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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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So this WAS short... in my head... I don't know how these things get to be so long. This was my attempt at writing something happy.


It's the same character from my other story so SW spoilers.

SW: Ninka




“My lord?” Pierce queried from the entrance to the bridge. “I have a favor to ask.” He looked uncomfortable. Pierce never looked uncomfortable, he also never asked for favors. “I need to travel to Dromund Kaas in two days,” he hesitated. “And I’d like you to come with me.”


“What’s on Dromund Kaas?” Ninka asked looking up at the Lieutenant.


“I need to see someone there; my gut says she might need some help. I’m probably just paranoid, but I’d appreciate some Sith authority as backup.”


“My lord, if I may?” Quinn said from the helm. He did not turn from the navigation console so he could not see the Lieutenant grinding his teeth.


“Go ahead Captain.”


“Jaesa and Broonmark will return in three days and we are due for a complete ship retrofit at the fleet in two days. While the Lieutenant can be spared, your presence is required for authorization.” Ninka mulled that over, the ship had seen a lot of action lately and the war was not going away any time soon.


“If there were an emergency somewhere right now could the ship handle it?” she asked.


“Yes, my lord.” The Captain paused, not volunteering any further information.


“Can the retrofit be pushed back?”


A longer pause. “Certainly, my lord.”


“Then I see no reason not to do the Lieutenant a favor.” She concluded.


“Unless I misunderstand the Lieutenant, my lord, this is not an emergency.” Quinn insisted.


“True,” Ninka said slowly. “But Pierce isn’t known for paranoia and I trust his gut.” She said carefully not looking at the Captain. The silence stretched, “Set in a course for Dromund Kaas and reschedule the retrofit. Contact Broonmark and Jaesa and let them know the change of plans. ”


“Of course, my lord.” The captain answered plotting their new course.


“Thank you, my lord.” Pierce said and took himself out.


Pierce waited for the ship to land. He held a small gear bag and stood at the ship exit ramp. He was too well trained to fidget but Ninka could see he seethed with impatience and anticipation.


“Are you all right?” Ninka asked. “Do you need me with you now?”


“I have a few things to take care of first, my lord.” Pierce answered, bobbing his head in response to her first question. “Meet me at the citadel in four hours.” She inclined her head in agreement as the ship doors opened. The ramp had barely lowered when the large man bounded down and was gone.


“Huh, I’ve never seen him like that before.” Vette said peering down the ramp. “And to meet a woman too.” She grinned. “So what are you going to wear?”


Ninka smiled to herself. Trust Vette to ignore the mystery and focus on the most pressing questions. “He said he needed Sith authority so I should probably go formal.”


“Scary-dark-robe-hide-your-face formal, or sexy-mid-riff-baring-duelist formal?” Vette asked, eyes sparkling.


“Dark robes.” Ninka replied.


Vette groaned. “You always say that these days.”


What Vette did not know, because Ninka had never told anyone, was that she was losing her ability to see color. If she tried to dress more fancifully, she might end up looking ridiculous and mismatched.


“Fine, you pick the outfit. In red, not green or purple, and if someone laughs at me I will make you watch me kill them.”


“Yes, my lord.” Vette bowed deeply and scampered off.


Vette worked quickly and Ninka was ready with time to spare. The Sith Lord stopped to check her messages on the bridge before leaving. Vette followed discreetly, hoping to witness a reaction. She carefully picked out her master’s clothes for function and fashion. The supple dueling leathers allowed movement while hiding durasteel plated spine protectors. Artfully cut to show off skin each pleat hid a tiny shield generator. The loops of her belt disguised her lightsaber but still allowed for easy access. The slit-up-to-there skirt was ankle length instead of floor length and allowed movement but flowed gracefully around her thigh high boots. If the Wrath did have to fight, at least her victim would get a nice eyeful before he died. As she had hoped, the Captain turned to update the Sith Lord with their new schedule but choked instead. Mission accomplished, she thought as the captain struggled to clear his throat without being obvious.


“My lord,” he said, trying again. “I have rescheduled the retrofit. Your meeting with the Lieutenant is in one hour and if you leave now you will arrive at precisely the allotted time.”


“Thank you, Captain.” Ninka replied without looking up. “Perhaps you and Vette would like to come with me. If it turns out we’re not needed as backup we can pick up some odds and ends we won’t find at the fleet.” She turned to see Vette running to her room to get her coat. She eyed the Captain.


“As you wish, my lord.” He said bowing slightly.


The three arrived at the citadel to find a larger than expected crowd of mostly young adults wearing Imperial uniforms. Not wanting to draw attention Ninka was glad she had chosen to dress up. Her robes would have been instantly recognized as Sith, but dressed this way, she could simply be Quinn’s companion for the evening. She slipped her hand around his arm to reinforce the illusion. Quinn automatically adjusted his elbow. A few people saluted Quinn as they walked past but paid no attention to Ninka. Mostly. A few young men watched Ninka appreciatively then quickly found something else to look at when their eyes met Quinn’s cold glare.


“Interesting,” Quinn observed. “It appears today is one of the graduation days for the Imperial Academy. The ceremony appears to have just completed.”


“One of them?” Ninka queried, having never gone to the Imperial Academy herself.


“Yes, my lord. Groups of students who pass the exams graduate together at least once per quarter. There is a short ceremony, and then they are given their assignments by their advisors. It is more efficient than waiting a whole year.”


“Of course.” Ninka said scanning the crowd looking for Pierce. If he had not stood a head and shoulders above most of the crowd, she would have missed him. Wearing full formal Imperial uniform, he was clean-shaven, and his hair was combed and cut to regulation, she would not have believed the man was the Lieutenant except for the large scar that marred the right half of his face. That and his familiar presence, not the presence of the force, but a stillness and strength she had come to recognize as Pierce. Ninka glanced at her companions; neither of the pair had recognized Pierce yet. Their eyes seemed to slide right over the large officer as they scanned the crowd.


Ninka followed Pierce’s gaze to a young woman. She was a petite and slim; her long dark hair coifed with military precision. From what Ninka could see, she was very beautiful; her male companions also seemed to think so. They leaned in as they spoke to her, smiled when they looked at her, and laughed softly when she said something clever. One of her companions noticed Pierce watching them and snapped to attention, the others followed his example. All except the young woman, who made a delighted sound and threw herself at Pierce. He caught her and spun her around while she covered his face with kisses to the chagrin of the young men in her group. Chuckling at her enthusiasm, he hugged her tightly then put her down. He gave her a stick about the size of a stylus. She turned it on and a holographic bouquet appeared, she laughed delightedly and hugged him again.


“Is that Pierce? Ew. ” Vette said, crossing her arms. “I don’t know which is ickier, the fact that she looks young even to me or that they look so happy together.”


“I would say the fact that he would waste my lord’s time to impress a woman.” Quinn said with disgust.


“Now, now,” Ninka said. “Let’s give the Lieutenant a chance to explain himself.”


Pierce spoke a few words to the young woman then put his arm around her shoulders. He started to steer her in their direction when a silky voice full of command and malice cut through the low hum of the crowd. “Lieutenant Pierce.” It said. The crowd parted for the voice. It belonged to a pureblood Sith wearing dark hooded robes. He was trailed by two men, Moffs by the look of their Imperial uniforms.


“Now we come to it.” Ninka said under her breath. She was glad Quinn was there, he could identify every Sith and high ranking officer by name or face. “Names.” She whispered in his ear.


“Lord Variath,” Quinn said immediately. “His master is one of those in charge of building the new Sith Intelligence, though his direct master is not on the Dark Council. Following him are Moff’s Grandon and Wellings, both oversee parts of the Diplomatic Service. ” He looked down at the Sith lord at his elbow. “It appears you may be needed after all.”


She nodded at Quinn’s words, never taking her eyes off the group in front of them. She expected Pierce to take a defensive stance. He may not be able to defeat a Sith Lord but she knew he would be willing to try. Instead, he executed a crisp salute to each of the newcomers. He then stood at attention and answered their questions, his voice pitched too low for Ninka to make out. The young woman copied his example, though she did not speak at all.


“Come.” Pierce said smiling. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” He put his arm around the woman and turned.


“Lieutenant Pierce.” Lord Variath said from the crowd. Pierce froze turning back toward the voice. His good cheer vanished. He squeezed the woman’s shoulder reassuringly then released her snapping into a crisp solute. Stand straight count to two, bow ten degrees hold for two, straight count one, pivot to next officer. He still remembered the hated ritual that only seemed more ridiculous after years away from formal engagements. “I’m so pleased that you’re here.” Lord Variath continued, prowling around the taller man. “I’m sure you would want to be the first to know of our Ensign’s new assignment.”


“Yes, my lord.” Pierce said carefully. He struggled to suppress his commoner’s accent. “I understand she has passed the test to enter the Diplomatic core. I believe, my lord, she received an invitation to the diplomatic service on Alderaan, the invitation was to be made official today.”


“Yes, about that.” Lord Variath trailed off, “Moff Grandon, if you please.” The Sith waved at the Moff to begin talking.

“Yes, thank you, my lord. You see Lieutenant, a posting on Alderaan is highly prestigious. Reserved for candidates with the top scores and the best,” he faltered. “Well the best connections. After due consideration we believe the young Ensign would be better suited to working for Sith Intelligence, where she could make use of her ahem,” he paused flicking his eyes at the Ensign. “assets without her low birth being a hindrance.” The Ensign blushed, eyes downcast. Even the severe looking Imperial uniform could not hide her curves or her beauty.


“Moff Tristan would have something to say about that, sir.” Pierce replied unflinchingly, neither his expression nor his tone betrayed his growing anger. He could see the crowd had dispersed and drifted away. The tension in the group was palpable and no one wanted to be near an angry Sith Lord.


“The girl’s grandfather is long dead, Lieutenant.” The Sith hissed, forcing Pierce to face him. “Her only connection is a career military man who couldn’t manage to get a better rank and posting than Lieutenant serving a lowly Sith.”


Ninka could tell things were not going well, even as she strained to pick up bits of the group’s conversation. Pierce’s demeanor did not change a hair but she could feel his anger building, she knew the other Sith would feel it too. The crowd had drifted away; the hum of so many people no longer masked the conversation. Lord Variath grabbed the front of Pierce’s jacket, “Her only connection is a career military man who couldn’t manage to get a better rank and posting than Lieutenant serving a lowly Sith.”


“Lowly Sith,” Ninka repeated to her companions, lips curving into a smile. “I believe that’s my cue.”


“Lieutenant, there you are.” Ninka called as she glided toward the group.


Pierce looked away from the Sith Lord to see his master. His eyes took in the sight appreciatively. A deadly weapon wrapped in silk and leather.


“Who is this?!” Lord Variath demanded, releasing Pierce.


