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New raid/ not to impressive.

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Within about 45 minutes of our server going live my guild was able to form an 8 man nightmare group to test the new bosses in Karaggas Palace. Having no knowledge to any of the bosses we were able to clear 4/5 with in about 1.5 hours. I had a feeling that the droid was going to give us problems looking at how much of a "puzzle boss" he appeared to be, luckily one of my dps loved puzzles and the instant we started the fight recognized a similar puzzle he completes as his hobby, and was able to call back another ranged dps to come back and click left as he continued to monitor middle and right terminals. Me as a healer, noticed instantly the tanks taking the armor debuff stack and was able to distinguish to them instantly to tank switch at every 4 stacks while positioning the boss under the next blast site. Following this one shot, we decided 1.5 hours was enough for now and that Karagga will be killed later (tonight).

All in all, these bosses are similar and in some ways in no way similar to the boss mechanics in World of Warcraft. This game is played at the expense of us obviously, but in no way is this game as "fame-worthy" as WoW was when doing these so called "world firsts" .....Moral of the story, this content is easy and expecting respect to be given with "world firsts" from these guilds who feel the need to announce it for some reason would be similar to claiming "I'm the first man in the world to stand on one foot, look directly at the sun, while shooting an AK-47 in the air, screaming at the top of your lungs that "the Nyan cat is really a new pop-tart conspiracy". Just because you happened to have 16 people who took the time to mess around in hard modes, or do the easy bosses in Eternity Vault (nightmare) and then walk in to Karagga's Palace and clear everything in one night.....Does not in anyway mean that you are the top guild in the world. I could easily convince some of my friends to take a more serious approach to this game just to shut these people up who think the level of achievement in gaining these so called world first boss kills, is any way in comparrison to the WoW bosses. Just stop.....Seriously, It's like bragging to your friends that your prom date won "Most photogenic" in her special-ed class. At the same time, maybe to that guy that prom date is a real catch....Consider the anaology when posting your guild "endeavors".

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I could easily convince some of my friends to take a more serious approach to this game just to shut these people


Then do it and stop flapping your mouth on the forums.


I love the posers that talk a big game but can't produce anything. I guess they get joy from ripping on people who are doing what they can't.


Troll on.

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Within about 45 minutes of our server going live my guild was able to form an 8 man nightmare group to test the new bosses in Karaggas Palace. Having no knowledge to any of the bosses we were able to clear 4/5 with in about 1.5 hours.


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expecting respect to be given with "world firsts" from these guilds who feel the need to announce it for some reason .....



Seriously, It's like bragging to your friends that your prom date won "Most photogenic" in her special-ed class.....Consider the anaology when posting your guild "endeavors".
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