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Companions you actually LIKE


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Anyways, i like Tharan Cedrax just because he loves science and always has holiday around when in a conversation, sometimes annoying but i like him overall. :D


Also, I like Vette because she's so nice and has a sense of humor unlike Khem Val. "I will tear you to pieces, little sith"

anyways, she is helpful and is there to joke around with Malavai Quinn who does not really like her.:p


Also there's Mako, She's helpful and resourceful,


She is also a healer which is awesome.


And she is funny.


Who i hate;

Khem Val because he hates you with all his heart

Doc because he is SO ANNOYING

Quizen Fess just because he is creepy


That is all.

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HK is fast becoming my JK's favorite companion

Khem is so much more entertaining than his counselor counterpart

(DS) Jaesa is my love (interest in the game)

oh, and to the poster above who commentated about her


she does say she can't remember if she slept with, killed, or both, that officer. I choose to believe it was only killed...



I despise, hate, loathe, Quinn. My warrior brothers and sisters know why and even if they don't agree, they understand.

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I love all of the Jedi Knight companions (yes, even Rusk. I found he complements a DS JK very well.)


RIsha and Akaavi are my favorites so far of the Smuggler's companions (haven't gotten Guss yet though)


I like all of the Trooper companions in their own ways, don't really have a favorite over another.


Vette is far and away my favorite Sith Warrior companion and probably my favorite overall. I just love everything about her.


Khem, Xalek, and Talos are my favorites for the SI companions. I like Ashara too but I feel she could've been much better written...


Mako is definitely my favorite of the Bounty Hunter companions. I've used her almost exclusively on mine.


Haven't played a JC or IA enough to really make a decision on them yet.

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Vette is my all-time favorite [such a sexy voice...], with Kira being a close-second; I ab-so-fricken-lutely DESPISE Malavai Quinn, reminds me of the type of loser who would wear nail-polish and skinny-jeans IRL, ha ha, honestly though, he just annoys the heck outta me for some reason [as well as the fact that no matter how hard I threw the ****er up against a steel fricken door and force-choked him, he somehow managed to survive, that left me slightly miffed as well... :rak_01:.


Also, he's not a companion but G-D-it I WISH HE COULD BE; Lord Praven, from the Jedi Knight story, I absolutely loved how he was a Sith but still had a sense of purpose which he allowed to be governed by his morality and honor [which, in my book, makes him one of the strongest and intelligent Sith out there]; killing a defenseless or weaker foe brought him no honor, so they were allowed to live. I really liked Ashara as well, she was annoying at first, but she grew on me, and I still adore T7, when I walked into the Jedi Temple the first time and he said "T7 = Part of Jedi Order // T7 = Requires Lightsaber Upgrade!" I just about died laughing... And I know I have to throw Mako in here somewhere, just cuz I'm a sucker for the shy girls.


Jaesa, I'm kind of the lunatic fringe here, but after they made her master and quest-line so fricken' interesting, she seemed like a total let-down [also the fact that she goes from Devout Light-Side Jedi to Sex-Starved Maniac at the drop of a dime... honestly though, by the time I got Jaesa, my SW was already head-over-heals for Mission.. er I mean Vette! so Jaesa never got a fair shot] =( And Lieutenant Pierce, I liked, he was the typical Grunt, follow orders, no matter what he feels personally about them.


Aaaand, I'll stop there... :p


Edit -Oh, and I didn't like Kaliyo - at all - but then again, it's not her character I don't like, its more the way she was written, I don't like the 'any-port-in-a-storm' type girls.

Edited by Red_Ripper
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I have only levelled a SW, SI & Agent to 50.


My favourites are the ones that everyone says such as Jaesa (DS), Vette etc


But my favourite companion at the moment would have to be HK some of the conversations you have with him and some of the stuff he says in combat are quite good :p


"You're already dead, just lie down!" something along those lines lol

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Tanno vik is my favourite companion, he might be a bit un original but he is a fun companion.

Elara dorne is probably my second favorite.

HK:51 my 3rd (because he always insults the companions I don't like)

And Vette is my 4th.

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I absolutely adore Vette. She has replaced Minsc as my all time favorite BW companion.:p


lol feels like i'm 1 of the only people that hates her i all ways shock her though i do like some of her smart mouth comments she says

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Andronikos is my favorite, probably because he makes me think of Han Solo, except black, lol. Talos Drellik is probably my second favorite, just for all of his eccentricities. I also seem to be one of the few people that actually really likes Kaliyo (and no, on my agent, I am not playing rebellious to the empire).
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  • Vector Hyllus ❤ So sweet, odd and caring.

  • Talos Drellik ❤ Love him to bits! So cute and funny. He is always at my side. I would have loved to have him as a romance. Why let us flirt with him and then nothing... :(

  • Malavai Quinn ❤ I really like his character and he has a yummy voice and handsome appearance. For the Empire!

  • Torian Cadera ❤ "Toast."

  • Doc ❤ A fun and flirty guy to be around.


Heh... most of my favorites are romance options :p

Edited by Orlesian
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