Pierce smoothed the front of his uniform, resuming his formal manners. “Apologies my lord, I will make introductions.” he bowed precisely to Lord Variath. “My Lord,” he faced the Wrath bowing lower than before. Lord Variath clenched his fists at the implied insult. “May I present to you Lord Variath, of the new Sith Intelligence, Moff Grandon and Moff Wellings heads of the Diplomatic Service on Alderaan. And this,” he said a smile breaking through his perfect manners. “is Amilla Pierce, Ensign Amilla Pierce, my daughter.” He continued quickly without pausing to enjoy his crewmate’s expressions of shock. “Lord Variath, Moff Grandon, Moff Wellings, this is my master Lord Ninka, the Wrath of the Emperor.” Silence fell. The wrath looked up at Pierce questioningly and saw no falsehood. She raised an eyebrow her expression clearly saying, I’ll get you for this. His eyebrow quirked in response, you can try.


“My Lord,” Amilla Pierce bowed deeply breaking the silence. “It is an honor.” Moff Grandon and Moff Wellings quickly followed suit. Lord Variath sputtered.


“Ensign Pierce,” Ninka said, ignoring the other Sith lord. “I believe congratulations are in order. I hope one day we’ll be able to work together. My business frequently finds me on Alderaan, diplomacy would be a welcome change.” Ninka chose her word carefully based on the bits of conversation she overheard.


“Thank you, my lord. Joining the diplomatic service has long been my dream. It’s what my grandfather always wanted for me.”


“Y-y-yes.” Moff Grandon stammered. “We were just confirming her assignment to Alderaan. Isn’t that right Wellings?” he elbowed his fellow nervously. The other Moff snapped out of his daze.


“Of course!” the other Moff said a little too loudly. He grabbed the ensign’s hand and pumped it up and down enthusiastically. He began babbling praise about the her test scores and qualifications.


“This is impossible!” Lord Variath interrupted. “Your file,” He pointing an accusatory finger at Pierce, “Your file, states that you work for a Sith Lord whose master was disgraced and executed. She takes orders from a fringe group of Sith, and has no ties or connections to the Dark Council.”


“All true, my lord.” Pierce replied.


“Nowhere does it state that she is the Wrath!” Lord Variath exclaimed.


“Interesting, though rather pathetic for Sith Intelligence.” Ninka pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Perhaps you should focus on recruiting analysts before you recruit agents.” She raised an eyebrow at Lord Variath. He looked from one member of the group to the other then stormed off with impotent rage.


“Congratulations again Ensign. We will begin your briefing with the rest of the diplomatic core in three days. Enjoy your leave.” Moff Grandon said quickly. He and Wellings backed up tripping over each other as they made their escape. The group watched them disappear into the crowd.


“I’m going to Alderaan!” Amilla squealed happily hugging her father. He returned the hug planting a kiss on her forehead. “I barely recognized you looking all professional.” She giggled. “I didn’t even know you knew proper protocol.”


“Neither did they.” Pierce grinned. He eyed Quinn who merely snorted and looked away. “I didn’t want a common lout like me to give them reason to reject you. Seems I almost did anyway, I’m sorry.” He said sadly. His daughter waived off his apologies.


“You didn’t tell me you worked for the Wrath.” She looked at her father’s crewmates and master studying their expressions. “You didn’t tell them about this either did you? You didn’t even tell them about me!” she accused.


“You don’t write often enough.” He said mocking her.




“It was safer.” He said soberly.


“You always say that!” She stomped her foot as she did when she was a small child.


“Still true.”


She crossed her arms glaring at him, he just smiled at her as if he just enjoyed being near her even when she was mad. She sighed; she knew being mad at her father was pointless. “How long will you be here? Can you stay for the banquet?” He shifted in the way he did when he told her he would be leaving soon. She sighed again.


“Lieutenant, we will be retrofitting the ship for the next few days.” Ninka interrupted.


“Yes, my lord.”


“You are on official leave for the next four days. After that, you will catch a shuttle and rendezvous with us at the fleet. Understood?”


“Yes, my lord. Thank you.” Pierce bowed, not a precise regulation bow, but a natural one that conveyed more respect and appreciation than he had ever shown anyone.




“Yes, my lord.” Pierce grabbed his daughter around the waist, hoisting her in the air, and charged toward the exit. “C’mon Mynock! There’s a frozen tart somewhere in this city with your name on it.” They could still hear Pierce and his daughter laughing as they disappeared into the crowd.


“Did you see that coming?” Vette asked after a long moment of silence. “Because, I didn’t see that one coming at all. How old is Pierce anyway? Like fifty? Or was he getting around when he was ten? I bet that was it because he was already two meters tall with a full beard or something.”


“Vette.” Quinn said, pinching the bridge of his nose.


Ninka linked her arms with her long-time companions, one on each side. “We’ve done a good day of work as back up Sith authority. I say we get a drink.”








I make up these stories as a part of my effort to reconcile the things that happen in game that I can't explain, like Pierce not being a full LI. This actually has a second part but I'm not sure if it's worth writing. I'm going to make an effort to stop writing about Pierce for a while :)



Edited by kabeone
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I make up these stories as a part of my effort to reconcile the things that happen in game that I can't explain, like Pierce not being a full LI. This actually has a second part but I'm not sure if it's worth writing. I'm going to make an effort to stop writing about Pierce for a while :)



Nonsense. Pierce is awesome.

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So this WAS short... in my head... I don't know how these things get to be so long. This was my attempt at writing something happy.


It's the same character from my other story so SW spoilers.

SW: Ninka




“My lord?” Pierce queried from the entrance to the bridge. “I have a favor to ask.” He looked uncomfortable. Pierce never looked uncomfortable, he also never asked for favors. “I need to travel to Dromund Kaas in two days,” he hesitated. “And I’d like you to come with me.”


“What’s on Dromund Kaas?” Ninka asked looking up at the Lieutenant.


“I need to see someone there; my gut says she might need some help. I’m probably just paranoid, but I’d appreciate some Sith authority as backup.”


“My lord, if I may?” Quinn said from the helm. He did not turn from the navigation console so he could not see the Lieutenant grinding his teeth.


“Go ahead Captain.”


“Jaesa and Broonmark will return in three days and we are due for a complete ship retrofit at the fleet in two days. While the Lieutenant can be spared, your presence is required for authorization.” Ninka mulled that over, the ship had seen a lot of action lately and the war was not going away any time soon.


“If there were an emergency somewhere right now could the ship handle it?” she asked.


“Yes, my lord.” The Captain paused, not volunteering any further information.


“Can the retrofit be pushed back?”


A longer pause. “Certainly, my lord.”


“Then I see no reason not to do the Lieutenant a favor.” She concluded.


“Unless I misunderstand the Lieutenant, my lord, this is not an emergency.” Quinn insisted.


“True,” Ninka said slowly. “But Pierce isn’t known for paranoia and I trust his gut.” She said carefully not looking at the Captain. The silence stretched, “Set in a course for Dromund Kaas and reschedule the retrofit. Contact Broonmark and Jaesa and let them know the change of plans. ”


“Of course, my lord.” The captain answered plotting their new course.


“Thank you, my lord.” Pierce said and took himself out.


Pierce waited for the ship to land. He held a small gear bag and stood at the ship exit ramp. He was too well trained to fidget but Ninka could see he seethed with impatience and anticipation.


“Are you all right?” Ninka asked. “Do you need me with you now?”


“I have a few things to take care of first, my lord.” Pierce answered, bobbing his head in response to her first question. “Meet me at the citadel in four hours.” She inclined her head in agreement as the ship doors opened. The ramp had barely lowered when the large man bounded down and was gone.


“Huh, I’ve never seen him like that before.” Vette said peering down the ramp. “And to meet a woman too.” She grinned. “So what are you going to wear?”


Ninka smiled to herself. Trust Vette to ignore the mystery and focus on the most pressing questions. “He said he needed Sith authority so I should probably go formal.”


“Scary-dark-robe-hide-your-face formal, or sexy-mid-riff-baring-duelist formal?” Vette asked, eyes sparkling.


“Dark robes.” Ninka replied.


Vette groaned. “You always say that these days.”


What Vette did not know, because Ninka had never told anyone, was that she was losing her ability to see color. If she tried to dress more fancifully, she might end up looking ridiculous and mismatched.


“Fine, you pick the outfit. In red, not green or purple, and if someone laughs at me I will make you watch me kill them.”


“Yes, my lord.” Vette bowed deeply and scampered off.


Vette worked quickly and Ninka was ready with time to spare. The Sith Lord stopped to check her messages on the bridge before leaving. Vette followed discreetly, hoping to witness a reaction. She carefully picked out her master’s clothes for function and fashion. The supple dueling leathers allowed movement while hiding durasteel plated spine protectors. Artfully cut to show off skin each pleat hid a tiny shield generator. The loops of her belt disguised her lightsaber but still allowed for easy access. The slit-up-to-there skirt was ankle length instead of floor length and allowed movement but flowed gracefully around her thigh high boots. If the Wrath did have to fight, at least her victim would get a nice eyeful before he died. As she had hoped, the Captain turned to update the Sith Lord with their new schedule but choked instead. Mission accomplished, she thought as the captain struggled to clear his throat without being obvious.


“My lord,” he said, trying again. “I have rescheduled the retrofit. Your meeting with the Lieutenant is in one hour and if you leave now you will arrive at precisely the allotted time.”


“Thank you, Captain.” Ninka replied without looking up. “Perhaps you and Vette would like to come with me. If it turns out we’re not needed as backup we can pick up some odds and ends we won’t find at the fleet.” She turned to see Vette running to her room to get her coat. She eyed the Captain.


“As you wish, my lord.” He said bowing slightly.


The three arrived at the citadel to find a larger than expected crowd of mostly young adults wearing Imperial uniforms. Not wanting to draw attention Ninka was glad she had chosen to dress up. Her robes would have been instantly recognized as Sith, but dressed this way, she could simply be Quinn’s companion for the evening. She slipped her hand around his arm to reinforce the illusion. Quinn automatically adjusted his elbow. A few people saluted Quinn as they walked past but paid no attention to Ninka. Mostly. A few young men watched Ninka appreciatively then quickly found something else to look at when their eyes met Quinn’s cold glare.


“Interesting,” Quinn observed. “It appears today is one of the graduation days for the Imperial Academy. The ceremony appears to have just completed.”


“One of them?” Ninka queried, having never gone to the Imperial Academy herself.


“Yes, my lord. Groups of students who pass the exams graduate together at least once per quarter. There is a short ceremony, and then they are given their assignments by their advisors. It is more efficient than waiting a whole year.”


“Of course.” Ninka said scanning the crowd looking for Pierce. If he had not stood a head and shoulders above most of the crowd, she would have missed him. Wearing full formal Imperial uniform, he was clean-shaven, and his hair was combed and cut to regulation, she would not have believed the man was the Lieutenant except for the large scar that marred the right half of his face. That and his familiar presence, not the presence of the force, but a stillness and strength she had come to recognize as Pierce. Ninka glanced at her companions; neither of the pair had recognized Pierce yet. Their eyes seemed to slide right over the large officer as they scanned the crowd.


