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Rules of looting blatendly disregarded?


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One of the things I hate is when folks can obviously tell you are preparing to attack a MOB and they run in and attack it and/or they wait for you to attach the MOB and run in and take the item you were killing the MOB to get. When my friends and I play we are respectful of preparation prior to attack. If we see a group facing a MOB we wait to see if they attack it or move on. We NEVER run in and loot the item while they are fighting the MOB and we DO NOT run in ahead of them to attack the MOB first.

<rant on> We have this happen to us quite a bit. When you message the folks about it they laugh or curse or do both. I wish we could kill them at that point and take their gear, lol. <rant off>


I am hoping that folks who see other playing with courtesy and respect will realize the error of their ways and make a change. I know don't hold my breath.


Here's to some fun gaming......


ZInar, Darwarhammer, lova, Xenturo, HellMuttHead,and Studdley

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One of the things I hate is when folks can obviously tell you are preparing to attack a MOB and they run in and attack it and/or they wait for you to attach the MOB and run in and take the item you were killing the MOB to get. When my friends and I play we are respectful of preparation prior to attack. If we see a group facing a MOB we wait to see if they attack it or move on. We NEVER run in and loot the item while they are fighting the MOB and we DO NOT run in ahead of them to attack the MOB first.

<rant on> We have this happen to us quite a bit. When you message the folks about it they laugh or curse or do both. I wish we could kill them at that point and take their gear, lol. <rant off>


I am hoping that folks who see other playing with courtesy and respect will realize the error of their ways and make a change. I know don't hold my breath.


Here's to some fun gaming......


ZInar, Darwarhammer, lova, Xenturo, HellMuttHead,and Studdley


Yes. This annoys me too to the point I would PvP about it - and I don't care for PvP.


Surprisingly, last night I was facing a starred mob on Taris, I didn't see him but this person was waiting behind me on his/her speeder. I decided against attacking and turned around to end my session. I felt bad they waited for me and I left anyway - esp since I had decided against attacking and was just thinking through what else I should do before I logged.


Unless of course they were just waiting for me to attack so they could 'help' - which I hate. I play for the challenge, not to blast through everything. If I didn't want the challenge do you think I'd be contemplating attacking a starred mob in an out-of-the-way location?

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There called social rules.

The only difference between social rules and laws is that you cant get punished for breaking a social rule.


Sure you can, try staring at a mans daughter while making lewd comments about her in front of him and see what happens, I'm willing to bet that minimum 2/3 times you get a fist-sandwich stuffed in your face.

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Unless of course they were just waiting for me to attack so they could 'help' - which I hate. I play for the challenge, not to blast through everything. If I didn't want the challenge do you think I'd be contemplating attacking a starred mob in an out-of-the-way location?


Wow, I didn't know people actually felt negatively about that. I guess there are people of all types around these parts. Generally I will "help" when either I see someone is about to die, or if I am waiting for the item to respawn so I can complete my quest.


Honestly, for the latter, I hope you wouldn't get mad because I helped you kill it faster, but honestly the faster it dies, the faster it will respawn and the less time I have to wait. I am already being nice by not stealing the mob from you, and now you want me to be even NICER by letting you take your sweet time killing it?


Also, you could be attacking the mob because it is part of a quest... just because you dont have the quest doesnt mean one doesnt exist. Elite mobs are nothing to solo in most cases, even named mobs. If it was a rare I doubt he was just there waiting for you to kill it to wait for a respawn since it likely would have a long timer.


Play the game how you want to, but I am still baffled at someone complaining because someone would be trying to be nice and help you out.

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Once again, nowhere are these "rules" posted as required behavior. Get over it.


And this is why a bounty board would be so amazing. The best way to have a community police itself? Create a system that gets people to gank each other because someone else doesnt like them. Then your social rules or social norms would not only be known but required, lest you suffer the consequences.


