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list of commands..? can not find anywhere.


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i need to know guild commands and how to make rank names and all that stuff


To do that you'll have to go into the Guild Window (G by default) There, if you are a Guildmaster, you will have different options: message of the day, description, ranks etc.

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i need to know guild commands and how to make rank names and all that stuff


Invite someone: /ginvite name (the character must be online)

Remove a member: /gkick name

Disband guild: /gdisband


For managment, click on "Guild" above your chat window, or press G. Click on "details". AT the bottom there is a tab for "Ranks" that only the guildmaster can see.


You can change individuals' ranks, remove them from the guild, and set their member & officer notes by right clicking on their name in the guild roster.

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