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Things I'm shocked didn't get put in UI Customization


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First I'll say I'm pleased with what was added, it's a bit overwhelming at first, but very useful.


I've hit two MAJOR roadblocks in making this a totally fun and useful feature for me though:


1) I can't save and load keybind configs to go along with the new UI. It's fantastic that I can tweak windows for 20minutes on a character then just save it and switch to an alt and it's all there. It is far far far less fantastic when I have to rebind a lot of buttons to fit the new UI layout, then do it again for each alt.


2) I can't save and load ability button layouts. There is zero point in coming up with a UI suited to healing on an OP if I can't easily load in a button config to fit it, then switch back to my fighting buttons for missions.


I'll cut out any histrionics and emotion and just say the lack of those things makes the new UI a tantalizing frustration at this point.

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First I'll say I'm pleased with what was added, it's a bit overwhelming at first, but very useful.


I've hit two MAJOR roadblocks in making this a totally fun and useful feature for me though:


1) I can't save and load keybind configs to go along with the new UI. It's fantastic that I can tweak windows for 20minutes on a character then just save it and switch to an alt and it's all there. It is far far far less fantastic when I have to rebind a lot of buttons to fit the new UI layout, then do it again for each alt.


2) I can't save and load ability button layouts. There is zero point in coming up with a UI suited to healing on an OP if I can't easily load in a button config to fit it, then switch back to my fighting buttons for missions.


I'll cut out any histrionics and emotion and just say the lack of those things makes the new UI a tantalizing frustration at this point.


^^Totally Agree^^ . I've done a lot of soloing in the game, and now I'm looking forward to running OPs with my guild mates, but I'm not looking forward switching icons or key bindings around 1 at a time whenever switching from soloing mode to full group mode.

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Just putting up some of my thoughts here as well seeing this is the proper place to have them.


Firstly the biggest problem I'm facing is the lack of snapping. Frames should snap to other frames or edges of the screen (or center) when placed near so you could get them straight. Now, the perfectionist in me is crying when I'm trying to put the quickbars atop of each other but they are a few pixels to the left or right from each other (or from the center of the horizontal plane).


Next, the outlines of the elements. Again, with the quickbars it's hard to make them atop of each other properly when the element outline hides the real borders of the quickbar, thus leaving pixels in between them or with the bars overlapping. Snapping would also help with this, but hiding the outlines would be better when moving the element.


Large tooltip should be attachable to mouse, just like small tooltip (items and such) is by default. Also related, if the large tooltip is attached to the map, it always expands to the left, even if the minimap is on the left side in which case the tooltip goes offscreen.


And last, grid. Just a set of vertical / horizontal lines that you could enable on will to help place elements just the way you want (and preferably these would be on customizable distances, and with snapping)

Edited by Teura
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Don't get me wrong with the next few sentences. I love the UI update. (mini-game, I call it.)


A few things I'm missing are being able to move my spell buffs / debuffs independently of my HP bar.


This one is a stretch but I'm wishing I could curve my bars, or offset some how, and transparent out tiles that don't have spells.


That's it. Otherwise it is an absolute riot. I've spent a lot of time in it already and came up with some really good updates.

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