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How to travel to planet you don't have a mission on and can't get a mission for


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Hi! my character is doing the HK-51 missions and must get to Taris to retrieve a part. Problem is, he left Taris long ago in the storyline and I can't find a way to get him back. On other planets I've left an undone Heroic mission so I can get back, but didn't think of that until after Taris. Is there another way to get around the map to get to a planet you don't have a mission for?
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Excellent suggestion! :) I did not realize that the question was not succinct enough, so I will clarify: when I am in my ship and view the galaxy map, Taris is not available because I have no mission to Taris and the HK-51 mission does not have the Taris component show the planet. So, I'm in my ship - how do I get to Taris?
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You will still be able to get to Taris even when you don't have any active quest there. Just look at the galaxy map, find Taris and travel there. If you haven't noticed yet, scrolling your mouse button zooms in on the sectors, allowing you to see the planets and other points of interest.


If you really can't find the planet on the map for some inexplicable reason, just pick up some Taris heroic on the fleet (combat training section) and travel there that way.

Edited by PanVlk
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you don't have to have a mission at a certain planet to travel there. Go to your bridge and click on the galaxy map. Find Taris, click, then click travel. and if that doesn't work open your galaxy map Shift + M. again find taris, click, then travel. will have to zoom to see planet names
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Thanks to both of you! I've been playing about 6 months and never saw the highlight of the areas on the galaxy map - the planets I had to travel to were always highlighted ... when I hover over a sector the planets are revealed. I just tried it - have to click the area for the planets to appear with names. You have helped tremendously!
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Thanks to both of you! I've been playing about 6 months and never saw the highlight of the areas on the galaxy map - the planets I had to travel to were always highlighted ... when I hover over a sector the planets are revealed. I just tried it - have to click the area for the planets to appear with names. You have helped tremendously!


Another means of travelling to a planet and sometimes a better one, is to pick up a heroic from that planet from either the heroic terminal on Fleet or the Galactic Command menu, and using it's quick travel function.


The reason why that is sometimes better is because travelling to some planets manually sometimes puts you at the orbital station above the planet rather than on it. Using the heroic quick travel skips that step and puts you directly on the planet's surface. (Makeb and Ilum are two that spring to mind)

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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You don't need to go to fleet or your ship. Use the activity finder and click on the Taris heroics, then click the Travel Now button. Free transport, and it'll put you at the spaceport (pub side) or Toxic Lake Garrison (imp side).


If you don't want to do the heroics, then just abandon the activity finder mission after traveling there.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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You don't need to go to fleet or your ship. Use the activity finder and click on the Taris heroics, then click the Travel Now button. Free transport, and it'll put you at the spaceport (pub side) or Toxic Lake Garrison (imp side).


If you don't want to do the heroics, then just abandon the activity finder mission after traveling there.

Does that work before level 70?

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