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Forget Me, Remember Voss (spoilers ensue)


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So, this is my first foray into story telling. I have long been intrigued by Voss and yep, one of my fem agents actually went all the way for the marriage. The conversations may be trite, the love scenes a bit risqué but not graphic and the imagery a bit lacking. But I hope you enjoy the read anyway. Thanks to Lunafox for the encouragement. Criticisms are welcome, but please be constructive, if not kind. Ok, holding breath, taking the plunge.


Forget me, Remember Voss


Scene I


Phi-ton sat in a corner of the tea house deep in thought. He had the dream again last night and he could not get it out of his head. She was there again, she was always there and the image haunted him more than he could express.


"Why did you have to come to my world? Why did you have to make me love you? Why did you leave and where are you now?", he muttered under his breath.


He did not notice his sister Yana-ton walk over to his table until she reached out to refill his cup.


"What troubles you Phi-ton? Is it the dream again?"


He slowly nodded his head lowering his eyes as if he could not bear to look at her.


"The dream is not a Mystic's dream, Phi, nor is it a vision and it has no meaning. It cannot be interpreted and does not serve Voss. It is merely a remnant of something best forgotten. Can you not let it and her go?"


He raised his eyes finally to look at her. "I would rip this memory from my mind if I could. But it is not just of the mind. My hands remember, my lips remember, my whole body remembers. You know how this works with us, Yana. It was a feeling so profound and intense that I wanted to weep. It binds us forever, me to her and her to me. I fear that I will never feel that way again in my lifetime."


Phi-ton again lowered his gaze.


"We Voss, are taught responsibility first. Responsibility to Voss, to family to tradition and faith. We are taught to retain dignity in all situations and to suppress our passions until the rite of Ardor after marriage. She released those passions in me as no woman of Voss ever could," he said almost bitterly.


Yana-ton asked carefully, "How can you be sure?" You have never been with a woman of Voss."


"I just know," he sighed. "I just know."


"You could request the Mystics break the marriage. You could go to the shrine and ask for the healing. Perhaps you would be free to have another wife and maybe children? Surely this is something you would desire, is it not, Phi?" Yana inquired.


Phi-ton countered, "and what? Lose the special dispensation given to the family by the Three? Upon her request, I might add. Uncle would no longer be able to teach, you would no longer be able to greet and converse with outsiders. Our family has been elevated to a better station due to our union. We would revert to lowly tea house owners again. I could never do that to you or Uncle Therod. Besides, there is no guarantee that the healing would even work. Not for her, not for me. I desire only her, always her so the battle is already lost."


He shoved himself up from the table, almost knocking over the tea cup. "I have to get some air. I feel like I am suffocating."


He turned to Yana-ton slowly as he walked toward the door, "It has already begun. The bond is there, she now dreams of me. I can feel it."



Rey’elle stood gazing out the front window of the cockpit, her back rigid and expression blank, deep in her own counsel. Vector Hyluss walked up behind her quietly and wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his chin on the top of her head. She briefly started then leaned back into his body with a heavy sigh.


“Where are your thoughts, my love? You seem so far away of late. Tell us what troubles you so that we may share your burden,” he said softly.


She turned to face him, never breaking the circle of his embrace and raised her face to place a soft kiss on his mouth. She pulled back slightly to stare into his eyes, his wonderfully bottomless eyes and suddenly saw a myriad of orange and red and yellow swirls whirling so fast it made her dizzy. She closed her eyes and felt his strength steady her until the spinning stopped and her hammering heart had time to slow. She breathed deeply and leaned against his chest.


“Your aura changes now, we notice a slight dimming around the edges and we are concerned. We have never seen you affected in this way. We will stand with you no matter what but require understanding as to this odd malady. We know about the dreams that wake you up in the night and that they are coming more frequently. We sometimes feel that we are losing some part of you that we will never get back. Please, let us help”, he implored.


Rey’ells thoughts churned in her head:


How could she tell him that she had not been the same since sharing Ardor with Phi-ton on Voss? The marriage was necessary to complete the mission, Vector even encouraged it. Seduction had been part of her training, sex was just another tool to be used until she met Vector. Love changed all that. She had not even looked at another man until that night on Voss. Vector knew she would use all the tools at her disposal and this was necessary. The mission was too important. She was the first outsider to bed a Voss as far as she knew and she had selfishly wanted the experience. She could have said no, but it was only one night, what was the harm? If anything Vector had only seemed curious and jealousy was unheard of in the nest. But this was not something she could share with him, not now, not ever. It felt too much like a betrayal. This was a mistake she could never undo and it was tearing her apart.


“It is just the old nightmares about Watcher-X and all the mind control. Sometimes I can see Hunter’s face again, or hear Watcher-X’s voice. They will fade in time I am sure, do not concern yourself, this is a demon I must fight on my own,” she said softly.


“You will tell us when you are ready. We offer support and love until this passes. But know that the frost is less crisp now and the spices are slightly bitter. We are yours, always,” he whispered against her hair as he held her close.


Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Oh Gods, this is a disease. I can't stop writing. For good, bad or indifferent, here is the next installment. Warning: risqué ahead. This will be the only semi steamy scene in the story. But it was necessary for setup. My apologies in advance if it is too much. And yes there is face punching and blaster fire later on.


Scene II


She was talking to Vector about something and he suddenly swept her into his arms and carried her to their bed. He undressed her tenderly, fingers lingering deliciously, lips touching skin and then he slowly started to change. His hair faded away to become stripes of teal and blue, white and orange against a bare scalp. His eyes changed from deep black to multiple lenses of red, orange and yellow. The tongue licking his lips changed from pink to deep blue. And then the sound, she felt the sound hammering against her flesh, surrounding her body, entering her, cradling her as she fell. She never wanted to stop falling.


Rey’elle awoke with such a jolt she sat upright in bed. She shivered from the chill of the sweat against her skin. She glanced sideways at Vector who was still breathing deeply in sleep. She slipped on her robe and padded barefoot down the hallway to the cockpit. She wanted to see the stars, she had to see the stars and think and remember.


The mission had sent her to Voss as part of the ongoing hunt for the Star Cabal. Her contact was the owner of a tea house in Voss-ka named Bas-ton. She found out on the day of their meeting that he was an imperial agent surgically and genetically altered to insert into an unaware Voss society. The original Bas-ton’s body had likely turned to dust in an unmarked grave and his son Phi-ton and daughter Yana-ton were unaware of the imposter in their midst.


Bas-ton had assisted her in her investigation into the Shining Man. Bas-ton gave his life in this endeavor. This diverted her mission to enter the Nightmare Lands which necessitated the viewing of some sacred carvings. The rub? Only Voss could see the carvings and she had to become Voss. The only way was via marriage into a Voss family. Therod-ton offered his nephew Phi-ton as husband, and that is where it all started to go wrong.


She had not intended the marriage to go beyond the initial ceremony, but being a spy, her curiosity got the better of her judgement and she agreed to complete the ceremony with the Rite of Ardor. Voss passions are suppressed until marriage when passions are awakened and intensified. An understatement in hindsight.


The marriage ceremony had been quite simple. An exchange of vows, scrolls thrown into a sacred flame the usual stuff. She remembered Vector was at the ceremony, standing like a sentinel, listening to the words. He seemed unaffected when she agreed to complete the Rite of Ardor. She had no idea what she was in store for and now it was too late.


As she and Phi-ton walked back to the tea house from the temple she recalled the wedding kiss and she had to bring up the problem of his breath. It truly was awful due to some spice they used for cooking, Bas-ton had been correct in that observation.

“Phi-ton, this is a bit embarrassing, but you really must sweeten your mouth before we continue. I find the odor overwhelming and unpleasant and want this night to be perfect for both of us,” she said.


Phi-ton appeared to take no offense and went briefly off the path and returned with a small sprig of greenish gray leaves. “Many outsiders have said the same if they sit close to us. This is entat-vameer,” he said. “Or in your language, wind sorrow. It is not appealing to Voss, but for your sake I will chew some of the leaves.” He put a couple of the leaves into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully as they continued walking. And when he bent to kiss her just outside the tea house door, she could have drowned in that scent. It was rain washed breezes and clean clear brooks and just a hint of cinnamon.


“Better?” he asked.


“Oh yes,” she replied as she pulled his head down for another kiss.


The bedroom above the tea house was small and intimate. A single light flickered on a table set against the left wall. There was a small desk and chair to the right and in the middle of the room a single narrow bed. It seemed small and somehow inadequate but the floor was littered with various throw rugs in case they needed more room. She could tell that Phi-ton was nervous as she led him gently to the bed and removed his boots and then his shirt. Her fingers traced the blue, teal and orange stripes that adorned his chest and back. He shivered slightly under each touch. She pulled him to his feet and undid the fasteners of his trousers and pulled them slowly down to his ankles lifting each leg so he could step out of them. He had worn no undergarments under his wedding attire and all she could do was marvel at the pure wonder of his body. “You are beautiful,” she said breathlessly.


