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Theron's redemption


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Theron’s Redemption


First, let me say, I am not trying to violate any copyrights or rules. I wrote this idea for fun and I hope others enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. A friend suggested I put my idea here.


In my mind, I can see the redemption of Theron played out through my character as:


Player and Lana are setting at a secluded table in the Odessen Cantina. Both have a slight meditation aura around them.


Player holding an open locket with a picture of Theron and her embracing each other on one side and his entire collection of letters to her auto scrolling as she touches the locket on the other side.


Player with tears in her eyes.


Player: I just can’t stop missing Theron by my side…whether in combat,…meetings or in each other’s company.


Player lets out a slow sigh.


Player: Lana, I am so glad I still have you as my friend.


Lana nods her head in agreement with sympathetic look on her face.


Lana: the feeling is mutual Commander.


Both go back to meditating


Player repeating softly: …I am resilient, I am resilient…….


Player chocking up slightly


Player softly: destiny will work this out and Theron will be redeemed


Theron walks into the room


Theron: did I hear my name?


Lana jumps up grabbing her Lightsaber


Lana: how…how did you get past everyone unnoticed?!


Player stays Lana’s hand


Koth and HK-55 come running into the room


Player: let him come, there is something good here; I can feel it.


Lana: are you sure?!


- Theron: I know Lana you want to kill me, but hear me out first.


Lana slowly sets down as she puts away her Lightsaber.


Koth and HK-55 stand behind Lana with Koth placing his hand on Lana’s shoulder.


Theron facing both Player and Lana


Theron: I want to say first to both of you, that all those horrible things I said about you I Did Not Mean a Word of them. If I could go back in time and never say them, I would in a heartbeat.


Player starts to say something, but Theron puts his hand up, Wait.


Theron turns to Lana


- Theron: Remember Rishi; well just consider what I did as payback if you will. >Smiles< If that will help.


- Theron: I found out the danger right before the Alliance took the thrown. I did not want to distract either of you from the primary goal of stopping the Eternal Fleet. Nor did I want to endanger you or my love, so I kept it to myself. Lana, you are like a sister to me.


Lana: has a melted, compassionate look on her face.


- I had to go through with what they wanted in order to infiltrate the organization. This was…..was the hardest thing……. I have ever done in my entire life.


Theron looking at Player


Theron: (choking up) I thought it was bad when I lost contact with you when you disappeared on Odessen without a trace, but this was by far the worst.


Theron looking back at Lana


Theron: I knew the risks to both of you were extreme even at that point, but I had to do anything to try to keep you both as safe as I could and still get into the organization.


- Theron: It is like you said on Rishi; I know I risk losing your trust and sounding arrogant, but the ends out weighted the means.


Lana: look of you got me there.


Theron: Extends his hand out to Lana and says


Theron: Lana, we are even, not that I intended on paybacks anyway.


- Theron: Trusted Friends again? And no more pay backs


Lana stands up and takes his hand and Theron pulls her to him and give her a friend hug.


Theron turns to Player: chocking up hard


Theron: I…I guess I am a slow learner or getting forgetful for some reason, I forgot what I learned from Ziost and to make matters worse I broke my promise to you to get ahold of you before doing anything.


Theron shaking his head


Theron: Saying that does not make this any easier.


- Theron: <Choking up harder> With everything, I put you through; risking your life, betraying your trust by lying to you can….. can you Ever forgive me.


Player stands up


Theron here it comes look


Player: like you wrote one time to me, we are all used to danger, but that does not make it any easier on either of us. This Is what makes our love for each other stronger and sweeter.


- Player: I know you are a spy and deception comes with that profession. I also know that Destiny will force us to face similar situations like this again. To make matters harder, it means both of us are at greater risks, but know this, I will gladly face those risks daily to be by your side for as long as I breathe. Should I die before you, just remember I will always be beside you until you breathed your last and then we are reunited in the Force.


