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Duplicate PvP items IDEA


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ok i know now bioware have now gave us champion tokens from champion bags but descreased the chances of getting a full peice.


but i know how annoyed people would be to finaly get a peice of gear out of a bag for it to be something they already have.


so i came up with the idea to be able to sell the item token to the pvp vendors for 10 to 15 champion comms each peice if you open a bag to find you already have that peice.or so you can either trade it in at the pvp vendor for 15 champion comms or put it on your companion.


now i know what your saying it might be to many,but think of it as a rare occasion you get a full peice out of a champion bag to hand that peice in for 15 champion comms.



an idea to be thaught about that would defunatly be intresting to see added in the game :)

Edited by JediDuckling
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I would like to be able to at least buy a different armor type, say you got gloves twice so you can swap them over and buy a set of gloves your companion could use.


In the meantime I usually grab the offensive & defensive versions whenever I had a duplicate.

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