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Ignore list needs to ignore the person's entire account


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Here, here. If I'm ignoring someone because they're a schmuck, the odds are high that they'll be a schmuck no matter what alt they're on. Therefore, I would like to be able to put their account on ignore and never have to deal with them again.
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The reason isn't important but with more power should come more responsibility, if people are going to prevent a certain persons entire legacy from participating in a public group they need to be persuaded to be more selective when deciding to ignore someone, best way to do this is actually by having a smaller limit. You still going to be ignoring that guys 10 alts without taking up an extra spot but it would send the message you simply cant ignore everyone. You have to choose who's the worst case between that guy who's harassing you or that noob who missed an interrupt once.


It would also deter shared ignore lists by having a smaller limit, I feel if you ignore someone it should be personal just between both players not passed around the community like a big name and shame just because there were a disagreement between two people once or someone made a mistake in an op.


Adding an account wide ignore to the current ignore size would only increase that risk, which would only slow down queues and chances of finding groups for everyone (not just the ignoree).


With such a fragile state of the game (which only just really bounced back from sinking a premature death) such a system added to a large ignore list would be suicide for Bioware IMO. They need to speed up those queue times and the chances of grouping with others not add an elitist ignore system that slows everything down because some are too fussy who they want to play with in a massively multiplayer online game.


I have to disagree with you COMPLETELY. I have a major problem telling other people HOW they get to play their game. I don't mind opining on just about anything, but ultimately they don't have to listen to me (and quite possibly put ME on the ignore list). This is a personal game to each player. If you want to turn off chat and play this game as a single player game, go right ahead. Yea, it's an MMORPG, but that guy/girl just wants the RPG and could care less about the MMO. MANY, MANY, MANY people have ripped on people who do that. My opinion is the same as theirs (just not as extreme). But at the end of the day, it's not my call to make, nor should it be yours in this case.


If someone does not want to be harassed by someone, they do have the right to remain free of such harassment when playing their game. Right now, that does not happen. People are free to continue to harass and annoy other players because they can just keep making alts and doing so. I just had that happen last week. An old guildmate that got the boot harassed us officers for quite some time. He disappeared for a while, we had a recruitment drive and lo and behold, he wormed his way back into the guild and started more drama. My guild leader filed with BW and he is, as of this posting, still in the game (his alts are still on my ignore list).


It takes TOO long for the ban hammer to swing on these individuals and putting that ignore power in our hands will at least alleviate the harassment until it does. I frequently wonder how many people have been harassed off of a game because BW was too slow to react.

Edited by Thylbanus
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I think that an (optional) account wide ignore (toggle?) and an instant account-wide ignore for spam is a good idea.


though, if this is implemented, I'd also like it if I was able so see who has ignored me (preff with reason) so I can try to improve my game-play / adjust my behavior (and/or send an apology mail to that person).

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In principle I agree. I understand those that ignore for queuing purposes, etc, but I think the trolls outweigh the damage that ppl are doing ignoring those that don't 'play' to their standards.


As a compromise, would be nice to see the number of 'ignores' the player has on their 'ignore list'. I think that would be a great way to stop people from ignoring half the game, since it is probable that if you have 500 ignores on your list, you either are hypersensitive to something or have an issue that I really don't want to deal with.



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Just coming here to ask for this myself. I would imagine it would be difficult to have one of my ignores apply to the entire ignored account, but I think it would be great if my ignore list would apply to all of my alts.
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I'm not sure anything would be gained by allowing others to see anything about another players ignore list (numbers/who's ignoring them etc.) as it'd only cause more drama, especially in a game where it's free to make a whole new account to harass someone.


And ideal solution if people genuinely want to know (at best) would perhaps be letting someone see how many people have them on ignore (no specifics or names, just a simple number), then again that has the potential for the more idiotic to set goals so probably better left alone!