She started to undress herself until he took her hands in his and simply said, “please allow me. If this is our only night together, I want to enjoy every nuance, every movement, every touch, taste and smell.” He was gentle, pausing to press his lips against her shoulders, the nape of her neck the swell of her thigh. They stood there for a time and simply explored each other. And when he finally lowered her to the narrow bed and settled himself on top of her, the sound began.



It started as just a soft rumble in his chest and a low humming in his throat. The edges of his body seemed to blur and the stripes began to ripple and move in time to the rhythmic thrumming. He was dispersing and coalescing, expanding and contracting perfectly timed with the primal music emanating from deep inside. His back arched, his muscles tightened and still he undulated to the sound. His eyes turned into whirling kaleidoscopes of orange, red and yellow. He was holding her with his hands, lifting her with his arms, entering and surrounding her with his essence, melting into her. The vibrating sound engulfed her, filled her, caressed her, brought her to ecstasy, ebbed and flowed, crescendoed, and when she thought she could endure no more, started over again. They gorged on each other through the night until there was no more to give or take and the sound ebbed and died and his body was still and whole and she was completely sated and at peace.


“It will be daybreak soon,” he said in a low, slightly hoarse voice.


“I know”, she replied.


“Do you love the black eyed man?”, he asked.


“Yes. He is my home.” she answered.


He remained silent after that and she lay quietly in his arms until dawn broke through the open window. She watched him dress in the morning light. Watched sunbeams dance along the lines of his form and play along the colors of his skin. He was a prism of absolute beauty. When he was clothed he stood by the door and watched her, not saying a word, his face and eyes expressionless.


Vector was sitting downstairs talking with Yana-ton and Therod-ton as she and Phi-ton came down the stairs. He looked up at her quizzically but said nothing except “good morning.”


The good byes were genial, formal if not a bit strained but she shrugged it off until Phi-ton grabbed her and kissed her deeply and she felt the smallest of rumbles begin in his chest.


“Remember”, he whispered in her ear.


She never spoke of any of this with Vector or even Kaliyo who probably would have understood better than anyone.


What had that damnable Voss done to her? She was like a spice addict wanting the next fix. The dreams would not leave her alone, the memories would not leave her alone, the longing would not go away. What the hell was she going to do?


She sat, hugging her knees, staring out at the stars and reliving it all over and over again. She never knew that Vector had been standing in the doorway watching and finally going back to lie awake in their bed.


Perhaps Lokin will know what to do, thought Vector.


Continued next post

Edited by MishaCantu
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My god Misha, that was breathtaking! So beautifully written. I loved it. Your Vector was amazing. And though I personally hated the Voss, the way you wrote them...with such sensitivity...you gave them a humanity I always felt they lacked. They seemed so much like real people you could relate to, unlike the way I found them to be in the game. Though to be fair, the Voss in the agent story were more interesting to me than the others I encountered. I'm worried for Vector and for Rey'elle. Your Vector...is so charming. *gushes*


Very nicely done, just lovely. I look forward to the next parts. I'm really happy that you took my encouragement to heart. Thank you ^^.

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My god Misha, that was breathtaking! So beautifully written. I loved it. Your Vector was amazing. And though I personally hated the Voss, the way you wrote them...with such sensitivity...you gave them a humanity I always felt they lacked. They seemed so much like real people you could relate to, unlike the way I found them to be in the game. Though to be fair, the Voss in the agent story were more interesting to me than the others I encountered. I'm worried for Vector and for Rey'elle. Your Vector...is so charming. *gushes*


Very nicely done, just lovely. I look forward to the next parts. I'm really happy that you took my encouragement to heart. Thank you ^^.


Oh wow. I never expected a response so soon, especially a good review from such a popular writer such as yourself. I am inspired now to keep on adding to the story. Thank you so very much. I still have a lot to learn such as time bridging and such, but I think that will come with practice. Also, the Voss have always been such an enigma to me and so alien that I could take some liberties in areas that have not been explored, such as their personal lives. I figured there had to be more to them, so I took it there. Thanks again for your very kind words.

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Filler chapter but the conversation had to happen.


Scene III


Dr. Eckard Lokin sat at his computer terminal totally engrossed by the readouts flowing across the screen. He was unaware that Vector had entered until he heard someone clear their throat behind him.


“We require a few moments of your time, Dr. Lokin. It is important.”


“Of course my boy, come in. I was just running some simulations and I can check the data later. So, what can I do for you?”


Vector walked further into the med bay and closed the door behind him.


“It is about Rey’elle. We have noticed changes in her in the past few months and are concerned. She is distracted, she hardly eats and she has dreams that awaken her night after night. She is not being truthful with us. Something is going on that she refuses to share and we are at a loss as to what we can do.”


“Hmm, yes I see. I have noticed some changes as well, but attributed them to what she has been through. The mind control, the torture, the dissolution of Imperial Intelligence and becoming a free agent. None of us know for sure if she still works solely for the Empire or if her loyalties are divided. It can be a stressful lifestyle.”


Vector frowned, “Her loyalties are not in question here Dr. Lokin. No. This goes beyond the profession or the state secrets she keeps. There is something gnawing away at her very essence. We see subtle changes in her aura. The edges are fraying and it is less bright. She functions, she works, she goes about her daily routine but it is like she is sleepwalking much of the time.”


“I see. Not to be intrusive, but what about your intimate moments?”


Vector seemed hesitant to reply at first but finally responded with a resigned sigh, “she is, hmm, how can we say this, engaged when we make love. We…. I, have learned where she likes to be touched, kissed and know her moods whether playful, spontaneous or serious. Although, in truth, the playful or spontaneous encounters have become almost nonexistent. Sometimes it is so intense, she is so intense it is like she is trying to devour us and always there is the feeling that she is waiting for something. We, do not know what it could be.”


Dr. Lokin rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “and when would you say this all began? Was it after Corellia and her capture and torture? That could explain some things. Or perhaps earlier when she discovered and finally broke the mind control? Perhaps some residual effect of having Watcher-X in her mind? Or maybe after she confronted that Jedi, Arden Kothe? Could be some sort of new mind trick, I wouldn’t put it past a Jedi.”


Vector gave pause to think and finally said, “It was before Corellia. And during the time of her mind control we were just starting to become close. We had only shared a kiss or two. We do not believe it was the confrontation with Arden Kothe, although she let him live and we believe he does contact her from time to time. Hmph, loyalties indeed, now that we think on it, but that is beside the point. We stand at her side no matter what. No, it was Voss, definitely Voss. She changed during the search there for information on the Shining Man.”


Vector continued, recounting what transpired on Voss. “We journeyed into the Nightmare Lands and into the Dark Heart. We confronted a Gormak, but it was before that.”


His eyes widened with the realization that it was after the marriage. “It was after she spent the night with that thrice damned Phi-ton. He did something to her. Drugged her, something. We don’t know.”


For the first time since the joining, Vector felt such a rush of anger and jealousy that he lost all sense of control. He slammed his fist down on one of the experiment tables so hard that he felt the pain reverberate up his arm. He heard the instruments metallic clank as they fell back into place. His chest was so tight he could hardly breathe, like he was drowning in some dark morass. He felt the hive recoil at this strong, new emotion and fought his way back to calmness. He could not lose the hive and he would not lose her.


“We are Dawn Herald”, he chanted over and over again until at last his vision cleared and he could take deep breaths. He reached out again to the hive and they were there with reassurance and comfort. His sense of relief and gratitude was immeasurable.


“So now you know. What do you intend to do about it?” Lokin queried.


“We are not sure, but it is a starting place. We need time to digest this revelation. We must move with care or run the risk of losing her entirely. That is something we could not bear, it would destroy us. For the first time….. I consider murder but I fear that would only fuel her destruction and mine. Thank you, my friend. Your counsel, as always, is invaluable and we can count on your discretion, yes?”


“Rest assured, my boy. And my assistance is at your disposal should you require it.”


The med bay door slid open and Kaliyo Djannis entered just as Vector rushed past her.


“Hey Vector. You look like you just swallowed a bug,” she jibed.


“Wow Lokie, I thought you were gonna have to go all rakghoul on his arse for a moment there. What’s with all the clatter and look at the size of that dent in your table.”


“What is it Kaliyo? I have some data to collate.”


“I just thought that you and bug boy would want to know that the Agent just got a private holo vid and she is hell bent on something. Yep, we just jumped into hyperspace and I have no idea where we are going. Whatever is going on, she’s not sharing, with any of us, including her bed bug. She really has been off lately. Come on, spill what you know."


"I wish I did know, Kaliyo. I truly wish I did"


Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Thank you Kfab and Firefoxrose. I did try to put a bit of a twist on things. Some stuff will be very predictable, one of the foibles of a newbie writer, some stuff will not, at least I hope. I hope you stick with it until the end, through the good and the bad.