I know there are a few people out there I would love to put a 1 mil (cause I am rather poor) cred bounty on their head to have them corpse camped for a while... but thats just me...

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And this is why a bounty board would be so amazing. The best way to have a community police itself? Create a system that gets people to gank each other because someone else doesnt like them. Then your social rules or social norms would not only be known but required, lest you suffer the consequences.


I know there are a few people out there I would love to put a 1 mil (cause I am rather poor) cred bounty on their head to have them corpse camped for a while... but thats just me...

you do see how this can go badly right?

if i see needed and its not even for their class 1)ask them if no reply vote to kick 2) vote to kick or if voted already leave and put on ignore. put any voted to kick on ignore list and move on, the gear maybe better but better gear will come so not a huge deal. if ur like me with a sizeable number of people on ur ignore list ask for more room or that inactive player on the list be removed/not counted.

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Wow, I didn't know people actually felt negatively about that. I guess there are people of all types around these parts. Generally I will "help" when either I see someone is about to die, or if I am waiting for the item to respawn so I can complete my quest.


Well now you know one ;)


Honestly, for the latter, I hope you wouldn't get mad because I helped you kill it faster, but honestly the faster it dies, the faster it will respawn and the less time I have to wait. I am already being nice by not stealing the mob from you, and now you want me to be even NICER by letting you take your sweet time killing it?


I expect people to jump in if the mob is in an obvious questing place, or there is some item around him - even if it isn't glowing for me - Although usually they don't bother and just grab whatever it is they needed. Usually they also drag a bunch of other NPC's along with them :rak_02: - thankfully the devs put those on 'evade' when they are dragged far enough tho. Sometimes you'll find a decent pack - two or three 'Strong' mobs together in one spot - inside a building or something. The alternative route has weaker mobs - I'll take the big boys every time. I usually end up with 'help' but not all the time.


What I am talking about is the starred 'critter' mobs in out of the way places, nowhere near a questing area. Or sometimes "near" an area, but not, like, "in" the area - but I have yet to have any of those as part of a questline. You find them on the side of the path, or tucked away in corners sometimes with an archaeological item or scavenging item by them - but usually nothing. Yes I do expect - since they are not named mobs, or part of any quest - that people will just leave me to die if that is the case. Since I'm not always in 'trouble' with low health, or companion has low health - especially if I'm on my Sorc. :rolleyes:


The object is not killing it (since items that drop usually aren't that great, if there are even any items that drop) - the object is the fight.


Also, you could be attacking the mob because it is part of a quest... just because you dont have the quest doesnt mean one doesnt exist. Elite mobs are nothing to solo in most cases, even named mobs. If it was a rare I doubt he was just there waiting for you to kill it to wait for a respawn since it likely would have a long timer.


Again - I'm not talking about "Boss Mobs" in any questing area - altho I do those solo as well. The Jedi Commander Elite or XX-99 Cannon Droid Elite or whatever, standing (or meditating) in a corner by himself, or with one or two WEAK mobs by them. Usually I have noticed those to be in instances however. The few that haven't been apparently aren't that popular to kill? In any event - "Get the schematic for the XXX factory" boss or whatever the bonus boss is for a questline usually has a clicker or something to make him spawn. Yes I solo those too.


Anyway - I 'm talking about your run-of-the-mill starred mobs, "Rakghoul Disemboweler * " - off in some puddle by himself, between questing areas, nothing but grass around him, if anything there's a nice big arch chunk nearby (which is maybe how I found him) but I don't care if someone takes that. I just want the fight because - how are you going to learn to actually play your character if all you ever hit are 2 or 3 buttons to kill stuff???



Play the game how you want to, but I am still baffled at someone complaining because someone would be trying to be nice and help you out.