Ninka followed Pierce’s gaze to a young woman. She was a petite and slim; her long dark hair coifed with military precision. From what Ninka could see, she was very beautiful; her male companions also seemed to think so. They leaned in as they spoke to her, smiled when they looked at her, and laughed softly when she said something clever. One of her companions noticed Pierce watching them and snapped to attention, the others followed his example. All except the young woman, who made a delighted sound and threw herself at Pierce. He caught her and spun her around while she covered his face with kisses to the chagrin of the young men in her group. Chuckling at her enthusiasm, he hugged her tightly then put her down. He gave her a stick about the size of a stylus. She turned it on and a holographic bouquet appeared, she laughed delightedly and hugged him again.


“Is that Pierce? Ew. ” Vette said, crossing her arms. “I don’t know which is ickier, the fact that she looks young even to me or that they look so happy together.”


“I would say the fact that he would waste my lord’s time to impress a woman.” Quinn said with disgust.


“Now, now,” Ninka said. “Let’s give the Lieutenant a chance to explain himself.”


Pierce spoke a few words to the young woman then put his arm around her shoulders. He started to steer her in their direction when a silky voice full of command and malice cut through the low hum of the crowd. “Lieutenant Pierce.” It said. The crowd parted for the voice. It belonged to a pureblood Sith wearing dark hooded robes. He was trailed by two men, Moffs by the look of their Imperial uniforms.


“Now we come to it.” Ninka said under her breath. She was glad Quinn was there, he could identify every Sith and high ranking officer by name or face. “Names.” She whispered in his ear.


“Lord Variath,” Quinn said immediately. “His master is one of those in charge of building the new Sith Intelligence, though his direct master is not on the Dark Council. Following him are Moff’s Grandon and Wellings, both oversee parts of the Diplomatic Service. ” He looked down at the Sith lord at his elbow. “It appears you may be needed after all.”


She nodded at Quinn’s words, never taking her eyes off the group in front of them. She expected Pierce to take a defensive stance. He may not be able to defeat a Sith Lord but she knew he would be willing to try. Instead, he executed a crisp salute to each of the newcomers. He then stood at attention and answered their questions, his voice pitched too low for Ninka to make out. The young woman copied his example, though she did not speak at all.


“Come.” Pierce said smiling. “There’s someone I want you to meet.” He put his arm around the woman and turned.


“Lieutenant Pierce.” Lord Variath said from the crowd. Pierce froze turning back toward the voice. His good cheer vanished. He squeezed the woman’s shoulder reassuringly then released her snapping into a crisp solute. Stand straight count to two, bow ten degrees hold for two, straight count one, pivot to next officer. He still remembered the hated ritual that only seemed more ridiculous after years away from formal engagements. “I’m so pleased that you’re here.” Lord Variath continued, prowling around the taller man. “I’m sure you would want to be the first to know of our Ensign’s new assignment.”


“Yes, my lord.” Pierce said carefully. He struggled to suppress his commoner’s accent. “I understand she has passed the test to enter the Diplomatic core. I believe, my lord, she received an invitation to the diplomatic service on Alderaan, the invitation was to be made official today.”


“Yes, about that.” Lord Variath trailed off, “Moff Grandon, if you please.” The Sith waved at the Moff to begin talking.

“Yes, thank you, my lord. You see Lieutenant, a posting on Alderaan is highly prestigious. Reserved for candidates with the top scores and the best,” he faltered. “Well the best connections. After due consideration we believe the young Ensign would be better suited to working for Sith Intelligence, where she could make use of her ahem,” he paused flicking his eyes at the Ensign. “assets without her low birth being a hindrance.” The Ensign blushed, eyes downcast. Even the severe looking Imperial uniform could not hide her curves or her beauty.


“Moff Tristan would have something to say about that, sir.” Pierce replied unflinchingly, neither his expression nor his tone betrayed his growing anger. He could see the crowd had dispersed and drifted away. The tension in the group was palpable and no one wanted to be near an angry Sith Lord.


“The girl’s grandfather is long dead, Lieutenant.” The Sith hissed, forcing Pierce to face him. “Her only connection is a career military man who couldn’t manage to get a better rank and posting than Lieutenant serving a lowly Sith.”


Ninka could tell things were not going well, even as she strained to pick up bits of the group’s conversation. Pierce’s demeanor did not change a hair but she could feel his anger building, she knew the other Sith would feel it too. The crowd had drifted away; the hum of so many people no longer masked the conversation. Lord Variath grabbed the front of Pierce’s jacket, “Her only connection is a career military man who couldn’t manage to get a better rank and posting than Lieutenant serving a lowly Sith.”


“Lowly Sith,” Ninka repeated to her companions, lips curving into a smile. “I believe that’s my cue.”


“Lieutenant, there you are.” Ninka called as she glided toward the group.


Pierce looked away from the Sith Lord to see his master. His eyes took in the sight appreciatively. A deadly weapon wrapped in silk and leather.


“Who is this?!” Lord Variath demanded, releasing Pierce.


Pierce smoothed the front of his uniform, resuming his formal manners. “Apologies my lord, I will make introductions.” he bowed precisely to Lord Variath. “My Lord,” he faced the Wrath bowing lower than before. Lord Variath clenched his fists at the implied insult. “May I present to you Lord Variath, of the new Sith Intelligence, Moff Grandon and Moff Wellings heads of the Diplomatic Service on Alderaan. And this,” he said a smile breaking through his perfect manners. “is Amilla Pierce, Ensign Amilla Pierce, my daughter.” He continued quickly without pausing to enjoy his crewmate’s expressions of shock. “Lord Variath, Moff Grandon, Moff Wellings, this is my master Lord Ninka, the Wrath of the Emperor.” Silence fell. The wrath looked up at Pierce questioningly and saw no falsehood. She raised an eyebrow her expression clearly saying, I’ll get you for this. His eyebrow quirked in response, you can try.


“My Lord,” Amilla Pierce bowed deeply breaking the silence. “It is an honor.” Moff Grandon and Moff Wellings quickly followed suit. Lord Variath sputtered.


“Ensign Pierce,” Ninka said, ignoring the other Sith lord. “I believe congratulations are in order. I hope one day we’ll be able to work together. My business frequently finds me on Alderaan, diplomacy would be a welcome change.” Ninka chose her word carefully based on the bits of conversation she overheard.


“Thank you, my lord. Joining the diplomatic service has long been my dream. It’s what my grandfather always wanted for me.”


“Y-y-yes.” Moff Grandon stammered. “We were just confirming her assignment to Alderaan. Isn’t that right Wellings?” he elbowed his fellow nervously. The other Moff snapped out of his daze.


“Of course!” the other Moff said a little too loudly. He grabbed the ensign’s hand and pumped it up and down enthusiastically. He began babbling praise about the her test scores and qualifications.


“This is impossible!” Lord Variath interrupted. “Your file,” He pointing an accusatory finger at Pierce, “Your file, states that you work for a Sith Lord whose master was disgraced and executed. She takes orders from a fringe group of Sith, and has no ties or connections to the Dark Council.”


“All true, my lord.” Pierce replied.


“Nowhere does it state that she is the Wrath!” Lord Variath exclaimed.


“Interesting, though rather pathetic for Sith Intelligence.” Ninka pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Perhaps you should focus on recruiting analysts before you recruit agents.” She raised an eyebrow at Lord Variath. He looked from one member of the group to the other then stormed off with impotent rage.


“Congratulations again Ensign. We will begin your briefing with the rest of the diplomatic core in three days. Enjoy your leave.” Moff Grandon said quickly. He and Wellings backed up tripping over each other as they made their escape. The group watched them disappear into the crowd.


“I’m going to Alderaan!” Amilla squealed happily hugging her father. He returned the hug planting a kiss on her forehead. “I barely recognized you looking all professional.” She giggled. “I didn’t even know you knew proper protocol.”


“Neither did they.” Pierce grinned. He eyed Quinn who merely snorted and looked away. “I didn’t want a common lout like me to give them reason to reject you. Seems I almost did anyway, I’m sorry.” He said sadly. His daughter waived off his apologies.


“You didn’t tell me you worked for the Wrath.” She looked at her father’s crewmates and master studying their expressions. “You didn’t tell them about this either did you? You didn’t even tell them about me!” she accused.


“You don’t write often enough.” He said mocking her.




“It was safer.” He said soberly.


“You always say that!” She stomped her foot as she did when she was a small child.


“Still true.”


She crossed her arms glaring at him, he just smiled at her as if he just enjoyed being near her even when she was mad. She sighed; she knew being mad at her father was pointless. “How long will you be here? Can you stay for the banquet?” He shifted in the way he did when he told her he would be leaving soon. She sighed again.


“Lieutenant, we will be retrofitting the ship for the next few days.” Ninka interrupted.


“Yes, my lord.”


“You are on official leave for the next four days. After that, you will catch a shuttle and rendezvous with us at the fleet. Understood?”


“Yes, my lord. Thank you.” Pierce bowed, not a precise regulation bow, but a natural one that conveyed more respect and appreciation than he had ever shown anyone.




“Yes, my lord.” Pierce grabbed his daughter around the waist, hoisting her in the air, and charged toward the exit. “C’mon Mynock! There’s a frozen tart somewhere in this city with your name on it.” They could still hear Pierce and his daughter laughing as they disappeared into the crowd.


“Did you see that coming?” Vette asked after a long moment of silence. “Because, I didn’t see that one coming at all. How old is Pierce anyway? Like fifty? Or was he getting around when he was ten? I bet that was it because he was already two meters tall with a full beard or something.”


“Vette.” Quinn said, pinching the bridge of his nose.


Ninka linked her arms with her long-time companions, one on each side. “We’ve done a good day of work as back up Sith authority. I say we get a drink.”








I make up these stories as a part of my effort to reconcile the things that happen in game that I can't explain, like Pierce not being a full LI. This actually has a second part but I'm not sure if it's worth writing. I'm going to make an effort to stop writing about Pierce for a while :)



This. Was. AWESOME! I loved every bit of it! And the surprise was awesome too! Thanks so much for sharing your head canon with us! =D *hugs all around*

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Wow, there are several critical points in my files. Here's my angry endgame Sith Warrior Ruth, spoilered seven ways from Sunday, a bit under 400 words:



Ruth looked around the Citadel conference room. It was an adequate place to conduct cleanup business before her work took her back out on the move.


Just some cleanup business.


Right on time, somebody opened the door and escorted Malavai Quinn in. Ruth didn’t even process who the somebody was; she only knew that the door closed and left her alone with Quinn. He seemed to have recovered well enough from the treatment of the last few weeks. And he was uncollared now. She could at least afford him that dignity.


They faced each other in silence across the length of the conference table. She had a whole plan to describe, so when she was sure she could steady her breath, she started.