- Player: The peace you,…Lana and I want with all our wills is only attainable when the whole galaxy is willing to change and because of the Nature of the Force and the people, it will not happen overnight. Except only for brief moments of time and for those of us who are willing to keep fighting is when we find Our peace. For we are fighting so others do not have to fight.


Theron nods head in agreement with a lopsided smile forming on his face


Player takes Theron’s hand


Player: The three of us are a team that only death in old age will separates us.


- Player: Yes, I know the Jedi code, but I have broken many of their codes before and there is one code I will Never follow. Both you and Lana are my confidants, my friends, my companions that will always be the closest to me. If the Jedi Council can accept Revan as one of their own after what he did, they can do the same for me…for us.


- Player: The Alliance showed the galaxy that we were on the right course. It’s work lives on through those that will not forget what we did and will in, small ways keep working together. This is the Alliance’s legacy to the galaxy; it will grow in small ways for generations to come.


- Player: Theron, Our legacy, yours, mine, Lana’s to the galaxy and Our children is to show that we can work together for the good of all. Even if it is just the three of us working together from now on, I will not go on without the two of you at my side.


- Player: This legacy includes showing the Galaxy that we can overcome obstacles by not only working together, but we can Love through these obstacles with all our passion.


- Player: We see where the other is falling and we are there to pick the other up.


- Player: We help each other whether it is in the form of advice on a situation or just being there, or fighting to save each other, we will always…always be an inseparable team.


- Player: I kept remembering you telling me “you mean a lot to me. I'd do anything to protect you”


Theron serious love look


- Player: that is what kept me going to endure whatever came at me. Our feelings for each other, our words and our actions towards each other is what gives us the strength to endure and live. I remember Revan and how his love gave him the strength to endure, this is us, Theron.


Theron: oh yah look


- Player: I will never let you to out of my sight Theron; as long as I can still breathe, I will always hold your hand, you are my lover, and I will be your wife. I have felt that question emanating from you for a long time now, but you are so much more, and nothing will ever change that.


Player: places hand on Theron’s face and looking into Theron’s eyes


Player: Theron, I love you! I have never stopped and I will Always love you. Love forgives, Love understands


If bounty was placed


| Player: Lana, open a galaxy wide Holochannel for me.


| Lana goes to a Holochannel terminal.


| - Lana: Holochannel cleared and open.


| - Player: This is the Alliance Commander I am retracting the bounty on Theron Shan.


| - Player: Theron Shan is here by exonerated of all charges.


| - Player: If anyone continues to hunt Theron Shan, a bounty of one billion credits will be placed on their heads.

Theron gives the most passionate kiss we have ever seen him give to the female player.


Everyone in the cantina cheers and claps as they kiss.


Theron still holding Player close to him


Theron: I love you so much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I still can’t believe you can still love me after everything that’s happened.


Player: Remember, I told you a while back I like living dangerously. Well loving you fills that ticket perfectly and I will never stop.


Theron with a big smile on his face, picks up female player and walks to black screen (which we have never had with our romance with him except at the end of Yavin)


Screen comes back.


Theron is seen with his pants, boots and guns on, No shirt.


Player is seen setting on the bed watching Theron. Player is wearing a robe with right shoulder bare; no other clothing is visible.


Theron: Time to see what is in store for the Galaxy’s best.


Player standing up, walking over to Theron, places her arms around him.


Player: The Galaxy or someone will always be in need of us as much as we need each other. We both understand this. I love you.


Player and Theron kiss passionately.


