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Remove the red warning text option


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I am loosing my mind over the Wall Of red text the center Of my screen gets flooded with while im playing.


I know i dont have enough rage ... But as soon as i do i want to use it

I know my target is out of range ... But i want to charge my target once it is in range

I know my skill issent ready ... But once it is i want to use it


And NO i dont want to sit there and look at my hotbar to check when what is up


Please for the love of god let me turn off the red useless information/warnings text.

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I posted this exact same suggestion like 4 days ago. Seconded firmly.


I suggested that if they want to keep it stick it in a UI Box and add it to the customizable ui features so we can put it where we want it.


If I'm out of range trying to heal some stinker who is kiting behind walls out of range .... The longer It take me to realize he's being stupid, the more likely i'll notice oh **** i've been getting force pebbled...and now i'm at 30% life. Good luck surviving!


I play every class and these affect my gameplay for every character I have. Additionally they should stick the combat proc items optionally in said "special ui - combat text - window"

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Well i kinda took your suggestion, modified it a little and reposted it. I REALLY wish they can make this happen because i am VERY tired of not being able to see whats going on in the PvP because of my button spam. When i need to charge for example i spam my button UNTIL i am in range.


Some will say to go easier on the button spam but that's the price u have to pay in order to be fast and deadly...

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Hello everyone!


We do understand that the community does want a way to turn off combat error text. Please see this reply by Damion Schubert in the March 30th Community Q&A:


Asphen: Can we get an option to turn off the combat error text in the center of my screen?


Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): We will be looking at adding the ability to move and/or turn off banner text and error text (the two kinds of text that appear in the middle of your screen) as part of the GUI customization system in a future patch. This isn't a trivial issue, however - in some cases, fairly vital information is given to the player here, and we'd need to be sure that in these cases the text gets rerouted someplace for a player to review. So short form, yeah, we're thinking about it, but no ETA for you at this time.


While this does not resolve the issue, please know it is in the works. Hope this helps!

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I hope it comes soon. When I PvP I can't even see my character or my targets. I pay attention to the chat window and my health read outs more than the game... and boy can I tell you PvP is exciting when you do that!
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  • 2 weeks later...

On my Sent, OMG I'm gonna smile so big when they implement this. Didn't really care for all the stuff they added in 1.2. Didn't move my UI around alot. I did check to see if you could turn off the red text, sadly there was not an option... Oh man I can't wait till they do.


in some cases, fairly vital information is given to the player here, and we'd need to be sure that in these cases the text gets rerouted someplace for a player to review.
That stuff doesn't get read here. If its vital it needs to be rerouted anyway, cause its mixed in with text thats getting scrolled through at 300 RPM... Sorry. Edited by -Ransome-
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The red error text and sounds should be in the interface editor. By not having this option it shows that bioware either does not know how to make this an option, or doesn't care about us enjoying their game. This is not a hard fix. Maybe if they cant figure out how to do it they should ninja some developers from rift. Rift devs are clearly more knowledgeable about writing scripts for these types of games. I love swtor and something like this will not keep me from playing. Only thing i am worried about is that they cant address this issue after 5 months from release. Are you guys really working to make this an enjoyable experience for your customers? Or are you just on vacation 6 days out of the week and bothered by your job one day out of the week?
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  • 6 months later...
reply by Damion Schubert in the March 30th Community Q&A:

We will be looking at adding the ability to move and/or turn off banner text and error text (the two kinds of text that appear in the middle of your screen) as part of the GUI customization system in a future patch.


Well, 8 months passed by since this statement and NOTHING happend?? Will you ever implement this option for your customers?


Shame on you!

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  • 1 month later...

Seriously.............. It's January. In three months it will have been a year since your dev response and well over a year of playing the game trusting that you will permit me to get that crap text off of my screen.


If you don't have the resources, then just give up and permit add-on support and let us fix it ourselves. Oh wait... "those ruin the game" unlike the (bleeping, bleepidy, bleep, bleep bleeping) red text reminding me so many times that I am "not behind, not in range, etc." of my target that I can no longer see my (bleeping) target behind the wall of red text.


