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Social Armor Sets?


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I'm looking for a list of the different social armor sets and locations to buy them.


I found "slave girl" armor sets in the cantina on Nar Shadaa (pretty sure it was Nar Shadaa).


Anybody know what other complete armor sets are available?


I'm currently Social II (almost Social III).


Especially looking for a "Sand People" armor set.


I wanna dress up each companion in a different type of social armor, just for fun. :-)



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most planets in the cantinas have at least 1 social set.


A few i remember:

Dromund Kaas = format outfit set

Tatooine = sand people set

Hoth = snow fur warrior set

Taris = combat officer set (didn't like this one and kinda forget the actual look)



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tonight i saw a companion wearing an insect helmet and insect gloves. i imagine if he had the whole outfit it would have looked just like a giant bug.


was very weird and cool. perhaps was armor from those insectoids on Tatoine?


it was a companion and the guy logged out before i could ask about it.


anybody seen this armor or know where to get it?

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i think the last user has a little misunderstanding on his hands...or I do!

sounds to me like you simply saw a trooper with his companion Yuun. Yuun is a Gand, an race of methane breathers.

As I said, i could be wrong, but I just got Yuun for my trooper, and think it the answer you're looking for.


as for the OP, i have nothing else to add, as I am in a real Social Point slump!

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Nar Shaddaa - Slave Girl (set source / image)

Tatooine - Sand People (set source / image)

Alderaan - Ulgo Noble (set source / image)

Hoth - Hailstorm Brotherhood ( set source / image)

Taris - Death's Claw (set source / image)

Quesh - Hutt Cartel (set source / image)

Coruscant - Elegant (set source / image) / Dromund Kaas - Formal (set source / image)

Balmorra - Balmorra Resistance (set source / image)

Belsavis - Prisoner's (set source / image)

Voss - Voss Mystic (set source / image)

Corellia - CorSec (set source / image)


edit (added in link sources and images)

Edited by Zoopercat
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