"Your master is dead, and I am sick of revenge." Her thoughts shattered at the look on his face. She fixed her eyes on the wall and found herself still talking. "It's meaningless to talk of forgiveness between us. If I set you free, you will come for me, soon or late. You will watch for weakness. Call me a liability to the Empire. Exact your revenge. This is your nature. Nevertheless I must free you. The war effort needs you alive, Quinn. The Empire needs you. The enemy is out there and I will not destroy a man so well qualified to fight it. So you shall live. I’ve unfrozen your accounts. I shall write a recommendation for any post you desire. When the time comes - when the time comes, you can see the child. Under supervision, of course.”


He was calm. Steady. “Will you be resuming your campaign against the Republic, my lord?”




“And if I asked to serve you? Knowing how well we work together. Knowing what a difference you and I could make. Knowing I would submit to your command without reservation.”


“If you asked, I would spit in your eye.” He flinched. “Any other stupid questions?”


“No, my lord.”


“Good. Coordinate with Jaesa for your passage offworld and any other resources you require.” She conducted him to the door and paused in the doorway. “One final thing. I love you. I’ll go to my grave loving you. And for that above all, I will never forgive you.” An ugly truth, and something she didn’t care to carry alone. “Dismissed.”



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I'm going to make an effort to stop writing about Pierce for a while :)


"Less Lieutenant Pierce" is never the correct answer to anything. Just sayin' ;)


I neglected to mention earlier, I found every single one of last week's entries enthralling. And this week's off to a great start!

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Melony, Chiss Jedi Knight. Some spoilers for the fem!JK/Doc romance. Mayhap spoilers for other Jedi Knighty things, just in case I toss those out. And humor because the world needs more humor and crack, lots of crack. =D


Eanelinea, Chiss Agent and mother of Melony. Spoilers for the fem!agent/Vector romance because they're the parents. Plus some spoilers for the agent in general just in case.


This is supposed to be mostly about the Allies submission, but looking at it, it’s seems to be more a combo of that challenge and the two new ones. Hey, no one said I had to follow directions…completely anyway. =D





Melony flitted around their quarters, trying desperately to find her other boot. Earlier that day, Doc had suggested, as he usually did, to have a nooner, a oner, and a twoer, and in their haste and passion, clothes were torn off and flung about the ship and their quarters haphazardly. The ship had looked like a tornado had swirled passed, randomly dropping clothing everywhere. Melony was still wondering how her drawers had ended up in the cargo hold when she hadn't been panty-less until almost inside their quarters.


She had a strange feeling that Scourge had been going through her underwear drawer and stealing them. Though she wasn't sure if he had a thing for her, or he liked to try them on himself. She really didn't want to know either way.


Doc walked out of the refresher, looking clean, shaven (except for his ever present mustache) and amused. "I believe we left your boots down in the medical bay," he'd said, leering in hunger at Melony.


Melony caught the look and moaned painfully. "Oh, no, not THAT look again, mister!" She cried, throwing a pillow at his smirking face. "I am not letting you anywhere near me or my unmentionables again. Not when we'll be meeting up with my parents' ship in less than ten minutes. You keep your rampaging hormones and other bits to yourself."


"Aw, baby," Doc whined pleadingly. "Don't make me wait until later tonight. You know I can't go more than five minutes being around you."


"Well, too bad!" She huffed. "You should have thought about that before going at me like a Twilight fan going after Robert Patterson!"


"Who?" Doc asked, confused.


"Never mind, it's hard to explain and we're already running late." She flew past her husband, swinging her hips out of the way of his grabby hands. Sweet honey bees and humming birds that man was insatiable. Just because she took to the dark side to finally get some nookie after a long, non-existent dry spell, didn't mean she was the ever ready bunny.


She walked quickly down the stairs towards the medical bay, hoping to find her hidden boot. She turned at a sound behind her. "Scourge, I swear by all that's holy, whatever you're doing to my underwear I don't want to see or know about."


Melony sighed quietly to herself as the footsteps stopped and turned to go back into the cargo hold. She had no idea why Scourge preferred to sleep down here with the cargo, but hey, whatever floated his speeder, as her cousin Harriet liked to say...alot.


She 'ah-ha'ed and found her boot hiding under the biobed. She quickly slipped it on and ran back up the steps, only to run chest first into Rusk, landing flat on her *** from the force of sleek muscle hitting solid muscle. "My bad," she apologized, standing up and dusting her butt off.


"I was just looking for you. Wanted to let you know I conducted a full inventory of all weapons on board, stripped and cleaned them, and recalibrated them for optimal fire power, sir."


"Um...good job?" Melony replied. Her aunt Riza was the soldier in the family, not her. She just swung her lightsaber at people, enjoying the 'swish swish' noises it made.


"Thank you, sir."


"Er...carry on." She walked quickly back to her quarters, relieved to find Doc had left. Hopefully waiting patiently for her at the airlock door. She checked herself in the mirror one last time as Kira's voice could be heard through the intercom that they had docked with her mother's ship and were given permission to board.




"Melony, dear!" Her mother had gushed, pulling Melony into a breath-taking hug. She swore she heard her ribs creak in protest. Her mother always was a rather...huggy type person.


"Mom," she nodded in acknowledgement once her mother let her go. "Dad," she said to Vector, whose black orbs glared piercingly through Doc's head. Oo, daddy was ANGRY.


"Mister Hyllis, sir, a real pleasure to finally meet you. May I call you 'dad'? Mel here, has told me all about you and....is this your wife?" He took hold of Eanelinea's hand and pressed a gentlemanly kiss to the back. "You couldn't be Mel's mother, you're way too young!"


Melony facepalmed at her husband, peeking out through her fingers at her father. Her father wasn't usually the jealous type, but marrying his only child? You damn betcha he was seeing red, and it wasn't auras or electric body charges either. "Doc, hon, why don't you run back to our ship and get the bottle of wine we forgot to grab before coming here?"


"Sure thing, baby. Back in a flash!" And off Doc went to fetch said spirits.


Melony turned to her parents. She rolled her eyes at her mother, who was beaming at Doc's retreating back at the compliment she received. And her father looked like he had blood in his eye. "So, mom, dad, how are things?"


"Oh, just wonderful, Melony, dear. Your father helped sign another peace treaty between the Killiks and the Empire. He even, somehow, got the Republic involved too." She sighed and turned cow eyes at Vector, who melted at the love struck look his wife gave him.


"Really, dad? That's quite impressive."


"We had some difficultly, but eventually won over the Republic," Vector replied, nodding.


Doc came back, with bottle in hand, stopping a little too close to Melony. She just knew he wanted to put his hand on her... yup, there he goes, copping a feel. He was so predictable.


“Do you have a pet? I hear growling,” Doc said, oblivious to his father-in-law not at all impressed with his son-in-law’s handling of his daughter’s backside.


At least not in public.


“Mom! Why don’t you show Doc around the ship, I’m sure he’d love to see where I grew up and meet the others,” Melony interrupted her father, as he had been about to say something very unkind to her husband.


Eanelinea beamed. “What a wonderful idea, dear.” She grabbed Doc’s arm and began to drag him towards the cargo area. “I can’t wait to show you around. Have I ever told you about the time when Melony was five and…” Eanelinea’s voice faded as she walked off with Doc in tow.


Melony sighed out in relief before turning pleading eyes to her father. She knew he was a complete sucker for the puppy eyes she was currently giving him.




“I know he takes some getting used to. And yes I know he ‘stole’ me away from you…even though I happen to be nineteen not nine, but I love him,” she said, looking into her father’s black eyes. “Just give him a chance. He’s really not as bad as he lets on…really.”


Vector pursed his lips in thought. It was times like this Melony vaguely wondered what her mother saw in her father because he could look downright creepy. After a moment, he finally said, “For you we will try to be…civil.”


“Thank you, daddy. Now we’d better go find where Mom took Doc. If she’s introducing him to Scorpio, he might decide to leave me—forget it, dad. I didn’t sprint to the dark side briefly just to become a divorcee before I even hit my first anniversary,” she said at the hopeful look that crossed Vector’s face.




They found Doc and Eanelinea right where Melony said they might be. Doc had a worried look on his face when Scorpio began talking about how she liked to merge with the ship and have hot lovin’s with it. Er…bond with it. Yes, that was it. She bonded with it. No one but Doc was fooled.


“Hey, aunt Scorpio, talking about death and bondage again, huh?”


“Melony, I see you are still alive. My calculations were correct. Your mate looks like he’d create visually appealing offspring.”


“Er…thanks?” Doc said, looking questioningly at his wife.


“She’s always talking about offspring and getting to know them and seeing if they’re powerful or not. I just think she’s bored,” Eanelinea answered, sharing a look with her daughter.


“So, Mom, when do we eat? I’m starving,” Melony said instead, hugging her mother as she once did when she was little.


“After I introduce your charming husband to the rest of the crew,” Eanelinea answered, grabbing Doc’s arm and dragging him behind her. “I can’t wait to introduce you to Doctor Lokin, you’ll get a kick out of him.”


Melony sighed, gave her father a ‘she’s YOUR wife’ look and followed after her mother.


“Doctor Lokin? We have a guest. This is Doctor-what’s your real name, dear?”


Doc oozed charm and smiled. “Just call me Doc, everyone does.”


“Alright. This is Doc. He’s a doctor also and Melony’s husband.”


Doctor Lokin turned to greet his guests, smiling when he saw his favorite defacto niece. “Melony! So good to see you again! I hope you’ve been doing well!” He looked at Eanelinea as she introduced her son-in-law. “A fellow doctor, wonderful! I hope you’re treating our Melony right.” He leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially to Doc, “I’ve heard of your reputation, if you ever hurt Melony in any way, you’ll be on the receiving end of why Eanelinea keeps me around even at my age.”


“Hon, should I be worried?” Doc asked, taking a slight step back from the elderly doctor.


“Nah, he’s all talk…mostly. He’s just a great big teddy bear,” Melony whispered, smiling at Doctor Lokin.


“Let’s move on!” Eanelinea said, dragging Doc behind her again.


“We’ll speak more about medical stuff later, Doc,” Lokin called out as he went back to doing whatever it is he did in the medical bay.


“And this is the bridge. I like to hang out here sometimes and just look out at the stars or check my mail,” Eanelinea said with a wave of her hand.


“Sir! I did not expect an inspection…”


“Hey, aunt Raina,” Melony greeted, waving at Temple.


“Melony, good to see you. It’s been too long,” Temple said, forgetting all self-imposed protocol and hugging the young Chiss. “How has your training gone? Last I heard you were still learning to swing your training sword.”


“It was good. Fought some Flesh Raiders, kicked some butt, got married. You know, stuff.”


“You got married?” Temple actually glared at Melony’s parents. “Why didn’t either of you tell me?”


“We only found out the other day ourselves,” Vector spoke up, refraining from slapping his daughter upside her head.


“Oh…this wasn’t a shotgun wedding, was it? We won’t be hearing about an unexpected new arrival?”


Everyone, including Doc, stared at Melony. Melony cringed at the varying looks of ‘what?!’ she received.