And thank you too Lunafox, I wanted to show a side to Vector that shouldn't be there, but I expected always existed beneath the surface. He did, after all, have to regain or relearn some of his humanity to even fall in love with the IA in the first place.


In any case all of your comments are heartening and very much appreciated.

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This is great! While admittedly it is noticeable that you aren't that much of an experienced writer (though I can't pin down why it is noticeable) your texts are nicely long, you chose a great plot point and your characters are well written

Keep it up!

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Filler again, sigh, but still has to be in the story, setup chapters are such a pain. And hyperspace travel is not instantaneous, which would have been nice. Bridging time for the next few is going to be a bish, but they at least will go somewhere. Bear with me.


Scene IV


Rey’elle had been perusing information sent to her from what was left of imperial intelligence that also coincided with reports she had received from Arden Kothe. There was a new player in town, remote worlds on the far edge of the outer rim were being attacked, but no one knew by whom. The attacks were few and random, the information was spotty at best. At last, some work she could throw herself into, something to keep her mind occupied.


She heard the chime of an incoming call on her private channel. She opened up her handheld holo transmitter and made sure the meeting room door was closed. It might be Arden Kothe. Instead it was from Hoth and someone she had never expected to see again. “Aristocra Seganu, what a very pleasant surprise. It has been a long time. What warrants this communication? Miss me or is this business?”


A familiar and handsome blue face became clearer, “Indeed I do miss you agent. Sadly this is business and not pleasure, more’s the pity. Do you know a Voss citizen by the name of Phi-ton by any chance? Voss is a bit off the beaten path, but evidently someone has linked you with this man. Are you feeling well, you look a bit….. tired.”


Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of Phi-ton’s name, and a dread started to grow in the pit of her stomach. “I am fine. Yes, I know him. We have had some, umm, dealings, so to speak. What is this all about, Aristocra?”


Seganu’s voice took on a more foreboding tone, “Well, there is evidently a contract out on this Phi-ton. A well placed sniper, a single shot, does not bode well for your friend. It seems that someone wants you on Hoth. A devaronian by the name of Fentis Kel has delivered, via holo, the information on the bounty as well as this ultimatum for you. Be at the travel beacon on Highmount road by noon in four days and come alone or the ‘blue boy’ dies. Rather cryptic and menacing to say the least. Oddly I thought that only Chiss were referred to as ‘blue boys’, I stand corrected.


“Whoever this is knows your present location since they are so exacting on travel time and also knows about your connection to me since I was the contact. Only someone high up in the imperial echelon would be privy to such information.


“Anyway, we have no leads on the sniper and no leads on who is behind this although I have contacts working on it. Personally, I would prefer this ‘blue boy’ die and let the threat be over. However, if you feel compelled to comply, do be careful. This reeks of a trap, agent. I just hope you are close enough to make the jump in the allotted time or your friend may not see the fifth sunrise. Remember, they are using Hoth time so take that into account. Do take care. Seganu out.”


She felt like she was trudging through mud as she made her way to the cockpit. It was taking too long, too long. Her hands shook as she entered her personal nav lock code and code for the Hoth hyperspace beacon and hit the jump button. She watched as the stars went from specks to streams of light as the Phantom burst into hyperspace. She set her chrono to Hoth time.


“Please don’t let me be too late, please keep him safe”, she prayed and didn’t even know who she was praying to.


Vector strode into the cockpit like a man possessed. He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him. He had never handled her this roughly before, he wanted to shake her but restrained himself. “Where are we going? And why, Rey’elle? Answer us!”


She was so thin. The bones of her shoulders almost poked into his hands. He pulled her to him, “Please Rey’elle,. Let us in, let us help.”


She stiffened, “Don’t be so dramatic. This is imperial business, Vector. I have been summoned and I have to meet someone...important. The instructions are very exact. We are going to Hoth. When we arrive I will be taking a shuttle to the surface, alone. You knew what I was when you joined me, you cannot stand in the way of me fulfilling my obligations. Do not fight me on this, you will lose. Do not think to follow me either, they would know and that could be bad for both of us.”


Vector stepped back as if he had been slapped and looked down into her face, she was hiding something. She had never been so curt with him. But if it was indeed an imperial edict, he was duty bound not to interfere. Yet, there was something wrong about this. Why not Dromund Kaas? Why Hoth?


Rey’elle removed Vector’s hands from her shoulders and walked woodenly back to the meeting room where she sank into a chair. Vector followed at a distance but made no further attempt at contact. There was something more to this but he could do nothing until he had more information. He turned to walk to the engine room that Scorpio had commandeered as her personal quarters.


Her back was turned to the door as he entered, “Yes Vector. Do you require something?”


He expected her to turn around, she did not. “We need to see the last communication Ray’elle received, Scorpio. Can you do that?”


“I am already working on it. She is very good at what she does. This may take some time. Leave now and let me work.”


The next three and a half days were both too long and too short and if Kaliyo said ‘brrr, it’s cold in here’ or ‘hey I think I can see my breath’ one more time when he and Rey’elle were in the same room, Vector swore was going to wring her neck. He was usually very tolerant of Kaliyo, but his patience was drawing the short straw.


The ship he loved as home, their home, now felt derelict. He sometimes spoke with Lokin but mostly kept to himself. He communed with the nest for solace. He only touched Rey’elle at night when she fell exhausted into bed and he held her close, she hardly spoke to anyone and there were the dreams, always the dreams.


At last the ship dropped out of hyperspace in orbit around the stark, white planet of Hoth. A place he had once thought pure and beautiful was now barren and menacing. Raina was in the process of docking the ship in a hangar at the Adamas Space Port. Other than the comm chatter, the ship was deadly silent.


Rey’elle was in their cabin packing. She had hated to lie to Vector but he would have stopped her at any cost, even drugged her if he had to. She was finally starting to understand that there was something between her and Phi-ton so strong, so compelling that she would go to any lengths to save him. The thought of his dying was so unbearable she hurt down to her core. She did not love him, not like Vector, not in that sense, and if she made it out of this alive, she had to return to Voss. The urge to return to him was undeniable and she had to know why.


With a sigh, she shouldered the backpack, looked around their room and started out the door looking down at her chrono. Ten hours to spare, good jump.


Vector stood in the doorway, his shoulders slumped, “Please reconsider and at least take Scorpio with you,”


She looked up at him and placed her hand on the side of his face. “We have already had this conversation. I can’t. When orders are given, I must follow them to the letter. You know this. I will be back soon. I do love you.”


She pushed past him and strode through the ship’s hallway and down the exit ramp. She turned once to look at him before she headed to the shuttle to take her to whoever or whatever awaited on the frozen planet below.


Vector retreated back into the ship and headed to the meeting room and opened the intercom, “Scorpio, do you have that holo recording yet? Please tell us you have it and that it wasn’t deleted.”


The intercom light came on, “Just a little longer. I told you she is very good. Agent’s private channel lock should have been easier for me to break, but it is proving quite the challenge. If anything was deleted, there will be enough of an echo for me to reconstruct. Nothing ever truly disappears on the holonet. I will let you know when I have it. Do not interrupt me again. Note, the nav lock disengaged as soon as we arrived.”


It was getting close to noon, when the holo finally lit up with the recording and the image of Aristocra Seganu appeared. Kaliyo perked up, “Wow, he’s a looker.” Noting Vector’s face she shrugged, “Hey, I’ve had worse.”


Vector’s pulse quickened as the replay finished, his mind going to places he never wanted to imagine. “She is risking her life, she is risking us, she is risking it all, and for what? She lied to us. What hold does this Voss have on her? She is alone, we cannot protect her. Where is she now?


He switched on the intercom, ”Raina, come to the meeting room please. You have had dealings with the Chiss here and we require your assistance. Hurry.”


Raina Temple entered the meeting room and sat down in front of the small holo terminal on the meeting table, “So nice to finally be needed. Seganu, this is Raina Temple calling. Please answer. This is concerning your message to Cypher 9. Please respond.”


The chiss’ face appeared and flashed a smile, “Ah, ensign Temple, so good to see you again. So, this about my message to our favorite agent yes? How can I help you?”


“Seganu, this is Vector Hyluss. We have met before. Please tell us that Rey’elle made it safely to Dorn Base and that you know where she is. Any information would be most welcome.”


“Ah, yes, Mr. Hyluss.” Seganu’s smile dissipated. “The agent arrived safely and promptly headed to Leth outpost shortly before dawn. She should make it to the Highmount road beacon sometime just before noon. She has a good head start on you.”


Vector placed his hands on the table and leaned forward, “Please tell us you are having her followed.”


Seganu frowned, “Of course, however she is a clever one and she has disappeared from all surveillance. I do fear for her safety. I have already dispatched additional teams to find her, but so far, nothing, not even at the beacon. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything at all. I hope she finds shelter before nightfall. Seganu out.”


Everyone in the room jumped as Vectors fist slammed down on the table.


