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Remote deaths after Gharj wipe?

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We broke Gharj for the first time this weekend. While doing it, we wiped a few times and found a really weird bug. We wipe, we go to the med center, and then sometime in the following 2-3 minutes, we drop dead. For no reason.


Returned to the instance, flew to the boss and standing outside? Drop dead.

On the speeder on the way? Drop dead.

Still outside the instance? Drop dead.

Flew back to Republic station to check my bank? Dropped dead at the bank.


***? Every wipe, we would die this way again. Every time. It was bizarre.

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Just ~12 hours ago we ran into this same bug but it was also accompanied with a bug that when we wiped on Gharj we couldn't enter the instance if we didn't reset it. And that meant every time we wiped we had to clear the trash again.


We even had some bugs with the Annihilation droid and the Rancor boss. So far the operations seem incredibly buggy which is kinda disappointment.

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