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What does the Empire hope to achieve?


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I made a Sith Inquisitor recently and it dawned on me that the various factions of the empire (expecially the sith) are really quite evil. What lore wise to they hope to achieve? They want to destroy the Republic clearly but why? Do they have an ultimately good goal of bringing prosperity to the people of the empire or do they just invade every planet and enslave the people there? Are all the sith's (class) just murderous, power hungry, selfish beings?
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I made a Sith Inquisitor recently and it dawned on me that the various factions of the empire (expecially the sith) are really quite evil. What lore wise to they hope to achieve? They want to destroy the Republic clearly but why? Do they have an ultimately good goal of bringing prosperity to the people of the empire or do they just invade every planet and enslave the people there? Are all the sith's (class) just murderous, power hungry, selfish beings?


Others will try and argue otherwise, but in Star Wars lore the Sith are simply evil. That is all there is to it.


In my opinion, SWTOR made a bad decision in terms of narrative when they divided the sides based on good and evil.

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I made a Sith Inquisitor recently and it dawned on me that the various factions of the empire (expecially the sith) are really quite evil. What lore wise to they hope to achieve? They want to destroy the Republic clearly but why? Do they have an ultimately good goal of bringing prosperity to the people of the empire or do they just invade every planet and enslave the people there? Are all the sith's (class) just murderous, power hungry, selfish beings?


They're here to avenge the attempted genocide of their people and demonstrate their own superiority over the Republic and the Jedi. They're an abused victim turned an abuser themselves, seeking to do to another what that other once did to them.

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I made a Sith Inquisitor recently and it dawned on me that the various factions of the empire (expecially the sith) are really quite evil. What lore wise to they hope to achieve? They want to destroy the Republic clearly but why? Do they have an ultimately good goal of bringing prosperity to the people of the empire or do they just invade every planet and enslave the people there? Are all the sith's (class) just murderous, power hungry, selfish beings?

The essential tenet of the Dark Side is that power with the Force bestows not merely the possibility of ruling others but the right, even the responsibility. The goal of the Sith Empire is to control the entire Galaxy, to create a society in which the weak serve the strong. Period. The struggle for supremacy makes the strong stronger. The "King of the Mountain" infighting of the Dark Lords of the Sith personifies this agenda.

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I always wondered, what does the EMPIRE part of the Sith Empire feel. You know, the NON-Sith, the NON-Force-users and NON-believers.


The Sith themselves may have a score to settle, but what do the "lesser lifeforms" feel about this war, the Republic, and the Jedi?

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I always wondered, what does the EMPIRE part of the Sith Empire feel. You know, the NON-Sith, the NON-Force-users and NON-believers.


The Sith themselves may have a score to settle, but what do the "lesser lifeforms" feel about this war, the Republic, and the Jedi?


They have the same score to settle. The attempted Jedi/Republic genocide didn't target just the Force-wielders, and the bulk of the Imperial citizenry are descended from the survivors.

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I always wondered, what does the EMPIRE part of the Sith Empire feel. You know, the NON-Sith, the NON-Force-users and NON-believers.


The Sith themselves may have a score to settle, but what do the "lesser lifeforms" feel about this war, the Republic, and the Jedi?

Well, the elite employ censorship and propaganda and control access to information to the extent that what the man in the street knows of the Republic is what they are told.


On Dromund Kaas, there is a small rally on one of the long bridges beside the 'Spires of Victory" where we hear a speaker exhorting an audience of locals and their enthusiastic replies. They are encouraged to to be loyal sheep which, frighteningly, is often successful for dictatorships.


Then again, those at the top of the pyramid are Sith Lords, part of whose doctrine is to rule by fear. It helps keep the populace in line if they see how very much worse off they will be if they step out of line.


So I would say that the common citizen of the Empire takes pride in being part of the strongest, most powerful society in the Galaxy and is also rightyly awed by and fearful of those in power.

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Mind, a lot of Imperial citizens do have a legitimate beef with the Republic. They want to reclaim territory they lost in the Great Hyperspace War. They want to bring the Jedi and Republic to account for their war crimes. They know that the Republic and Jedi consider the Empire's very existence a threat and want to live in a galaxy without being afraid of Republic offensives and covert strikes (which were happening post-Treaty).


Play Republic-side and you will see that the Republic is inefficient, corrupt, and generally ineffectual at keeping order on its own worlds. To some, the loyalty, efficiency, and security of the Empire outweighs the capricious and sometimes insane Sith overlords who, realistically, don't involve themselves much with the common citizens.