“Huh? No, no. Stars! I married him out of love not because little Jedi would be running around underfoot. Sheesh, guys. Give me SOME credit. Heck, Doc was my first…er…yeah, shutting up now,” she finished, blushing.


Eanelinea cleared her throat and turned back to Doc. “So! We have one more person to introduce you to, come along, dear.”


Melony waited until Doc and her parents left the bridge before turning to Temple. “Gee, aunt Raina, give everyone a heart attack, why don’t ya.”


“I’m sorry, Melony, but it had to be said. You know children these days, thinking they're grown when in fact they’re really not. And you are still a teenager.”


Melony sighed in annoyance. “I’m nineteen, almost twenty. So, more adult than child, you know.” She shook her head. “If I can lay the smack down on bad guys and beat the snot out of the evils of the galaxy, I can make my own decision on who I want to knock boots with.”


“I suppose you’re right. How old is he anyway? Thirty?”




“Taking after your aunt Draconia, huh? She liked ‘em older too. Your uncle Malavai is almost fifteen years older than she is. Speaking of, have you heard from your cousin Harriet? Last we heard she was doing the Republic’s dirty work.”


“I know she got married a while ago, but I haven’t spoken to her recently, been busy myself. And hang on, aren’t you and Mom in the intelligence business? Shouldn’t you guys already know all this?”


Temple waved her off. “We’ve been busy flying around, doing dailies on Belsavis and Corellia, moving from one server to another. Not much time to sit and look up information about people, plus you know your mother went rogue months before you were even a gleam in your father’s eye, a bulge in his shorts...”


“Aunt Raina? Please don’t bring up my parents having sex again. I know they did it, I know they probably still do it, but I like to pretend I just suddenly showed up one day.”


Temple giggled. “For two people in their forties, they sure do like to get down to it…um…I’d better get back to work.” She turned back to her consoles, pretending Melony wasn’t there.


Melony sighed. ‘My family is filled with crazy people’, she thought.




Melony caught up with her parents and husband, talking animatedly with Kaliyo. “Mel, baby, you never told me you knew Kaliyo!” Doc said, giving his wife a ‘you are in SO much trouble when we get home’ glare.


Melony sighed. ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘his definition of trouble means I won’t be leaving our quarters for a few hours.’ “That’s because auntie Kaliyo had given me a signal to pretend we’d never met. I had to act like she was some woman you grabbed off Hutta to pay to be kidnapped.” At the bewildered looks her parents gave her, she continued, “Don’t ask. It’d take too much time and I’m suddenly getting a headache.”


“Hey kiddo, I see you married this guy afterall,” Kaliyo greeted, grinning at Melony. “Did you know we were an item once? And I do mean once. He tried so hard to charm the pants off me. I couldn’t stand to turn the guy down.”


“Oh, eew.” Melony turned to stare in shocked horror at her husband. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a fling with her? Now I feel like you’re my uncle and not my husband.”


“But, Melony, dear, Kaliyo isn’t a blood relative,” Eanelinea explained.


“That doesn’t matter, Mom! How would you feel if Dad here had slept with aunt Draconia or aunt Kiki? Wouldn’t you feel all icky too?”


Vector raised his eyebrows at his daughter. “We would never have had relations with your mother’s siblings,” he said, watching his wife closely for her reaction.


“See? Your aunts Draconia and Kiki aren’t his type any way.”


“And what are our type?” Vector said, looking at his wife.


“Someone like me,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek.


Vector melted, placated, and didn’t say anything more on the subject.


“Stars! Please tell me you didn’t sleep with aunt Raina too? Or any of my other aunts for that matter. Or, sweet Nerf herders, any of my cousins.”


“I don’t think so,” Doc replied, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sure there were a LOT of women that came and went, but I think I’d remember the last name of Elric.” He paused. “They do all have the same last name, don’t they?”


“Well, yeah, until we get married. Then we like to do fancy hyphenations of our name and our spouse’s name.” She pointed at her mother. “Tell him what your last name is now.”


“Well, officially I don’t exist anymore. But unofficially, it’s Hyllis-Elric. Damn Legacy won’t let me have it the other way around.”


Melony nodded. “You should hear how my cousin Harriet refers to herself.” She pointed double guns at Doc and said, ‘The name’s Harriet Riggs-Quinn-Elric, don’t make me shoot you in the face.’ She finished it off by blowing imaginary smoke from her pointed finger tips before miming putting them into holsters along her hips.


“Mel, baby, your family is weird,” Doc said in awe.


“Oh, no, cousin Harriet is tame compared to aunt Kiki. I think being a slave for a few years rewired her brain.”


“Well, if the four of you are finished walking down memory lane, there’s a bottle of cheap Hutt whiskey calling my name,” Kaliyo said, moving from her lean against the wall. “I’ll take this.” She grabbed the bottle of wine out of Doc’s hands and headed to the crew quarters. “I love Corellian Red, always tastes like I’m drinking Rancor piss.”


“That’s Kaliyo,” Eanelinea spoke up, watching her friend walk off. “Manners of a hung over Manka Cat.”


“Now that Doc has met everyone, can we eat? I’m starving and no one makes a stew quite like you,” Melony whined, trying the puppy eyes on her mother, who ignored her.


“Alright, dear. Let’s go have dinner. Oh and Doc, if you see insects at the table, don’t be alarmed, they’re friends of Vector’s.”


“I’m afraid,” Doc whispered to his wife.


She waved his fears aside. “Don’t be. They just like to watch us eat and nibble on any crumbs we leave behind.”




After a long dinner filled with small talk, glares from Vector, blushes from Eanelinea and Melony trying desperately to cut her own wrists with a butter knife, they finished and parted ways. Melony promised to write more often, pushed her husband through the airlock back into her own ship before he could flirt with her mother anymore and tried to calm her father down from his rage. He may have been passive most times, but even HE could use a good dose of anger management when pushed to the breaking point.


Melony stretched out her limbs as she laid beside Doc, whose snoring could wake the dead, but just endeared him more to Melony. She was happy to see her family again, even if she wanted to force choke her husband who couldn’t help himself when it came to flirting with the opposite gender. Melony was just happy he only liked to look and not touch. Despite everything he was or did, she trusted him to be there for her, helping to keep her butt from going down like a sack of rocks when she thought she could take on legends of enemies.


She cuddled closer to Doc, who snorted and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her in closer to his chest, snuffling sleepily into her black hair. It was a good life.





Author’s Notes:



The way I see it, Doc is an awful flirt. If it’s female and humanoid, he’ll flirt and charm like hell even in front of his wife. But at the end of the day, the one woman who has his heart, his bits, and his med packs, is Melony. And she trusts him to be the best damn healer, second only to her uncle Malavai.



I love writing crack. =D

Edited by Eanelinea
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Wow, there are several critical points in my files. Here's my angry endgame Sith Warrior Ruth, spoilered seven ways from Sunday, a bit under 400 words:



Ruth looked around the Citadel conference room. It was an adequate place to conduct cleanup business before her work took her back out on the move.


Just some cleanup business.


Right on time, somebody opened the door and escorted Malavai Quinn in. Ruth didn’t even process who the somebody was; she only knew that the door closed and left her alone with Quinn. He seemed to have recovered well enough from the treatment of the last few weeks. And he was uncollared now. She could at least afford him that dignity.


They faced each other in silence across the length of the conference table. She had a whole plan to describe, so when she was sure she could steady her breath, she started.


"Your master is dead, and I am sick of revenge." Her thoughts shattered at the look on his face. She fixed her eyes on the wall and found herself still talking. "It's meaningless to talk of forgiveness between us. If I set you free, you will come for me, soon or late. You will watch for weakness. Call me a liability to the Empire. Exact your revenge. This is your nature. Nevertheless I must free you. The war effort needs you alive, Quinn. The Empire needs you. The enemy is out there and I will not destroy a man so well qualified to fight it. So you shall live. I’ve unfrozen your accounts. I shall write a recommendation for any post you desire. When the time comes - when the time comes, you can see the child. Under supervision, of course.”


He was calm. Steady. “Will you be resuming your campaign against the Republic, my lord?”




“And if I asked to serve you? Knowing how well we work together. Knowing what a difference you and I could make. Knowing I would submit to your command without reservation.”


“If you asked, I would spit in your eye.” He flinched. “Any other stupid questions?”


“No, my lord.”


“Good. Coordinate with Jaesa for your passage offworld and any other resources you require.” She conducted him to the door and paused in the doorway. “One final thing. I love you. I’ll go to my grave loving you. And for that above all, I will never forgive you.” An ugly truth, and something she didn’t care to carry alone. “Dismissed.”



Damn you! *sobs and hugs her own Quinn close to her bosom.* Very good way of explaining the INCIDENT. *sigh* My SW wuffs her Quinnipoo.


Keep writing! Can't wait to see more!

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“One final thing. I love you. I’ll go to my grave loving you. And for that above all, I will never forgive you.” An ugly truth, and something she didn’t care to carry alone. “Dismissed.”



Wrenching!!!! Like punching someone with your feelings. :cool:

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Melony, Chiss Jedi Knight. Some spoilers for the fem!JK/Doc romance. Mayhap spoilers for other Jedi Knighty things, just in case I toss those out. And humor because the world needs more humor and crack, lots of crack. =D


Eanelinea, Chiss Agent and mother of Melony. Spoilers for the fem!agent/Vector romance because they're the parents. Plus some spoilers for the agent in general just in case.


This is supposed to be mostly about the Allies submission, but looking at it, it’s seems to be more a combo of that challenge and the two new ones. Hey, no one said I had to follow directions…completely anyway. =D





Melony flitted around their quarters, trying desperately to find her other boot. Earlier that day, Doc had suggested, as he usually did, to have a nooner, a oner, and a twoer, and in their haste and passion, clothes were torn off and flung about the ship and their quarters haphazardly. The ship had looked like a tornado had swirled passed, randomly dropping clothing everywhere. Melony was still wondering how her drawers had ended up in the cargo hold when she hadn't been panty-less until almost inside their quarters.


She had a strange feeling that Scourge had been going through her underwear drawer and stealing them. Though she wasn't sure if he had a thing for her, or he liked to try them on himself. She really didn't want to know either way.


Doc walked out of the refresher, looking clean, shaven (except for his ever present mustache) and amused. "I believe we left your boots down in the medical bay," he'd said, leering in hunger at Melony.


Melony caught the look and moaned painfully. "Oh, no, not THAT look again, mister!" She cried, throwing a pillow at his smirking face. "I am not letting you anywhere near me or my unmentionables again. Not when we'll be meeting up with my parents' ship in less than ten minutes. You keep your rampaging hormones and other bits to yourself."


"Aw, baby," Doc whined pleadingly. "Don't make me wait until later tonight. You know I can't go more than five minutes being around you."


"Well, too bad!" She huffed. "You should have thought about that before going at me like a Twilight fan going after Robert Patterson!"


"Who?" Doc asked, confused.


