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Level 35 PT Pyro; I hate this class; seriously considering rerolling.


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Im lvling a Pyro right now, she is 44, and all I do is grab Torian Cadera and muscle my way through just about anything in the game. If I fail it once or twice I switch to Mako but I havent had to do this very often. I am using simply quest gear and random loot drops I have found along the way and and I am by no stretch of the word a "good" player. In fact I pretty much suck. What rotation do I use? Whatever is lit up at the moment. Seriously, I suck that bad. I have no trouble taking gold mobs/class quest boss mobs down.


What it sounds like to me is that you dont like that char and it is effecting EVERYthing you do with it. So really, just switch to a char you like more. Problem solved!



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I find it hard to believe.


Plowing through anything really with no problem just bit of gear of the appropriate level blues.


Mako and Me


rotation is Death from above as opener , Jet pack [forgot the name] in middle of the mobs twirls flame burst thrower railshot rocket punch and so on


Basically nothing stands a chanve if it is not a group of golds and even then I am soloing heroic 2s routinely.

It is probably easiest PVE class.

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Great advice if you want to waste time leveling to above where you're supposed to be and play the game on easy mode. ;) Everything in the game can be done at at least the level the game recommends, if you know the mechanics of the fight and are at least somewhat decently geared (both you and your companion).


Always drives me nutty when poeople insist that you MUST do the bonus series so that you can be 5 levels over content. If you want to do them for the stories or whatever, that's fine, but they absolutley aren't needed to maintain an appropriate pace and be on level for your quests.

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Switch to tank spec. My Vanguard (mirror class) was tank specced up until 50 and I never came across a "boss star" mob out in the wild that I couldn't take. It took a little longer to down things, but I NEVER died. At 50, Assault (Pyro) all the way. Edited by Galbatorrix
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I have leveled alot of toons and the PT/Vanguard spec "felt" the hardest to level. Because you use a healer companion, one of the few I do, it takes longer to kill, and the longer the fight, I more it "feels" slow and with bad heat management, cause the class gets alot better as you level up, it does kinda suck while leveling. I would muscle through it. You will like it when you ding 50. But if you reroll, dont delete the toon. Play what you enjoy, as a Sniper main, you just spam Snipe while Kaliyo ***** everything and build up your rotation as you climb the marksmanship tree.


To make sure everything is kosher, what level are you? Where are you in the game world quest wise? What is you Aim on your toon, what is your cunning on Mako? This will help determine if your out of balance with the game.

Edited by itsmymillertime
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yup, cause stupid BW nerf PT hardly and don't give it a 60sec CC.


but i am still the most top dps in my team with bw hurt my hands.


Sith Warriors, Jedi Knights, and Vanguards also don't have a mez. Marauders, Sentinels, Gunslingers, and Snipers are Droid-Only mez.


Suck it up, buttercup.

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In two words: You Don't


The vast majority of a PT shieldtech defenses is passive migration which does not stop 90% of PvP damage. In effect, your shields are useless in PvP because tech / force attacks from other players go right through them. As a PT shieldtech myself, our class is the absolute worse PvP tank class. In PvE we are great though as NPC attacks are largely shield'able.


Some die hard tanks put on DPS spec armor for PvP... but honestly, for PTs, that’s a stupid move. Even changing cylinders your DPS sucks and without the heat management abilities of the pyro or AP trees you WILL over heat in record time....


hmmm...so the hundreds of posts in the PVP forums crying nerf PT/Vanguard are meaningless?

some of the top DPS are PT/Vanguard in pvp, not to mention the amazing utility you get with a gap closer and a pull. My 32 Vanguard in tank gear with ION cell gets top of the charts pretty much every match for medals....protection points are super easy to get, and 9/10 times I'm still top dps on the team.

There is a cat on my server with a PT named JackDaniels who just melts everyone at 50 Ranked PVP......I'm pretty good with my WH aug'd GS...but if that guy gets close to me.....the respawn button is right there in a matter of moments.

If you are having heat problems....I feel bad for you son, got 99 problems but heat ain't one.