Kaliyo had reached automatically for her gun, “Dammit bug boy, stay out of my room if you are going to start destroying every piece of furniture on the ship. And I can’t believe she played the Imperial card or that you fell for it. So what’s the plan?”


“We wait."




Rey’elle was at the meeting point. She was crouched out of sight behind one of the huge pipes that fed heat and power to bases all over this area from the nearby geothermal plant. Seganu’s men were good, but she was better. A few miles back she had left the road, backtracked and then dropped below a huge drift until she saw them go by. She rode the speeder parallel to the road moving from drift to drift. She had ditched the speeder some distance back. Hoth was an ice ball, she left no tracks where she walked. She reached the beacon at fifteen 'til noon.



She was thankful that she had stopped long enough at Dorn Base to purchase the white, cold weather gear she now wore. It offered camouflage as well as warmth. Her chrono said it was five past noon and still nothing. She never heard the dart and only felt a slight sting on the back of her neck before the world faded and she felt herself falling.




Time passed with agonizing slowness. At last the ship’s holo fluttered to life. “Hello, are you there? This is Seganu with a message for Vector Hyluss.”


Vector leaned forward in his chair, “We are here”


“Vector, I just got a message from that Fentis Krel fellow. No video. All he said was ‘ This message is for Vector Hyluss, we have her. Bring the Voss to Hoth, be at the Highmount road beacon in three and a half days or she dies, slowly. The two of you come alone.’ That was all he said. I fear she is in more danger than we know. Whoever orchestrated this is playing a sick game and she is the toy. I fear what she may suffer before this is over. I continue to search. Seganu out.”


Kaliyo’s voice seemed to come from a great distance. “Vector, snap out of it. Vector what do we do now?”


He struggled to break through the fog in his brain, no time to shut down, no time to waste. He shook his head and stood up. “This is not much of a plan, but it is all we have. Kaliyo, Scorpio we need you to go to Hoth and find Seganu. Raina has coordinates for his base. We expect you two to rescue her if possible or at least keep tabs on her whereabouts should she be found. Scorpio you need to monitor communications, if anyone can find a hidden signal or anomaly it is you and you are good in a fight. See if there are any clues to the identity of her abductor. Raina and Lokin with us. We need to pick up a Voss and we have precious little time.”


“You are really leaving?” Kaliyo’s face had a look of disbelief. “What if this is a trick? Don’t you want to just find her, kill things and bring her back?”


He exhaled slowly, “More than you can know Kaliyo. But Phi-ton was a set target, and the message for us left little to interpretation. This is personal against Rey’elle. The instructions are very specific. Phi-ton and I have a part to play. We will not take the chance of calling a bluff that will likely get her killed. Thirty six hours there, thirty six back, expect us in 3 days. You all know what to do.”


He turned away from the crew and headed for the cockpit. Once Kaliyo and Scorpio had disembarked, he eased the Phantom out of the hanger and punched in the nav code for Voss. A planet he never wished to see again but held his life in it’s gravity none the less.


Continued Next Post

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This is great! While admittedly it is noticeable that you aren't that much of an experienced writer (though I can't pin down why it is noticeable) your texts are nicely long, you chose a great plot point and your characters are well written

Keep it up!


Thank you for the very kind critique. I think part of the issue is that have I have written poetry for years. It is hard to expand an idea into paragraphs when I am so used to putting a lot of imagery or emotion into a very confined space. Dialogue is troublesome, so is direction sometimes. Please continue to let me know what you think, good or bad, it is part of growth.

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Hopping back and forth between the ship and Hoth, hope I did it right. 36 hours between beginning and end. And why Hoth? It seems everything is best served cold.


Scene V


“Wake up Cipher. Time to wake up now.”


That voice, she knew that voice. Why did her head feel like she had just been butted by an angry reek. Why was her mouth so dry and why was she so damned cold.


“Wake up Cipher. Open your eyes. It will hurt but just for a little while. Wake up….Now!”


Rey’elle’s eyes fluttered open and she thought that the light would crack her skull. She immediately started to shut down again.


“Oh no you don’t. Stay awake. Open your eyes slowly, let them adjust, but lay still. They can’t know that you have come around yet.”


“Watcher X, is that really you?” she murmured.


“Shh, I am in your head. No need to speak.”


“Not thinking too straight yet. How are you here?”


“Spinal implants, remember? I was just hibernating but now you need me again. Aren’t you so very pleased?”


“Yeah, just what I needed. Voss dreams sending my life on a downward spiral and now a crazy ex watcher. Must be my lucky day.”


“No need to be insulting. How are the eyes?”


“Better. Can see shapes now and some sort of entrance. Bright light still hurts. Are those bars? Am I in some sort of cage? Hoth right? Yes, Hoth. Doesn’t hurt so much to think now.”


“Is she awake yet?” came a deep voice from across the room.


“He sounds imperial maybe sith. Hard to tell. Do I know him?”


“Not yet, my Lord, I may have miscalculated her weight,” someone answered.


“Hmm, my lord. Definitely sith. This just keeps getting better.”


She heard the impatience in the voice, “Well wake her up then. It has been hours. It will be night soon. I really want to see the look on her face.”


She heard the second voice speak almost hesitantly, “Water should do the trick. A bucket full, if it don’t freeze before I get it over there.”


A tinge of anger in the first voice, “You idiot. I don’t want her to freeze to death. I need her alive. I would miss all the fun if she were to die now. Oh my, I almost forgot about the device. How silly of me. Compliance and utility, such a handy tool. Ah, yes I sense….”


Her body convulsed uncontrollably. She tried to scream but couldn’t even manage a squeak. The pain could not be described. Thousands of tiny insects crawled along every nerve, biting and stinging as they went. She struggled to breathe and if she had ingested anything she would have been sick. It stopped as suddenly as it began.


He spoke almost cordially, “Are you awake yet, my dear? Please answer before I use this again, I really do not have much patience.”


“Y_yes,” she croaked.


The voice was thick as syrup, “Speak up, I can’t hear you.”


She clenched her teeth, “Yes, awake, what do you want?”


Her body convulsed again. Her vision swam and she felt like her spine would crack. It was over much quicker this time.


The clack of boot heels indicated he was pacing, “Tsk, tsk. Such attitude. I will ask the questions here, never forget who is in control. Oh, but where are my manners. You must be thirsty. Fentis, fetch Cipher 9 some water if you would.”


"He knows me, how?"


A small canteen was thrown through the bars of the cage. She managed to sit up and take a few sips hoping it was neither drugged or poisoned. Her body convulsed for the third time and she vomited the water back up again.


He chuckled, “Like I said, control. I think I have made my point. So good to see you again. I have some communications to attend to, enjoy the respite while it lasts.”


“Well, that was damned annoying and painful. Seems I have a slave collar on. You still there Watcher?”


“Yes Cipher. Just hope that collar doesn’t fry those implants. You will be truly alone if that happens. Do the exercise, scan the room, look for observation devices. Evaluate your prison, look for any weaknesses. Do you possess anything that can be used as a tool or weapon. How many people are in this room, could you disarm any of them? Are there any tricks to play that can get the collar removed. Can you survive the torture better than the elements? Rest now and preserve your strength, you will need it for what’s to come.”


It was almost too cold to rest. They had removed her outer coat and left only the thermal lining, which would hold in what little body heat she produced, but barely.. It would keep her from freezing to death, but she would be far from comfortable. Her hands were already numb even though they had left the thin thermal linings of the gloves. She would be lucky if she didn’t get frostbite or worse. After a time, her eyelids started to droop.


She did not know how long she dozed, it could not have been for long, but the dream had started, when the voice in her head interrupted.


“Cipher. You were dreaming. Such erotic imagery, if I may say so. Who is the blue striped man? Oh, your captor is returning.”


Rey’elle heard the rustling of robes on the floor but he still stood back from the cage, “Well, Cipher 9. This day almost gone and where is your savior? Did he not get the message? Perhaps he is running late or we have you too well hidden. Perhaps he is not coming at all. Perhaps he is already dead. Ah, yes, some food. I hope dried tauntaun is alright. It is rather banal for my taste but should put some color back into those cheeks of yours. Were you able to keep some water down this time? A touchy stomach can be such a problem. Fentis, some repast for our guest, perhaps a little candlelight to set the mood?”


Suddenly her cell was awash with bright white light. She was blinded. She tried to shield her eyes with her hands.


“I will be leaving for the night. Hoth is so inhospitable after dark. Fentis throw her one of those vermin ridden bantha robes, I do want to be a proper host. Don’t forget, we have brunch plans tomorrow. Oh, and Fentis, I do not want her touched if you get my meaning. Good night Cipher, don’t let the bugs bite.”


His laughter was low and cruel. She heard the squeak of the cage door and something heavy was thrown atop her. It smelled musty and old, but it should be warm. The door creaked shut and the lock clicked into place. She searched around until she found the piece of tauntaun. It was salty and stringy but would keep her alive. She heard the taunting laughter of the guards. Then she heard blast doors close in the distance. A bunker of some sort.


