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Best relic for healing


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Imho two of the 'Elite Warhero Relic of Boundless Ages' with 120 power each.


You may also feel comfortable with a 'Dread Guard Relic of Boundless ages' that gives you 47 power + 350 power for 30 seconds with a two minutes cool down. Use that one if you feel in need of more burst occasionally.


The proc relic only heals a marginal amount (around 400 hp?) on about 20 seconds cool down. Not much help if you ask me.



2 Elite War Hero Relics of Boundless Ages: 240 power * 0,17 = 40.8 bonus healing

1 EWH relic and 1 DG relic of Boundless Ages: 167 power *0.17 = 28.39 bonus healing + 350 * 0.17 = 59,5 bonus healing every 2 minutes for 30 seconds.

As you can theoratically have that burst 1/4 of the time this sums up to 43.27 bonus healing.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong ;)

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I agree for the most part. I just recommend taking the on use Power relic more strongly. Your average power gain will be higher when you keep on top of using it and it is more useful for burst phases.


The Dread Guard proc heal relic is competitive in theory, but in practice has ridiculous overheal. When I was trying on out, I was always seeing 30%+ on it. Don't take it as a healer. It is, however, very good for shadow tanks.

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To offer the other side of the coin, I have been running with two War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages for quite a long time. I don't PvP ALL that much, so I have not yet upgraded to the Elite War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages. However, I find as a healing sage, that the +113 Power (static) on both War Hero relics is more useful than the Dread Guard on-use Relic (and I have never even considered the proc heal relic, as it just seems BAD to me). The reason I say that is I find it more difficult to keep up with clicking the relic during "helter-skelter" fights (Dread Guard in TFB HM is a good example), and prefer the constant healing output I get from the two War Hero relics. As long as you have good communication within your operations group, you can reliably predict when you need to prepare for "burst" healing as sages are NOT terribly good at REACTIVE "burst" healing. My operations group is 5/5 TFB HM and 1/4 EC NiM, so I have had some reasonable success with this strategy.
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The reason I say that is I find it more difficult to keep up with clicking the relic during "helter-skelter" fights (Dread Guard in TFB HM is a good example), and prefer the constant healing output I get from the two War Hero relics.
You could macro it by linking it to another ability. That way you'll make sure that you use it on ever CD. Granted that you won't be able to use it in an emergency that way but you will atleast take full advantage of it. And it's not like healers are rolling their thumbs with nothing to do in raids so I doubt that you will activate in vain much, on behalf of having nothing to heal afterwards.


OR you could simple macro it to an ability that requires that someone is targeted. Click the enviroment to get rid of target, click the key/button with a shared ability/relic and the relic will go off but not the ability and go back to target. It takes about 0,5 seconds to do that and it saves you a key.

Edited by Washingtoon
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