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Honestly, the only reason to change class is you just don't like the story/playstyle of the class you are playing. I've leveled four toons to 50 so far, and my Merc was by far the fastest of them. The other poster was right, keep Mako out and she keeps you healthy and leveling fast :)
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While we are on the subject: I cant seem to be of much use as a PT (Tank) in PvP. Compared to my Sorc I get about 50% of the amount of medals.


So how to play a PT in PvP?

Are you using your taunts and guards? In my opinion it's normally not that difficult to get a lot of medals with any tank because the protection medals come quite easily at the moment in my opinion.

Also, like with the other tanks, you'll want to consider using DPS gear with shield off hand, if you aren't already.


hmmm...so the hundreds of posts in the PVP forums crying nerf PT/Vanguard are meaningless?


To be fair, the calls for nerfs are most of the time only for the Pyro spec, and there was a lot more of it before 1.4 and back when people hadn't yet noticed how powerful Marauders, Snipers, and anyone doing LOLsmashes are. :)

Also just as a side note, not saying you are wrong in this case but sometimes it can be a very bad idea to say that some class is great because you're doing well in 10-49 PVP. Some classes are in a very different place in 50's PVP than they are in 10-49, probably partly because players there generally know a lot better how to use their own class and know a little bit better how to counter other classes.

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I have a full bis slot PT tank/dps spec's. IMO it sounds like you are just taking all the aggro on mobs, which means you are probably doing something right, but hurts seeing as your not lvling with a healer(also check to make sure mako's CC is turned off, she will sit there and CC a mob and not heal you) Trust me PT is something your going to want to get to 50. Even under geared if you have the rotation down you can keep up with the top dps. As far as tanking goes, under 50 pvp, shield tech is not a bad choice IF there's a healer around, id honestly go 6,7,8 matches without a death and hold the ball in huttball as long as i could(found out if u hold it too long u blow up tho). Dps, well you have IMO the best single target dps in the game. Your only 35 now but once you hit 40+ watch out. In a pvp match you should be able to solo 2-3 people if you have half way decent gear(buy all lvl 40 pvp gear).


As far as a rotation, assuming you take TD (some people don't because w/o it you can parse slightly higher) it would go as follows.


Thermal Detonator, thermal sensor over-ride, Incendiary Missile,Explosive Fuel, Rail Shot, Rocket Punch, rail shot, flame burst, flame burst, rail shot, rapid shots, repeat w/o the use of Incendiary missile (if your doing a good job managing your heat you can use flame thrower or unload in between RS procs b/c after the 3 second cast along with the GCD's your next Rocket Punch or Flame burst can proc rail shot again)


Keep your heat under 50 at all times, if you see it creeping up there use a few rapid shots, listen for the laugh, everytime you here this it means you just procced a Rail Shot(i.e. free attack and vents 8 heat). If you ever see your self hit 60 heat, vent that sh*t and also keep in mind after doing so not to overheat your self again for a while. Most Important do not spam Incendiary missile, honestly i really only use it if i have Thermal sensor override off of cd or my heat is under 10(even under 10 you prob want to rapid shot once or twice to keep heat low). Don't spam Flame Burst either never really want to use it more than twice in a row, unless you really want that rail shot proc.


This is the spec i use for DPS if it helps any.



Good luck and don't give up on it trust me, also while lvling with your brother you should both use healing companions should make everything either, die a lil slower but you stay up


Edit: what server are you on

Edited by wetslampigduex
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Learn to kite as pyro. You have a spammable slow and a stun (even two on 46+). If you really need to facetank something use your shield and then kite again. Learning that was imperative for me for soloing 50 daily heroics in the starting 50 gear (mostly recruit, some columi from other chars).

Strafe instead of backpedalling, spam flabeburst and rapid shots with a railshot here and there, then stun, go through the mob and repeat. It's actually pretty fun when you can kill a pack of strongs/elites without beign hit 80% of the time.