Believe it or not - there are people who (attempt, at times :rolleyes: ) to solo instances and heroics at level - or as near to level as possible. I am one of them. I play for the challenge - all the way up from level one, I also try to keep myself 1-2 levels under-leveled on the way up. I could give a rats behind about level capping in "X" amount of time, or getting the most xp/hour - I want to be challenged or it's all a waste of time to me. I want to have to burn every cooldown, use my emergency heal, bubble my companion and use the booster so I can heal him faster than he loses health. Then I know I've been in a fight - and then I also learned something maybe or at least got practice in how to effectively play my character.


What good is it to - as I see it - scam your way to cap (by not ever getting in a real fight, snagging other peoples quest items, waiting for someone else to come through and take on the hard mobs so you can run past to the next easy bunch, etc :eek: ), get all geared to the teeth to run ops or whatever, if you don't have a friggin clue how to actually play your character? So you did all that just to go stand in front of a dummy for a few hours/days/weeks to get a rotation down/learn your "toon" or figure out what those abilities you never knew you had - do? :rak_02:


THAT baffles me. If you're looking for challenges - you had them all the way up to cap and ignored them. If all you want is to hit cap and make another "toon" - that's your business I guess - but why bother?

Edited by Akiviri
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I guess you can try on the group chat at the start and mention what "need" and "greed" mean and hope people acknowledge it.


I didn't know the difference at first, but found out here and I tend to just pick "greed" or pass nowadays. I usually group for the social points, not for the loot, though.


I do get a bit annoyed with the people jumping into combat or accessing some of the quest items, I will try to /whisper to people nearby and ask if they're waiting for something.


Watch out on the healing, though. I went to Tython to snag the datacrons w/my lvl 20 commando recently and over at the ruins where one of them are I spotted a consular fighting those droids and I used heal on them to give them a boost and the droids started chasing me. Er. Oops. (I'd forgotten the aggro-drawing abilities of heals, alas.)



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Meh, bored so repetitive two cents from me...

Ninja Need'ers - I try to set some agreed ground rules at the start of the mission/flashpoint via group chat. If someone ninja needs after that, then votekick and ignore.

People who steal mission objectives - This only really annoys me when that objective is a mob. I was runnin Down the Hole the other day grouped with some random other person. After fighting all the way to the boss, twice (the other player died once and was f2p so had to res at med center so I went back to heroic entrance to help them get back) our experience went like this.

Boss spawn, start fighting boss... elite and 2 strongs respawn beside us mid fight, we die.

Fight back to boss, start clearing pack of mobs to get to boss only to have another group rush the boss while we were clearing the elite and strongs.

Wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have the same thing happen again. At this point we could have just tagged the boss, but given our first wipe, tagging the boss while trying to kill the pack of mobs probably would have resulted in another wipe.

Start to wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have another group show up... at which point i rage quit.


On the topic of helping people kill mobs

I ignore almost everyone fighting.

I stick around to help people kill mission objectives. The faster we all get our kills in, the faster we can all get on with our questing.

I have absolutely no issues with people helping me kill something, as long as they don't ninja tag something I had worked hard to get to, or patiently waited for my turn to kill.

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Meh, bored so repetitive two cents from me...

Ninja Need'ers - I try to set some agreed ground rules at the start of the mission/flashpoint via group chat. If someone ninja needs after that, then votekick and ignore.

People who steal mission objectives - This only really annoys me when that objective is a mob. I was runnin Down the Hole the other day grouped with some random other person. After fighting all the way to the boss, twice (the other player died once and was f2p so had to res at med center so I went back to heroic entrance to help them get back) our experience went like this.

Boss spawn, start fighting boss... elite and 2 strongs respawn beside us mid fight, we die.

Fight back to boss, start clearing pack of mobs to get to boss only to have another group rush the boss while we were clearing the elite and strongs.

Wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have the same thing happen again. At this point we could have just tagged the boss, but given our first wipe, tagging the boss while trying to kill the pack of mobs probably would have resulted in another wipe.

Start to wait patiently for boss to respawn, only to have another group show up... at which point i rage quit.