“What is that old saying Watcher? She who laughs last….”


“Eat what you can Cipher and drink. The body is the best place to store moisture. Turn your face from the light and sleep if you can. Don’t dream, it drains you. One day down, how many more to go? You must survive. But, will he come for you in time? I wonder.”


“He will always come for me and he will kill them all.”




Vector paced back and forth in the cockpit watching the crono. He could swear that time was not moving at all. He hoped that one day someone would be brilliant enough to create instant travel between points in space. His mind raced back to her. She was still alive, he would know if she was dead, he would know. She had lied, never before had she spoken an untruth to him. Perhaps hidden things, but never right out...he started pacing again.


Raina looked up at him from her seat by the nav computer, “Vector, you are going to wear holes in the deck.”


He gazed down at her, “Then there will be holes. Standing still is worse.” He glanced back at the crono. He could swear that time was laughing at him.




“Cipher, he is back. Prepare yourself."


Rey’elle rolled out from the center of the bantha hide she had doubled over to give her something to lay on as well as something to cover herself with. Thankfully the spotlight had been turned off. She was exhausted from the dreams as if she had not slept at all. It was so cold she shivered. Any body fat she had in reserve had long since melted away which made her feel that much colder. She could swear she felt things crawling through her hair. The blast doors were open, she could see light. It must be late morning.


She looked up to see a robed and hooded figure standing closer to the cage. He still wanted to stay hidden. Why? What difference did it make now?


His tone was almost friendly, “Ah, my dear Cipher so glad to see you awake. Your night was pleasant? Were you comfortable? Warm? I assume you will need to use a refresher soon, yes? There is one here in the bunker, or should I just shove a bucket in there with you? Decisions, decisions. What, nothing to say? Should I give you some motivation?”, he raised the shock control. “But no, refresher first, shock later. Wouldn’t want to make a mess now would we?


“Fentis, come here and escort our guest to the refresher. Take two armed guards and if she makes a wrong move, shoot her in the leg, I don’t care which one, you choose. Oh, and leave the door open, wouldn’t want her to try and hurt herself now would we? I do worry for your safety, my dear girl.”


“What the hell did you do to this guy Cipher? He is not only trying to break you, but humiliate you too. Play his game, act cowed and wait your chance. He is having too much fun now to do anything drastic.”


“Like what, shoot me in the leg and show my naked arse to a bunch of goons? I can handle it, Watcher. It will take more than this to break me. But his voice is so familiar, he keeps his face hidden, why?”


The trip to the refresher was without incident, except for some leering eyes, well let them look. Nearing the cage on the return trip, Fentis pushed her so hard she lost her footing and then he tripped her. She fell face first into the bars and then to the ground dazed. Her body spasmed, snapping her head back onto the floor so hard she saw stars. The sizzle and snap of the collar loud in her ears, nerves on fire, she just lay there, unable to move when it stopped. Fentis took her by one arm and twisted then pulled so hard she heard her shoulder snap and she shrieked. He then threw her back inside the cage. She rolled to a stop by the bantha hide.


The hooded figure spoke in a mocking tone. “Well, that was clumsy of you Cipher. You should be more careful or you will surely hurt yourself. I will leave you alone for a short time, but don’t worry I’ll be back. I wouldn’t want you to get lonely.”


Rey’elle lay there stunned for what seemed like hours. Her face hurt and when she tried to lift her right hand to touch it, she cried out as a crushing pain rolled across her shoulder and down her arm. She used her left arm and hand to push herself up to a sitting position, her right arm was useless. She felt her face with her left hand, her right eye was already puffing up and her cheekbone was tender to the touch. She considered herself lucky that the fall had not broken her nose. She touched the back of her head and she had a nice bump, but no blood.


She looked around for the small canteen and finally spied it outside the cage, sitting just out of reach.


“No water today then. So be it.”


“Watcher, I think I might I know him. Some sith from my past. It is not clear exactly, but he is definitely someone I know.”


“Cipher, don’t let him even think that you recognize him. He will hurt you more, it is his game after all. Play along for now. He will reveal it all before he is through with you.”


“Vector, I am here, find me please. Find me soon.”


She pushed herself up onto her knees and using her one good arm, she crawled onto the bantha hide to wait.




Vector stood in the cockpit. Watching the swirl of hyperspace rush past the window. His face was unreadable.


Raina wrinkled her nose at him. “Vector, you really need some rest and a bath. For my sake, if not for yours. I will let you know if anything happens.”


Lokin’s voice came from behind him, “You are becoming a bit ripe my boy. And given my proclivities, it must be getting bad if even I notice. And you need rest. Whatever you need to do, get some sleep. You are no good for anyone this way.”


Vector inclined his head slightly to both of them and headed to the refresher. If the sonic could just remove all his fears as well as it scrubbed his body, he might consider it a miracle invention. He stepped out of the sonic and started to dress.


He had removed several items of clothing from his and Rey’elle’s cabin right before he left for Voss. Then he had closed the door and not dared to enter since. He feared the memories would break him and he had no time to be broken.


He grabbed a blanket out of the crew quarters and headed to the cargo bay. There he opened his mind to the nest. They consoled him, quieted him and finally he lay down and let the song of the universe sing him into a deep but fitful sleep.




Rey’elle must have dozed off. A metallic dragging sound woke her in the middle of the dream. She glanced up and saw the robed and hooded figure sitting before her cage.


He leaned forward in the chair as if to get a closer look. ”My apologies for not returning sooner, I know how much you love my company. There is always something to attend to. A busy man never rests. Oh, but I did have such a wonderful lunch. Bantha steak covered with a delectable rodian pepper sauce. You should have been there.


“But, I know how much you must enjoy your free time. One can think so much better without distraction. And imagination is such a wonderful thing. What can you imagine, Cipher? I can imagine such wonderful things where you are concerned. It almost makes me giddy with anticipation.


“What, no reply? You do have my permission to speak now. Huh, still nothing? Perhaps I can entice you to find your voice.”


Rey’elle’s body jerked, her eyes rolled back as she hit her head on the rear bars of the cage. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She sat there panting when it was over, her shoulder was on fire. She felt something warm trickle down the back of her neck.


The robed figure shook the controller, “Hmmm. Still nothing, I wonder if this thing is defective somehow. Well never mind, we still have time. Not much though. Fentis, I need you to remove Cipher’s boots. I do worry after her tripping accident yesterday. Leave the socks though. If I want her to lose her feet, I will remove them myself. Don’t worry about being gentle.”


Reyelle watched as the door was unlocked and the huge devaronian walked into the cage. She tried to back up but there was no where to go. Fentis reached down for one of her legs and she kicked out with her left foot barely grazing his chin. He smiled and rubbed his chin and seized her left ankle in a grip like Mandalorian Iron and twisted so hard that she heard her knee pop as cartilage tore and separated and her knee cap shifted. She screamed.


She kicked out with her right leg and barely saw the fist coming toward her in time for her to turn her head. She rocked backward and hit the bars again with the back of her head. She was so dazed she couldn’t move. She could feel her lips swelling and someone tugging on her feet.


She screamed again as her left boot was removed. Her vision swirled, she was all pain. She just sat there trying to clear her head and not move. Fentis kicked her leg as he got up to leave, she cried out and felt tears start to freeze on her face.


The laughter wafted to her, low and malicious, “Now there is the voice I wanted to hear. Absolutely beautiful. You have missed your calling, Cipher, you should have been a singer. Oh, goodness, do look at the time. I really have enjoyed the entertainment, but duty calls. Fentis, give her some water and food. But cut the food ration in half. I do believe she has gained a few pounds since yesterday and we simply cannot let her get fat, now can we? Pleasant dreams, Cipher. Until tomorrow, then. And Fentis, lest you forget, no touching. Oh, and do remember to turn on the light. I believe Cipher is afraid of the dark.”


She heard the chair squeak and then the swishing of robes as he walked away. She heard the canteen hit the floor somewhere near but she could not move to reach it. She heard the faint scratching sound of the dried tauntaun slide across the floor but didn’t care.


“Watcher? I don’t know if I will live through this. He is tearing my body apart by pieces, what do I do?”


“You survive, Cipher. If not for yourself, then for him. I can only keep you sane, you must do the rest. Night will be here soon, and over before you know it. Get some sleep if you can.”




The intercom burst to life with Raina’s voice. “We are almost there Vector. Wake up, only an hour now to Voss.”


He stood up slowly and stretched. He had to change into his armor before landing. He might need it before this day was through. He hoped not, and hoped so at the same time.


Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Poor Cypher, that's truly awful what's happening to her. And Vector (I adore him so much.)


Getting curious as to who this horrible Sith is. It's funny,the mystery Sith's voice, sounds to me exactly like Lord Draahg from the SW story for some reason.


Which is funny, the VA who plays Draahg also does Watcher X...just an interesting tidbit, they still sound unique (you nailed watcher X perfectly), but for whatever reason, in my mind that's the voice that was attached to your mystery man.