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i would say a few things---


taunt/aggro mobs whacking mako; it's easy to get caught up in the red haze of battle but when your healing comp dies you will soon follow

make sure gear is current with level (this is easy to overlook and its impact is huge) for both yourself and comp

sometimes mako and other healing companions have pathfinding issues ; they can also be out of range to heal you

--at times call them to you on passive then re-engage


if you are constantly fighting mobs just a couple levels higher, even in purple gear, you will miss much more and burn your cd's


at the end of the day this might not be the right class for your playstyle


ps- at least play the toon through the end of chapter two to unlock the bh endurance buff for the rest of your toons

Edited by Daxy
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My advice is to try a different spec before re-rolling. It'd be a shame to lose all that leveling work. I love playing my Powertech tank; I felt pretty much invincible most of the time leveling that character. It's also a good feeling to keep enemies occupied while your buddies dish out the damage safely. Really makes me feel like I'm pulling my weight in the group. Also, Powertech tanks build threat by doing overall better DPS than other tanks, rather than through designated threat-building moves. This might make it more fun for you.


The one possible downside is that I hear Shieldtech is weak in PvP. But I've also heard that it works fine if you focus on teamwork rather than personal glory. I don't do PvP, so I don't have an opinion on the matter. But I have done BGs in WoW, and I always favored focusing on team objectives there, preferring to help my team win the game rather than rack up the honor kills for myself.


I also hear that there are good hybrid specs for Powertech PvP. The Advanced Prototype tree might be worth a look, especially with a little bit of Shieldtech mixed in.

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I'm just not going to sugar coat it.


You are playing the easiest class in the game. I don't know what you are doing wrong.



To be honest, Any non Sniper/operative/sin class in this game requires less skill and more muscle memory/binding than skill. Pyrotechs are by no means "Hard to play", They are, however, "Hard to play -well-"

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Leveling my PT is one of the most easy and fun experiences in SWTOR. PvE is smooth, PvP is amazing. I don't have best of the best gear (orange with blue mods appropriate for my lvl), but i kept Mako up to date and i'm just blowing through content. A nice trick is to use Explosive Dart on normal mobs, even if it's heat-expensive. I can ED a mob, RS it, it will die from the subsequent explosive, FB another one, RP to reset RS cooldown and finish off whatever is left. I took on strong, elite mobs and even bosses. I use and abuse Death from Above, Flamethrower and Quell. I only need to regen every 4-5 packs or so. I have 18 points in Pyro and the rest go in Adv. Prototype. My Vanguard is lower level, but i found out that my first 3 talent points are best spent in AP/Tactics tree to give 60% armor pen to RS/HIB.


PvP... you just gotta learn from the best. Check Oozo's Vanguard series:

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I too had issues with my PT (enough that I DID re-roll and am having a much easier time as Merc) and I really think it comes down to playstyle. I can rock a Jedi Sage, I cut through endless swaths of foes with a Jedi Sentinel... but I have real problems with the Guardian and the PowerTech.


That both of the above are optional tank builds is not lost on me. I suspect my mindset just isn't right for that playstyle. In the case of the powertech specifically it seems to be the (for me) MIX of ranged/close attacks (and heat build-up issues that result for me) that does it to me coupled with mitigation via armor and Mako not being enough to make up for the shortfall in damage.


All I know is that on my Sage (aka the pebble-spammer) or Sentinel (with combat tree), at the same level I was looking at spawns with a gold and two silver and only needing to see if one of my heavier attacks or defenses was off cooldown (lesser spawns I don't even need to check anything other than that my health is above 75%) before leaping in, while on the PT (and the Jedi Guardian as well) just seeing a gold that wasn't completely by itself would have me doing my best to skirt their perception range entirely.


My performance with the Merc class though has been much more in line with the performance of my Jedi Sage and much more to my liking.


TL;DR You aren't alone in feeling that way about PT and I suspect its more a specific playstyle issue than simply a 'you suck' issue.

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I have a PT Pyrotech, using Mako as my pocket healer. Later on I switched to Torian, he has some fire based attacks as well. Puncture and superheated rail improves railshots armor penetration.


For crew skills I am using biochem, gives me better medpacs and stims. Some are reusable, they heal my companion and myself at the same time. But on occasion switch back to Mako if the fights are tougher.


You can always turn off some of Mako's dps and cc abilities, make sure she is in med watch. Make sure your companions and your gear. Is level with the content your playing. Do not be afraid to pop heroic moment, even though its on a long cooldown.

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