On the topic of helping people kill mobs

I ignore almost everyone fighting.

I stick around to help people kill mission objectives. The faster we all get our kills in, the faster we can all get on with our questing.

I have absolutely no issues with people helping me kill something, as long as they don't ninja tag something I had worked hard to get to, or patiently waited for my turn to kill.


Yeah when i make a group for flash point or mission item i make ground rule to party member only need on the amor for your class if same class need same amor both need the roll now if not for your class and no one need it then roll greed. IF anyone break that rule i kick person from group ingore warn everyone else about that person. For Mission when killing mob some time i attack then person don't see me and accident attack same mob will i don't get mad. I do that by mistake also everyone does. But after that i pm person see if they want join group if we got same quest and same mission it make the mission go by faster. Now flash point if i have on free to play in my group i ask all other sub member if free to play get amor first since free to play can only do flash point once a week they usely said yes it fine. Now if i see a chest next the mob to avoid getting ninja grab i sent my compain to attack the mob while i grab the chest so no one can steal from me. IT really easy to avoid ninja. That my two cents sorry if my spelling and Grammar is off i have HDAD Learning Disable:wea_09:

Edited by Royons
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One of the things I hate is when folks can obviously tell you are preparing to attack a MOB and they run in and attack it and/or they wait for you to attach the MOB and run in and take the item you were killing the MOB to get. When my friends and I play we are respectful of preparation prior to attack. If we see a group facing a MOB we wait to see if they attack it or move on. We NEVER run in and loot the item while they are fighting the MOB and we DO NOT run in ahead of them to attack the MOB first.

<rant on> We have this happen to us quite a bit. When you message the folks about it they laugh or curse or do both. I wish we could kill them at that point and take their gear, lol. <rant off>


I am hoping that folks who see other playing with courtesy and respect will realize the error of their ways and make a change. I know don't hold my breath.


Here's to some fun gaming......


ZInar, Darwarhammer, lova, Xenturo, HellMuttHead,and Studdley


Why are you waiting to attack something?


Are you just being blatantly rude?


If you want to attack something, attack it. There is no prep! What? Everyone has to sit and wait for your cooldowns?


How rude can you be? Why do you feel so entitled?


"Someone loots the node that I attacked the MOBs to get to." How do they know that? Are they once again suppose to wait for you to casually take your time defeating the mobs, scratch your butt, and then loot a node that will repop in five minutes so that they can see if you have bioanalysis?


(I can understand if someone is following you around constantly trying to sabotage your efforts. But constant stalking would get such people in trouble.)


You're like the kid who gets in line and holds a spot for twenty of your "friends" or the driver that gets road rage for "being cut off".

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Why are you waiting to attack something?


Are you just being blatantly rude?


If you want to attack something, attack it. There is no prep! What? Everyone has to sit and wait for your cooldowns?


How rude can you be? Why do you feel so entitled?


"Someone loots the node that I attacked the MOBs to get to." How do they know that? Are they once again suppose to wait for you to casually take your time defeating the mobs, scratch your butt, and then loot a node that will repop in five minutes so that they can see if you have bioanalysis?


(I can understand if someone is following you around constantly trying to sabotage your efforts. But constant stalking would get such people in trouble.)


You're like the kid who gets in line and holds a spot for twenty of your "friends" or the driver that gets road rage for "being cut off".


Prep? Yes - healing companion perhaps, determining health of the mob (particularly when starred, particularly when underleveled) to determine method of attack, waiting 10 seconds for a cooldown to open my attack with, perhaps there is more than one mob - in which case sending companion to hit the hardest one and keep them busy while I take out the rest. Etc Etc.


Has nothing to do with "Entitlement" - unless you count the fact that I was already there and obviously wanted to attack that particular mob(s). If waiting 5 seconds is too much for you - maybe you shouldn't be playing an RPG.


