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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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OK, I'm working on comments for all the great stuff I'm reading here. Yall are great. I'd like to comment on all and I'll get to some because some of those stories are either touching or get a good laugh out of me, and right now that's something I need.


Anyway, some responses.



Lady Jean - Seems like 90% of the time when I've hit the regenerate, my companion is standing right there in the zone where the flamethrower fires. I've always chuckled thinking "What if?".


Bright Ephemera - As I was growing up, on a farm by the way, I was the automatic dishwasher, dryer, stacker and storer. He's refered to as "farm boy", I figured why not. I figured that her background would be something he felt he needed to know before he went any furhter. I could have probably thought of a better time, but for the story's sake.


Lesaberisa - I've kind of done with most of the games I've played from Guild Wars and Lotro to this. Gives it more flare for me than just unrelated random chars.


Alaurin - For me, it's a toss up between Voslic and Altest as to which is favorite of all my chars. And in the end, her feelings for Corso are what really matter right?


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@ Morgani: Welcome back; you were indeed missed and it’s good to see you back. Ada’lell’eshoko intrigues me; I liked her introduction, and then the meeting with Jadus later *shiver* Great job showing Ada’lell’eshoko desperate from Jadus’ POV, and still managing to make him disturbing from inside his own head. I like the attention to Chiss culture/physiology.


@ Magdalane: Nice interpretation. The gift not being a tangible thing, but good feelings. And then, good feelings to all involved. Very nice.


@ YoshiRalphElan: I haven’t had Jorgan out for a while...now I want to see him. It’s fun coming up with story explanations for in-game glitches.


@ Marissalf: you do a good job capturing the helplessness of a slave in that situation, especially in first person perspective. Romari is a slime, and now I want a shower.




@ Magdalane: Aww, now I feel kinda bad :(. I’m glad you like Varrel. He arranged for Vette to retrieve the mushrooms in A Special Mission. He trusts her, and he trusts her to be discreet, both rare things in his position.


@ Kabeone: the mushrooms were a bit of both; a taste of home as well as something he would get for his pregnant wife if he were on his homeworld. Adoko is meant to be infuriating at that point; he and Kirya will have their big falling-out about ten years from the time of that story. They reconcile much later. The fragment with some of that reconciliation is Ceremonies 2. /sigh, too many stories, too little time.


@ Bright: Most times I go with my working title. This time it fit it just wasn’t good. I’m glad ‘Bitterness’ set up both aspects of the story.


@ Everyone who commented on Jurial: I am glad that people still want to read his musings. He articulates his positions well, but he will find the Jedi don’t agree on a number of issues. I am trying to explore his philosophy from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have all the answers, but at the same time desperately wants them and finds the ones his teachers give him unsatisfactory. We live outside the Star Wars universe, we can read what the creator (Lucas and licensees) say is true about the Force and know it is fact. Jurial lives in Star Wars. He doesn’t have that certainty. He forms his own conclusions based on his observations, experiences, and beliefs, and some of it will be wrong.

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@ Morgani: Hi! Nice to meet you. :) I'm fascinated by your IA's buildup to being an agent. Can't wait to see more of her!

@ Magdalane: Hah, great capture of the craziness that goes on with the smuggler crew. :D

@ Striges: Oh, your gifts Bitterness was very thoughtful. Now all I can picture is Dromund Kass coated in red. ;)


Maldecka the Kid #12

Abt 2300 words, couple days.

SPOILERS: None, really.


Family - Dealing with a war sucks. It's already complicated enough, but family complicates things even more. Some of our characters' families are different species, or have different alligiances. How do they deal with the complications that family can bring? Suggested by Eanelinea.



Maldecka was scared. She hated it, but that was what she was feeling. Knight Zarro had come back to the temple, injured, and Orgus had snapped at him, right there on the landing pad. Maldecka had never seen Zarro look so small or miserable. Maldecka had tried to go over and give Zarro a hug, but Zarro was rushed off to the infirmary. Orgus had come over to Maldecka and he said that he would be going after the Sith that hurt Zarro.


The last words Orgus said to Maldecka before boarding a shuttle was watch Zarro's back. That was when the fear settled in to Maldecka's belly, about a week ago.


But that was nothing compared to the fear Maldecka felt now. She had been grabbed by someone during a field trip. One minute she's on a sky bridge, right behind the initiate behind her. Next she's falling, held roughly against a stranger who’s taken a swan dive off the sky bridge. Maldecka tried to fight but the stranger injected her with something.


And then Maldecka woke up here. In a crate. With no light or context. She had already searched for a way out, but all the seams and latches were to tight or out of reach. Maldecka had tried to connect to the force, but it was like there's a wall up that she can't get through.


Maldecka clenched her fists. She wanted to face her fear, but she couldn't when she didn't even know what was causing her fear in the first place.


Sitting down, Maldecka continued to attempt to meditate, to force the fear out of her mind.




Orgus was a bit more alarmed than he wanted to be. He knew full well that he was protective of his few friends. Let's be honest, his family. Since that list usually contained Zarro, Master Hallett, and T7, that wasn't much of a problem. Somewhere along the line Maldecka had worked her way onto that list. When he heard about Zarro's stupid mistake, he might have over reacted. Okay, he did overreact.


But now, crawling along some air ducts, he had overheard the apprentice talking, bragging about sneaking up on an entire group of Jedi and snagging one right out from under their noses. Orgus had a sinking feeling he knew exactly who was snagged.


"So, what do you want done with the box?"


"Take it to the control room. My master will be pleased to open it."


Orgus listened as the entire group shuffled out. Gently he leapt down into the room. His target was a control panel. All he had to do was snag the information and get out. With it the Order could set up a trap for Lord Zethama. Not his normal style, but entirely appropriate when infiltrating an enemy citadel.


Orgus took one look at the control panel across the room. Then he turned and began to run toward the control room of the citadel.




Maldecka could feel the box being pushed. She could hear the voices of people around her. And, even with the force blocked from her, she could sense the darkness they were pushing her toward. Maldecka rolled her shoulders. When they opened the box, she'd come out swinging. She'd get a weapon and she'd fight whatever was out there.


Slowly the box came to a halt. Suddenly the lid as ripped off and the box tipped over, tumbling Maldecka out onto a cold metal floor. Maldecka scrambled to her feet in a fighting stance. Then she took in her surroundings. They were on an oval shaped platform, suspended in the center of a vast room. All around were cables and ropes holding up cages, holorcrons, tanks...all manor of things counterweighted to each other. And everything was lit with a red glow from below.


"And...what is this?"


Maldecka turned to the woman who had spoken. She was beautiful, but not like Knight Nettesh. This woman looked like you would cut your hand if you tried to touch her.


The apprentice stepped forward and pushed Maldecka hard in the shoulder, forcing her forward, "It's the little Jedi that the pesky knight is attached to. I though we could use her a leverage."


The woman sighed and leaned back in the chair she sat on, "No, you didn’t think. You really didn't. I can't wait to see what Lord Zethama says about this."


The apprentice went to shove Maldecka again, but this time Maldecka ducked and stuck the apprentice in the shin with a swift kick. Spinning she was about to punch the apprentice in whatever nerve clusters she could reach when she was launched back with the force. The apprentice had tossed her all the way over to the Mandalorians that had helped push the box.


The woman was holding her sides laughing while the apprentice sputtered at her, "Shut up Hannakki. Lord Zethama will be pleased with me."


Maldecka was somewhat distracted by the three Mandalorians. They were looking at her funny. When one reached down, Maldecka grabbed the gloved and planted her foot on his chest, pushing him over to land flat on his back. Maldecka spun and grabbed a sword from the downed Mandalorian's belt. Backing up Maldecka held the sword at ready.


"What....is going on in here?" a raspy voice asked from just above Maldecka's shoulder.


She spun and struck, only to feel herself lifted up in a force choke. Desperate, Maldecka swung her sword at the Sith anyway, but he was already striding into the room, carrying Maldecka at arms length.


Everyone knelt, and the apprentice began, "That jedi can be used a leverage against the knight who has ruined all our plans so far, Lord Zethama. I took the initiative of capturing her myself."


Zethama looked at Maldecka and then dropped her, "Darth Hannakki, did you have anything to do with your brother's plan?"


