the same in SWTOR. few posts above me - describe one of my preferred methods of playing on my sorc except with tank companion. when they changed it to "purer" system in WoW, not only was I unable to have my fun little hybrid specs, they made it completely impossible to solo even as full healer. well.. maybe not impossible, but things started dying excruciatingly slow again, even worse then Vanilla and BC days. I pretty much had to have a dps spec for soloing and leveling becasue I could no longer do so as a healer. it changed the dynamic of the game for me and it made it less fun.


we'll see how/if this implementation differs, but I hope you forgive me for not jumping for joy, given precedence.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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3. I prefer being unpredictable in combat. - In pvp, everyone expects certain abilities or actions from certain classes. Hybrids gave me the ability to be unpredictable. I traded some effectiveness for some surprise, and it was always worth it to me.



The new Discipline system completely and utterly destroys Hybrids.




So sick of overpowered hybrids that weren't intended... it created massive balance issues, PvP has become a mess because of it...


So if this bothers that much, the door is over there ------>


I will not miss you and I'll play more now that you're gone.

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if in the long term it means better balance and better combat than i'm all for it!


Not to mention reduced time spent being forced trying to make sure skill trees are balanced with cross-speccing/hybrids. That's a huge win-win in my view.

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1. I HATE cookie cutter templates. Hate them. Full tree spec anything is totally boring to me. Requires little to no strategy, tactics, or real thinking to play.


2. I HATE being "like everyone else". For me, I LOVE being unique. Hardly anyone played dps/heal hybrid, or tank/dps hybrid the first year of the game. I have done that with ALL my characters except the few that only have dps specs only, ie Sentinel.


3. I prefer being unpredictable in combat. - In pvp, everyone expects certain abilities or actions from certain classes. Hybrids gave me the ability to be unpredictable. I traded some effectiveness for some surprise, and it was always worth it to me.

I'm sorry but, judging by your points, i believe you've chosen a wrong game. I mean a wrong type of game. Something like TSW, where you create your own unique builds from a massive pool of abilities, would suit you much better. As for SWtOR, it was always about sticking with a certain tree, hybrids were not intended to be viable and the devs were fighting with them from the very beginning.

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And this is why making TOR an MMO was a mistake. There are two main groups of people who are drawn to this game: the predominantly single-player Bioware fans, and the experianced multiplyaer MMO fans. There is just no way to give both groups what they want, because what they want is most of the time opposite ends of the RPG spectrum.


As for myself, I hail from the Single-player Bioware games, where you both had the freedom to be an ineffective build and didn't have anyone else relying on you. There are certain builds and skill arrangements that were far more effective than others of course, but you could pick your abilities based on what you thought was cool and be able to finish every aspect of the game even if it took multiple tries. For exapmle: in Kotor, I can never resist picking up the Force Lightning abilities for my fully light-side Jedi character. Was this combat effective? HELL NO. Did it look cool as all get out when I did it? HELL YES.


This is not to say I don't completely understand where the "learn-to-play NOOB" people are coming from. In a multiplayer game, especially MMOs, there is a lot of content that requires the player to be intimately familiar with their class's ins and outs in order to be successful; and in many cases, to even stand a chance. This means, to do multiplayer content on a regular basis you NEED to figure out your class's most optimal still path and STICK to it, otherwise you risk wiping on every "raid" and never being able to join with a group again (especially if word gets around that you aren't playing "right").


Increasing customizability will hurt endgame multiplayer content, while decreasing it will hurt player immersion (especially during solo content, which is where all of Bioware's best story takes place).

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As for myself, I hail from the Single-player Bioware games, where you both had the freedom to be an ineffective build and didn't have anyone else relying on you. There are certain builds and skill arrangements that were far more effective than others of course, but you could pick your abilities based on what you thought was cool and be able to finish every aspect of the game even if it took multiple tries. For exapmle: in Kotor, I can never resist picking up the Force Lightning abilities for my fully light-side Jedi character. Was this combat effective? HELL NO. Did it look cool as all get out when I did it? HELL YES.


