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Adrenal Research Facility on Voss studied how to create Quesh Venom for the Republic Military


Aurek Base on Hoth is the command center for all Republic Military operations on Hoth


#Base 11A is located on Balmorra


#Base D-55 is located on Dantooine


Belsavis Prison is a massive detention facility on Belsavis originally constructed by the Infinite Empire but later added by the Galactic Republic. It contains following sections:

Minimum Security Section is devoted to 'low risk' prisoners, primarily Humans, and includes Belsavis Prison Administration Center (the main headquarters containing the Warden's office and the only site where officially shuttles departed)

High Security Section housing primarily alien inmates

Maximum Security Section

The Tomb


Farnell Outpost is located at Buggtown on Balmorra and is a Republic and Balmorran Resistance outpost


Gorinth Outpost, known as Sundari Imperial Outpost when it was under control of the Empire, is a outpost at the southern edge of the Sundari Flats


Kanner Outpost is on Taris


Outpost Cresh on Hoth is a bunker between Whiterock Wastes and Highmound Ridge and is used as a coomand post


Outpost Zerek is on the edge of Starship Gaveyard on Hoth


Republic Operational Headquarters is the main base of operations for the Republic Military on Quesh


#Unidentified Republic Military warehouse is located on Coruscant is where the Republic Military stores heavy weaponry and munitions and the facility's computers have access to the design files for the Planet Prison superweapon


Waypoint Station Aurek is a Republic Republic military station on Taris used as a secure base for soldiers and medical personnel


Waypoint Station Draay is on Taris and functions same as Waypoint Station Aurek


Waypoint Station Morne is on Taris and functions same as Waypoint Station Aurek


Fort Salvo is the main Galactic Republic's artillery base and munitions depot on Ilum


#Anaxes Citadel is a massive complex on Anaxes containing training schools, research labs, intelligence centers, offices, archives and parade grounds. It is serves also as the primary governmental building for the planet.


#Anaxes is located at the edge of the Axum System and is a space station


Carrick Station is the main staging area for the Republic Navy and is built in orbit of a unidentified planet in the Core Worlds


#Fort Garnik is a military base on Ord Mantell and serves as the central base of the Republic forces

Edited by Huttchew
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