The woman didn't even hesitate, "No my Lord."


Without preamble Zethama launched lightning at the apprentice. Maldecka quietly began creeping away as the Sith were distracted by the apprentice's screams.


She had forgotten about the Mandalorians, but they had not forgotten her. One of them stepped over and picked her up, "What should we do about the jedi?"


Zethama cut off the lightning and sat on his throne, "The Jedi have probably mobilized a galaxy wide search. They are awfully attached to their young after all. Thoughts, Darth Hannakki?"


The woman turned to Maldecka once again, "Perhaps, we could plant her body in the strong hold of an enemy. Turn the strength of the jedi against them, instead of us."




"I could train her as my apprentice." The woman had stepped up and was caressing Maldecka's cheek. The Mandalorian only tightened his grip.


Zethama laughed, reedy and echolike, "Have you looked at her force signature? You would do better to turn a rock."


Hannakki turned back and stepped toward her master, "But I would like to try, she would be a valuable asset in our arsenal."


"Your arsenal more like. Mandalorians, kill the jedi."


For a second, no one moved. But then a bright blue light flared up from below and a loud thump crashed down. As everyone turned to look at the falling tank who's counter weight had been cut, Maldecka made her move. Pinching the nerves in the hand got her out of the Mandalorian's grip. A well aimed punch had him holding himself on the ground.




Unquestioningly Maldecka sprinted for the edge and jumped. She would recognize Master Orgus' voice anywhere.


Orgus was holding onto the counterweight cable of the falling tank. Snatching Maldecka out of the air, the two of them were pulled up to the ceiling.


Orgus pulled Maldecka in close and let the force time his jump. Leaping, he landed them on a service catwalk. Sprinting along it Orgus could just make out a trash chute. Angling he prepared to dive in. Or he would have, had one of the Mandaloirans not fired a flash bomb right in front of him.


Dazed Orgus stumbled. Blinking he set Maldecka down, "The trash chute..."


He had meant for Maldecka to go ahead and escape. Instead she grabbed his hand and pulled both of them over to it. Both jumped in as the enraged roars of the Sith shook the entire room.




Waking up the first thing Orgus heard was, "Eeeeewwwww."


Sighing Orgus figured that meant Maldecka was okay. Quickly he checked himself, nothing was hurting. Blinking his eyes open he realized they were in a pitch black room. That's an easy fix. He grabbed his lightsaber an held it up, igniting it. Nothing happened, but he could hear the humm. Orgus turned it off and on again. Nothing.


Maldecka was right beside him as she spoke, "The light show is fun, but shouldn't we head out of here?"


Orgus frowned, "That's going to be a bit tricky. I think the flash grenade blinded me."


He could hear the pointed silence at his side. Then Maldecka took his hand, "Then I'll be your eyes! At least until we get back to the temple. Then they can fix you."


Orgus could hear the smile in Maldecka's voice. Grinning back he knelt down, "Sound's like a plan Mal. But we need to mask your force signature, then we need to be sure you can direct me around walls."


Reaching out to her force signature, Orgus got to work.






Maldecka glanced nervously around. Master Orgus was jogging along, carrying Maldecka on his back. They had already run into Lord Zethama. Maldecka had done her best to be Master Orgus' eyes, but he still had several light saber burns to show from the fight. But he had managed to push Lord Zethama off a catwalk. Maldecka had heard the thump, and she had waited for Zethama to jump back up but Orgus just muttered, "Last mistake you'll ever make."


Then they continued, trying to get to the hanger and escape before the other two sith caught up with them.


"T-intersection at 12 o'clock, Master Orgus."


"Got it. Any signs for the hanger?"




Orgus tilted his head. Malecka could feel him reaching out to the force, but it was a tired reach. He slowed slightly.


And that was when a hand grabbed Maldecka's shirt and pulled her off Orgus' back.


Maldecka twisted, already Kicking out, "It's the Mandalorians!"


Orgus had lunged to try and snatch Maldecka back, but missed. One of the Mandalorians stepped toward him and Orgus tossed him into a wall.


"Wait, wait, we're on your side!" The Mandalorian who had grabbed Maldecka had one hand extended to Orgus in a placating gesture.


Orgus, "And I'm the Queen of Naboo. Set the kid down and I might go easy on you."


There was a tense moment, the only sound was the humm of Orgus' lightsaber.


Gently the Mandalorian set Maldecka down and took off his helmet. The zabrak warrior smiled at Maldecka.


"Oh, Master Orgus, they're okay." Maldecka stepped back to Orgus' side.


Orgus set a hand on Maldecka's shoulder, "And you know this how?"


"They're from the Sunset Tribe. They have the same face tatoos as me."


The Zabrak stepped forward, helmet tucked under his arm and flanked on either side by the other two Mandalorians, "My name is Malsept. I had no idea we were hired to hurt a daughter of the Sunset tribe. I didn't even know we had sent anyone to the jedi!"


One of the other Mandalorians checked something on his arm, "Boss, the charges are primed and ready."


Malsept turned back to Orgus, "We were deceived and we're setting it right. This entire structure is now rigged to blow, and I have all their files on several data disks. The only thing left to do is get you two out of here."


Maldecka looked at Orgus. Orgus' face looked at ease to a stranger, but Maldecka had learned to look for the tightness in his eyes that betrayed how uneasy he was.


Gently Maldecka took his hand, "They are family. They won't hurt us."


Orgus glared in the direction of the Mandalorians before ruffling Maldecka's hair, "Sure Mal. But if they do, I'm firing you as my travel agent."




Orgus' sight had begun to return. Once he was able to see more than just blurs it was obvious Maldecka came from the same tribe as the Mandalorians. Not only did they all have the same facial tattoos, they all looked alike. That peculiar olive skin tone and dirty blond hair was universal among all four of them.


The Mandalorians had decided they would be returning to the tribe to get caught up. Turned out they hadn't been back to the tribe in over a decade. But before that they returned Orgus and Maldecka to the temple.


Maldecka had practically sprinted from the ship, eager to say hello to Zarro who stood at the edge of the platform. Orgus thanked the Mandalorians for their help and turned to leave when a hand fell onto his arm.


Malsept looked closed off and threatening, "Family is very important to Zabraks. Can I trust the jedi with a daughter of the Sunset Tribe?"


Orgus glanced over to where Maldecka was animatedly talking about her adventure to a kneeling Zarro. Master Sellanni stood with them. Knight Nettesh was sprinting over to them to say hello too.


Orgus turned back to the Mandalorians, certain that they had see Maldecka's homecoming too, "Maldecka is just as much a daughter of the Jedi, as she is a daughter of the Sunset tribe." Orgus crossed his arms and leveled a look at the Mandalorians, "More actually."


Orgus and Malsept stared at eachother, both sizing eachother up. Then Malsept snorted, "We'll see Jedi."


Orgus only grinned, "Yes, you will."


Satisfied Malsept turned and went back into the ship. Orgus turned and went to join the homecoming.


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Maldecka the Kid #13

Abt 3200 words, in 3 hours

WARNING: Some seriously tough love. As in I considered not posting it because the whole thing came to mind and got written before I really though about how it might look to gentler folks.


Deadly Sins - Everyone struggles with one of them at some point: wrath, pride, envy, lust, gluttony, greed, and sloth. Sometimes they spur us on to do good things. Other times, they hurt us and others. Write about your characters' struggles with the worst sins of them all.



Zarro stood in the shade of the covered walkway, looking out on the sparing initiates. He carefully concealed his mental turmoil. But something needed to be done.


"I couldn't agree more." Orgus stepped up beside him.


Zarro snarled lightly, "I didn't say anything and I though you were off world on a mission."


Orgus crossed his arms and looked out at the initiates, "That got wrapped up. Council called me back. They have me doing some odd jobs around here for the next couple months."


Zarro latched onto the distraction, "Really? Whose idea was that?"


Orgus scratched his head, "The trolls, I think. It's the council, not exactly the most forthcoming group of jedi. But that’s not what we need to address."


They both were silent as they watched the most recent sparring match. Maldecka was up against an initiate with four arms and at least a foot on her. She disarmed him and put him in the dirt effortlessly. Zarro let a small smile come to his face.


