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Any way to obtain planetary Commendation Medals BESIDES quests?


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Spent 28 Dromund Kaas Commendation Medals on 2 lightsabers (14 each) after doing literally every quest on the planet (still have about 7 or so medals leftover). THEN, I find out the lightsabers require Light I and I'm Dark II...FML.


Does anyone know of a way to get more planetary commendation medals besides doing quests, since I've already completed all the quests for the planet?

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they are rare drops also, at least they are on the starting planets. havent played enough in later areas to remember correctly.


Thanks for the info. Luckily, I am only level 17 so the sabers I bartered with medals would prolly get outdated relatively quickly anyways. Would have sucked a lot more if they were Corellian Commendation Medals ;P

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