"Never mind, it's hard to explain and we're already running late." She flew past her husband, swinging her hips out of the way of his grabby hands. Sweet honey bees and humming birds that man was insatiable. Just because she took to the dark side to finally get some nookie after a long, non-existent dry spell, didn't mean she was the ever ready bunny.


She walked quickly down the stairs towards the medical bay, hoping to find her hidden boot. She turned at a sound behind her. "Scourge, I swear by all that's holy, whatever you're doing to my underwear I don't want to see or know about."


Melony sighed quietly to herself as the footsteps stopped and turned to go back into the cargo hold. She had no idea why Scourge preferred to sleep down here with the cargo, but hey, whatever floated his speeder, as her cousin Harriet liked to say...alot.


She 'ah-ha'ed and found her boot hiding under the biobed. She quickly slipped it on and ran back up the steps, only to run chest first into Rusk, landing flat on her *** from the force of sleek muscle hitting solid muscle. "My bad," she apologized, standing up and dusting her butt off.


"I was just looking for you. Wanted to let you know I conducted a full inventory of all weapons on board, stripped and cleaned them, and recalibrated them for optimal fire power, sir."


"Um...good job?" Melony replied. Her aunt Riza was the soldier in the family, not her. She just swung her lightsaber at people, enjoying the 'swish swish' noises it made.


"Thank you, sir."


"Er...carry on." She walked quickly back to her quarters, relieved to find Doc had left. Hopefully waiting patiently for her at the airlock door. She checked herself in the mirror one last time as Kira's voice could be heard through the intercom that they had docked with her mother's ship and were given permission to board.




"Melony, dear!" Her mother had gushed, pulling Melony into a breath-taking hug. She swore she heard her ribs creak in protest. Her mother always was a rather...huggy type person.


"Mom," she nodded in acknowledgement once her mother let her go. "Dad," she said to Vector, whose black orbs glared piercingly through Doc's head. Oo, daddy was ANGRY.


"Mister Hyllis, sir, a real pleasure to finally meet you. May I call you 'dad'? Mel here, has told me all about you and....is this your wife?" He took hold of Eanelinea's hand and pressed a gentlemanly kiss to the back. "You couldn't be Mel's mother, you're way too young!"


Melony facepalmed at her husband, peeking out through her fingers at her father. Her father wasn't usually the jealous type, but marrying his only child? You damn betcha he was seeing red, and it wasn't auras or electric body charges either. "Doc, hon, why don't you run back to our ship and get the bottle of wine we forgot to grab before coming here?"


"Sure thing, baby. Back in a flash!" And off Doc went to fetch said spirits.


Melony turned to her parents. She rolled her eyes at her mother, who was beaming at Doc's retreating back at the compliment she received. And her father looked like he had blood in his eye. "So, mom, dad, how are things?"


"Oh, just wonderful, Melony, dear. Your father helped sign another peace treaty between the Killiks and the Empire. He even, somehow, got the Republic involved too." She sighed and turned cow eyes at Vector, who melted at the love struck look his wife gave him.


"Really, dad? That's quite impressive."


"We had some difficultly, but eventually won over the Republic," Vector replied, nodding.


Doc came back, with bottle in hand, stopping a little too close to Melony. She just knew he wanted to put his hand on her... yup, there he goes, copping a feel. He was so predictable.


“Do you have a pet? I hear growling,” Doc said, oblivious to his father-in-law not at all impressed with his son-in-law’s handling of his daughter’s backside.


At least not in public.


“Mom! Why don’t you show Doc around the ship, I’m sure he’d love to see where I grew up and meet the others,” Melony interrupted her father, as he had been about to say something very unkind to her husband.


Eanelinea beamed. “What a wonderful idea, dear.” She grabbed Doc’s arm and began to drag him towards the cargo area. “I can’t wait to show you around. Have I ever told you about the time when Melony was five and…” Eanelinea’s voice faded as she walked off with Doc in tow.


Melony sighed out in relief before turning pleading eyes to her father. She knew he was a complete sucker for the puppy eyes she was currently giving him.




“I know he takes some getting used to. And yes I know he ‘stole’ me away from you…even though I happen to be nineteen not nine, but I love him,” she said, looking into her father’s black eyes. “Just give him a chance. He’s really not as bad as he lets on…really.”


Vector pursed his lips in thought. It was times like this Melony vaguely wondered what her mother saw in her father because he could look downright creepy. After a moment, he finally said, “For you we will try to be…civil.”


“Thank you, daddy. Now we’d better go find where Mom took Doc. If she’s introducing him to Scorpio, he might decide to leave me—forget it, dad. I didn’t sprint to the dark side briefly just to become a divorcee before I even hit my first anniversary,” she said at the hopeful look that crossed Vector’s face.




They found Doc and Eanelinea right where Melony said they might be. Doc had a worried look on his face when Scorpio began talking about how she liked to merge with the ship and have hot lovin’s with it. Er…bond with it. Yes, that was it. She bonded with it. No one but Doc was fooled.


“Hey, aunt Scorpio, talking about death and bondage again, huh?”


“Melony, I see you are still alive. My calculations were correct. Your mate looks like he’d create visually appealing offspring.”


“Er…thanks?” Doc said, looking questioningly at his wife.


“She’s always talking about offspring and getting to know them and seeing if they’re powerful or not. I just think she’s bored,” Eanelinea answered, sharing a look with her daughter.


“So, Mom, when do we eat? I’m starving,” Melony said instead, hugging her mother as she once did when she was little.


“After I introduce your charming husband to the rest of the crew,” Eanelinea answered, grabbing Doc’s arm and dragging him behind her. “I can’t wait to introduce you to Doctor Lokin, you’ll get a kick out of him.”


Melony sighed, gave her father a ‘she’s YOUR wife’ look and followed after her mother.


“Doctor Lokin? We have a guest. This is Doctor-what’s your real name, dear?”


Doc oozed charm and smiled. “Just call me Doc, everyone does.”


“Alright. This is Doc. He’s a doctor also and Melony’s husband.”


Doctor Lokin turned to greet his guests, smiling when he saw his favorite defacto niece. “Melony! So good to see you again! I hope you’ve been doing well!” He looked at Eanelinea as she introduced her son-in-law. “A fellow doctor, wonderful! I hope you’re treating our Melony right.” He leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially to Doc, “I’ve heard of your reputation, if you ever hurt Melony in any way, you’ll be on the receiving end of why Eanelinea keeps me around even at my age.”


“Hon, should I be worried?” Doc asked, taking a slight step back from the elderly doctor.


“Nah, he’s all talk…mostly. He’s just a great big teddy bear,” Melony whispered, smiling at Doctor Lokin.


“Let’s move on!” Eanelinea said, dragging Doc behind her again.


“We’ll speak more about medical stuff later, Doc,” Lokin called out as he went back to doing whatever it is he did in the medical bay.


“And this is the bridge. I like to hang out here sometimes and just look out at the stars or check my mail,” Eanelinea said with a wave of her hand.


“Sir! I did not expect an inspection…”


“Hey, aunt Raina,” Melony greeted, waving at Temple.


“Melony, good to see you. It’s been too long,” Temple said, forgetting all self-imposed protocol and hugging the young Chiss. “How has your training gone? Last I heard you were still learning to swing your training sword.”


“It was good. Fought some Flesh Raiders, kicked some butt, got married. You know, stuff.”


“You got married?” Temple actually glared at Melony’s parents. “Why didn’t either of you tell me?”


“We only found out the other day ourselves,” Vector spoke up, refraining from slapping his daughter upside her head.


“Oh…this wasn’t a shotgun wedding, was it? We won’t be hearing about an unexpected new arrival?”


Everyone, including Doc, stared at Melony. Melony cringed at the varying looks of ‘what?!’ she received.


“Huh? No, no. Stars! I married him out of love not because little Jedi would be running around underfoot. Sheesh, guys. Give me SOME credit. Heck, Doc was my first…er…yeah, shutting up now,” she finished, blushing.


Eanelinea cleared her throat and turned back to Doc. “So! We have one more person to introduce you to, come along, dear.”


Melony waited until Doc and her parents left the bridge before turning to Temple. “Gee, aunt Raina, give everyone a heart attack, why don’t ya.”


“I’m sorry, Melony, but it had to be said. You know children these days, thinking their grown when in fact they’re really not. And you are still a teenager.”


Melony sighed in annoyance. “I’m nineteen, almost twenty. So, more adult than child, you know.” She shook her head. “If I can lay the smack down on bad guys and beat the snot out of the evils of the galaxy, I can make my own decision on who I want to knock boots with.”


“I suppose you’re right. How old is he anyway? Thirty?”




“Taking after your aunt Draconia, huh? She liked ‘em older too. Your uncle Malavai is almost fifteen years older than she is. Speaking of, have you heard from your cousin Harriet? Last we heard she was doing the Republic’s dirty work.”


“I know she got married a while ago, but I haven’t spoken to her recently, been busy myself. And hang on, aren’t you and Mom in the intelligence business? Shouldn’t you guys already know all this?”


Temple waved her off. “We’ve been busy flying around, doing dailies on Belsavis and Corellia, moving from one server to another. Not much time to sit and look up information about people, plus you know your mother went rogue months before you were even a gleam in your father’s eye, a bulge in his shorts...”


“Aunt Raina? Please don’t bring up my parents having sex again. I know they did it, I know they probably still do it, but I like to pretend I just suddenly showed up one day.”


Temple giggled. “For two people in their forties, they sure do like to get down to it…um…I’d better get back to work.” She turned back to her consoles, pretending Melony wasn’t there.


Melony sighed. ‘My family is filled with crazy people’, she thought.




Melony caught up with her parents and husband, talking animatedly with Kaliyo. “Mel, baby, you never told me you knew Kaliyo!” Doc said, giving his wife a ‘you are in SO much trouble when we get home’ glare.


Melony sighed. ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘his definition of trouble means I won’t be leaving our quarters for a few hours.’ “That’s because auntie Kaliyo had given me a signal to pretend we’d never met. I had to act like she was some woman you grabbed off Hutta to pay to be kidnapped.” At the bewildered looks her parents gave her, she continued, “Don’t ask. It’d take too much time and I’m suddenly getting a headache.”


“Hey kiddo, I see you married this guy afterall,” Kaliyo greeted, grinning at Melony. “Did you know we were an item once? And I do mean once. He tried so hard to charm the pants off me. I couldn’t stand to turn the guy down.”


“Oh, eew.” Melony turned to stare in shocked horror at her husband. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a fling with her? Now I feel like you’re my uncle and not my husband.”


“But, Melony, dear, Kaliyo isn’t a blood relative,” Eanelinea explained.


“That doesn’t matter, Mom! How would you feel if Dad here had slept with aunt Draconia or aunt Kiki? Wouldn’t you feel all icky too?”


Vector raised his eyebrows at his daughter. “We would never have had relations with your mother’s siblings,” he said, watching his wife closely for her reaction.


“See? Your aunts Draconia and Kiki aren’t his type any way.”