Then Maldecka spun to the crowd of fellow initiates and challenged, "Who's next to eat dirt?"


Zarro's smile fell from his face, and his thoughts began spinning in circles again. The instructor gently chided Maldecka but was soon occupied with the next set of initiates to spar. Zarro knew Maldecka's Pride would not be stopped by gentle words.


Orgus crossed his arms again, "It wouldn't be such a problem if she weren’t so good at fighting."


Zarro lifted an eyebrow, "Are you reading my thoughts?"


Orgus shrugged, "Just your body language. It helps that I've been worried about it too. Might even be my fault. She only got really bad after we escaped the citadel."


Zarro lifted an eyebrow, "Are you taking responsibility?"


Orgus lifted his hands, "Hell no. She's your future padawan. You set her straight."


Zarro resisted the urge to start the padawan argument again. Instead he looked out at the collection of initiates watching the current spar. Maldecka stood off by herself, excitedly watching the match. Zarro couldn't tell if the distance was Maldecka's choice or if her classmates were getting annoyed at always being beaten by a younger, and Proud, initiate.


Zarro sighed, "I'm open to suggestions. Talking hasn't gotten the point across."


Orgus laughed lightly, "Then don't talk." Gently he poked at Zarro's injured shoulder, "Show."


With that Orgus spun on his heel and walked away. Zarro watched his friend leave. Turning back to watch the initiates, Zarro grinned, knowing exactly what to do. After all, he had needed to do it to Orgus once too.




Zarro could feel Maldecka as she approached the gym. She was a bundle of confusion and excitement. Unsurprising since Zarro asked Maldecka to meet him in the gym without explaining why.


Zarro didn't even turn to face the door, "Come on in Maldecka."


Zarro could fell Maldecka's surprise like a lead weight. He rarely used her full name, but it seemed right for the situation.


Zarro motioned toward some training swords, simple wooden things really, and said, "Pick one, we're going to spar."


"But...you're injured Knight Zarro."


Zarro stood and used the force to pull one of the training swords to himself, "Then this should be easy for you."


Zarro could feel Maldecka's pride bloom from the complement. Hopefully this would work. And, hopefully, Maldecka would not hate him after. Orgus had; at least until his next mission.


Maldecka had picked a sword to match her height. They stood before each other and saluted, bringing their weapons up to their face and then down to their side. Before Maldecka could move Zarro struck her on the side so hard she was tossed to the ground.


Zarro stood tall, sword at his side, "Match one to me, try again."


Maldecka's force signature flared with resolve and she pulled her sword to herself while she launched up in a jump. Zarro knocked her down by striking her legs mid jump. Zarro knew it would bruise. But he needed her to understand.


Again Zarro stood tall, breathing easily, "Match two to me, try again."


And she did. Again, and again, and again. Zarro had to force each strike through, it was so hard to go at the right force to show Maldecka he was not holding back, but to not do any permanent harm.


Zarro stood tall face blank, "Match one hundred and …" He didn't even get to finish before Maldecka was attacking again.


Zarro frowned internally. Orgus had gotten the point after about eighty matches. But Maldecka was still pulling herself up to come at him again. And again.


Zarro kept on striking. Maldecka kept on getting up. Finally, around match two hundred, and long after Zarro had significantly scaled back the force of his strikes, Maldecka pulled herself up to her knees and didn't attack.


Zarro waited, but she just sat there, looking at him.


Zarro stepped over, "Maldecka, do you remember the talk we had a few days ago?"


Maldeck looked up at him looking like she was about to say something. Then she burst into tears and ran from the room.


Zarro blinked. That was not what he was expecting. Orgus had ranted and raved at him for thirty minutes and then hadn't talked to him for a week.


Zarro picked up the swords and returned them to their racks. Then he cleaned up the rest of the gym and walked out, certain that he had just lost Maldecka's friendship. But if this taste of humility tempered her Pride, then it was worth it.


"It saved my life. She'll realize the favor you've done her eventually."


Zarro looked up at Orgus. He was leaning on Zarro's door.


Zarro tilted his head, "You have got to stop that."


Orgus just grinned, "No I don't. Come on, I'll make you dinner. Wouldn't do to let you wallow in success alone."




Zarro huffed. It was two in the morning and he could not sleep. Barefooted he walked over to his window.


It wasn't his usual rout to the roof. When Zarro silently reached the roof he was eternally grateful for that fact.


There, sitting on the edge and looking down at something glinting in her hands, was Maldecka. Zarro slunk back into the shadows, debating what to do. On one hand two in the morning is no time for an initiate to be on the roof. Also the bruises Zarro had given her were starting to darken. It looked like she hadn't treated them at all. On the other hand, Maldecka came to the roof to clear her head, so she probably wanted to be alone. Or she had wanted to confront Zarro in a place she figured he would come.


Suddenly Maldecka jumped to her feet, pulled her arm back...and launched whatever was in her hand out into the woods. She must have seriously amplified it with the force because whatever it was flew. Maldecka stood there for a second looking at where the object had gone.


Then she made a sharp noise and sprinted for the edge of the roof.


Zarro debated following, but Maldecka was headed back to the initiates quarters. Zarro rolled his shoulders. He jumped quietly back to his quarters. Tomorrow would tell if his lesson worked or not.




Tomorrow did not tell. It screamed. Maldecka, it turned out, never when to bed. Her bunk was unslept in. Nor was she at breakfast. Or meditation, or even republic history. Lunch came and went and her teachers began to grow concerned. When Maldecka did not arrive at her combatives class, they knew something was wrong. Security cameras at the gate showed Maldecka going into the woods around the temple. All the Jedi that could be spared were organized to look for Maldecka. Zarro took point, and the Jedi spread out to search.


Interestingly enough, Orgus was the first one to find Maldecka. She was sitting under a tree looking up. Her knees were scrapped and her clothes were covered in mud.




Maldecka spun, genuinely surprised. She had tear tracks on her face that she urgently rubbed at.


Orgus decided to not mention it and instead picked her up. He set her on a log and promptly had a seat himself, "I don't know about you Mal, but walking in the woods always makes me hungry."


Orgus casually pulled out a nutrition bar and handed it to Maldecka.


She sniffed, "Aren’t you hungry?"


Orgus shrugged, "I ate as I walked kid. Dig in."


As Maldecka chowed down Orgus looked her over with the Force. No outstanding injuries except for scratches on her hands and knees. Plus all the bruises from her match with Zarro. But it was her signature that concerned him. Orgus had never seen it so dull.


He took a sip of water from a canteen and then handed it to Maldecka, "Care to explain why you decided to take a hike without telling anyone?"


Maldecka looked suspiciously at Orgus, "I would have, but no one was awake."


Orgus mimicked Maldecka's expression right back at her, "And you couldn't leave a note?"


Maldecka ducked her head, signature dulling even more.


Orgus gazed at the trees around them, "Zarro once had to beat some humility into me too."


Orgus could tell he had her attention, "Yes. I had just beaten three Sith and saved an entire cruiser of republic soldiers. And I was still just a padawan on a solo mission. When I got back to the temple for more training I was insufferable, picking fights just so I could bask in knowing that I was the best. And knowing everyone else knew too. But that wasn't all. I avoided the subjects I knew I was weak in. I didn't want to admit to anyone that I was less than the best."


Maldecka shuffled closer, intent on the story.


Orgus sighed, "I truly don't know why Zarro puts up with me. But he decided we were friends, even when I was acting a fool. So he tried to talk to me. Remind me how important humility is. But I didn't listen. So he asked me to come down to the gym for a sparring match. I came, confident I would win every time. You know what happened?"


Maldecka sounded miserable, "You lost?"


Orgus nodded, "Yup. Eighty times in a row. To this day I have no idea how Zarro did it. I got fed up and refused to continue to fight. I called him some pretty nasty things and stormed out. I was humiliated. My identity was dependent on being the best at fighting and that had been undone in a single evening. So I turned that shame and embarrassment into anger. I refused to talk to Zarro."


Orgus had stopped. He was surprised how hard it was to keep his composure, so many years latter. Maldecka gently tapped the Canteen on his arm, offering it.


