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Least rolled DPS class?


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Try lethality operative/dirty fighting scoundrel.


yeah i figured the dirty fighting scoundrel would be unpopular and someone mentioned a few days ago that most of the IA classes are unpopular for some reason

Edited by xNYROx
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Try lethality operative/dirty fighting scoundrel.


Yeah concealment just isn't worth it since the 2nd nerf for pve or pvp. Lethality is better but the rotation is overly complicated and not user friendly (FOR OPERATIVES).


I still play my old operative main from time to time, all it has is pvp gear since i gutted its pve set for my gunslinger. These days I much prefer lethality in pvp since concealment is tied with vengeance for jugs as the worst dps spec in the game right now. Lethality definitely has its teeth but I don't think most people are smart enough to play it like I do.

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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I never tried the IA "pre-supposed nerf", so with nothing to compare it to, my latest 50 is a sniper IA and i actually found it a lot of fun both play style and the story. Cover wasn't an issue, any more than most ranged class dps just stand there and dps with a little move now and then. Only difference was after the move you just need to click 1 extra button to go back into cover.


Anyway i agree that at least in the number i've ever seen, smugglers of any dps sort would be the least common IMO.

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I see more lethality operative's and arsenal mercs than I see Deception Assassins, and on the rare occasion that I see one they usually aren't geared enough to count for much.


I'm not sure if I've ever seen a lethality operative outside of lowbies, and with all those hybrid specs assassins get(not as creative names as the old PT ones) I never know what which spec they are in lol

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