“And what are our type?” Vector said, looking at his wife.


“Someone like me,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek.


Vector melted, placated, and didn’t say anything more on the subject.


“Stars! Please tell me you didn’t sleep with aunt Raina too? Or any of my other aunts for that matter. Or, sweet Nerf herders, any of my cousins.”


“I don’t think so,” Doc replied, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sure there were a LOT of women that came and went, but I think I’d remember the last name of Elric.” He paused. “They do all have the same last name, don’t they?”


“Well, yeah, until we get married. Then we like to do fancy hyphenations of our name and our spouse’s name.” She pointed at her mother. “Tell him what your last name is now.”


“Well, officially I don’t exist anymore. But unofficially, it’s Hyllis-Elric. Damn Legacy won’t let me have it the other way around.”


Melony nodded. “You should hear how my cousin Harriet refers to herself.” She pointed double guns at Doc and said, ‘The name’s Harriet Riggs-Quinn-Elric, don’t make me shoot you in the face.’ She finished it off by blowing imaginary smoke from her pointed finger tips before miming putting them into holsters along her hips.


“Mel, baby, your family is weird,” Doc said in awe.


“Oh, no, cousin Harriet is tame compared to aunt Kiki. I think being a slave for a few years rewired her brain.”


“Well, if the four of you are finished walking down memory lane, there’s a bottle of cheap Hutt whiskey calling my name,” Kaliyo said, moving from her lean against the wall. “I’ll take this.” She grabbed the bottle of wine out of Doc’s hands and headed to the crew quarters. “I love Corellian Red, always tastes like I’m drinking Rancor piss.”


“That’s Kaliyo,” Eanelinea spoke up, watching her friend walk off. “Manners of a hung over Manka Cat.”


“Now that Doc has met everyone, can we eat? I’m starving and no one makes a stew quite like you,” Melony whined, trying the puppy eyes on her mother, who ignored her.


“Alright, dear. Let’s go have dinner. Oh and Doc, if you see insects at the table, don’t be alarmed, they’re friends of Vector’s.”


“I’m afraid,” Doc whispered to his wife.


She waved his fears aside. “Don’t be. They just like to watch us eat and nibble on any crumbs we leave behind.”




After a long dinner filled with small talk, glares from Vector, blushes from Eanelinea and Melony trying desperately to cut her own wrists with a butter knife, they finished and parted ways. Melony promised to write more often, pushed her husband through the airlock back into her own ship before he could flirt with her mother anymore and tried to calm her father down from his rage. He may have been passive most times, but even HE could use a good dose of anger management when pushed to the breaking point.


Melony stretched out her limbs as she laid beside Doc, whose snoring could wake the dead, but just endeared him more to Melony. She was happy to see her family again, even if she wanted to force choke her husband who couldn’t help himself when it came to flirting with the opposite gender. Melony was just happy he only liked to look and not touch. Despite everything he was or did, she trusted him to be there for her, helping to keep her butt from going down like a sack of rocks when she thought she could take on legends of enemies.


She cuddled closer to Doc, who snorted and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her in closer to his chest, snuffling sleepily into her black hair. It was a good life.





Author’s Notes:



The way I see it, Doc is an awful flirt. If it’s female and humanoid, he’ll flirt and charm like hell even in front of his wife. But at the end of the day, the one woman who has his heart, his bits, and his med packs, is Melony. And she trusts him to be the best damn healer, second only to her uncle Malavai.



I love writing crack. =D


Ok.. so I love Scourge... but that line about him.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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Ok.. so I love Scourge... but that line about him.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Don't get me wrong, I love all my companions (except some make me want to kick them), but who really knows about them, eh? =D Glad it got a laugh out of you. ^_^

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Hey elliotcat. Thanks for making this thread, I noticed the archive links don't work after bright_ephemera and Osetto's links. I think you need to change the post id and not just the postcount. I went through and fixed if you want to use mine instead. :)


6/1/12 - Culture Shock



Magdalane // 2





iamthehoyden //2

elliotcat //2




6/8/12 - Allies

Eanelinea // 2

Magdalane // 2

bright_ephemera // 2

Tatile // 2

iamthehoyden // 2




elliotcat // 2


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Hey elliotcat. Thanks for making this thread, I noticed the archive links don't work after bright_ephemera and Osetto's links. I think you need to change the post id and not just the postcount. I went through and fixed if you want to use mine instead. :)


6/1/12 - Culture Shock



Magdalane // 2





iamthehoyden //2

elliotcat //2




6/8/12 - Allies

Eanelinea // 2

Magdalane // 2

bright_ephemera // 2

Tatile // 2

iamthehoyden // 2




elliotcat // 2



Oh man, I totally thought I did it right! Thank you so much though - this is a huge help. :D :D :D

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Eanelina, that was the cutest 'meet my parents' debacle. I can imagine Jedi only going to the Dark Side simply so that they can feel something in their life and not feel terribly guilty.


It's nice to see what love can do, Ephemera.

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Smuggler's crew



Miriah took another drink from the bottle of Hutt tequila as she looked over at Risha, who was into her second bottle of wine. They were sprawled around the lounge, Miriah actually upside down with her feet over the back of the couch. Akaavi was lying across the holoterminal, long having finished her two bottles, but contemplating a third. Miriah was amazed Akaavi had joined them, even though they'd often invited her for girl's night.


"So, confession time," Risha stated, which sparked giggles from the other two. "I'll start off." She tried to stand but didn't even get her feet under her before she collapsed back on the couch. "Hmm let's see, what do I confess to?" She finally stood, stumbled to the bar, and put her now empty bottle on the surface. "Remember the wookie hair incident?" The crew hair dryer had been spliced into the hyperdrive exhaust, on Bowdaar's shower day. The result was like snow on Hoth, except with brown fur.


"That's common knowledge," Miriah snorted, "Everyone knew that was you. You're the only one who has that much time and access to the hyperdrive. You gotta come up with something else."


"OK, lessee," Risha turned, almost fell, and pointed at Miriah, "You know that white dress you like? I borrowed it for a date, and spilled wine on it." She got drunken tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Mir, I'll replace it when I can find something like it."


"Oh please, Rish, it's no biggie. Besides, i can't wear dresses around Corso, he either gets all spaced out and goofy, or tries to threaten every guy in sight." They threw their arms around each other, all forgiven, then looked at Akaavi, who had been silent so far.


"You know that hunt I went on last month?" Akaavi spoke clearly but quietly. "I met the most handsome guy, but he was very young. For the first time since my lover betrayed me, I felt something for another." She looked away, "I only looked, didn't touch, but I have thought of him many times since."


"Akaavi, there's no restrictions on thoughts," Miriah told her gently, "He had to be old enough, or he wouldn't have been on the hunt, right?"


Akaavi smiled, "I suppose you are right. It's been a very long time since I was so tempted." Miriah thought she blushed a little, though it was hard to tell. "And next time, I might do more than think." They all nodded, knowing that they'd get no more from the Mandalorian.


"Ok boss, you're up," Risha told Miriah, pointing at her with a bottle in her hand. Miriah sighed, "Well, you know how we've all been wondering about the food? You know, we get up and there's brownies, or cookies?" She turned to sit up, unsteadily, and lowered her head. "It was me," she said in a low voice.


"What? I can't hear you," Risha sing-songed. "IT WAS ME!!," Miriah yelled, then slid sideways onto the couch. "I like to cook," she said miserably, one of her biggest secrets out. No one who knew Miriah would have thought she had any skill but flirting, shooting, and flying. "Don't you tell a soul, it's been hard enough to strike fear into people since I got married." Akaavi nodded, and Risha crossed her heart with her finger.


When Corso and Guss returned to the ship, they walked into the lounge and stopped, dumbfounded. All three ladies were passed out, Akaavi still on the holo, Miriah with her feet on side of the holo and her body under the edge of the couch, and Risha lying across the bar, all surrounded by huge platters of brownies, cookies and cake. They shrugged at each other, took some goodies, and went off to the hold to play pazzack.


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Smuggler's crew



Miriah took another drink from the bottle of Hutt tequila as she looked over at Risha, who was into her second bottle of wine. They were sprawled around the lounge, Miriah actually upside down with her feet over the back of the couch. Akaavi was lying across the holoterminal, long having finished her two bottles, but contemplating a third. Miriah was amazed Akaavi had joined them, even though they'd often invited her for girl's night.


"So, confession time," Risha stated, which sparked giggles from the other two. "I'll start off." She tried to stand but didn't even get her feet under her before she collapsed back on the couch. "Hmm let's see, what do I confess to?" She finally stood, stumbled to the bar, and put her now empty bottle on the surface. "Remember the wookie hair incident?" The crew hair dryer had been spliced into the hyperdrive exhaust, on Bowdaar's shower day. The result was like snow on Hoth, except with brown fur.


"That's common knowledge," Miriah snorted, "Everyone knew that was you. You're the only one who has that much time and access to the hyperdrive. You gotta come up with something else."


"OK, lessee," Risha turned, almost fell, and pointed at Miriah, "You know that white dress you like? I borrowed it for a date, and spilled wine on it." She got drunken tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Mir, I'll replace it when I can find something like it."


"Oh please, Rish, it's no biggie. Besides, i can't wear dresses around Corso, he either gets all spaced out and goofy, or tries to threaten every guy in sight." They threw their arms around each other, all forgiven, then looked at Akaavi, who had been silent so far.


"You know that hunt I went on last month?" Akaavi spoke clearly but quietly. "I met the most handsome guy, but he was very young. For the first time since my lover betrayed me, I felt something for another." She looked away, "I only looked, didn't touch, but I have thought of him many times since."


"Akaavi, there's no restrictions on thoughts," Miriah told her gently, "He had to be old enough, or he wouldn't have been on the hunt, right?"


Akaavi smiled, "I suppose you are right. It's been a very long time since I was so tempted." Miriah thought she blushed a little, though it was hard to tell. "And next time, I might do more than think." They all nodded, knowing that they'd get no more from the Mandalorian.


"Ok boss, you're up," Risha told Miriah, pointing at her with a bottle in her hand. Miriah sighed, "Well, you know how we've all been wondering about the food? You know, we get up and there's brownies, or cookies?" She turned to sit up, unsteadily, and lowered her head. "It was me," she said in a low voice.


"What? I can't hear you," Risha sing-songed. "IT WAS ME!!," Miriah yelled, then slid sideways onto the couch. "I like to cook," she said miserably, one of her biggest secrets out. No one who knew Miriah would have thought she had any skill but flirting, shooting, and flying. "Don't you tell a soul, it's been hard enough to strike fear into people since I got married." Akaavi nodded, and Risha crossed her heart with her finger.


When Corso and Guss returned to the ship, they walked into the lounge and stopped, dumbfounded. All three ladies were passed out, Akaavi still on the holo, Miriah with her feet on side of the holo and her body under the edge of the couch, and Risha lying across the bar, all surrounded by huge platters of brownies, cookies and cake. They shrugged at each other, took some goodies, and went off to the hold to play pazzack.