Orgus took a quick drink of water and continued, "I thought if I cut Zarro out I'd go back to being okay. So I tried. Then I had another mission. The mission was dependent on negotiation between two telepathic races. Needless to say I was incredibly weak in communication across the Force. My inability to do something as simple as speak clearly to them nearly drove them to war due to all the miscommunications. I …" Orgus coughed, he had never actually told anyone this before, "I nearly let them, just so I could blame the mission failure on someone other than myself. I was hiding in the fact that I was good at fighting to justify being bad at negotiating."


Orgus glanced over, Maldecka was looking at him, wide eyed, "The night before each side planned to attack each other, I remembered that I wasn't the best at fighting either. So I called my master, defeated and begged for help. The order sent some counselors and I was able to stall the fight long enough for them to arrive and sort everything out."


Maldecka spoke softly, "Did it? Did everything get sorted out?"


Orgus looked over at the tree where he found Maldecka, "I tell ya Mal. The hardest part, the absolute worst bit of that mission, was coming home and telling Zarro thank you. Because I thought I had broken our friendship on top of everything else that when wrong. I figured it was beyond repair, but I couldn't let him go without telling him what he had done."


Orgus let the silence settle between them. He knew he should call in that he had found her, but Maldecka still didn't seem quite ready for the crowd of Jedi to decent upon her.


Maldecka pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, "I was scared."


Orgus waited but it seemed Maldecka would not continue, "Scared of what?"


"When I was captured, I couldn't fight. I tried and the Sith and the Mandalorians just tossed me around. And I was scared. I came back and everyone was so relieved but I ...the next day I beat Markis in a match. I felt good. So I kept winning. And I started to pick fights so I could keep winning. But I was still messing up in meditation. And writing. And I was getting scared that someone would notice. They would see that I wasn't as calm as a Jedi Knight should be. That they might kick me out for getting captured so stupidly and needing to be rescued and I don't want to end up like Kally because she seems so sad and alone and ...and .., " Maldecka was crying again, "And then Zarro wanted to spar. And I lost and I lost and I ...he never showed me if I should keep fighting or if I should give up...and I knew there was a lesson I should be picking up, but I was so upset...because if I couldn't even land a hit on Master Zarro then how can I help him fight Sith? And then I started to cry and I was so embarrassed that I ran away and then I was angry. So angry I snapped at an initiate and they looked ready to cry so I went to the roof. I thought I could meditate, figure out how to beat Zarro so I'd be good enough again. But I didn't have any ideas, and I just got angrier and angrier and I threw away the pendant Master Zarro gave me."


Maldecka was fully sobbing and Orgus had no idea what to do. So he pulled her into a hug and let her cry. Orgus tried to think of a time when he had seen Maldecka without the pendant. He couldn't, barring today.


Maldecka calmed down and Orgus let her pull away.


She was looking fixedly at her hands, "Jedi don't cry. I've never seen a Jedi cry. This is why they're going to kick me out. If I was good enough at fighting..." Maldecka looked forlornly at the top of the tree, "I thought I could at least keep the pendant. I regretted it as soon as I threw it away."


Orgus followed her line of sight. His jaw nearly dropped when he saw the pendant hanging from a branch near the top of the tree. It was to high up for any of the branches to support even Maldecka's weight, a hard learned lesson if some of the broken branches were to be believed.


Orgus gently ruffled Maldecka's hair as he stood up, "Mal. The Jedi Order is well aware that you're eight. They also know this was your first encounter with the Sith. We forgive mistakes. What you did wrong was to hide your emotions and worries instead of addressing them, either on your own, or preferably, with help."


Maldecka gave him a disbelieving look that Orgus smirked back at, "You're hardly the first initiate to do something like this. Don't be so proud that you think you mistakes are the only unforgivable mistakes."


When Maldecka looked away Orgus knew he hit the nail on the head.


Pulling out a comm unit Orgus quickly called it in. He received a variety of relieved messages back.


Turning to Maldecka, Orgus grinned, "We've got about five minutes till they all get here. That's just enough time for you to use the Force to get that pendant down."


Maldecka just blinked at him, "I've been trying. But the branches...."


Orgus shrugged, "You're in Force application level four right? So you know how to levitate that pendant down here."


Maldecka looked at Orgus, then the tree, then Orgus, "But I'm not good at it."


Orgus crossed his arms, aware they were running out of time, "There is a fine line between confidence and Pride. Self-deprecation will not help you find it, only humility. Are you the best at force application, no. Are you the worst? No. So make it happen Mal."


Maldecka looked at him. Then it was like something clicked back into place. Maldecka jumped of the log and stood in front of the tree. Orgus watched her Force signature flare back to brightness as she raised up one hand.


When the other Jedi arrived Orgus shushed them with an I will kill you gesture. They remained on the edge of the clearing. Zarro strode right up to stand by Orgus. But by that time Maldecka had a grip on the pendant and it was slowly being maneuvered out of the tree.


Orgus caught the sharp intake of air when Zarro realized what was in the tree. Maldecka snatched the pendant, and hung it from her neck. She turned with a smile that quickly fell from her face when she saw the Jedi rescue party.




The next couple days sere spent figuring out how an initiate ended up wandering the forest, what drove her out there, why hadn't anyone notice the after effects of the kidnapping. Maldecka was punished for leaving the temple without telling anyone. She was also assigned a mentor to aid in helping her sort through her emotions better.


Orgus and Zarro tried to lay low, but they both had to help to explain Zarro's unique method of teaching humility. It didn't sound too pretty at all.


But, a few days latter. Zarro and Orgus were standing on a shaded walkway, watching a bunch of initiates spar. Maldecka was in the heart of it, giving it her all. When she put her opponent on the ground and disarmed him both Zarro and Orgus held their breath. Maldecka let the match be called in her favor. Then she held out her hand and helped her opponent up.


Orgus slapped Zarro on the back and walked away. Zarro rolled his shoulders and headed back to the healing wing for one last check up before being let back on active duty.


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Morgani, I squee'd in a decidedly not-grown-up manner when I saw your post. Welcome back! I love the details in the Jadus piece.


Lady-Jean, Maldecka continues to be wonderful. Orgus's "Don't be so proud that you think you mistakes are the only unforgivable mistakes." is so straightforward and so profound. Just the sort of thing a guilt-racked youth ought to hear.

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Welcome back Morgani, long time no see...or read :p


Now, for something different:


Prompt: NotLP - Mission Accomplished featuring a companion in his younger years




He dropped down from the ledge where he had been crouching for a few minutes and he did so quietly. There was a guard standing a few paces away but he did not notice him as he moved in closer. A dull thud followed as the guard collapsed to the floor, unconscious.


The Cipher dragged the body to a darker area and proceeded to take the security keycard which would allow him access to the main console. Standing up, he moved quickly to the main doors looking around one last time, checking for patrols but he knew there would be none. Having timed the patrol routes, he was aware that it would take the guards another one hundred and seventeen seconds before reaching the doors. They would notice the absence of the guard in front of the door and they would investigate. Once the body was found, he also knew that it would take them another five full minutes to initiate a full lockdown. Plenty of time.


The doors opened as he swiped the keycard into the reader. Inside, there were only two more guards preventing him access to the data he had been sent to collect. Glancing from left to right, he noticed his opponents were not aware of his presence. He stepped in and waited for the doors to close before tapping a switch on a scrambling device which would temporarily disable the cameras.


One hundred and nine seconds remaining.


Two shots rang out in the room followed by the sound of bodies hitting the floor. With the last two guards dead, he moved to the main console and plugged a data device which would automatically scan the databanks and download the required information. Such tool was one of his own designs and had proven to be quick and effective, just how he liked it.


Ninety seconds remaining.


The device started downloading data. In the meanwhile he entered a few commands, pulling up the plans of the facility, plotting his escape route. He smiled, wondering how the Republic had managed to keep their secrets locked away from prying eyes for so long, considering the poor level of security he was now witnessing.


Forty seconds remaining.


He heard a faint beeping sound signalling that the download had been completed. Shutting down the secondary console, he removed his device from the primary and looked up. On the ceiling, the air vent was going to provide a way out. He worked quickly and opened the hatch.


Fifteen seconds remaining.