You don't have to figure out which text is important and which to include. We are big kids now. We can live with not getting a true warning because we CHOSE to turn off warnings. Give us the option one way or another. For (Bleep) sake this has gone on for far too long. While individually this feature would not be a "game breaker", adding it upon a pile with other annoyances is.


I continue to bounce around playing other MMOs which suck. Yes - some flat out suck and I still bounce over to them to walk away from this game for short breaks. I am a SW fan. I like SW. However, whilst the other games suck they don't ANNOY - they just suck. In passing some entertainment time I would rather be less entertained than annoyed.


The red text is a (bleeping) annoying feature and enough is enough... Fix it!



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You don't have to figure out which text is important and which to include. We are big kids now. We can live with not getting a true warning because we CHOSE to turn off warnings. Give us the option one way or another. For (Bleep) sake this has gone on for far too long. While individually this feature would not be a "game breaker", adding it upon a pile with other annoyances is.


I agree with this. Route the warnings to the combat chat text if you must, but don't stick it in the middle of the screen. It being there isn't going to help me, I'm not going to be taking time to read while in the middle of a fight anyways, and will be looking through or around the text, not at it. So it's not like I'm getting the "important" warnings anyways.


Seriously. Let us turn these off.

Edited by DoctorJest
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

ok its not all over persay. but it does cover your target which pretty much aboliterates your work on animation and close up character appearance.


swtor 'looks' great. love it... but when your in pvp, or a op or flash and pounding away to get the next shot off it completely covers your work.


please make the system messages a panel that is movable.


giant red text COVERING your character pretty much makes the game really ugly ... even when it is two or three lines or when you are in pvp and it is 10 lines.


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!



it visually ruins the game.. covers the opponent your fighting. and looks awe-full. if we could move it and or re-size it we can solve that issue if it "can't go away". And or like in wow, disable the text all-together for "ability spamming" in pvp when your less concerned about "timing your rotation" and getting off your spell asap... but leave the system messages for when your using a quest item in "not the right spot". (it looks like the code is tied together for ability spam and quest item use.).


it would be a shame to not be able to see all the work you have done because it is all behind this :


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

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I'm a pretty easy-going, laid back player. I really don't get worked up about things in a game. But it's been a year since we were told there would be some options to move/remove red error text. I literally DO NOT CARE if the red error text includes raid warnings. I just want to MOVE IT out of center screen.


I will accept that you have error text and ability warnings displaying in the same UI window/overlay. I'm willing to accept that as a design issue I disagree with but can live with. But I can't convince myself by any stretch that this isn't an hour of UI programming to add this window to the UI Customization Interface.


You want to make sure it's displayed? Don't add a checkbox to disable it.

While I want be able to resize the window, I can even live with not being able to do that!



I don't want it in the center of my screen!


I have EIGHT 55s--Guardian tank, Shadow melee, Commando heals, Gunslinger range, Marauder melee, Sorcerer range, Powertech tank, and Operative heals. I'm not complaining about the rate of content, I'm not ranting about which class is more powerful than another any given week, I'm not even ************ about bolster--I see you all working on these things and making at least the effort.


But every one of my tanks and melee--HALF MY CHARACTERS--are so annoying to play, because if I want to be GOOD AT THEM, I must live with a constant stream of red error text covering center screen. Most of the time it's a spam of NOT IN RANGE or NOT READY YET. While I get the spam a little bit on my range classes, at least they are turrets and I'm back enough that I'm not blocking 50% of my view with the red text.


Please. Just let me move the stupid error text on the screen. That's the very least you could do. I want it more than bounties, I want it more than the next operation, I want it more than another playable race. I want it more than Treek, and I have Treek unlocked account-wide, and love her.


Seriously, you can have her back. I will give her up in a heartbeat if I can just move that red error text.

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