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Is the Quell / Pike born with a missile locked on to it?


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I think, out of all the ships, I am easily the worst with the Quell / Pike. Playing a scout I can usefully get kills, tag objectives, and grief gunships. Playing a Ryzer/Gladiator/Enforcer/Star Guard I'm less effective, but I can normally do something kind of useful in a dogfight, sometimes even a missile works. In a gunship things are very different, but I'm useful in an entirely different way.


But the Quell spawns with a missile lock on it or something. I seriously don't know how to make use of ONE missile, let alone a second option. If I take torps, my 9.5km lockon is easily evaded, and my 6.5km lockon normally some scout just rockets right towards me, and now he's inside my turning circle and suddenly I'm a gunship without a railgun, enjoying a variety of red lights and dismayed companion voice clips until I respawn.



What's the secret? Whomever mains these things, what's the trick?

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I don't seem to have the scout problems but I fly right in/on the objective using the solar panels for missile cover so that helps.


Missiles with I run Proton and Cluster, the cluster lock is very fast.


I also use the Turning component and have that upgraded to max, that allows me to slalom the solar panels at full speed when pitching.

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I don't quite know, the only treal trick I can give you is to be careful and stay faaaaaaaar away from enemy ships.


You can easily take out turrets, though - assumed no-one notices you.


And people *will* notice if you are building up energy for a shot (which is very clearly visible as a cloud forming around you ...)


So, you've got to play "hide and seek" a little. Make sure that you are not seen ( Monty Python's "How not to be seen" comes to mind :D ) and you've got to constantly monitor the minimap and the screen to see whether an enemy is coming closer to you or not. Or, worse, maybe even behind you, meanwhile you were targetting.


And then, after your shots, you need to get away as quickly as posible. Top quote Gandalf (from my memory) : To light a fire on that snowy mountain is like shouting to everyone within the next 50 miles "I am here !"


When you target and shoot, you actually do a very similar thing - by forming that cloud around you. watch other Gunship players to see how it looksa like. Pretty impressive, eh ?

So, that means that after shooting, you've basically told almost everyone on the *whole* battlefield (because News spread fast !) "I AM HERE !"


And that's why you've got to get away and play "hide and seek" ASAP after shooting your Railgun ! Use your speed boosters !


And that's the only real tip I can give to you. Hope this helps.

I've been a victim of Scouts, Strike Fighters and their missels far too often, too.


Ah, and use your missile evasion possibilities. There's a good post about it findable via the dev tracker.

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Gunship I get ownyfaced by the more maneuverable guys at times, but i still contribute, and can often escape. I also am able to line up shots effectively pretty often.


The gunship is the Quarrel / Mangler. I didn't make my thread about that guy, because while he has his downsides, the railguns really seem like an upside. Still, those tips are good for gunships!


The Quell / Pike is the fleet req unlockable strike fighter.

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Proton thorps become a lot better when you get the 100% speed boost at T4.


I use my Pike to attack enemies otherwise engaged such as enemies attacking a turret or a teammate. I love staying out of sight near the A&C nodes in the Kuat Mesa and 1-shot ting enemies with my proton thorps. Also, I almost am always flying with my power diverted to my shields which makes me pretty tanky.


Just avoid turning fights and avoid B in Kuat and C in Lost Shipyards and you can be very effective.

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... Or you could watch my video "Devastating Pike" on YouTube to see just what that ship is capable of!



You're using Concussions and Clusters? Not tempted by the Protons then?


I can understand switching to Clusters to have a close-range option, but would have been tempted to keep the Protons rather than Concussions. for their range and shield pen.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Alrik - he's having problems with the strike fighter type 2, not the gunship. Though I do think that your gunship tips are actually quite pertinent for the Quell/Pike ships. They do seem to favor opportunistic attacks and constant relocation as well.


Oh, thank you. I don't fly the Strike Fighter that often - I get too easily defeated with that one. :D

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