As for nodes/quest items - in short - YES. What - did you think that because I was busy, you were entitled to run in and snag that node/quest piece?


Seems to me here, with your general attitude regarding these issues - it is you who have the entitlement problem. What - your time is more important than someone elses?


You feel you are entitled to run in and attack a mob someone else is obviously going to attack - because OMGICAN'TWAITFORTHEMWHAT?????


As well as


You feel because you CAN take a node/quest item, that then it is YOURS, and to **** with whether or not the person fighting that mob in front of it was doing so in order to get it themselves...you know ... playing the game as provided.


I'll say it again - if waiting is too much for you to handle maybe a FPS is more for you. Either that or - go and do something else and check back on that node in a few minutes - it's not like it's going anywhere. Oh ... true ... then you'd have to kill it yourself.


FYI - Entitlement means feeling like something is YOURS whether you worked for it or not. Hmmm ... sounds kinda like you doesn't it?

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If I did take it, a node for example, which is entirely unlikely considering the number of people playing this game, I would actually have something that I followed the rules of the game to have. Now you feel entitled to what I have and feel that you should have the privilege to bypass the rules of the game in order to get it. Since you are fighting some mobs nearby, you claim the right to loot all the nearby nodes whether you can or not? That is entitlement.


Even if the other person could have just sneaked by the MOBs to get the nodes, you still claim the right. Even if the other person made it to the node from the other direction, you claim the right. Even if the other person could have flash bombed the mobs then looted the node, you claim the right. You consider any time anyone loots any node nearby you to be theft. That is entitlement.


You believe everyone around you should wait to see if you are going to attack a mob. Whether you just left to go use the restroom, are writing the latest angry reply, or checking out your character's emotes, we gotta wait. I don't care if it's just for ten seconds. Those ten seconds start to add up and are really annoying. You believe you have the privilege to force everyone around you to wait a little while so that you can go first. That is entitlement.

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You're making an awful lot of assumptions.


First I specifically stated: "Fighting the mob that was standing in front of it" As in - in order to get that quest Item/node - you have to kill the mob. Reading comprehension? Now - if you were there first and flash bombed or whatever - fine...that's up to you. But feeling like you can run in and and grab whatever simply because it's still there with no regard for anyone else - yeah, that's entitlement. As in "I don't have time to wait, it's still there so it's mine."


"II don't care if it's just for 10 seconds" = "My time is more important than yours" = entitlement, AKA selfishness.


Now if you wanna be an angry beaver and make all sorts of wild accusations and assumptions - that's up to you. But that behavior is what it is. Granted - there are people who go AFK in front of a mob and expect it to still be there when they get back, that is not what I'm talking about. Neither am i talking about laying claim to an entire area simply because I am in it.


Again - if you're so impatient that you can't either wait your turn, or wait 10 seconds for someone to attack - since you're going to have to wait a few minutes for it to respawn ANYWAY (but of course that's the REAL issue here isn't it?) - maybe this game, and MMO's in general, aren't for you.

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Consider this:


Doing Black Hole dailies, republic side. Time to rescue 5 drell engineers. Enter the building, and see a player go left to kill the mobs there and open the cells. Do you:


1. Go left and open the cells while he's killing the mobs, or

2. Go right and kill your own mobs and open those cells.


Hint: One of these choices is the wrong one.

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Use the ignore function , best thing ever ... Makes me not having to que with idiots or ninja looter ...


Since golden rule of gaming is entertainement and fun .

Not playing a social or therapist for people , it is simple for me .

Ignore and move on , sooner or later only good people to play with .

And those rejects and idiots can play with there kind or quit....


Sorry 2013 set your priority right , if you are having fun fine for you .

if you need fun at others expense , too bad for you , ignore is what you get from me .

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Consider this:


Doing Black Hole dailies, republic side. Time to rescue 5 drell engineers. Enter the building, and see a player go left to kill the mobs there and open the cells. Do you:


1. Go left and open the cells while he's killing the mobs, or

2. Go right and kill your own mobs and open those cells.


Hint: One of these choices is the wrong one.