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The sith empire has been maniplualted since it began for one puspose to hault the republic off long enough so the emperor can finish his own goals.


The sith try to fight for control over an ever changing power sturggle


and the people of the imperal machine want revenge on the republic who have committed more attrosties in the war than the entire empire during its entire life span


The imperial army wants nothing more than to show the republic for what it realy is but also some people within the imperial army want respect from the sith.

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Started reading the SWTOR novels, and so far I think they're fairly good. Not the best thing I've read but not the worse by any means :)


In Deceived, Darth Malgus believes that the whole point of everything is greater understanding of the Force. War, combat, life, ect... Everything has to do with a gaining greater understanding of the Force.


He went to war, and fights Jedi, not so much out of hate of the Jedi or even what they believe, even though they are wrong in his mind in their understanding of the force.


But rather because though warfare and chaos a greater understanding of the Force is achieved.


Minor spoiler from the Jedi Knight story line.



In the Jedi Knight story line, you run across a Sith who fights for the Empire because he believes that the goal of the Jedi is to eliminate his race from the galaxy. He isn't interested in helping the Empire so much as he is in protecting his race from the Jedi.


Edited by VanorDM
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Lots of good points in here.


I would also like to add that the Sith of this era are often the result of generations of their lifestyle. They only know hatred, cruelty, and one way to power.


If you had never known anything else, I do not find it that hard to believe that that is the right way.


Personally, I love the empire. It's different. Yeah, compared to our modern world ideas, they are evil... But this is a galaxy far, far away :p

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They're here to avenge the attempted genocide of their people and demonstrate their own superiority over the Republic and the Jedi. They're an abused victim turned an abuser themselves, seeking to do to another what that other once did to them.


And thats the truth.

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The sith were always the bad guys. They attacked the Republic first in the Great Hyperspace War and now they want revenge. They were never the victims.


There is such a thing as going too far. The Jedi and Republic did go too far. Victory does not mean attempting genocide.

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I made a Sith Inquisitor recently and it dawned on me that the various factions of the empire (expecially the sith) are really quite evil. What lore wise to they hope to achieve? They want to destroy the Republic clearly but why? Do they have an ultimately good goal of bringing prosperity to the people of the empire or do they just invade every planet and enslave the people there? Are all the sith's (class) just murderous, power hungry, selfish beings?


To quote Teen Titans (the TV series), the Emperor:


Comes to claim,

Comes to Sire,

The end of all things mortal.


Beyond that, most of the Sith have their own motivations for things. Some seek the destruction of the Jedi Order for what happened at the end of the Great Hyperspace War, others just want to destroy things, some think they're doing the galaxy a favor by restoring true order to things.

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There is such a thing as going too far. The Jedi and Republic did go too far. Victory does not mean attempting genocide.


Well maybe, but they were still always the bad guys from the start, not an abuse victim turned abuser.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Well maybe, but they were still always the bad guys from the start, not an abuse victim turned abuser.


That's the Empire now. So the Empire started the Great Hyperspace War and lost. Fair enough. Then the Republic and Jedi went completely overboard in victory and attempted to utterly exterminate the Sith. They failed, and the survivors of attempted genocide never forgot or forgave.

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The core belief of the Sith is best summed up by a make-your-own motivational poster I once saw, a close up Palpatine's face, captioned with:



Because the fate of the galaxy is too important to be left in the hands of some goody-two-shoes.


The Sith honestly believe that order is better than freedom, security superior to justice, and one strong voice better than a dozen dissenting ones. That's the glorious dream of the Sith Empire that Palpatine came so close to realizing, that one strong, powerful, authoritarian ruler could bring about a new golden age in which things actually GOT DONE, instead of years of people talking about getting things done.

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Sith believe they're the supreme form of existence in the Universe and everyone who ain't a Sith should be purified by their lightsaber or be under their mighty control.


The old Sith empire has a problem though. Since all Sith think in absolute. Every of them want to be at the top.Which eventually will destroy them and thus the Rule of the 2 take place long after the Sith empire was destroyed.


Sith only care about themselves and their power/control. Whioch in the end will be their downfall.

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That's the Empire now. So the Empire started the Great Hyperspace War and lost. Fair enough. Then the Republic and Jedi went completely overboard in victory and attempted to utterly exterminate the Sith. They failed, and the survivors of attempted genocide never forgot or forgave.


They're the same empire. The current head of state was even around for the last war.

Edited by OldVengeance
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