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C'mon now, I can win boss fights without pressing a single button.


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I am almost finding it hard to believe that you are being serious. This games' 1-50 story experience requires virtually no skill whatsoever. Even "easy" for most games requires more skill than SWTOR's class leveling experience. You talk about people of all different skill levels and physical issues playing the game. My goodness, someone with one eye and four fingers could still beat the class story content ( based on my experience, I don't mean that as an exaggeration).


At the very least can you agree that there should be a difficulty setting for the class leveling experience? Surely you can see how people might not want to disable their abilities, play without their companion, play naked, etc just to make the game harder. For the love of god, tell me you are at least that reasonable.

See my comment above, I am reasonable. And I've never once suggested you disable your own abilities...just your companions. They'd still be a "companion", they simply wouldn't aid you in combat like they do now.

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As someone who notoriously sucks at games, I feel that the story portion of the game could be a bit more difficult. Leveling doesn't feel challenging, just monotonous. Mobs die way too quickly to learn a proper rotation and there aren't enough Champion mobs around. That said, to accommodate those who don't want challenge while leveling, difficulty settings are the clear answer.
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I was agreeing with OP (the 1-50 is easier than easy easy mode currently) and disagreeing with TUX up until this point >


I had no issue leveling at all, so no...I don't care "only about my stuff"...see, I know one guy who played the game with one finger, because that's all he had. I know a guy who plays the game with NO hands at all. I know changes to the games dynamics can drastically impact their ability to play...granted, both guys were well above average skill levels, despite their limitations, but I don't want other people with similar limitations to be impacted just so you guys can feel complete.


He makes a valid point.

So a vet/master mode for the whole game would be a very welcome addition. (hint hint Eric nudge nudge Eric wink wink)

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I was agreeing with OP (the 1-50 is easier than easy easy mode currently) and disagreeing with TUX up until this point >


He makes a valid point.

So a vet/master mode for the whole game would be a very welcome addition. (hint hint Eric nudge nudge Eric wink wink)

EXACTLY! An easy (ish) solution would be to simply adjust how Bolster works and allow us to stay as we are now or descale us 2-3 levels (previous planet level?).


It's not that I don't want people to enjoy whatever they enjoy...I just don't want people looking for a challenge 1-50 to impact those of us who prefer it like it is or to hurt those of us who do need the help of a companion.

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I know a guy who plays the game with NO hands at all. I know changes to the games dynamics can drastically impact their ability to play...granted, both guys were well above average skill levels, despite their limitations, but I don't want other people with similar limitations to be impacted just so you guys can feel complete.



sadly disabled people have hard time not only in computer games. Societies try to make it easier for them. However car's are not designed for disabled people to use -they can be modified to cater their needs. Same goes to -say special places on planes. You don't have a full plane with special seats for the disabled people. You have just a few, as those are just a small percentage of passengers.

SWTOR with 4.0 changed into super easy mode, perfect (possibly) for people that are handicapped, boring for those that are average. And THIS affected us all. In my opinion BW went overboard, or just didn't pay enough attention to see how much harm they did to the original content with the change.


So IMO the game by default should be on 'normal' mode, and easy mode should be added for people like the guys you know.

Seeing however how much time it took them to introduce Master Mode to just KOTFE and KOTET I'm afraid that revisiting ALL the class/planetary quests is at this moment on the wall of crazy.

Simpler and faster would be to buff up just several bosses. Or change level sync so that it don't buff us up 2 levels above the planet content.

Handicapped players can always ask a friend to help them with tough fights, or wait for easy mode.

This is the way I see it. This is why I lost interest in the game. I'll probably be back if/when I read they resolved the "game too easy" problem

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I am currently leveling a Bounty Hunter and I am finding the game too easy. Not that this game was ever difficult per se but at least it didn't play itself. The last few boss fights I've had, I thought to myself "why bother?". I just set my companion on damage and they take care of everything. I do not have to press one single ability and I can still win the boss fight. This is silly and immersion breaking. The combat doesn't even have to be difficult necessarily, but at the very least give the illusion.


I know some of you will likely say that I should play without a companion but you know darn well that the game is meant to be played with one. They are part of the story. And yes I could remove some of my gear. Nevertheless, I shouldn't have to work around the mechanics of the game just so it doesn't play itself.


I love the story in this game. In fact, I play most video games for the story. However, I like to feel like I am a part of the story. Having zero challenge whatsoever, does not accomplish that. I know it isn't likely but I wish bioware would do something about this. I find it hard to imagine that people find this kind of gameplay engaging.


You could put your companion on passive and put all the success on yourself.

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I keep my companions at under 10 until I hit 50 or so... but that sucks for crafting. It does, however, keep them from being op while leveling.


As for making everying easier for the disabled, I'm disabled and I don't like it. I want things the way they used to be. A challenge. I bought technology that helps me with my keyboarding skills. So I don't want the game in ez mode. I'm sure I'm not alone along "disabled" people. We aren't all the same, just saying.

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You could put your companion on passive and put all the success on yourself.


Even with a companion on passive or dismissed you still crush class story bosses in seconds.


The problem is that many class story bosses are on starter words. Vitiate, Baras, and Thanaton for example are all fought on Dromund Kaas, despite being the end boss for their respective class stories. Originally those bosses were at max level (level 50) when you encountered them and on par with your character. 4.0 broke them by levelling them down to the planet they're on. So instead of encountering a max level Vitiate or Baras, you're fighting a level 15 or so boss.


While in theory level sync is supposed to make you equal to the content of the world you're on, in practice it does't. A level 70 player character on Dromund Kaas hits like a freight train and takes almost no damage, meanwhile those bosses have much lower HP than they did before and do not hit as hard.


The best solution would be to bump those bosses back up to max level (70), giving them hit points and damage output appropriate for their level, and bolstering player characters in the off chance that they're underlevelled or severely undergeared.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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