Set of Missions


This would be so cool if allowed.


| Theron Proposes marriage to Player


| Theron beside Player, Lana beside Koth, Nico and HK-55 setting at a large table in the cantina.


| Jace Malcom walks up behind the group as Theron starts to speak


| Theron facing Player


| Theron: One thing and I know you already know this, but I need to ask anyway.


| Player: “There is no time like the present” to ask a question.


| Theron smiles.


| Theron: Knowing what you know about me and what I do, and the way Destiny seams to flow, will you marry me anyway?


| Player smiling and looking into Theron’s eyes


| Player: I want that more than anything the Galaxy has to offer my love.


| Jace: As Supreme Commander, I am authorized to perform marriage ceremonies. As your father, Theron it would mean a great deal to me, if you would grant me the privilege to preside over the ceremony.


| Lana excitedly: The whole Alliance would attend as well.


| Nico: I know of this place I can fly you two too for some intimate time together.


| HK-55-excitedly: Master, I will blast anyone who so much as sneezes a threat of an interruption your way while you are gone.


| Theron holding Player, both are looking at the group.


| Force apparition of Darth Marr appears to the whole group. Jace and Koth are taken back, shaking their heads “in what am I seeing look.”


| Darth Mar: I would be honored to walk you (Player) to the alter.


| Player: as would I be equally honored to have you as my escort.


| Satele steps up to the side of the group.


| Satele: Theron, I have always been proud of you, even though we have not seen eye-to-eye on things. I am blessed that the Force has not called me away yet so that I could witness this beautiful happening. I would like very much to be at your ceremony, if you would let me.


| Theron: We are honored to have you.


| Revan and Bastilla’s Force apparition appears to the whole group.


| Revan: daughter of my blood and son of my blood, we too are honored by this union. We will also be at the ceremony to see through our own Force eyes the wonder and awe of this event.

| Lana: then it’s settled. I think Lovers Valley(forgot the exact name of it from the battle with Vaylin) is the perfect spot for the ceremony


Next set of missions/patch etc


After missions, scene goes to


| Wedding Ceremony

Edited by Drayka
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting idea.

I do wonder how Lana would forgive Theron. Would she stubbornly forgive him or claim to know all along.

It be cool if the placing a bounty on Theron changes things. Like maybe he got hurt or something. Also we definitely need marriage options for all new romances.


Well new update tomorrow so here's hoping we get some answers.

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Interesting idea.

I do wonder how Lana would forgive Theron. Would she stubbornly forgive him or claim to know all along.

It be cool if the placing a bounty on Theron changes things. Like maybe he got hurt or something. Also we definitely need marriage options for all new romances.


Well new update tomorrow so here's hoping we get some answers.

So long as we aren't plotforced to take him back. At least one of my characters isn't the sort to do that.

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So long as we aren't plotforced to take him back. At least one of my characters isn't the sort to do that.


I'm certainly into giving choice to players but often in games it is the illusion of choice or done poorly which would be more my worry with Theron. So long as Theron is not shelved like other companions when you get a choice with taking them back or not I don't see a problem. But sadly this choice to keep them or not seems to be used as a method to cut cost and time in production. I think Theron and Lana at least should be left alone in those regards then, especially for same-sex romance.


But Lana seems to be the only one not facing "the choice" chopping board which makes me wonder how Lana fans would feel if she was faced with the risk of being shelved like other companions are.


I also think too much choice can sometimes hurt plot development so it is about finding that healthy balance.

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I believe Theron should be any gender marriageable, as should Lana.


I believe the choices of "come home" is for those that want to keep Theron as a romantic/marriageable companion or as a comrade companion. I also think there is a failsafe coming up for those that did the bounty and that is you may have the choice of freeing Theron from carbonite realizing he was protecting you and what he believe in after all and that your reactions were out of dismay, anger, rejection, etc or the character is I don't care I want you dead and gone.

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I believe Theron should be any gender marriageable, as should Lana.


I believe the choices of "come home" is for those that want to keep Theron as a romantic/marriageable companion or as a comrade companion. I also think there is a failsafe coming up for those that did the bounty and that is you may have the choice of freeing Theron from carbonite realizing he was protecting you and what he believe in after all and that your reactions were out of dismay, anger, rejection, etc or the character is I don't care I want you dead and gone.

So long as one of the reasons to thaw him out is so that he will feel it when we perforate him, that's fine.


