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A link in every class rep's questions towards Bioware.


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I've been following a few classes' questions threads and some of them are really doing good work (especially in the sage department). I also read the PVP forums and there's a majorly important topic in there where there's loads of agreement on class changes (all classes, most specs).



Now I was thinking. Should/could this thread be linked in EVERY class representatives questions towards bioware as an addendum? Bioware has yet to make a reply to this thread which has gotten almost nothing but positive feedback and help from a lot of people.

The reason I'm not sure whether we should do this is because it might backfire on how Bioware will react on the actual questions after seeing everybody put forth this topic. Yet many of them are crucial changes that benefit everybody.



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Honestly, I think most of the proposed changes in there would be for the worse. Some of them would make the abilities or classes OP, such as Resplendence making Noble Sacrifice yield 2x the Force and not cost health. Others would fundamentally change the playstyle of a class without making it any more...fun, really, such as making Project proc Force Breach for Balance-specced Shadows (why would anyone every use Force Breach then?).


Just because there's a lot of mutual agreement doesn't mean they're good ideas; it could very well just be a hugbox. And as a PvE-er, I'm not very fond of the Devs taking PvP-er ideas for class balance without an incredibly big grain of salt.

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Honestly, I think most of the proposed changes in there would be for the worse. Some of them would make the abilities or classes OP, such as Resplendence making Noble Sacrifice yield 2x the Force and not cost health. Others would fundamentally change the playstyle of a class without making it any more...fun, really, such as making Project proc Force Breach for Balance-specced Shadows (why would anyone every use Force Breach then?).


Just because there's a lot of mutual agreement doesn't mean they're good ideas; it could very well just be a hugbox. And as a PvE-er, I'm not very fond of the Devs taking PvP-er ideas for class balance without an incredibly big grain of salt.


I am not happy with all of the changes and the madness changes are one of them.

But I did not make this thread with the intention of "Those are the changes needed and those are absolute".

I made it with the intention to be a baseline for further discussion and feedback on player-wanted changes I gathered by discussing with mostly hardcore pvpers and personal experience.

Please visit the thread and share your opinion as I would gladly adjust if you got something better.

Edited by Venjirai
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