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Why Part 2: Schön Ihr CM's Eric&Co.


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Ein Thread mit 10.000 Views in 18 Stunden ist wohl eine Gefahr ^^ Darum nur schnell wegschieben von den Englischen Leuten sonst könnten die Interesse zeigen.....




Lg Wintics


Typisch Deutsche Selbstüberschätzung. Die Mods setzen die Sprachregelungen für die Foren durch.

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I speak 6 languages, german and french included. As a Luxembourger I am surrounded by french, german and dutch products. Since the dawn of time I have used a qwerty keyboard as opposed to azerty/qwertzu and I have had all my games in English. Somehow, great header sounds better than jolie tette or to see delete rather than loschen. This is my personal preference, HOWEVER, I will admit that in central europe, french and german are the dominant language not English. Every game in the area comes in french or german and I am having difficulties getting original games and even bleeping keyboards. I have to buy them from the states or the uk. EA stores are in french or german, origin as well, google is in french and german ....



Given the above, you can see why the German and french communities are angry. They are a sizable piece of the cake and BioWare gave them the shaft. I know EA, they will give the other community managers the french and german forums without any hesitation. Poor people, will have to use translators to understand what is going on. EA will not care as much as they care for the cartel market. In addition, this is not the first time EA puts people who have no clue what is going on in one department to work in another (SWTOR people worked for Fifa13 while being forced; this is a true story and it has been confirmed by certain BioWare people I know).



I feel sorry for the German and French communities but they should not worry. Soon our community managers will write on twitter that they found other opportunities and we shall meet for a drink and say 'drecksau / prost or sante'.






A huge swtor fan who was kept on hold by CS for 5h and 45 mins.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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I guess the problem is the CM only saw that this is a german thread, but didn't know what it was about, because.. well.. no one knows german here anymore :) - and simply moved because it didn't belong here. I can understand that, what else is he supposed to do when he just doesn't understand what's written? But I guess there were more than enough english posts to give him a clue... But moving it into a forum that no one bothers to read.. oh well.
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Typisch Deutsche Selbstüberschätzung. Die Mods setzen die Sprachregelungen für die Foren durch.


Hach ja wie ich Leute die auf Klischees rumhacke liebe :rolleyes:

Was ist denn bitte daran Selbstüberschätzung, wenn man verlangt, dass ein deutschsprachiges Spiel in Deutschland auch deutsch moderiert wird?

Hauptsache sich über alle anderen erheben und einen auf Anti machen <3

Wenn es dich doch nicht interessiert, dann ignoriere doch einfach diesen Thread, es zwingt dich doch keiner dazu diesen hier zu verfolgen? Wenn du angemessene Kritik hast dann ist das OK, damit kann ich leben, aber lebe du dann doch bitte auch mit unserer :)

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Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically. The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.



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Das Community Management ist kein Privileg wie du es so schön genannt hast es ist eine Notwendigkeit und gerade wen ich ein Spiel in mehreren Sprachen anbiete sind die CM s eine Notwendigkeit .

Genau deswegen gibt es diesen Thread damit die betroffenen Communitys sich äussern können dazu was sie von der Sache halten .

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Hach ja wie ich Leute die auf Klischees rumhacke liebe :rolleyes:

Was ist denn bitte daran Selbstüberschätzung, wenn man verlangt, dass ein deutschsprachiges Spiel in Deutschland auch deutsch moderiert wird?

Hauptsache sich über alle anderen erheben und einen auf Anti machen <3

Wenn es dich doch nicht interessiert, dann ignoriere doch einfach diesen Thread, es zwingt dich doch keiner dazu diesen hier zu verfolgen? Wenn du angemessene Kritik hast dann ist das OK, damit kann ich leben, aber lebe du dann doch bitte auch mit unserer :)


Wer lesen und verstehen kann, worauf die gelesene Äußerung sich bezieht, ist klar im Vorteil. :cool:

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Typisch Deutsche Selbstüberschätzung. Die Mods setzen die Sprachregelungen für die Foren durch.


Klar wir sind auch alle deutsche.


Das ein teil meine Familie aus Tschechien kommt, der andere aus Italien und der grösste Teil aus der Schweiz ist ein klares zeichen dafür das ich eine deutsche Selbstüberschätzung habe. :rolleyes:

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Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically. The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.




German Pls.:mad:


Or just need a translation company to do the work?:rolleyes:

Edited by Leonalis
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Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically. The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.



Hello Eric,

while you are at it, could you please finally give us an answer on the question everyone's interested in: 'Why?'

Would be much appreciated!

Edited by Eskala
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The overwhelming majority of Germans - including myself - learn English from 5th form. Obviously no one keeps you from posting in the English forum. The Brits, by the way are part of Europe, too. So, no, EA/Bioware is not ignoring their European playerbase. They also still keep an eye on the German and French forums.

Yes, but the most german don't use their english past school.