Keep it up! I'm loving what's happening and curious about what's next! ^^

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Poor Cypher, that's truly awful what's happening to her. And Vector (I adore him so much.)


Getting curious as to who this horrible Sith is. It's funny,the mystery Sith's voice, sounds to me exactly like Lord Draahg from the SW story for some reason.


Which is funny, the VA who plays Draahg also does Watcher X...just an interesting tidbit, they still sound unique (you nailed watcher X perfectly), but for whatever reason, in my mind that's the voice that was attached to your mystery man.


Keep it up! I'm loving what's happening and curious about what's next! ^^


Thanks Luna. Watcher X is probably one of my all time favorite NPCs. His voice was calm, measured, dispassionate, calculated, even soothing. Yet I always thought that there were sharks swimming about under that smooth surface, always searching for prey and waiting to go into a killing frenzy. Thanks for the tidbit about the VA also.


As for Vector, I am pleased that you enjoy the liberties I have taken with his persona.

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Hope you enjoy this chapter. There are some steamier scenes but again, nothing too graphic.


Scene VI


It was the dream again and Phi-ton reached for her. He felt the silk of her skin, he tasted her lips he could see and feel his essence envelope and permeate every inch of her and like a replay of every dream before he saw the flames rise from her very being. They rose higher and engulfed both of them with a blaze so hot his blood boiled in his veins. He burned and he wanted to burn forever with her, in her, around her. The rumble pounded in his chest, in his temples and he heard it all like an avalanche in the mountains. But this was wrong, something was wrong, the sound was all wrong. Where was that coming from? What was that voice? It was not her voice, it was too deep. The dream was ending too soon and his eyes opened to a world as empty as his life.


“Phi-ton open this damned door before we break it down. Today, we are Dawn Herald and little else and you have put all that we hold dear in danger.”


Phi-ton wiped the sleep from his eyes, “Yes, Nal-cha, hold on, I am awake now and opening the door for you.”


Pulling on his trousers, Phi-ton walked calmly to the door and opened it to look down into the smoldering black depths of Vector Hyluss’ eyes.


Vector’s hand shot up to encircle Phi-ton’s neck and forced him back into the room.


“You defiled her, drugged her, poisoned her and you have the nerve to also insult us with one of your Voss profanities?”


Phi-ton’s arms swept upwards and broke Vector’s grip on his neck. “I was a commando, do not forget I know how to fight. And Nal-cha simply means black eyes in the Voss language. Truth can never be an insult. What is this danger that you speak of, I would know. Where is Rey’elle?”


“She is on Hoth,” said an aging, balding, grey haired man, who stood slightly behind Vector. “We know that she has been taken. We do not know by who or why. There is much to discuss and using fisticuffs as the main discourse seems neither efficient nor productive.”


“Gather your belongs Phi-ton,” Vector practically spat his name at him. “You are leaving Voss with us and all the deities in the universe cannot help someone who tries to stop us.”


“I must get clearance from the Three to leave this place. It is not done, it has never been done except once with one known as the Bar’senthor. But Rey’ellle is my wife and I will find a way.”


Vector bristled at his emphasis on the word my, as if she were property. “See that you do. Get dressed. We will accompany you. Somewhere a sniper lurks and she has sacrificed herself to save your miserable life. We would protect you as her fate rests with both of us returning to Hoth. Oh, and do not let the good doctor’s age fool you, he is far more dangerous than you know.”


Phi-ton pulled on his shirt and boots. “I hope my safety is important to you, for after we rescue her, if I die, she will never be whole and that is something neither of us wants.”


“We can discuss this on the ship. Let’s not waste time with empty words. Now move.” Vector turned on his heel, strode down the steps and out of the tea house with Lokin flanking him and Phi-ton.


The three were not easily convinced but finally, after much deliberation, agreed to let Phi-ton leave Voss to intervene as protector of his wife. She was Voss, if only in name, and had left the planet some months ago. They found no cause to keep the husband bound from travel since she was his family and honor dictates that family should be protected at any cost except the security of Voss. The only caveat was that he must return to Voss because the fewer that encountered his race the better.


There was no sign of the sniper or any attempt made on Phi-ton’s life as they headed back to the tea house where Phi-ton packed his belongings. They made their way to the shuttle pad to return to the Space Station, again without incident.


Vector turned his head to look at Phi-ton as they walked to the hanger, “They have what they want and recalled the bounty. This is possibly a good sign for Rey’elle but we still fear for her life. Know this, Phi-ton, if she dies, so do you.”


“It would be a blessing Nal-cha. We must speak soon so that you fully understand.” Phi-ton replied as they entered the Phantom.


Vector glanced over his shoulder, “It is a thirty six hour trip back to Hoth so we will have plenty of time. Raina has been monitoring channels around the clock and has heard nothing so far from any of our contacts on Hoth. We...I would never have left, but our hand was forced. We have the feeling that both of us are very important to how this tragedy plays out. Follow me, you can stow your gear in the crew quarters and then we talk. Hopefully you have something worthwhile to say.”


“Hoth beacon locked in, Vector, prepare for jump. We are going to cut this close. We have wasted time here. And if Dr. Lokin can spell me for a bit monitoring the channels, I could really use some sleep.” Raina called from the cockpit.


Vector walked into the meeting room with Phi-ton trailing. He lowered himself into a chair, and motioned to a chair across the table for Phi-ton to use. “Alright, Phi-ton, let’s hear it. Make us understand this hold you have on Rey’elle and this life or death bond that you share. It needs to be convincing.”


Phi-ton sank slowly into the seat and exhaled deeply. “You outsiders know nothing of Voss. Beyond tales of Mystic fortune tellers who see the future and are never wrong, you know nothing of our customs or rituals. Perhaps the Mystic’s foresight can be exploited or used, but nothing else has meaning or value. What did you think the marriage ceremony was all about? Did you think that sex with a Voss was just like sex with any other race or species? Seduction must be part of an agent's arsenal and curiosity can be a dangerous thing. Did you and she think that to marry a Voss, out of necessity, I might add, and then to bed a Voss would yield no consequences?


“You know how our healers heal. You have seen it. They syphon energy from other beings and hold this energy inside themselves to then dispense to the sick or wounded. Did you ever stop to think on this ritual in depth? It is the foundation of Ardor although healers are merely a vessel to hold and then channel the energy. They leave no residue of themselves behind.


“The rite of Ardor releases all of our suppressed passions. All of the pent up energies suppressed, sometimes, for years. When Voss make love as you call it or partake of Ardor, as we call it, it creates a bond. We Voss essentially split during this rite. We are neither pure form nor pure energy. Our energy disperses around us and we enter each other as physical beings and also particles of what we are. There is a primal noise we create during this time, a sort of hum or rumble that also takes form as pure vibration. It comes from the very depths of our being. It also enters and caresses, surrounds and titillates and is the center of our pleasure.


“Do you understand that I am in her blood as she is in mine? These minute traces of ourselves that we leave behind in each other go down to the cellular level. The dreams and cravings are enough to drive us mad with desire and longing. It is the two halves of ourselves calling out to each other, needing to be reunited.


“I thought she would decline the Ardor after the wedding and when she agreed I could not say no, because I already loved her. I had loved her from the moment she entered the tea house and desired her beyond reason. We are part of the very fiber of each other and I would not trade that night with her for any riches or status or even life itself.


“You see, Nal-cha, she loves you like no other, but she craves me, she is driven back to me always. It is as basic a need as air, food or water. It is why she will forever be compelled to return to Voss and to me. These traces or particles of myself that are now in her cannot be denied any more than I can deny the particles of her that are in me. We must partake of Ardor and each other for the rest of our lives. To deny this would mean to wither and die over time.”


Vector sat for a long while, his eyes closed and fingers steepled under his chin. His struggle for self control almost a visible thing. Slowly his eyelids raised and his black, unreadable gaze locked with the orange, multi-faceted eyes staring back at him. He gripped the edge of the table like a vice.


“You selfish bastard. You knew and never warned her. You wanted to possess her, own her. We…..I could not do such a thing to her. She offered to become a joiner for us. We could never have asked that she expose herself to the pheromones. We love her for who she is. She never needed to change for us. You made her a joiner, for lack of a better term, without her knowledge or consent. Did you even know that she was already suffering? She was so thin, couldn’t sleep, barely ate and she was too ashamed to tell us of her need. We don’t think she even fully realized what was happening. Were you just going to let her fade away? Were you going to contact her at all before it was too late? And if you call us Nal-cha one more time we are going to strike you, very hard. The name is Vector, we are a warrior born of the Chrysalis and it might do us good to see you bleed.”