Do you:


1. Buy a gun and rob a bank, or

2. Stay at home and play SWTOR?


Hint: One of these choices is the wrong one.


It's almost never cut and dry like that. But sure, when there is only one reason for people to be in an area and someone is there already, walking over and taking the stuff they are just about to be able to get is not polite. But also, if it happens, it's nothing to rage about. The amount of time you can lose due to someone needing something they can't use is far, far larger than the amount of time you'll lose in open world PvP/PvE.


In addition, there are times when you are going to be competing for resource nodes, and you're trying to come up with and enforce rules which don't exist. I was fighting champion mob, nearby was a slicing node I was meaning to get. Oops, I didn't heal fully before I attacked. No problem, I used a medpack. Guy dies, I noticed the slicing node was gone, my health was at full, and a sage was running on to kill something else. Now i'm sure he felt that since in his mind, I wouldn't have lived if he hadn't healed me, taking the slicing node was perfectly fine. Also the mob I was fighting was in fact a quest objective.


Now should I


1. Rage against the sage. Run to the boards and post about it. Put him on ignore. And tell all my guildies about this horrible person who "stole' my node. Or,


2. Shrug my shoulders and keep playing.


Now, I don't believe there is a right or wrong answer to this question. But the choice someone makes here says something about the personality of the person. Is the person someone who asks the MMO company to increase the size of his or her friends list, or is the person the type who asks the MMO company to increase the size of his or her enemies list?


Why am I raging about this? First, I was reading this post because I was in support of not needing equipment you and your companions can't use. But, I noticed that the thread had been hijacked to become about open PvE/PvP "node/MOB stealing". The problem with the second one is that you could spend forever sitting down and declaring rules in open PvE and PvP. Next, it's really not equivalent. Finally, people who complain about this never seem to look at the other person's point of view.


This Hypersensitivity of worrying about "stealing" someone's node, quest objective or whatever and the reverse hypersensitivity about someone "stealing" your nodes, quest objectives, or whatever is just too much and creates a real negative gaming environment in my opinion.


The reason why I make the "assumptions" the other poster talked about is that I very rarely have anyone "cut and dry" "steal" a whatever from me. Like once a month maybe. Once a week if I'm doing nothing but playing.


So, if you're saying this happens to you all the time and is a major problem, you either


1. Have really bad luck.

2. Are refusing to see the gray areas and examine the other person's point of view.


Usually in my experience, it is the latter. If it is the former, I apologize.

Edited by hillltrot
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On the one hand, I agree with you that making too much an ado about nothing is silly and uncessary. On the other hand, I find myself surprised at how aggressively you've responded to three different people who are really asking for good manners.


Darwarhammer actually puts in an effort to NOT ninja someone else's world objective, and you call that "blatantly rude" lulwhut?


You take Akiviri's post about taking someone else's node and twist words into "You consider any time anyone loots any node nearby you to be theft."


You take my example of bad manners and compare that to a felony crime? Yeahhhh.


Now, as far as open-world objectives go, everyone is competing for them. I'm sure that I've taken others without meaning to. I know others have taken mine. It's not going to ruin my game. S**t happens, you move on.


Yet go back to my example with the Drell engineers. Tell me that hasn't happened to you? I've got 4 republic 50s and I've run that particular quest A LOT. And more than once I've had someone follow me, wait until I attack the mobs, then open the cells for the objective.


Surely you can see that is rude, right? What's my reaction to that?


1. The next time I'm doing that quest, and I see someone go left, I'm going to go right. I surely didn't like it when it happened to me, so I'm not going to do it to someone else.


2. If I run into the room and I see someone attacking the mobs (with delicious unopened cells) I'm going to run right past it to the middle room where there are more cells.


