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Malavai Quinn. If he couldn't talk the Warrior's way out of prison ("You do know that is the Wrath, yes? And you do know how important the Wrath is. Yes?") then he would infiltrate the facility, slice the records, and get both my Warrior and himself out in one piece.
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My pure blood Sith Assassin would resist arrest kill everyone trying to attack him, then slap every companion at 30 second intervals, cause of their incompetence and the fact that they're still undergeared. (Andronikis Revel still doesn't even have any guns for some reason).
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That would have to Mr. Qyzen Fess.....


He'd stand there staring blankly at the jailers, not understanding why they would possibly need to detain the Scorekeeper's Herald for meting out a beat down during a cantina hunt. Eventually they'd either get tired of the smell, notice just how sharp Trandosian teeth are in person, or just become unnerved by the fact that Qyzen never stops smiling.


Then I'd have to explain why I allowed myself to be captured in the first place, endure being admonished for losing all my Jaganath points, and then be encouraged to solo hunt Dread Tooth.


Ha ha ha :p great!

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Zenith... as the only other sane person on-board, he'd quickly become the new Agony Aunt for everyone's neuroses.


"Zen? I knew you would notice I was over-due."

"... it was either 'find you' or 'open fire on the others'. Then I realised I'd have to drag all their bodies out of the ship, so here I am."

"Let me guess - Holiday's whistling Electric Dreams over and over, yet again?"

"Nadia joined in... I had to leave when they started on Lauper tunes."

Edited by Palar
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