He jumped and grabbed the ledges of the vent, pulling himself up. There was not much headroom but it would be sufficient. Closing the vent, he waited for a couple of seconds. He heard the guards outside; 'Perfect timing' he thought as he started to move down the air shaft. In a few moments, the guards would check inside the room, probably thinking to find their colleague. Instead, they would find two dead bodies and this would cause them to raise the alarm. 'Five minutes left' he considered.


But, by the time the security measures had been fully implemented, he was long gone.




“Good job, Cipher”


The blue holo image of Keeper was congratulating him on another successful mission.


“It's good to see that your skills got you through. This was not one of the easiest missions”


“Still doubting my skills, Keeper?” he replied


“No. I never doubted you would be successful”


“Of course, Keeper, as you should expect, for I do not fail missions.”


There was a pause, an almost awkward silence, before Keeper continued:


“You will receive further instructions in due time. Don't go too far, Cipher. Keeper out”


The holo imaged flickered and disappeared.


Cipher. He was no longer supposed to have a name, an identity. Or so Intelligence believed. 'Fine. I'll play along' he thought 'But I will not forget my name, Lokin, and neither should you'



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@marissalf, against my usual inclination I clicked past your warning...well executed. Chilling and well written. How awful that she knows, despite his looks, exactly what she's getting into.


@ Marissalf: you do a good job capturing the helplessness of a slave in that situation, especially in first person perspective. Romari is a slime, and now I want a shower.

Thank you. I waffled back and forth on posting this one because it just creeped me out so much. But on the bright side, things do get better for Anaelia soon.


Some belated (and not-so belated) comments:


Yoshi, Oof, bad times for Jorgan indeed. You can just tell that's an unpleasant experience.


Magdalane, I was worried about Miriah and Corso there for a bit! But what a nice thing to do for Risha.


Stiges, I loved Jurial’s Epiphany. A great argument for love and attachments having a place with the Jedi.


Lesaberisa, A trio of good Gifts. Malicineve’s story was great, so many good lines. And Amitia’s admirer sure knows the way to her heart (even if it does turn out to be Doc :p)


Bright, love the contrasting halves of Paperwork for Vierce. Oh, how things change. (And glad that they do.)


Alaurin, Mallay finally gets a happy birthday, yay! And you just knew all that tension between her and Joragn would come to a satisfying head at some point. :D


Morgani, A very vivid introduction for your agent — I like her already. And the descriptions of Jadus were great.


Lady-Jean, I enjoyed both of the latest Maldecka entries. A very palpable sense of fear and danger in the first. And the lesson of humility in the second is probably a difficult rite of passage most Jedi have to learn. Very nice.


Selentar, Oh, I loved this! I’ve always wanted to see that companion’s younger days explored further, and this fits him well.


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NotLP: Sacrifice

With Kinka, Kaliyo and Vector

Takes place a day or two after Anniversary and more than a year before Ceremony.

No spoilers, just over 500 words


Kinka rolled the empty vials of de-stim between her shaking palms. Six sleepless nights was as much as she could take, and earlier in the day she’d given in and asked Dr. Lokin to give her something to help her sleep. He was more than happy to oblige; the doctor had pushed de-stims from the start. But now that she was wide awake in the darkness of her quarters, doubt was setting in. After this, I’ll rest easier. That was the theory she repeated to herself at any rate.


Three vials should be enough. And no lasting harm would be done. She’d made certain of that. But still, Kinka hesitated as the needle neared soft skin. This was a bad idea. No, this was an idea she’d regret for the rest of her life. But the alternative...


It’ll be one regret or another. This one, I can live with.


With a soft exhale, she quickly jabbed the syringe into sleeping Vector’s thigh, sending three doses of sleep-inducing drugs coursing through his body. His eyes fluttered open briefly to gaze at her in groggy confusion before the drug rendered him unconscious once more.


“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. This wasn’t what she wanted, not at all. But it had become increasingly clear that the strikes against her would never relent. Each one took away someone or something she loved. The thought of not waking up next to Vector made Kinka sick, but she’d make any sacrifice necessary to ensure that he wasn’t one of the things that was lost.


Kinka wanted to watch him for a while, make sure he truly would be alright, but the knock at her door signaled it was time to go. Kaliyo was waiting just outside as planned, ready to help the agent carry Vector off the ship.


“You sure you want to do this?” The fact that Kaliyo sounded almost apprehensive didn’t do much to make Kinka feel better about the situation.


She nodded. “Let’s just go before he wakes up. I don’t know how long the sedatives will hold.”


“You know this is a stupid idea, right? Bugboy’s like an akk puppy; he’ll just follow you home again no matter how hard you kick him.”


“Hence the sedatives, Kaliyo. And it’s the best thing for him. And for me.” Kinka had repeated that line to herself so many times, it was finally starting to sound plausible.


Kaliyo grabbed Vector’s legs with a huff. “Whatever you say, agent.”


They had surprisingly little difficulty dragging Vector through the ship and out into the hangar at Rhu Caenus spaceport. Kinka almost wished it had been more difficult. Tossing out the most meaningful and enjoyable part of one’s life should be harder. But she knew the worst was still to come. In an hour or a day or a week, doubt and regret would start to nag, and it would be so easy to turn around and bring him home where he belonged.


But in truth, Vector never belonged on the Phantom, not really. He had someplace else to call home, others to call family. Leaving him on Alderaan was the kindest thing to do for him. He could return to his place in the hive, be the diplomat they’d need to survive their dealings with the Empire. He wouldn’t be alone. There was always the other Joiners to keep him company. Maybe he’d even come to love one of them.


Kinka felt the bile rise in her throat as she boarded the ship but still she didn’t turn back. Vector could be with someone else, and that would be OK. Alive and in love with someone else was a much better fate than ending up dead for loving her.


And since I finally got around to it, here's what Kinka looks like.

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You know, one of these days I'll actually write a story using one of the prompts. Anyway, another introduction. Rather short. IA Interlude spoiler.




The revolt had started when a slave decided he wanted his freedom. It spread until there was no controlling the situation and the Imperial guards had to withdraw. The call went out to the Imperial Army to help put down the rebellion. Siege was laid and the area surrounding the monolith was cordoned off. The army made attempts to push into the area but the slaves held vital choke points. What it settled down into was a series of vicious firefights with neither side gaining an upper hand.


After weeks of stiff resistance, it became clear that there was another force moving and motivating the slaves. An opportunist, or group of opportunist, had moved in to take advantage of the situation. Imperial intelligence noted an increase of local dissident traffic. A group was known to oppose the Emperor but it had never been strong enough or boisterous enough to concern the Empire. That had changed.


To make matters worse for intelligence, Darth Jadus of the Dark Council had taken an interest in the situation. Keeper saw this as meddling but the Darth would be dissuaded of his pursuit. He has taken a hand and forced intelligence to assign a fresh face to the problem.


“Three at eleven o’clock, seven hundred meters.”


The barrel of the BlasTech R-700 moved to the left slowly before steadying in the general direction that had been indicated. The spotter barely noticed the change in position so slow and deliberate was the movement. “Target” the shooter replied when she spotted the three slaves. “ Leader appears to be second from the left.”


“Confirmed.” The spotter replied.


The shooter breathed deeply and closed her eyes. She slowly let the breath go, eyes still closed, imagining the target. The litany she had learned during training repeated itself over in her mind. “Breath half out, hold, finger placement on the trigger, sight picture, trigger control. Slow steady squeeze, you know the rifle, almost to the break. Let the shot surprise you.” She opened her eye and squeezed.


The total calm came over her as the whip-crack of the first round went down range. She didn’t wait to see the effects. She knew she had hit, knew the man was falling away, a hole burned neatly in the center of his chest. The barrel swung to next target. She could see the stunned look on his face. “Slow squeeze.” “Whip-crack.” The barrel swung again.


The time the target was on the move. He had witnessed the deadly accuracy and had decided he wanted nothing to do with it. He hadn’t seen where the shots came from. He knew that two compatriots had died in a matter of seconds and he was next. Fear gave him motivation to move as fast as his legs would carry him. It was not fast enough.


The rifle tracked the man as he ran. Another shot carried across the hills and jungle. The runner staggered, and at first the spotter thought he had only been wounded. He took two more steps as the life poured from him from the both the entry and exit wounds just to the left of center mass. He went to his knees then fell forward. He did not move again.