Phi-ton never flinched under the weight of Vector’s indictment, “She left so soon after the marriage that I did not even know if she had been affected. I only knew for sure when I felt the dreams had started for her. They are always the first sign. There is usually some time before the other symptoms manifest. I just did not know how far it had progressed. I had already started the communication thinking that I had time to write it correctly. I didn’t realize that humans might have a lesser tolerance or feel the full effects sooner. Voss had never mingled with outsiders in that way before. I would never, knowingly, let her suffer so.”


Phi-ton dropped his gaze, “ By the Mystics, what have I done. I do love her, Nal..., Vector. We must save her.”


“You had better pray that we do,” and Vector stormed out of the room.


Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Lovely chapter! You've managed to capture the Voss perfectly (as far as I'm concerned), because I truly and deeply despise Phi-ton...but that could also be in part to how firmly in Vector's camp I've always been. Like Vector, every time Phi-ton called him Nal-cha he'd just vex me more. I've always seen the Voss as extremely arrogant (and despite their size a tad useless), but this could also be my bias. And you do have a very alluring Vector here. I'm really enjoying him. Either way, you've managed to elicite a response from me, so that's marvelous :D Keep it up!
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I agree with everything Lunafox said, I never liked the Voss, and am totally crazy for Vector. There has to be a way for our Agent to be cured of what marrying Phi-ton has done to her!!!!


Loving this story, but it's hard to be patient waiting for each chapter.....can you write a little faster? LOL just kidding....sort of:P

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For Luna,

I think if I can garner some sort of emotional response to my characters, hate, love, sympathy, whatever, then I may be doing something right. Hopefully at least. Your comments are always most welcome and helpful.


For Firefoxrose,


Glad you are still following and will continue to do so. As for writing, I am probably 3 chapters ahead, but going back and re-reading before I post is the hold up. I do a lot of, well that was stupid, (delete), wrong word there, (look at thesaurus), that would be better in the next chapter (cut/paste). Next chapter is on its way, I just need to read through it a couple more times.





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Time bridging again, at least I didn't try to write 36 hours real time, I shudder to even think of it. Preparations are being made. Will post next chapter very soon. Probably tonight. I hate word censoring.


Scene VII


“Cipher. Can you hear me? Can you move?”


“I hurt all over. I don’t want to move. I’m not sure if I can move.”


“Cipher, you must try. You must see what strength remains in your body and soul. You are doomed if you do not. You must get up. Now, move.”


Rey’elle gritted her teeth and started to inch her way out from under the bantha hide. She did not remember how she got under the cover last night. Each tiny movement elicited a moan from her broken and swollen lips. She was panting and slick with sweat under the thermal liner by the time she made it to the cage bars, her hair stuck to her forehead and sides of her face. Her vision shifted back and forth from gray to black. Her damaged knee and shoulder fluctuated from throbbing ache to agony.


“So cold, Watcher, so tired. Just want to sleep.”


“Yes, yes, Cipher. So sorry to hear. Go ahead and give up. Do you think anyone would care? Who could possibly care if they find your frozen corpse? Not anyone I know. Do you know anyone like that? Now get the hell up!”


She used her good hand to grasp onto the bars and with her right leg as leverage, she managed to scoot herself to a sitting position. It seemed to take hours and her energy was totally spent. She felt her hair start to freeze to her face.


“You happy now, you sadistic arse?”


“Not sure the term applies to me Cipher, considering the circumstances. Take a few minutes then see if you can stand. Use the bars and your functioning leg to brace yourself.”


“I think I know how this is going to work, Mr. Obvious.”


“Then stop thinking about it and do it.”


Rey’elle let her breathing slow and her tired muscles relax. She looked around and saw the small piece of dried tauntaun she had not eaten from the night before. She scooted over enough to grasp it quickly with her left hand and started to eat. She felt some strength slowly return. The salt made her thirsty. She looked for the canteen but did not see it.


“No more delays Cipher.”


“Up yours, Watcher.”


Turning herself so that her injured leg was next to the bars, she attempted to pull herself up with her left arm enough to get her right leg under her in a kneeling position. She tried over and over again, with different positions, bracing herself with what working limbs she had, only to slump down time and again in failure.


“I don’t have the strength Watcher. This is futile.”


“Then you will face him sitting down instead of standing. It is better than on your knees or on your belly.”




Vector was sitting in the pilot's seat when the communication came through. He had barred Phi-ton from entering the cockpit, the cargo hold and the room that that he and Rey'elle shared. It was safer for the Voss that way. He still avoided their cabin. He had no room for memories now, sentimentality was not his mission, distractions were not his purpose.


“Vector, Raina, come in please, this is Kaliyo. Come in please.”


Raina reached over to flip the two way button, “We hear you Kaliyo, what’s the news?”


A slightly staticy voice came through, “Scorpio seems to have found a hidden message on a carrier wave coming out of the Glacial Fissure. It was gone before she could triangulate, but if it opens again, she knows exactly what to listen for. We will have her location soon Vector. Hurry back. Kaliyo out.”


“How much longer Raina?”


“Approximately 24 hours and that is pushing the ship to the maximum just in case you were going to ask for more speed. It is close to noon on Hoth. We will make it in time.”




Reyelle was dreaming of Vector, except he had faceted orange eyes. Then Phi-ton appeared, but his eyes were solid black. Their faces began to melt and twist and meld into one until she could not tell one from the other. She jerked awake looking wildly around her.


She willed her heart to slow. She was so thirsty. She looked around for the canteen again finally spying the top sticking up from the other side of the bantha hide. She did not think she could make it. Not yet anyway. Maybe later.


She watched the guards mill around the room. Some were moving crates, some standing by fire pits to warm themselves, a couple of them nearer her cage talking amongst themselves. About 15 total that she could see. No sign of Fentis though.


For the first time she stopped to take stock of her surroundings. There were cameras in various areas around the bunker, including one very near her and aimed in her direction. There were the blast doors at the far end, the door to the refresher to her right and two doors on the left wall. Probably storage, galley and barracks. There was low lighting coming from the ceiling and the spotlight was slightly over to her left toward the front of her cage. Useless information, but it kept her mind occupied for now.


“I told you to do this the first day you were here, Cipher.”


“You do not want to go there, Watcher.”


Judging by the light coming in the bunker doors, it was well past noon. Where was that Sith sonofa*****. He had never left her alone this long before. Maybe he had cut his own throat shaving with his lightsaber.


“At least your sense of humor is returning. A good sign.”




Vector walked toward the crew quarters. He needed to use the refresher and then he needed some caf and an energy bar. He never liked caf until he had moved onto the ship. It was her favorite beverage and he had often shared a cup with her in the mornings.


“Damnit Vector, stop it. You don’t have time for this. Mission first, snuggles later is what she used to say. He couldn’t believe he had just described her in past tense. Mission first, he had to stay focused. It was going to be a long trip.”


In the refresher he splashed water on his face and ran his fingers through his hair. He spied his reflection in the mirror. He needed a shave. No time, no time. What if Kaliyo called back.


As he passed by the galley on his way back to the cockpit he noticed Phi-ton inside evidently looking for something to eat. Vector crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.


“We don’t have much to offer, no time for restock. Not sure how energy bars work with you people but that is about all we have. That and caf.”


Phi-ton turned around with a cup in his hand, “I will make due, I have not been able to eat much of late, with the dreams and all. Just looking for some hot water to make tea. I brought some with me.”


“Good for you.” Vector so very much wanted to jump across the counter and wipe the smugness off Phi-ton’s face.


Vector let a slight smile play across his face, seems like his human side was showing through a lot more of late. That was either going to be very good or very bad. He was even using more profanities than usual. He rather liked it. Diplomacy be damned.


“So, tell us Phi-ton, this mysterious bond between Rey’elle and you. Can it be broken at all and if so how?”


“There is nothing mysterious about it at all, Vector. It is simply the natural state of things, on Voss. And, yes, it can be broken at the shrine of healing, but the ritual does not always work. Especially if that person's deepest desire is opposed to what the ritual is trying to accomplish. It can actually block the cleansing. I suppose we'll find out what her true desire is once she is safe, I already know what mine is.”


“Your desires count for nothing.”


Yes, this was definitely going to come to blows before everything was finished. He turned and walked back to the cockpit. No distractions, he reminded himself. He would get caf later, when the galley was empty.




She was still studying her surroundings when she saw two figures outlined in the light of the open blast door. As they came closer she could not mistake the tall robed and hooded figure or the devaronian, Fentis. They stopped just short of her cage.


“My dear Cipher, so good to see you up and about. I see the knee is swelling nicely, must be very uncomfortable. How’s the shoulder? Still nothing to say?” He raised the controller.


“No, wait. Who are you? Why am I here?”


He put his hand to his chest and leaned his upper body back as if in surprise. “She speaks, I feel so privileged. An unknown tormentor is so much more menacing don’t you think? The speculation and dread are powerful tools. As to the other, you will know soon enough. The time is almost here.”


“Time for what? Why don’t you just kill me and get it over with?”


