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Firebrand & Stormcaller: Who do you put on the ground?

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For story mode, who do you put on the ground and why? We've beaten it twice. The first time we had a corruption sorcerer on the ground, and the second time a marksmanship sniper. Edited by Qonor
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On 8 SM: doesn't matter. On 8 HM: DPS Sorc>DPS Merc>Op Healer>something


On 16 SM: whatever. on 16 HM: same priority as above. If you have 3 strong healers and are using 4, you can put one of them down. We just have heals eat doubles, so we have 2xDPS sorcs on the ground.

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Just something that nobody's specifically mentioned about the HM assignment:


You're better off if it's somebody who can cleanse themselves--whether that's a healer or a dps is up to your raid, but it definitely helps to be able to cleanse the yellow beam off of yourself while you run around.

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Thanks. How does this strat change for hard mode? Still the Firebrand healer?


Still Firebrand healer (me) when we do it too. We cleared Toth and Zorn the first week 1.2 hit the live servers, but we were stuck on the tanks until just a week ago. Turned out it really was just a lack of dps (we're a fairly casual guild). We kept hittng a second double destruction. As a scoundrel, I do ~200dps averaged over the fight with just vital shot and white damage in between heals. It doesn't sound like a lot but I worked it out and it's about 10 seconds shaved off the fight, and if dps is struggling, every little bit counts.

Edited by Seront
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Still Firebrand healer (me) when we do it too. We cleared Toth and Zorn the first week 1.2 hit the live servers, but we were stuck on the tanks until just a week ago. Turned out it really was just a lack of dps (we're a fairly casual guild). We kept hittng a second double destruction. As a scoundrel, I do ~200dps averaged over the fight with just vital shot and white damage in between heals. It doesn't sound like a lot but I worked it out and it's about 10 seconds shaved off the fight, and if dps is struggling, every little bit counts.




By having the single target healer DPS during the first phase and burst heal tanks when needed. It can give that little bit of extra damage needed to beat the second DD orbs. If that happens then healing through the defensive phase is a joke and everyone can come out of it topped off allowing the same healer to DPS again. This basically creates a snowball effect that can make the fight incredibly easy when shooting for the first time kill.

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By having the single target healer DPS during the first phase and burst heal tanks when needed. It can give that little bit of extra damage needed to beat the second DD orbs. If that happens then healing through the defensive phase is a joke and everyone can come out of it topped off allowing the same healer to DPS again. This basically creates a snowball effect that can make the fight incredibly easy when shooting for the first time kill.


Yeah.. Once we weren't hitting the second DD the fight became shockingly easy.

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As Gunslinger Dirty Fighting DPS I have no problems staying on the ground. DPS loss is minimal, and I can still be #1 by total damage. Although I have to say that all of our rDPS can comfortably do it as well, as can Scoundrel healer. That's Story Mode though, dunno about HM.
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Presently we've used a Merc, we've only had one night as a guild in there so it might change in the future, but our guys seemed to be fine on DPS'ing the boss. We only had to have myself (DPS Jugg) hop over, toss on about 4-5 secs of DPS to even out the bosses then hop back, and things went just fine for us.
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