“Nice shot that last one. I knew you had talent agent, I just didn’t know how much.” Kaliyo commented from where she lay a few meters to the agents left. “And that guy was moving.”


Almaly Halyard, fresh from the Imperial Intelligence Academy and on just her second assignment knelt from where she had laid prone to take the shots. Scope still to her eye she scanned the target area to make sure there were only three. Satisfied she stood. With her off hand she tucked a stray blond lock of hair back under the piece of cloth she had tied around her head to camouflage herself. Gray eyes darted cautiously around the area.


“Let’s go. I’ve already fired two to many shots from here.” She said as she slowly stood. “Let’s make for our next target area.”


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NotLP: Sacrifice

With Kinka, Kaliyo and Vector

Takes place a day or two after Anniversary and more than a year before Ceremony.

No spoilers, just over 500 words


Kinka rolled the empty vials of de-stim between her shaking palms. Six sleepless nights was as much as she could take, and earlier in the day she’d given in and asked Dr. Lokin to give her something to help her sleep. He was more than happy to oblige; the doctor had pushed de-stims from the start. But now that she was wide awake in the darkness of her quarters, doubt was setting in. After this, I’ll rest easier. That was the theory she repeated to herself at any rate.


Three vials should be enough. And no lasting harm would be done. She’d made certain of that. But still, Kinka hesitated as the needle neared soft skin. This was a bad idea. No, this was an idea she’d regret for the rest of her life. But the alternative...


It’ll be one regret or another. This one, I can live with.


With a soft exhale, she quickly jabbed the syringe into sleeping Vector’s thigh, sending three doses of sleep-inducing drugs coursing through his body. His eyes fluttered open briefly to gaze at her in groggy confusion before the drug rendered him unconscious once more.


“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. This wasn’t what she wanted, not at all. But it had become increasingly clear that the strikes against her would never relent. Each one took away someone or something she loved. The thought of not waking up next to Vector made Kinka sick, but she’d make any sacrifice necessary to ensure that he wasn’t one of the things that was lost.


Kinka wanted to watch him for a while, make sure he truly would be alright, but the knock at her door signaled it was time to go. Kaliyo was waiting just outside as planned, ready to help the agent carry Vector off the ship.


“You sure you want to do this?” The fact that Kaliyo sounded almost apprehensive didn’t do much to make Kinka feel better about the situation.


She nodded. “Let’s just go before he wakes up. I don’t know how long the sedatives will hold.”


“You know this is a stupid idea, right? Bugboy’s like an akk puppy; he’ll just follow you home again no matter how hard you kick him.”


“Hence the sedatives, Kaliyo. And it’s the best thing for him. And for me.” Kinka had repeated that line to herself so many times, it was finally starting to sound plausible.


Kaliyo grabbed Vector’s legs with a huff. “Whatever you say, agent.”


They had surprisingly little difficulty dragging Vector through the ship and out into the hangar at Rhu Caenus spaceport. Kinka almost wished it had been more difficult. Tossing out the most meaningful and enjoyable part of one’s life should be harder. But she knew the worst was still to come. In an hour or a day or a week, doubt and regret would start to nag, and it would be so easy to turn around and bring him home where he belonged.


But in truth, Vector never belonged on the Phantom, not really. He had someplace else to call home, others to call family. Leaving him on Alderaan was the kindest thing to do for him. He could return to his place in the hive, be the diplomat they’d need to survive their dealings with the Empire. He wouldn’t be alone. There was always the other Joiners to keep him company. Maybe he’d even come to love one of them.


Kinka felt the bile rise in her throat as she boarded the ship but still she didn’t turn back. Vector could be with someone else, and that would be OK. Alive and in love with someone else was a much better fate than ending up dead for loving her.


And since I finally got around to it, here's what Kinka looks like.

Noooooooooooooo! :(


*wants to both hug and punch Kinka at the same time*

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Prompt: Friends and Allies


Xynri with new guild.. Very short..




Xynri looked around the assembled motley group she was a part of, listening to the instructions over the helmet comlink. Mentally classing everyone as best she could, even knowing that a great deal of her pre-classifying would get rearranged over time.


Even as the assignment progressed, the Catharette found herself watching the unorthodoxially dressed sage for cues. Partway through, she felt herself starting to smile as the well oiled group waded through the various obstacles; and Xynri was an important cog of that group which helped the squad complete the necessary tasks. For the first time in a great while, Xynri felt content and happy to be where she was.




Prompt: Family






The Twi'lek nodded as her apprentice completed his meditations, "That will be all for today Xal."

The apprentice would've replied respectfully as he left the room, but a shout from Revel precluded that intent and the apprentice scurried out of the room as the former pirate invaded his wife's sanctum. "You have a message from Intelligence."

Anyzama tilted her head as her holoviewer brought up the message in question and the other messages obviously rerouted to her through several different methods and sources. When she was finished reading the Darth sat back in her chair and considered all she'd been sent; what had been asked of her was certainly no easily accomplished feat, on top of that, the fact that she did have an older near-twin sibling who as far as the messages reported, had gotten lax in her training. All of that coupled with this revelation of familial ties...


The Sorceress brought up the included holo image of her purported sister and studied it carefully, frowning at the slight facial differences. The displayed Jedi knight on the holo wore robes of the primary color of blue and white, this would be child's play for that of her caliber, if it just stopped there. No, the far more complex issue would be the Force; lightside the report suggested, with very little darkness. It would be do-able, but problematic, and yet, Anyzama had done hard tasks with good results in the past. But this involved family, and involved meeting her sister for the first time in decades. "Pi-rate, punch in a course for Nar Shadaa." The sorceress called, more yelled, to the bridge.




Welcome back to Morgani and good job to the other writers who've contributed.

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@Morgani Yay! Welcome back.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of life and while Kabe may shake her fist at me and demand more of the other thing

I... wouldn't do that... when I have this awesome new thing to read :D I loved the mood and all of the descriptions. Everything was so clear and the image of the fear the Sith cast around him reminded me exactly of that first IA scene where you meet him and ask why it feels like you're dying. Wonderful, perfect, horrifying Jadus.


@Lady-Jean I love the build up of a Knight. I found it kind of disappointing that the story takes us from "just arrived" to "you're a knight now". Your take on it is wonderful.


@Selentar Young Lokin is a wonderful idea to explore. I like what you did with him.


@marissalf D: nooo... I hope they left him somewhere safe. Throughout my IA experience I did think Vector was too good to be on the ship, but still. Nooooooo.

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@marissalf: Yikes! Abandoning crew...yigh...at least Alderaan is pretty. Nice job conveying the emotions going through your AI's mind.

@Zethrodek: short and sweet. Nicely done :)

@kabeone: Thank you for the comment! I felt the JK prolog is so...breakneck? Its "oh hi, go save some padawans, now some twelik, now the order, here's a lightsaber, go save the capital, here's a padawan, go save the galaxy." Besides, mini-Maldecka making mistakes is fun, especially since we all know JKs are awesome (if annoyingly infallible at times) in game.


Happy Independance Day to my fellow Americans!


Maldecka the Kid #14

Abt 500 words, thirty min.


...Like No One's Watching - When we're alone we often indulge ourselves in things that might embarrass us if others knew. Bad music, bad dancing, whatever it is, we'd be pretty mortified if someone caught us. This time, write about your character's secret indulgences - and how they react when it's discovered.



Maldecka was fascinated. She wondered if she should alert Master Zarro to her presence but she didn't want to break whatever spell held her still. Besides, things were still a bit...odd between them.


She had been curled up in a tree reading "Alderaan Solo and the Ship of Dreamers" when Master Zarro had come to the glen below her. It was tucked in a far corner of the temple grounds, and thus rarely used. He looked around and then pulled a small music device out of his pocket. Putting in headphones he turned on the device and stuck it back in his pocket.


Then he held out his arms as though he were going to hug someone in front of him, but there was no one there. Then he started to move his feet. It was like a kata. But it...wasn't. Maldecka wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, but it was mesmerizing to watch him smoothly glide and spin across the glade. The sunlight made his silver grey fur glint, and his face was relaxed.


Maldecka leaned forward, trying to understand how he was moving his feet like that. Suddenly her hand slipped and she tumbled out of the tree. Twisting just right she was able to land on all fours.