I loved how your smuggler is like 'Corso is a jealous freak' lol This was cute. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Eanelina, that was the cutest 'meet my parents' debacle. I can imagine Jedi only going to the Dark Side simply so that they can feel something in their life and not feel terribly guilty.


It's nice to see what love can do, Ephemera.


Thanks! Yeah, Melony is Vector's little girl even when she's 100 and has great grandkids of her own. Eanelinea is a brilliant Sniper but with everything that happened in Act II, she's not as sharp as she used to be. hehe Plus, she loves having a younger man flirting with her, even though she'd never in a billion years leave Vector for him. And all my girls' children grew up on their mother's ships. They DO still have things they have to do and don't want to settle down on some boring planet. =D


I had fun. I just need to get some more back story for my other characters so I stop writing about the same girls over and over. heh! Glad you enjoyed this!

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SW: Ninka





I make up these stories as a part of my effort to reconcile the things that happen in game that I can't explain, like Pierce not being a full LI. This actually has a second part but I'm not sure if it's worth writing. I'm going to make an effort to stop writing about Pierce for a while :)



Aww, very cute, and don't try too hard to stop writing about Pierce :)

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I *almost* put Torian in for Akaavi's "young man" but I haven't played a BH and didn't really feel comfortable just borrowing him like that.


And those of us with smugglers know that Corso would enjoy the view, but only want himself to see it :)

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End of chapter 2 Bounty hunter spoilers, some Fem BH Torian romance spoilers.



"Mako, I need you!!" Hollered Avacynne, she was standing in the middle of her room, wearing nothing but her underwear and bra. A party, she loved a party, but Mako had taken a look at the venue, and this was not the kind of place you could just stroll into wearing armor and a blasters. Problem was, that was all Ava had. She was slender, and petite, just like Mako, and she had spied more then a couple cocktail dresses.


Mako came running in, makeup half done, in her dressing gown. "What?"


"Help me" Ava pleaded, "I have nothing to wear!"


Mako looked her up and down, "Hold tight, I have just the thing!"


She came back, with a strappy little black number, and killer bright blue heels. "Try this on!" She ran back to the fresher to finish her makeup.


Avacynne slinked the dress over her head, it fell around her like a waterfall, the black shimmered just enough and it clung in all the right places, accenting her hips, and making her small chest look just that much bigger. She stepped into the heels, a bright electric blue, and she was suddenly four inches taller. She turned over and over watching herself in the mirror, wondering if Torian would like the effect. Mako came back in makeup done, and wearing a highnecked short red dress, how it stayed up was a mystery to Ava, because Mako's back was practically bare.


"I knew you would rock that look!" Mako looked her over, "Something still isn't right, don't you have one of those nice Miraluka eye veils, the durasteel sunglasses are kinda killing the look." She started going through Ava's things, she did have a veil, and it actually had a gorgeous blue beads that would match her shoes. She went to her closet and started digging through her things.


"What. Is. This?" Mako suddenly exclaimed


"What?" Ava slowly turned around, and to her horror Mako was holding up a pair of leather handcuffs, a leather collar and small leather whip. She turned four shades of red, and tried to grab them out of Makos hands.


Mako held the whip up and batted Ava away with it, "Spill, spill now or I'm asking Torian!"


"You wouldn't dare!!" Ava grasped at her things again


"Try me!" Mako dared her, "Do you tie that poor boy up and use this on him?"


"ummm, well, actually." Ava looked at her feet, looking very guilty, "Torian has been giving me Mando'a lessons, and well.....when I get a word wrong.....he....makes sure I don't get it wrong again....."she trailed off, little smile on her face, remembering her last lesson.


"NO!!! Torian!!! He's into that stuff??? You're into that stuff??" Mako's mouth was a gape.


"He's a good teacher" Ava replied sheepishly


Then, as if on cue, Torian knocked on the door, "Are you women almost done? we'll be late if we don't head out."


Mako dropped the evidence back into the drawer she found it in. Ava opened the door, and her heart almost stopped, Stars he was handsome. He was wearing a white pants and a slim cut white blazer, matched with a crisp black button down dress shirt, and there was that blue again, in the form of a tie. Ava took a moment to put on the eye veil.


Torian in turn let out a low whistle, "You look..... Incredible" He took her hand and spun her around, drinking her in.


As the crew left the ship, Avacynne, whispered to Torian, "You look amazing" in Mandoa, only she stumbled on the word amazing. Torian corrected her, then his hand very subtly moved down, and patted her backside. Avacynne smiled, already anxious for the party to be over.


Edited by Earthmama
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A Lovely Singing Voice

JK spoilers



“Could Master Bakarn talk more?” Kira groaned as Esma unsealed the conference room.


Esma rubbed the back of her neck, “Stars, I hope not. A few more meetings like this, and I’ll start contemplating life as a Sith.”


“Don’t even joke about that.”


“Oh, come on, I….” she paused, listening, “do you hear that?”


“What?” Kira cocked her head to the side, “Is that….singing? I thought Doc was out on a mission.”


“He is, I’ve been keeping him out of sight as much as possible, Rusk too, so….it can’t be.” Esma sprinted quietly to the downstairs door to listen to the faint sound with an unholy grin on her face; Kira quickly joined her.


“He’s not bad,” Kira whispered reluctantly.


“I have to see this,” Esma muttered, starting down the stairs.


“I’ll pass,” Kira said, “last thing I need is Scourge having another reason to kill me.”


Esma walked quietly down the stairs, expecting the singing to stop with each step, but the rich notes continued. She couldn’t make out the words till she got closer, but the tone was sad, a slow, mournful tune.


“….red like sunset, cold as the sea,

My love will remain lovely forever,

But she will never come back to me…”


He’d set up some sort of workbench in the cargo hold. It was covered with a number of crystals, cloths, tools, and a disassembled lightsaber. He was using an old-fashioned hand file to methodically work a crystal, the rhythm matching his song, his eyes fixed as if deep in memory.


She propped herself against the doorframe and listened. His voice was amazing, rich, deep, it seemed to wrap around Esma and hit all the right spots. She shivered. He snapped back to awareness between one note and the next, freezing as she raised an eyebrow.


“I’ve never heard that song before.”


He set the file down carefully on the table and picked up a smaller, finer one. He began working on the crystal again. “It was popular in my youth."


“It sounds very sad,” she paused till he glanced up and met her eye, “and lonely.”


He was quiet for a long time. “My life has been empty and colorless but for my hatred of the Emperor. Now, the years stretch before me.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Do not waste your pity on me,” he said scornfully, switching the file for a soft cloth. He wiped the fine dust off the crystal and held it up to the light overhead.


Esma walked over and held out her hand for the crystal. He paused and then handed it to her. She looked at it in the light. It was perfect, deep rich green without a flaw to be seen. “Eternity without love is not much of a life.”


He stood up and held out his hand with a small smile on his lips, “That does not sound like a Jedi.”


She handed the crystal back to him. “The Jedi…and you, are missing out.”


He took the crystal, his eyes never leaving hers, red to red. “Yes…we are.”


Esma’s breath caught hard in her chest as the silence stretched out. A whistle from T7 in the engine compartment startled her, and in a near panic, she turned and rushed up the stairs, away from the Sith with the lovely singing voice.



Author's Note:


Ahhh!! I can't do it!! Every time I try to write a funny Scourge story it ends up with this tension!! Damn it BioWare, please? Pweety pweety pwease?

And although it wasn't what he was singing, I had "Who Wants To Live Forever?" running through my head as I was writing this. Queen FTW!


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A Lovely Singing Voice

JK spoilers



“Could Master Bakarn talk more?” Kira groaned as Esma unsealed the conference room.


Esma rubbed the back of her neck, “Stars, I hope not. A few more meetings like this, and I’ll start contemplating life as a Sith.”


“Don’t even joke about that.”


“Oh, come on, I….” she paused, listening, “do you hear that?”


“What?” Kira cocked her head to the side, “Is that….singing? I thought Doc was out on a mission.”


“He is, I’ve been keeping him out of sight as much as possible, Rusk too, so….it can’t be.” Esma sprinted quietly to the downstairs door to listen to the faint sound with an unholy grin on her face; Kira quickly joined her.


“He’s not bad,” Kira whispered reluctantly.


“I have to see this,” Esma muttered, starting down the stairs.


“I’ll pass,” Kira said, “last thing I need is Scourge having another reason to kill me.”


Esma walked quietly down the stairs, expecting the singing to stop with each step, but the rich notes continued. She couldn’t make out the words till she got closer, but the tone was sad, a slow, mournful tune.


“….red like sunset, cold as the sea,

My love will remain lovely forever,

But she will never come back to me…”


He’d set up some sort of workbench in the cargo hold. It was covered with a number of crystals, cloths, tools, and a disassembled lightsaber. He was using an old-fashioned hand file to methodically work a crystal, the rhythm matching his song, his eyes fixed as if deep in memory.


She propped herself against the doorframe and listened. His voice was amazing, rich, deep, it seemed to wrap around Esma and hit all the right spots. She shivered. He snapped back to awareness between one note and the next, freezing as she raised an eyebrow.


“I’ve never heard that song before.”


He set the file down carefully on the table and picked up a smaller, finer one. He began working on the crystal again. “It was popular in my youth."


“It sounds very sad,” she paused till he glanced up and met her eye, “and lonely.”


He was quiet for a long time. “My life has been empty and colorless but for my hatred of the Emperor. Now, the years stretch before me.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Do not waste your pity on me,” he said scornfully, switching the file for a soft cloth. He wiped the fine dust off the crystal and held it up to the light overhead.


Esma walked over and held out her hand for the crystal. He paused and then handed it to her. She looked at it in the light. It was perfect, deep rich green without a flaw to be seen. “Eternity without love is not much of a life.”


He stood up and held out his hand with a small smile on his lips, “That does not sound like a Jedi.”


She handed the crystal back to him. “The Jedi…and you, are missing out.”


He took the crystal, his eyes never leaving hers, red to red. “Yes…we are.”


Esma’s breath caught hard in her chest as the silence stretched out. A whistle from T7 in the engine compartment startled her, and in a near panic, she turned and rushed up the stairs, away from the Sith with the lovely singing voice.



Author's Note:


Ahhh!! I can't do it!! Every time I try to write a funny Scourge story it ends up with this tension!! Damn it BioWare, please? Pweety pweety pwease?

And although it wasn't what he was singing, I had "Who Wants To Live Forever?" running through my head as I was writing this. Queen FTW!


I do not have sufficient hearts, either for this story or for the commentary. <3 <3 <3 <3. Also <3 Queen.


What does it say that this forum has nine smilies for rakghouls...but none for love?

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I do not have sufficient hearts, either for this story or for the commentary. <3 <3 <3 <3. Also <3 Queen.


What does it say that this forum has nine smilies for rakghouls...but none for love?


I'm so glad someone else understands my love for Scourge ;)

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