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Autocrits, Critical Chance, Critical Bonus, and Mastery


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My vague recollection about how damage is calculated for autocrits now is that crtical chance is added to bonus critical damage to give sort of a "supercritical" bonus damage. However, I got to thinking maybe it is just crit rating that gets added to crit bonus damage, which would leave out mastery's contribution to crit chance in calculating the supercrit bonus damage. So which is it, the former or the latter? If it's the former then mastery steps even further away from power as a dps stat. If it's the latter, power may be situationally better than mastery depending on the answer to my next question: at what point, if any, does the crit chance from mastery start to hit diminishing returns? Thanks.
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If some ability's critical chance is above 100%, its severity multiplies on that percent. damage=damage*(1+crit_bonus/100)*MAX(1,crit_chance/100).


So it's crit chance (which is crit % from crit rating + crit % from mastery) and not just crit % from crit rating. This is good info thanks.

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