I myself came from that background as well - in fact SWTOR is the first true MMO I've played. In saying that, I recognized from the getgo that the KOTOR modified D20 ruleset was never going to be a part of SWTOR, and realistically, nor should it be. KOTOR's ruleset is really poorly balanced and quite broken (as a single player game especially, there was less of a need to balance the various classes and abilities, and it shows. That said, the core ruleset that KOTOR borrows from is also pretty poorly balanced as well, so the problem runs much deeper then just Bioware and Obsidian's devteams for KOTOR and TSL)


Skill/ability customization is nice on paper, and I understand the appeal, but it comes with a plethora of problems that make it undesirable for an MMORPG (ESO, for example. I don't play it myself, but a lot of people I speak to seem to feel that there is only one or two ways to build a character successfully for endgame content, which undermines the whole idea of ESO's progression concept.)


I think the utility system for Disciplines is a nice way of meeting us halfway and giving us the ability to customize our specs without breaking the core chosen role.

Edited by GrimAce
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Let me tell you some history. A long time ago in a galaxy not far away there were no skill trees at all. And guess what? They had balance issues. Its like the last 17 years of MMOs didn't exist and SWtOR finally found the Holy Grail. I guess the devs are not as good as Rift's because while there are issues(as history shows all MMOs have issues) they are still trucking along with 40+ skill trees.
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All of my characters have been dedicated to their skill tree/AC since creation. Removal of hybrids doesn't affect me in the slightest.


Sorry for your loss.


This is me... role and skills are fundamental defining characteristics of each of my characters. I have never voluntarily respecced a character, if I recall correctly.

Edited by Daekarus
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I have, from the beginning of the game, played nothing but Hybrids for a number of reasons.


1. I HATE cookie cutter templates. Hate them. Full tree spec anything is totally boring to me. Requires little to no strategy, tactics, or real thinking to play.


2. I HATE being "like everyone else". For me, I LOVE being unique. Hardly anyone played dps/heal hybrid, or tank/dps hybrid the first year of the game. I have done that with ALL my characters except the few that only have dps specs only, ie Sentinel.


3. I prefer being unpredictable in combat. - In pvp, everyone expects certain abilities or actions from certain classes. Hybrids gave me the ability to be unpredictable. I traded some effectiveness for some surprise, and it was always worth it to me.



The new Discipline system completely and utterly destroys Hybrids. In my opinion shoves everyone into a rock/paper/scissor role and it sucks. Sucks big time. Plus, they are now totally destroying the 4th pillar of play, CC. Now there really is no place for strategic battle controllers. It is tank, heal or dps, and pretty much... only DPS in pvp. (after all, the expertise system CLEARLY favors dps classes 3 to 1.)


Granted, this is just from my point of view. I understand the logic behind the dev reasoning. I understand the ************ and moaning from the min/maxer raid and pvp crowd. It just sucks for someone like me, who has spent hours testing and designing templates that were completely unique.


In my opinion it is no longer about skill, tactics, strategy or creative creation.


Now it is all about gear stats. Everyone is going to have the same BS cookie cutter FOTM BS template, and there is going to be ZERO diversity. There are going to be "must have skills" like moving while casting etc. This is going to DESTROY one of the huge aspects I loved about this game. DIVERSITY


This move, in my opinion, is a complete dumbing down, simplification of the talents. It is going to be boring and lack creativity.


Add to this that PVP is already stupidly over powered in favor of DPS classes, and that some raiders wont take certain classes on end game content, and you are in effect, thus making an annoying problem become a massive game breaking problem.


Sorry, but I watched and re-watched the twitch feed today, and I have to say. I am completely disappointed with this system. Personally for me, it may end up being the proverbial straw.


Two thumbs down.


because nobody else can look at the same trees as you and make the same build...nope..you sure are unique.

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