And they don't have the motivation to reactivate it after years just for a computer game.


So, please, stop the Zwergenaufstand.


This way of ignoranz from the site of BW is the matter of our rage.


Edit: Übrigens fiel es mir schon so schwer diese 3 Sätze zusammen zu bauen, so das sie halbwegs verständlich sind, das in der zeit hier wieder eine Seite dazu gekommen ist.

Edited by Terasexa
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Thanks for your reply Eric. We aren't accusng you or the english mod team. But being pushed in the second line of support for what reason exactly?


It would be nice if we could get a sttement of BW or EA why they "killed" the german and french community support.


This is one big thing we are asking for. The quality of informations and the frequence was getting better and now this. It's just a slap in the face.

Edited by Leecor
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Yes, but the most german don't use their english past school.

And they don't have the motivation to reactivate it after years just for a computer game.


So you rage because EA/Bioware won't cater to your lazyness? OKAY! (Ich bin Deutsch. Nein, es ist keine Arbeit, meine Englischkenntnisse auf dem laufenden zu halten.)

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German Pls.:mad:


Or just need a translation company to do the work?:rolleyes:


Okay...that's enough. A lifesign from one of the "yellows" is nice...and it's not their fault. Don't be mad at them, be mad at €A.


After dinner i will translate it into german in the german section for those of the german players which don't speak english. I think if we all work together, we can try at least to get some sort of support running here.

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Typisch Deutsche Selbstüberschätzung.


Typisch während viele sich bemühen "deutschsprachig" zu schreiben ansatt "Deutsch" weils ja auf Deutschland zurückschliesst siehst du anscheind nur diese Land an welches diese Sprache hat....




Gibt noch mehrer Länder.


Bin nämlich Österreicher...... aber danke das wir Österreicher ja die gleichen Klischees besitzen.....


Lg und mehr DENKEN ! anstatt zu verallgemeinern ^^

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Okay...that's enough. A lifesign from one of the "yellows" is nice...and it's not their fault. Don't be mad at them, be mad at €A.


After dinner i will translate it into german in the german section for those of the german players which don't speak english. I think if we all work together, we can try at least to get some sort of support running here.


I do not say he musst post in German in this thread. I only said, in german .:rolleyes: This is not the same.

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Tut mir ja leid aber ein Beteuern das die deutsche und französische Community nicht vergessen wird, ist in englischer Sprache nicht sehr glaubhaft als eine Antwort auf eine Frage die in Deutsch gestellt wurde.


Gibt es denn keinen mehr im Team der so fit im deutsch ist das er das hier (oder im deutschen Forum) schreiben kann?

Edited by Terasexa
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Typisch während viele sich bemühen "deutschsprachig" zu schreiben ansatt "Deutsch" weils ja auf Deutschland zurückschliesst siehst du anscheind nur diese Land an welches diese Sprache hat....




Gibt noch mehrer Länder.


Bin nämlich Österreicher...... aber danke das wir Österreicher ja die gleichen Klischees besitzen.....


Lg und mehr DENKEN ! anstatt zu verallgemeinern ^^


Ich kenne leider nicht genug Schweizer und Österreicher um zu wissen, ob die sich genauso chronisch zu wichtig nehmen, wie wir Deutschen. Wenn Du aber unbedingt zu dieser Gruppe dazugehören möchtest, be my guest.

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<much english words for a german community>


How about writing in german when adressing the german customers? ;)


Besides this fact...i feel a great lie within your post! :rolleyes:


By the way...some translations in this game are still wrong...after 14 months of complaining about it. Great work so far...i'm very proud of you :D

Edited by Sugandhalaya
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Kurze Google Übersetzung des Gelben Eric ^^ (Sinngemäss)


Er versteht die Frustartion und unsere Handlung.

Er versichert uns das der Deutsche/Französische Info Fluss jedoch weiter fliessen wird.

Weiters versichert er das wir nicht "vergessen" werden.

Es gibt weiterhin Berichte und Themen der Deutschen/Französischen Community die ins Spiel einfliessen. (Feedback und Verbesserung)

Er sagt auch gleich das es weiterhin gelbe "Posts" in den EU Foren geben wird, nur sicher nicht so oft wie in Englisch.

Er findet es sehr "Störend" (für die Community) das wir das Englische Forum nun beginnen zu belagern

Es wird begonnen sich mehr um die Deutsche/Französische Community zu kümmern.

Als letztes gibt er zu Protokoll das das letzte was sie wollen, sich die EU Foren "ignoriert" vor kommen.



How you will manage the german/france community with NO german/france speakers ?! I cant manage a taiwan board because i can not speak taiwan.... you ?! Will you order german interpreters for themes how they dont know.....


regards Wintics

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Nun, dies wird definitiv das letzte mal sein, dass ich mich zu Wort melde. Ich habe die Schnauze voll und ich sehe ja, dass es ein Fehler war zu SWTOR zurück zu kommen. Nun gut.......


Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Wer es glaubt wird seelig.....nicht mal jetzt seit ihr in der Lage entsprechend zu reagieren. Mehr noch : eure Reaktion hat bis jetzt nur eins gezeigt : wie lästig doch die nicht englisch sprechenden Kunden sind. Und jetzt sollen wir glauben, dass ihr täglich jemanden abstellt (denn dies müßtet ihr tun), um das deutsche und fränzösiche Forum zu durchforsten ????

Das wäre eine so zeitaufwendige Aufgabe, dass ich mich sofort wieder frage, warum ihr die CMs gefeuert habt.....also bitte keine weiteren Verarschungen, ja ?


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.

O.k., dies ist nun definitiv nichts neues, da ihr anscheinend schon im Vorfeld keinen Bock auf eure "anders als englisch" sprechenden Mitarbeiter hattet. Infos kamen daher gerne zu spät. Wer sie sofort wollte, war schon immer "gezwungen" das englische Forum im Auge zu behalten.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically.


bedeutet bitte was ? Ein "Alibi-Thread" oder wie ?

The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


Ja klar , logisch ! Weg mit denen, die stören ! Wir wollen unter uns bleiben, egal was die anderen Kunden wollen. Und kommt bitte nicht noch auf die glorreiche Idee, euch mit uns konstruktiv auseinander zu setzen oder zu diskutieren !


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.




Ziel komplett verfehlt oder anders ausgedrückt : knapp daneben ist auch völlig vorbei.


Lieber Eric, ich weiß du tust nur deinen Job. Daher nehme ich dir die Phrasen nicht übel.

Ich brauche aber keine Phrasen nutzen, daher glaube mir bitte, dass ich es bitter bereue zu SWTOR zurück gekommen zu sein.

Diesen Fehler habe ich heute auch schon wieder ausgebügelt und für die Zukunft einen guten Vorsatz gefasst : "Hände weg von Bioware und EA Spielen".


Alles gute für die Zukunft und mögest zumindest du deinen Job noch eine Weile haben :)

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Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically. The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.




Thanks for your answer and please excuse my....errr... not very high classed english.

I hope you as one of the english CM's dont feel offended by the german and french community. We know that your facilities are not the biggest. But what should we do? You and your team are the only people which are in our range. This is a very complicated situation for both sides.

In fact the german and french com's have some questions:

1) Why? I think you have to give us reasons why our CM's (i speak for the german and french com) were kicked! We pay for this game and I really think we have to get some information.

2)How? You just said, that this forum is for the english people, so mostly of them cant speak our languages. This is true. But how do you want to control an ENGLISH, a French and a GERMAN forum, if you just can speak English? How will you give our feedbacks to the next level? Googletranslator? Come on....

3) What is in your force to help us? You said that this will be a personal goal for you and I am thankful if this is true. But how? We started with 4/5 CM's, Lars "Man standing" was kicked a few days ago. He was a great CM, but even our com is so big that he couldnt do everything he normaly have to. So please give us some points, WHAT you can do.

4) Less frequently Information? Come on, the information we got in the last half year were marginal, "less" is propably not possible.


We want answers and we want them now. Till we get some which satisfy us, there WILL be more german posts and threads in this forum, because we don't have another choice!

I hope there will be a possibility to handle this. To do my part of solving this problem here is my idea: Give us another CM!

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Hey everyone,


I want to express that I completely understand your frustration in this. I know I mentioned it before but I want to reassure you guys that although the French and German Community Managers are no longer a part of the team, you folks are far from forgotten. We are going to be continually receiving feedback reports from both French and German players via the forums and acting upon that internally just as we do with all other feedback.


Also, please don’t think that this means that you will never see another yellow post from us again, we are going to be working to post updates in those forums whenever we can. Yes, this will be less frequent than may occur in English, but it will absolutely still happen.


I understand what you guys are going for in posting in German or French across the English forums and as you may have noticed, in some cases we are moving those back into the German or French General Discussion. I am going to leave this thread here since it is where we addressed that specifically. The issue is that posting in German or French in the English forums only really disrupts any constructive discussion we have here as the majority of the English forums wouldn't speak French or German. So in the future we will begin to more actively move German and French posts to their respective forums.


The last thing we want you folks to feel like is that you are being ignored and I will make it a personal goal to ensure that you don’t feel that way.




There we go ... at least one statement in the end.


But there is still this one last question: why? Why was the french and german community team being kicked out? At least it seems that way ... No information, no statement. We were just being confronted with a fait accompli.

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There we go ... at least one statement in the end.


But there is still this one last question: why? Why was the french and german community team being kicked out? At least it seems that way ... No information, no statement. We were just being confronted with a fait accompli.


If I had to guess: Money. I have the impression that Bioware/EA tries to cut down on costs so they have more financial resources for other parts of the game.

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