Maldecka looked up, right into the startled eyes of Master Zarro. He had frozen, halfway through another smooth turn, arms extended. All his fur was standing on end, giving him a poofy appearance.


Maldecka flushed and hurriedly pulled the book out of the tree with the force, "I'm sorry Master Zarro, I was reading. I didn't mean to disturb your....whatever you're doing. What are you doing?"


Zarro blinked, attempting to smooth all his fur down, "I was...dancing."


Maldecka tilted her head, trying to reconcile Zarro's smooth footwork with the dancing she had seen Zabraks in her tribe do, "No... dancing involves a lot more jumping, stomping and yelling. That was....pretty."


Zarro grinned, "I'm sure some dances are more...loud. But I was waltzing."


Maldecka nodded, "Oh. Should I let you get back to waltzing then?"


Zarro pulled his little music device out of his pocket, walking over to Maldecka, "You know Sunbeam, the waltz is usually a two person dance."


Zarro set the device down on the ground where it started to play. Zarro held out his paw to Maldecka, "May I have this dance?"


Maldecka set her book down by the music device and hopped over to Zarro, "But I don't know how to waltz"


Zarro easily lifted Maldecka so she was standing on his feet, "You'll pick it up pretty fast, Sunbeam"


Maldecka laughed as Zarro spun both of them to the tempo of the music. Zarro just grinned in response and started counting "One two three...One two three..."


They spent the rest of the afternoon dancing and laughing in the sunlight.


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@ Lady-Jean: Again, liking Maldecka’s adventures and lessons learned (including the waltz; I’m sure she’ll be a fast study). I know the major sin here was Maldecka’s pride, and she certainly needed to learn from Zarro. But hers wasn’t the only mistake; I liked that both Zarro and Orgus made some mistakes in dealing with the situation, and were confident enough to admit their errors. One size answer doesn’t fit all, and learning isn’t just for padawans.


@ Selentar: Lokin is one of my favorite companions. I like the precision you show him with here, as well as the fact he would not accept “cipher”.


@ Marissalf: Kinka’s giving up Vector to protect him is a sacrifice in the truest meaning of the word, I hope she hasn’t given up her anchor as well.


@ Zethrodek: Xynri learning to fit in was nice to see, and it seems Anyzama has a lot to think about.

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Maldecka the Kid #15

Abt 700 words, thirty min

SPOILERS: JK Prologue, sorta?


Anniversaries - In honor of the SFC reaching the one-year mark, think about Anniversaries. Some dates are remembered and celebrated; others are remembered and reviled. From the fresh anniversary of something that happened just a year ago to the enduring remembrance of holidays for cultures and nations, people often mark the date and do something to observe the occasion. Write about an anniversary or significant holiday in your character's life.



Orgus and Zarro glared at each other. It was now obvious why the Council had kept Orgus and Zarro at the temple recently. The Choosing day, a chance for current knights and masters to select a padawan from the available pool. It would be the first Choosing day Maldecka would be eligible to become a padawan.


And that was why Orgus and Zarro were glaring at each other from across the gym. Zarro thought Orgus should take Maldecka as a padawan. Orgus though Zarro should. Both ignited their lightsabers and brought them up in a salute. Snapping their lightsabers to the side, both launched into the match. Winner's opinion would be respected.




Maldecka rolled her shoulders and smirked at Orgus, "Do you remember what today is Master?"


Orgus rolled his eyes, "No, I have no idea Mal. Enlighten me." He stretched his arms and ignited his lightaber while walking onto the sparring mat.


Maldecka smirked back, igniting her two lightsabers, "Well, it all started about seven years ago...though I can understand if you have trouble remembering back that far. The mind is the first thing to go."


Orgus resisted the urge to brush his fingers across the grey sides of his head and instead gave a sarcastic salute to the young lady across from him, "Oh, I remember nine years ago. The moment my Padawan became insubordinate on the other hand..."


Maldecak smiled, force signature flaring up in wild glee as she presented a salute in return, "What insubordination?" And the match began.




Zarro and Orgus were both breathing heavy. The match had been intense. But a winner was now clear. Zarro frowned, "I didn't want it to come to blows."


Orgus laughed lightly, "When doesn't it come to blows with us? This is just how we communicate since smoke signals didn't cut it."




Maldecka leapt up, dual light sabers spinning about her. Orgus stepped to the side at the last second, letting Maldecka's own momentum push her past. She protected her back at the last second from Orgus' strike. They continued on for hours. Yes, Orgus remembered what today was. How could he forget? It was a day he regretted for many years.




Orgus stood a bit back. He had to admit he was impressed with the pool of initiates. But even with all that, Maldecka still stood out. Her force demonstrations were average, but every knight in the room had noticed her combatives. Even though she was only nine they had to slot her with the twelve year olds so she would be in a rank matching her skill.


Finally they were at the end of the day when Knights and Masters could address the padawan hopefuls.


Orgus gently prodded Zarro in the back. He received a glare for his efforts but Zarro continued forward.


Orgus couldn't hear what was said but he would watch. Zarro knelt down in front of Maldecka and started to talk. Orgus watched until Maldecka's eyes glanced over to him. Something in her look made Orgus look away.


Glancing back up, Maldecka was eagerly nodding. Orgus let himself smile as Zarro and Maldecka walked over to the council to make it official.


Maldecka was now Zarro's Padawan.


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Noooooooooooooo! :(


*wants to both hug and punch Kinka at the same time*

Haha, yeah I had that reaction, too. I’ve had this one written for a bit, but made myself finish and post Ceremony first to remind myself that things do turn out alright for Kinka and Vector. It just takes a while to get there.

@ Marissalf: Kinka’s giving up Vector to protect him is a sacrifice in the truest meaning of the word, I hope she hasn’t given up her anchor as well.

That’s definitely a danger, especially since her only other close “friend” is Kaliyo, and we all know what kind of an influence she is.



@Sthirft, I like the descriptions of your IA’s thought process before taking a shot. It lends her an authentic “fresh out of the Academy” feel that’s fitting for someone just on their second mission.


@Zethrodek, Anyzama’s meeting should be interesting. I look forward to reading it.


@Lady-Jean, I like this look ahead to Maldecka’s future in Anniversaries. And I have to agree with the assessment of the JK prologue as well. It all happens so quickly in-game, which is why your look at becoming a Jedi from a young age is so fun to read.

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I'm so far behind in comments I'm not even going to try.


I will say welcome back to Morgani, continued good work distracting me from work/errands to everyone (even marissalf, I loved your Kinka pieces even if they made me sad ;)) Also to Lady-Jean, I'm enjoying your take on the JK story, I had similar problems with it (and am glad to see I wasn't the only one)


General replies: I actually don't know who Amitia's admirer is yet (it was going to be Jorgan, but I've got other plans for him) but it isn't Doc. I'm not that cruel.


As for Ayrs blowing someone up, I was going to call it his Michael Corleone moment but that isn't quite accurate. Hurting or threatening his family/loved ones is his berserk button, though. That's not to say there isn't another Martell willing to get their hands dirty, though...


[awkward transition]



Character: Demetrius Martell. Not in-game, he's the head of the Martell family back on Kuat. Ayrs briefly spoke with him here after finding out Veresia might still be alive.

Prompt: Behind the Scenes


Notes: Indeterminate chronological placement, but around the start of Republic Taris/Imperial Balmorra. This is essentially the prologue to the other three stories. Minor Martell!Verse note; Project Forward Sweep is the code name for the attacks made on various colony worlds several years prior to in-game events (including the attack on Ithaca)



General Merion had proven his worth; the details of Operation Forward Sweep were in my hands, a priceless gift that I could never repay. Not in credits or any other form of currency. I had already waited a long time for this, too long.


The scum no doubt think that their crimes have been forgotten. I do not forget. I do not forgive.


I keyed my comm. "Elia, do come in please."


Elia Morales was on her summer break from university; her great-grandfather had been the most reliable member of the board for decades, and it was the least I could do to find her a place in my organization as repayment. Pretty girl, but horribly awkward.


"Yes, yes sir. I'm here. Sir." She straightened up, trying her best to cover her unease. "Here to help, sir. If you need help, sir." She shut up.


