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Re'subed Imp, I need a guild ....


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:rak_02: Hey all I played in Alpha and Beta ,just re'sub'd after a long break ,Im semi current in gear half Rak/Blk Hole, my WH Sniper still rocks ,I have lower levels and an couple of fresh 50's ,cant decide what to roll next Im thinking BH or Tank or Heals lol ,Im way over 18,I have a "potty mouth" and I love to grief other 50 or lower level pubs ,hey at least Im honest and I only kill them once unless they beg me to stick around and "play". I m always up to help other guild members and just have fun .I like to pvp and would like to roll a pvp only toon and go from there . Im on the east cost but I play like Im still on the west coast .......pm me in game ,please if your a new guild or just have 5 members with 30 alts ,Id like to join a super big guild .....
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