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I'd say I'm against any sort of tracking in that regard. Ignore should be ignore for that person. My account should ignore his/her account. That is all. I don't want a tally, or any sort of tracking. Some people will react like it is a high score. They will then purposely try to get on as many ignore lists without getting banned. It may sound crazy, but you know it will happen.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Umm... that's what my post suggested against? (hence why I pointing out the guy above with the full ignore list vs the 5 or so I've added)


Lets face it there's people who resort to the ignore list far too easy and adding a legacy wide ignore on top of the already over-generous ignore list size would only give more power to them. And to suggest increasing this list size also sounds ludicrous.


As you said people should grow thicker skins when deciding to ignore people, they need to decide whether that person really going to make their game experience unbearable or whether they simply just made a one off mistake or a small disagreement that they'll probably forget about in an hours time.


Anyone that fills up 100 people in their ignore list is obviously ignoring people left, right and centre. To me that would suggest that they shouldn't be playing PuG/public group runs at all if they are that fussy about who they play with and should stick to a private group/guild play rather than slowing down the queues with their over-complicated ignore lists.


If you are a jawa, rude in such a way as to be disgusting, troll spam, and are obnoxious to the point that I do not wish to tolerate it, then I ignore you.


I also report and ignore people that are spoiling the story arcs of classes just because "well the games been out over a year now, so what". Even though there are still new players that are advancing classes for the first time. I don't believe in ENTITLEMENT mentalities that allow a person to do anything at any time to anyone that they want to just because they feel like it.


Treat my lower level toon like garbage by running in stealing the "boss" / quest mob / item or whatever I was fighting to get to while not waiting your turn ... IGNORED.


Attitude, I can't reach out and b/slap you, but i can ignore you.


After a year and eight months I have dealt with enough people, some that I wish to never deal with again, that they are added to the ignore list on all my characters.


These avatars, as they are not the accountable people behind the avatars, are ignored.


Fourteen characters on the main server and that ignore list was filled on Imperial side, not Republic.

Thirteen characters on second server and neither ignore list is filled, or close to it, on the Imperial nor Republic side.


I've also found, when trying to put in a characters name, that the character "Does Not Exist". These are also names that were, and may still be in, one of my character's ignore list that I was transferring over to another.


It seems you are too worried that people will freely put you on ignore and lessen your chances to ... well... do what you may do.


Grow a thicker skin? Learn to curb your entitlement mentality, vulgarity, jawaism, and crude behavior. Why is it grow a thicker skin and put up with my BS rather than you just learn to control yourself? The true persona comes out of the shadows whilst hiding behind assumed anonymity. People who claim "I don't act this way in real life" are acting just they way they would if they thought they could get away with it.


So not wanting to deal with the person behind the pixels, acting in their true form, I ignore the pixels, all the while missing what I am really trying to ignore in the first place, the person who has an account with even more pixels.


So I stand firm in my desire to ask for, and want, a full account wide friends and ignore list.

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Amen! Ignore the player completely, no doubt about it. But yeah, i also think there should be something like "don't want to play with" (but can talk) or "ignore completely" 2 choices ...if you don't want to talk to the person then you surely don't want to have anything to do with them
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  • 5 weeks later...

I still wish for an account wide ignore list of those people hiding behind characters to be implemented.


You can add armor and break / bug the game, like at the moment the Golden Scalene Armor set, completely stopping me from playing on some characters, but do nothing about an account wide ignore?


I also have transferred, or tried to transfer, character names to my other characters only to get Does Not Exist when I try to add that name. This name is still on my Character that originally ignored the Pixels hiding the person that I want to ignore.


If the name does not exist, why is it still in my Ignore list.


If the name exists taking up space, then why can't you update it or delete it?


If I changed the name of one of my characters it changed the name on all of my friends list as well. So why do I still have Does Not Exist in my ignore lists?


Please, let My account ignore all of the characters created by some Person(s) account that I ignored. You can do this without adding them all to my ignore list or mentioning someones account.


I would please like to have those ignored by one of my characters ignored by all of my characters.

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BioWare... (Ignoring these threads) What are you doing? (Still Ignoring the best suggestion ever) Posters (Posting useless suggestions that aren't important) STAHP!