Letting him live is so far out of character for some of my people it isn't funny.

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I believe Theron should be any gender marriageable, as should Lana.


I believe the choices of "come home" is for those that want to keep Theron as a romantic/marriageable companion or as a comrade companion. I also think there is a failsafe coming up for those that did the bounty and that is you may have the choice of freeing Theron from carbonite realizing he was protecting you and what he believe in after all and that your reactions were out of dismay, anger, rejection, etc or the character is I don't care I want you dead and gone.


It would be nice to have samesex marriage in the game. And I'm still hoping for that Arcann romance too.


After the update evidence is building


that Theron is doing this to help/aid the alliance and you. Definitely protect you for romance characters.

Hylo Visz 's contacts conveniently picking up Theron's transmission. Theron pressing whatever that button was to transmit/recorded the conversation between him and the order.


Reminds me of the emphasis on trust in Theron's romance mail. Also he seemed hesitant and somewhat unsure in some of the cutscenes. Like he is trying to convince himself this is the right thing. Doesn't sound like the arrogant self righteousness I expect from a traitor especially given his tone after Umbara. Too bad we don't get to talk to him in this update:(


So yeah failsafes should be in place for anyone changing their mind about the bounty. Personally I think if Theron did this to aid the alliance/you, killing him is overkill. And I usually play it very darkside.It would be a waste IMO.


Perhaps imprisoning could be a darkside option or have him guarded 24/7 while he still works for ya.

Either way I'm taking him back if I can. Although I would like to chew him out a little. Put him on the couch;)

Edited by eoral
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  • 3 weeks later...
It would be nice to have samesex marriage in the game. And I'm still hoping for that Arcann romance too.


After the update evidence is building


that Theron is doing this to help/aid the alliance and you. Definitely protect you for romance characters.

Hylo Visz 's contacts conveniently picking up Theron's transmission. Theron pressing whatever that button was to transmit/recorded the conversation between him and the order.


Reminds me of the emphasis on trust in Theron's romance mail. Also he seemed hesitant and somewhat unsure in some of the cutscenes. Like he is trying to convince himself this is the right thing. Doesn't sound like the arrogant self righteousness I expect from a traitor especially given his tone after Umbara. Too bad we don't get to talk to him in this update:(


So yeah failsafes should be in place for anyone changing their mind about the bounty. Personally I think if Theron did this to aid the alliance/you, killing him is overkill. And I usually play it very darkside.It would be a waste IMO.


Perhaps imprisoning could be a darkside option or have him guarded 24/7 while he still works for ya.

Either way I'm taking him back if I can. Although I would like to chew him out a little. Put him on the couch;)


He incited a war that was unnecessary. Although I found the original post interesting, I would do things differently. First, I would never have Satele, Darth Marrs ghost, or Jace Malcolm there at all. On my warrior I see it playing more like this:


Theron walks into the cantina on Odesson and immediately everyone is on alert. Lana draws her lightsaber defensively and as Theron pulls his gun to protect himself she force pulls it away. Then strikes his arm. Serlenna, sith warrior, walks over. "So Theron the traitor comes back".

Theron: "Look commander I know you are angry. You have every right but give me a chance to apolo...."

Interrupting Theron Serlenna says, " Theron I am breaking up with you. She strikes with her lightsaber. As Therons body slumps forward. His head rolls across the cantina floor.

C2N2 runs in, "master I will clean this up immediately. The floors will be shiny and new in no time."

Serlenna: "Put Therons head in a box and toss his body in the Odesson wilds. It's dinnertime".

Next scene: Satele Shan is doing Tai Chi or whatever she does these days in the park on Coruscant Senate Plaza. A messenger arrives, "Grand Master, I have a message from the Alliance Commander." He hands her a box. She opens it and sees her son staring back at her. She calmly closes the box. "Toss it is the city dump." Then she turns back to her exercises.

The end.

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