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Open World PvP


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We were guaranteed open world pvp, all over questing planets. We were told how there would be much world pvp on a pvp server in places such as Tatooine. Yet the questing areas are completely segregated, and not segregated by a small amount. Segregated by LARGE distances, you rarely ever "bump" into someone running around questing, if ever at all. Using Tatooine as an example, 80% of the planet's quests(from imperial pov) are not even halfway to the map midpoint. The only way to have a guaranteed chance to find world pvp on Tatooine is to get on your speeder and scour the other sides territory. To top that all off, all questing hubs, no matter how small, have level 50 guards with 80000 hitpoints that easily drop a level 30 char in under 10 seconds.


At level 31, that's 31/50 levels of the game completed, I have had 4 world pvp encounters. All of those encounters were due to me SCOURING Tatooine through republic questing areas for over 2 hours. In 2 hours of purposefully looking for this abundant world pvp they promised us I got 4 fights. Those 4 fights include 1 death against 6 republic in a heroic questing area, ganking an afk guy on a mount, and fighting 3 guys twice in the same spot before they left and didn't come back. By the way, this was during peak hours on my server, imperial numbers were 160 or so on the planet at the time.


One of the big reasons people loved wow when it came out was that while leveling a character to 60 for the first time on a pvp server, you would regularly encounter enemies in shared questing zones all over the world. This aspect of leveling removed the boredom that regularly came while leveling in that game(personal opinion). I admit swtors quest lines are much more engaging and entertaining than any mmo I've ever played, but I am greatly missing the spontaneous world pvp aspect that was promised


Possibly the most glaring failure for world pvp is the lack of any reward whatsoever. If you kill enemy players in world pvp, you do not receive XP/Valor XP/Mercenary Commendations. Nothing, nothing for rewarding one aspect of the game that they guaranteed would be rewarded equally to WZ PvP.


P.S. If you consider Ilum World PvP that's fine. But I consider Ilum an endgame massive battleground, cool nonetheless but still not open world pvp IMO.


TLDR: Planet questing areas are too segregated; Guards too high level and abundant; No rewards for World PvP.

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You do realize the game just came out today right? Have you gone searching for datacrons on tatooine and alderaan? Have you taken the opportunity to experience the game or are you just raging on release day because you haven't been able to kill anyone yet?
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Please check this thread and add your support: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=50161


BW needs to start giving incentives and addressing pvp asap.


I fully concur with your observations on WPvP. I had the same objections in beta - and when raised, was told "it's just beta."


Well, now "it's just launch" and it's still the same. I honestly don't know what BW was so afraid of that they opted to create their quest hubs in such a way as to completely UNINSPIRE world pvp.


I mean honestly, those on PvE and RP servers probably wouldn't care about local quest hubs or mission areas - but this means EVERYTHING to those who roll on PvP servers.


I am level 40 and I kid you not I have run into only 2 Republic characters during my time.


TWO in one WEEK!



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You do realize the game just came out today right? Have you gone searching for datacrons on tatooine and alderaan? Have you taken the opportunity to experience the game or are you just raging on release day because you haven't been able to kill anyone yet?


Uhh that's great. However you aren't addressing his points at all.


He's focusing on the design decision BW made to specifically SEPARATE questing areas of the two factions - and how that serves to categorically uninspire world pvp.


Also, there were over 900 thousand pre-orders let in last week, yet on my server, which has a 40 minute queue to log in on a Tuesday morning, I've only seen 2 republic characters in open World questing.



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The points here have been posted 30 other times in the past hour in this forum. The same response comes from multiple people. This is primarily a PvE game, with PvP aspects.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the OP. I'd love to see world PvP rewards. However, I _HAVE_ seen several sith and had probably 10 WPvP encounters on Tatooine.


I just think the general blanket statements for your lack of encounters may not apply to everyone.

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The points here have been posted 30 other times in the past hour in this forum. The same response comes from multiple people. This is primarily a PvE game, with PvP aspects.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the OP. I'd love to see world PvP rewards. However, I _HAVE_ seen several sith and had probably 10 WPvP encounters on Tatooine.


I just think the general blanket statements for your lack of encounters may not apply to everyone.


Argument invalid. They apply to most people.

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Argument invalid. They apply to most people.


LOL you want to call a fallacy, sorry your response is invalid because you can not speak for nor provide a source citing this number that you constitute as "most" in your head.



I call you on the fallacy of composition, when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.

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The points here have been posted 30 other times in the past hour in this forum. The same response comes from multiple people. This is primarily a PvE game, with PvP aspects.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the OP. I'd love to see world PvP rewards. However, I _HAVE_ seen several sith and had probably 10 WPvP encounters on Tatooine.


I just think the general blanket statements for your lack of encounters may not apply to everyone.


Partially true, but the questing zones are for the most part segregated, which is my biggest concern, so you see much less than you should. There is only one area on Alderaan where you have the opportunity to run into republic while questing. Also I am talking about both parties involved not looking for pvp specifically, but just questing, and running into each other. Correct me If I'm wrong but I believe on Tatooine the only quest (for empire anyways) that offers the possibility to run into republic is the czerka quest that sends you running around the dune sea.

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