But in all seriousness... IMPLEMENT THIS DAMN IT! I need a way to stop hearing people forever, period.


And while you are at it, stop rendering the characters I'm ignoring too. It doesn't help that they still render and /hello, /wave, and /bow and it shows up in my chat box...

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I whole heartedly agree with this.


You can argue all you like about whether the ignore list should be bigger, whether people should use the ignore list for "this" or "that". But each of those choices are for each individual to make. Everyone's opinion about how to use an ignore list will be different. Sorry guys, you don't get to dictate how other people should use their ignore lists (yes, I see the irony).


However, as an individual, if I think Player-X is worthy of being ignored - then I want to ignore the person sat at the keyboard, not his/her individual character.


Yes, having the choice to ignore mixed combinations of character / account both on my side and their side is appealing to certain people. But ignore should be a simple choice, ignore or not ignore. All these combinations just add complexity and doubt.


Ignore is a form of social exclusion. It SHOULD be wide ranging. It creates a feedback loop of consequence for poor behaviour. Not an individual's perspective but as a result of a large consensus of opinions. Being on one person's ignore list is trivial. Being on the ignore list of even 1/4 of your peers isn't. While it's possible to just swap to another character, there aren't consequences for poor behaviour. If you're finding queue times disproportionately long or you can't find someone to buy your goods - perhaps you shouldn't have been such a douche. Plus, it works both way around... If you can't find a group or people to sell your goods to because YOUR ignore list is so large, maybe you should reconsider whether ignoring that many people was really worth it.


I would agree that the ignore list needs a to be able to store a "reason" that can be referred back to later.


I disagree that the account name of the person you are ignoring / befriending should be shown. Just show the character name you first added and hold the account name hidden in the background. Privacy is important, even for small stuff like account names. Plus, extending ignore lists to cover the forums (where account names ARE used) would be a pain technically.


I would also agree that the friends list also needs to be account wide, though friends lists should not be unilateral like now. They should be more like other social media, where the person being befriended needs to allow the request and have the option to revoke the privileged later if needed. Either people are your friends or they are not.


And finally, I'd want my friends list and ignore list to be shared across MY account too. You're my friends whatever character I'm playing. And yes, if I thought you were a douche while playing my sentinel, my opinion didn't change when I relogged to my guardian.


None of which I would expect to ever make it into swtor. But maybe this sort of feedback will make it's way into Bioware's next MMO.


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Edited by Woetoo
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Is there a way to also put a comment on the ignore list like the friend list? I'd like to put down why they go ignored, especially if they used the character name change option so I can tell the differences between gen chat trolls, and people who ninja stuff, etc.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried to add an explanation in the allocated area, but it wouldn't ignore when I did.


Also, a 100 name limit on the ignore list is pathetic when 8 of those could be just 1 person.


Account wide ignore list is appropriate as I do not care a whit about pixels, but do dislike what a person does hiding behind those pixels.


Also ignoring a person's pixels to have them log onto another avatar of pixels to harass you is pathetic and wastes another of those too few slots in the ignore list.

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I agree because if I ignore someone for say ninja looting on the Juggernaut so that I won't get paired up with them again int he group finder... What, are they going to NOT be a ninja looter on their Sentinel? No, they ninja loot, they ninja loot. Same with being a jerk in general chat. If you are making racist/homophobic/etc comments on your Mercenary, then you aren't going to be all nice on your Shadow.


And, I am not heavy with the ignore button, but if I have reason to ignore you, it will be on all my characters 9 out of 10 times. I don't actively make sure a name is on all my ignore lists, but many of them share names because I had reason on multiple occasions to once again ignore someone.

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  • 2 months later...

Still waiting for an account wide ignore list.


Ignoring that set of pixels that an anonymous person hides behind does little when they switch to another set of pixels.


I am not ignoring pixels, but that person controlling those pixels.


They normally have more than one character (made of pixels) and can take up copious amounts of ignore space just because they are still acting in a way that you do not want to be forced to deal with.


Account wide ignore is a needed function for the ignore list.

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