3. I'm going to see someone make a post about about competing for open world objectives and comment on it.


So tell me, who exactly is hypersensitive again?

Edited by Khevar
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Do you:


1. Buy a gun and rob a bank, or

2. Stay at home and play SWTOR?


Hint: One of these choices is the wrong one.


Yes - you do get it. It really is that simple. Right is right and wrong is wrong.




Why am I raging about this? First, I was reading this post because I was in support of not needing equipment you and your companions can't use. But, I noticed that the thread had been hijacked to become about open PvE/PvP "node/MOB stealing".


Not much difference there, really. Needing an item you can't use is just as wrong as snagging someone's node/objective they are working to get. Except in the case of the latter you can (obviously) use it. That doesn't make that SAME ATTITUDE/BEHAVIOR ok though.


This Hypersensitivity of worrying about "stealing" someone's node, quest objective or whatever and the reverse hypersensitivity about someone "stealing" your nodes, quest objectives, or whatever is just too much and creates a real negative gaming environment in my opinion.


Hence coming to the forums to comment on that behavior. To get it out of my system so I can play and shrug it off again for awhile. Just because you or someone else chooses to label that as "Hypersensitivity" is no reason to NOT comment or work to change the problem. In fact, allowing it to continue will only make it seem to be ok, when in fact it is not because ignoring the problem does nothing to solve it.


The reason why I make the "assumptions" the other poster talked about is that I very rarely have anyone "cut and dry" "steal" a whatever from me.


Then you are indeed a lucky player. I get it that crap, on average, once per session. In fact, the one time someone did wait - that I noticed, I found THAT noteworthy enough to comment on here as well.

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Did you actually ask the person about that? I needed on a strength lightsaber once on my sage (I didn't read carefully enough), saw the mara need on it too and immediately went, oh crap, that wasn't for me was it? I won the roll and started a trade with him right away. No fuss, no muss.


It's all about communication, and had more people done so with me early on, I wouldn't have given up on the game the first time (just returning to it now after a long hiatus).


I was a little quick on the draw a few times in a FP, and outright misclicked once and ended up on the receiving end of a ton of verbal abuse from angered party members as a result because I won some items my main shouldn't have had, or worse, they felt they needed it more than me when it was appropriate. If I end up with gear I shouldn't have, I'll gladly give it to the better suited person who should have gotten it, just ask don't yell. Not everybody is out to rip the group off, some times it just happens, talk to them and you all may be happy.

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I think everyone has misclicked, either through not reading or just a plain wrong click. I know I have - back when I grouped - and said so. Sometimes that doesn't help. As has been shown in this thread I think - MMO's are a haven for the passive aggressive of society and 'normal' people just rage at the behavior outright and don't want to hear any 'oops' about it. Sad - but I guess this is society.


My solution - for everything but nodes and quest items - is just don't group, since it seems to be more of a hassle than it's worth really. Everything I have come across so far (Main is level 42), and a lot of the content at 50 including HM, is solo-able with enough gear and skill I hear. Which is fine by me - I enjoy soloing content like that more than grouping for it anyway. Especially the end game stuff since nearly everyone that is running it by the time I usually get there has done it 1000 times and is bored with it, and seem to expect that you know it all by heart already as well. Not to mention that slamming through an instance with 2 or 3 of the 4 people massively overgeared for it is not what I call fun at all. been there done that for a raid guild and didn't even like it then.

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Actualy people that are complaining about ******* and *****s pressing the need button at free will are realy the selfish ones.


Dont pug hard modes and if you do after you are all grouped up make it clear what you need from the run.


If you aint 50 then why are you crying? Should allready have full orange gear set before lvl 20 anyhow, including weapons.


Companions dont need epic gear period. Those who think they do are those who never learn their own class and rely heavly on the companions to survive.


I never need on loots in random groups in fps or planet missions because i maintain my gear as i level and its allways better then the loot being offered.

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