“That was quite the display of determination I saw earlier.” He completely ignored her questions and nodded toward the camera aimed at her cage. “You are never out of my sight. I can savor every display of torment that crosses your face, when you move, when you crawl. To kill you would ruin the game and there are other pieces still in play that have not entered the arena yet. I am still waiting for them to return.”


“Vector and Phi-ton. But why?”


“To see your world crumble, Cypher. That is why. Surely you have made many enemies in your years in Intelligence, but which one am I? The suspense must be killing you, so to speak. Fentis, help our guest to the refresher if you will.”


She grabbed onto the cage bar with her left hand and braced herself. “I don’t need to….”


The cage door opened and Fentis slowly walked in. Looking down at her, he grabbed for her left ankle. She kicked out with her right foot knocking his hand away. He doubled up his fist and hit her in her injured and swollen knee. Her entire leg exploded into such pure agony that she couldn’t find her voice to scream. Her vision whirled in eddies of red, gray and black.


She started to slump over and Fentis took hold of her right arm to pull her upright again. A soft hiss escaped her lips as she whipped her head to the side and bit into his gloved hand. He chuckled softly and grabbed a handful of her hair and slammed her skull back into the bars. She fell into the blackness and saw only Vector’s eyes before she saw nothing at all.


“Fentis, now my time with her is cut shorter than I wanted. She was just starting to show spirit and now you have ruined it. Oh, well I doubt she could have managed the refresher by herself anyway.”


One of the guards mumbled, “I would have helped her.” There was light laughter from his partner. Suddenly he seemed to levitate, legs dangling, feet kicking, fingers clawing at his throat as if trying to remove invisible hands. There was a faint snap and he was still. His body fell to the floor in a heap. There was no noise in the bunker except the sound of the wind from outside and the crackle of fire in the fire pits.


“Leave him there, Fentis. As a warning to the others. Leave some food and water for her. Tomorrow is a big day and I can watch her from more comfortable quarters. It is late and there are preparations to make. Do cover her up, I doubt she will have the strength to do it herself and I would be most displeased if she should expire during the night.”


The robed figure turned to leave, sauntering slowly by the guards who gave him a clear path.


Fentis entered the cage to leave the food and water and threw the bantha hide over her. Almost like an afterthought, he turned and kicked her prone figure as he was leaving. He heard a satisfying crack, smiled and exited, locking the door behind him.




Vector spent most of the last hours of the flight in the cargo bay communing with the nest. He tried to make them understand that he might have to walk outside of the comfort of the joining for a time. His autonomy as Dawn Herald would permit this. The nest did not understand the emotions of heartbreak, rage, jealousy or fear. The hive could be vicious if called for but not cruel by intent. They felt loss as a lessening of the whole, like when Daizanna was killed, but not gut wrenching personal grief. He would need the strength of the nest in the days to come but he would also need to walk alone. The nest was concerned if not confused, but they would respect his wishes.


He looked at his vibrostaff leaning against the wall in the corner. The trident shaped blade at the top of the shaft gleamed dully in the light. The weapon had been forged for him by Killik craftsmen when he became Dawn Herald. It was perfectly balanced to his personal requirements with a vibrogenerator installed in the haft just below the blade and a counterweight in the opposite end of the shaft. The blade was durasteel covered with bonded cortosis weave. It could repel blaster bolts and even lightsaber strikes and had saved him more than once. It was deadly and efficient if wielded by skilled hands. Armor, flesh and bone could do little to resist an onslaught.


He walked over and picked up the vibrostaff, feeling the familiar weight in his hands. Slowly he twirled the weapon in front of him, hearing the whoosh of the blade as it sliced the air. Still twirling the blade, he lifted it over his head and turned on his toes, extending the blade to one side, then the other.


He felt the ship drop out of hyperspace and his body almost jerked to a stop, the blade outstretched to one side, held by a single arm. He swung the blade over his shoulder and onto his back into the quick release clip on the special harness he wore.


It was time for retribution and blood.


Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Ah, two in a row. But the story needed something more after filler chapters. I think this is what is called a tipping point, not sure. It is short, but it needed to end where it did. Either way, the game is afoot.


Scene VIII


“Cipher, you have a visitor.”


“Leave me alone Watcher. I don’t care.”


Sometime during the night she had awakened. She struggled to push the bantha hide off and was finally able to sit up. Not only did her shoulder and knee ache, but her lower back was singing with pain also. Breathing was difficult and when she coughed there was blood in the spittle. She tried to take a deep breath but the stabbing sensation stopped her. She must have a broken rib.


She had found the canteen and taken a few sips. She tried to look around but the spotlight prevented her from seeing anything even when she tried to shade her eyes. She crawled back under the bantha hide and wanted to get lost in the dreams. She secretly prayed she would never wake up.


“Cipher, he is close now.”


She heard the footsteps stop just outside the cage. She did not move, she could not move.


His voice was honey smooth, “Ah, Cipher. I am back as promised. It is a brand new day. And what a glorious day it is. Did you miss me? I know you still live, I can sense it.”


He turned to the devaronian and then motioned toward one of the closest guards.. “ Help Fentis get our dear agent to her feet and escort her outside the cage. I want to get a closer look at her.”


She heard the cage door unlock and felt the weight of the bantha hide lifted. She felt rough hands grasp her arms and yank her to her feet. She cried out as her ruined shoulder and knee screamed. She felt bone grate in her lower back. Her vision clouded and she thought she was going to faint. They pulled her from the cage, legs dragging behind her, head hanging in front. She finally saw the bottom of the robes and the toes of black boots peeking out from underneath and they stopped.


“Fentis, she has one good leg. Get it under her so that she can stand and look at me but support her so she does not fall. I have something to show her.”


Finally, standing upright she looked into the face of her captor, her tormenter. He reached up and pushed the hood back from his face. Her eyes widened with recognition.


She was swaying slightly and she saw the red eyes follow her motion. “Darth Serevin? But why?”


He smiled amicably at her, “So we meet again and I am so honored you remember me. You caused me a great deal of difficulty on Voss you know. I almost had them in the Empire’s pocket. I almost had the Mystics. And you had to interfere. Not only did you reveal the ancient ties of the Gormak and Voss, but you then requested a boon for your Voss family instead of asking for consideration for an Empire alliance. Did you not believe me when I said you had not heard the last of it? I warned you and evidently you did not take me seriously. Do you take me seriously now?


In all my long service to the dark council this is the one stain, the one blight. You have humiliated me, it seemed only fitting that I should return the favor. You almost cost me my closest ally Darth Malgus, your blunder will cost you much more.”


He backhanded her so quickly across her left cheek that all she saw was a blur of motion. Her head snapped backwards and she felt a trickle of blood start down her face. If not for the guard and Fentis, she would have fallen.


He reached forward and grasped her by her chin, turning her face from side to side. “You do look lovely in black and purple Cipher. And now both sides of your face will match. I do love symmetry. Don’t worry, the blood will freeze before a drop can reach the floor.


Your friends, or should I say lovers, will be here soon. I can hardly wait, I do enjoy giving parties. Unfortunately, we won’t be here to greet them. Fentis, take the good agent to my shuttle please. We have places to be.”


Rey’elle forgot the pain and stood as upright as her body would allow. She felt on the brink of hysteria. “No. No. You cannot take me. He will look for me here. He will come for me here and won’t be able to find me. It will be torment for him. Please just kill me now, end this. Let him find my body and be done with it. Don’t be such a coward.”


“A coward you say? A coward? I will show you coward.” He motioned the guard and Fentis away.


Somehow she remained standing on her right leg balancing herself gingerly with her left. She smelled the air change. Just a hint of ozone and then the lightening struck her. She dropped instantly. Her back bent backward in an impossible angle, every muscle spasmed, her legs and arms jerked, her blood was scalding steam in her veins and the marrow was melting in her bones. Her jaws were locked too tight to scream. When at last it ended, she could only lay there unable to do anything.


“Fentis, I want her on my shuttle, now, and then get your men prepared. You have been well compensated and I want results. I will get the holo recording for you. Make sure you leave it in plain sight.”


With that he spun around and walked back toward the bunker doors.


Rey’elle felt herself being lifted, almost gently. It was strange. She watched the overhead lights as if hypnotized, light, dark, light, dark like they had a pattern all their own. She felt bitter cold against her face and closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun. She felt the incline as she was carried up the ramp and the hard metal against her back as she was laid upon the floor. She felt something click around her ankle and heard the jangle of chains.


She turned her head slightly to see Darth Serevin hand Fentis a small round disk and watched as Fentis headed back down the ramp. She felt the shuttle lift off and felt despair.


“You there Watcher?”




Continued Next Post

Edited by MishaCantu
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Mmm very nice :D At last the enemy is revealed. You surprised me with that revelation, and yet I feel like I should have known better, because it made perfect sense. I always enjoyed him, and it's funny as soon as I learned who it was, the voice changed from the one I'd been imagining...to the one it actually was and it all fit. Well done, and two chapters too, I feel spoiled! Thank you. ^^
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