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SWTOR: Galactic Timeline


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Sorry if this has been said or answered before I can't find a search function in the forum here but.... what ever happened to timeline videos that got released before this game came out?




The wiki page; http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Timeline, has it at 19 videos but officially I can only see 12. Is there some place where the other 7 videos are or did BioWare just stop releasing them? It would be a shame if they did 'cause I really enjoy watching and learning about the universe through them. Is the reason they're not released because it's somewhat of a spoiler to particular story arcs in SWTOR? Please I really want to know.


I'm not a fan of Star Wars.... at least I wasn't until Knights came out. Since then I was hooked on the Old Republic tale of the Star Wars universe. I hate the films, mainly 'cause it doesn't satisfy my sci-fi space movie needs, even with the newer trilogy. And so when someone mentions Star Wars, I think of the Knights games and the timeline surrounding it.


These videos has played a HUGE part into getting me to, not only further boost my interest for the Star Wars universe (at least the expanded universe) but to also appreciate SW as a whole, in general.... even the movies (I still hate them).


I know, boo me for liking the EU of Star Wars>SW movies.... but that's me and my interest.


So yeah, please someone tell me what happened to those videos :)


BTW: This can be a general thread about the timline leading up to TOR if there isn't one already. I would love to know what your thoughts on this EU are.

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In a recent Ask Me Anything on Reddit, Community Manager Stephen Reid addressed this question. He said the team that was responsible for creating the timeline videos stopped because they were moving too far into the past to be relevant to this game's timeframe.


Aww, that's a shame. I was looking forward to the later videos because of the Lore they would establish regarding the old Jedi and Sith. And besides - people who look at history to inform them about today's issues typically have to go back to the 'beginning' to explain things. We have an explanation about the current Empire's mentality; we have an explanation as to why the Empire formed in the first place; what we need is to hear about why the Jedi and the Sith split in the first place. I'm terribly interested in the ideals that caused the first Schism and the oaths of fealty to the Republic the Jedi took but kept them separate from the Republic until the Russan Reformations. Learning about how the name 'Jedi' came to be, learning how the Force was discovered for crying out loud!

This stuff is MEGA interesting and I really hope that after the initial chaos of launch passes the team will go and make the rest of the videos (I always expected some to air after the game launched so no problem there - just finish the time line please!)

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Aww, that's a shame. I was looking forward to the later videos because of the Lore they would establish regarding the old Jedi and Sith. And besides - people who look at history to inform them about today's issues typically have to go back to the 'beginning' to explain things. We have an explanation about the current Empire's mentality; we have an explanation as to why the Empire formed in the first place; what we need is to hear about why the Jedi and the Sith split in the first place. I'm terribly interested in the ideals that caused the first Schism and the oaths of fealty to the Republic the Jedi took but kept them separate from the Republic until the Russan Reformations. Learning about how the name 'Jedi' came to be, learning how the Force was discovered for crying out loud!

This stuff is MEGA interesting and I really hope that after the initial chaos of launch passes the team will go and make the rest of the videos (I always expected some to air after the game launched so no problem there - just finish the time line please!)


Yeah I feel the same way. I mean I get that they wanted to make a point with the timeline, and make it relevant to this game which is good I guess.... but if the work was put in, at least on paper, to have the history from the beginning I think they should finish it. You can't really say that the beginning isn't relevant to today. Group of non force-users, suddenly learn and become sensitive to the force and becomes a Jedi... or find greater power and seduces to the Dark Side.


According to that wiki link the first ones to discover the 'greater power', turn Dark Jedi were exiled and they fled to Korriban and became rulers of the Sith. I mean that itself is huge, and that would have been video 13.


I do hope they continue the videos... really enjoying the game at the moment.

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SO enjoying the game.

Having read Decieved and Revan in preparation was SO worth it. I'm having an absolute blast as an RP Sentinel. The differentiations with the Lightsaber Forms and the application of Lore in RPing while engaging in the world is amazing, but that's just my half - the game half is VERY well done interweaving Lore with Story. Taris was well written and the look of Coruscant made my jaw hit the floor.

Keep up the awesome work BioWare! You replaced SquareSoft as my favorite developer company - now make more timeline vids! (But fix the bugs first please heh)

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According to that wiki link the first ones to discover the 'greater power', turn Dark Jedi were exiled and they fled to Korriban and became rulers of the Sith.

The Dark Jedi who conquered Korriban and the Sith race were not the first Dark Jedi. The first Dark Jedi were the Legions of Lettow. The conflict between the Legions and the Old Jedi Order was known as the First Great Schism and occurred around 24,500 BBY.


The Dark Jedi who fled Republic space in exile, who discovered and conquered Korriban, declared themselves the Dark Lords of the Sith, and went on to found the first Sith Empire fought in the Hundred-Year Darkness (or Second Great Schism). This conflict occurred between 7003 - 6900 BBY.

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