I coughed, wiping away the spittle when I moved my hand away. No need to alarm anyone, not now.


"Be a dear and transmit this message to Doctor Orlov over at the Defense Ministry. He will understand." I slumped back into my chair, even that effort having taken too much out of me.


Still, that was all that I needed for now, until it came time to resolve matters once and for all.


It was time to show the filth that this feeble old man still had teeth.



Character: Amurri (BH)

Prompt: Tools of the Trade/First Day on the Job***

Note: Set before her previous story with Ayrs, in between Imperial Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa. ***Not her actual first day as a BH, but the first day she operated on behalf of a Martell/as part of the overarching plot



Job was a strange one, came in over a secondary channel Mako had installed for priority clients. Only, neither of us could really remember giving that particular Holonet account access. Didn't matter much in the end, though, credits are credits, and the client wasn't asking for anything that could land us in trouble. Whoever it was wanted us to take out a gang of pirates out on Ord Carlin. Simple enough, and I never minded taking out the garbage.


Mako was piloting the ship in to the nearest settlement while I took care of our gear. Blaster pistol, blaster rifle, vibro-knife, grenades, flamethrower. To the average galactic citizen that would probably read like the laundry list of what you'd find in some serial killer's house. To me, it was what kept me alive.Then again, I've done my share of killing too. Every piece had its place in my arsenal, just as every engineer's tool had its role in their job.


I favored my pistol in general; rapid fire, easy to adjust in unusual circumstances, and enough power to put down an angry Trandoshan. Had to be careful, though, get too used to one weapon and you lost your touch with the others, put yourself at a disadvantage. Had a friend that fell in love with his pistol, called it "Blinky", got sloppy with his rifle and long-range targeting. Didn't end well when he got a job tracking a sniper on Hutta.


The more esoteric stuff was useful too. Flamethrower, rocket boosters Mako bought for my boots, grappling wire, flash bangs, a litany of items that worked nicely when needed. And they would be today; the pirates weren't going to be too tough, but there'd be a lot of them. Enough that even my shiny new armor would be put to the test, and I didn't intend to die on some backwater at the hands of scum like this. Or at all, really.


I leaned over the workbench and adjusted some settings, tweaking the sight on my rifle slightly to improve its accuracy. Probably not by much, but every bit helps. Don't want a missed shot to get you killed. I heard Mako call out that we were two minutes out, so had to cut the fun short. Didn't like leaving the ship with the blasted droid but I needed Mako's gun out there. Most planets would be happy to get rid of pirate scum, out here they were the law.


"One minute to go. You okay?" Mako sounded unusually nervous, probably because there'd be so many targets. Maybe because there were so many credits too, rare you saw a client that willing to pay for this kind of job. I gave her a thumbs-up.


The ship came to a halt, ramp came down so Mako and I could make our dramatic exit, then closed as the droid took the necessary precautions.


One of the pirates was already running up, a confused look on his face. "What da hell you doin' here? You can't -"


I pistol-whipped him, then took him out with a shot between the eyes. Heard Mako call out something about being the pretty sidekick as she took the other sentry out on her own. Good girl, smart girl. Glad she was around. We kept moving, taking out targets as they came up. So far, so good.. At last, we came to the main hall of their little settlement, plenty of unprepared targets waiting.


I turned to Mako. "You're glad I spent so much time adjusting our pistols for rapid-fire now, aren't you?"


She made a face. "And you're probably glad I bought the HV-6 grenades for the increased radius."


The pirates didn't say much at all. Corpses tended to be poor conversationalists, I had found.


"Mako, let's get to work."


So, we did.



Character: Mina (IA. She's Chiss so I'm still figuring out the whole name.)

Prompt: Hide and Seek

Notes: My Agent's debut. I enjoyed the story/playing her, but she'll be mostly a background character. Set on Balmorra



I peered through the laser-sight again, seeing nothing but the bored sentry that had been standing there for the past two hours. The target had been holed up in his tent the entire time, made for a rather dull experience, and it wasn't as if Balmorra was particularly exciting to begin with.


"You sure about this, Agent?" Kaliyo sounded unusually uncertain, especially for a mission that involved taking out a tricky target. Usually she'd be the one begging me to take the assignment on when there's murder and mayhem to be had. Hmm.


I whispered quietly into the comm, not wanting to alert our prey. "I'm sure, Kaliyo. Watcher Two was probably ill or otherwise indisposed, which would explain why we received our instructions from a Minder. You know how Imperial Intelligence works, always a redundancy, always a backup plan."


She didn't sound convinced. "Yeah, I guess. Still seems weird they'd send us after a Special Operations general, doesn't seem like the type of thing they like to have you do." I could see her shrugging in my mind's eye.


There was a flurry of movement from the camp, so I merely clicked the comm twice to alert her to watch for bodyguards and keep their attention if needed. She clicked back.


General Philotas Menzies strode out into the warm summer night, looking distinctly unhappy with whatever was going on in his command tend. I centered my rifle's crosshairs on his head, feeling the barest hint of doubt creeping up my spine. Kaliyo's right, there is something quite odd. No time for second-guessing, though, even if Menzies was an odd candidate for a traitor; a rising star known for his unorthodox tactics and willingness to work with the criminal underworld.


I wondered if I would ever understand the Empire and its people. Or its cruelty I did not understand how the same people that viewed me with open, unmasked, hatred and suspicion could watch the Sith go about their murders and destruction without batting an eye. I missed the simpler, more logical, ways of home.


No matter, now was not the time for such distractions. I preferred my diversions to be more fun, anyway.


The general was already turning to re-enter his tent, and - as Kaliyo had expected - it was at that moment that his bodyguards' efforts slackened slightly. The taller one bent to fit within the doorway, while the shorter one stood gawking. Now!


I pulled the trigger. For a moment, there was no reaction, then the general crumpled to his knees and fell. His bodyguards reacted instantaneously, but there was nothing they could do.


Kaliyo was grinning like the madwoman she was when we reconnected in Sobrik. Her penchant for murder and mayhem was disconcerting, but I could not deny her other charms.


"Shall we have a drink, Kaliyo? Or perhaps more, to celebrate?"


She smiled as she draped her arm across my shoulders. "Just you and me, Agent."


I made a note to remind her how much I hated being called that.



Character: Malicineve (SW)

Prompt: Backfired Plans

Notes: Set immediately after Balmorra. Malcineve does some Sithly things, including violent things.



"My Lord, I have gone over the Intelligence reports we have been provided. There is no question that the pirates congregating on Regus Station are plotting an attack on Imperial interests within the sector. We are tasked with destroying them."


I nodded briskly. "There won't be a heart left beating."


Our arrival at Regus Station went unnoticed. My arrival at the meeting chamber with the eight pirate leaders in it was as well, even as the door swished close behind Vette.


They noticed when my lightsaber came to life, its blade giving the room a deathly red glow. One even dared to speak.


"You're...you're a Sith. But we've worked with you. We're on your side. What are you doing?"


His increasingly panicked entreaties died as I cleaved his head clean off his neck. I moved forward and began my work, as efficient as a top surgeon and as creative as a musical genius. My lightsaber and I were as one, and as I tore my way through the pirates their screams made a melody as sweet as any symphony. The bodyguards were as ineffectual as their masters, though their own mewing was amusing to me.


I deflected two blaster bolts back at the men that had fired them, leaving them smoking holes in their chests. I pivoted and pirouetted around the room, slicing my way towards the group of three pirate leaders that were hiding on the balcony. One, apparently determined to deny me the joy of a kill, looked over the edge and jumped to his death on the promenade floor below. The second fell to my saber, but the last was not so lucky. I gripped his throat with the Force, lifting him several feet into the air.


"This is how the Sith repay treachery from the likes of you." He shook his head furiously. He was still shaking it when my push with the Force sent him flying.


It was over, and at long last I could enjoy the Force echo of terror and despair that permeated the room. It was so rare that I got to enjoy such simple pleasures. My good mood lasted until Vette and I returned to the ship, where we found Lieutenant Quinn looking paler than usual.


"What is the matter now?" I had hoped to focus my energies on more pleasant matters with him, but he seemed to relish making things as difficult as possible.


"My, my lord." He was practically blubbering. "I submitted our report for the mission through appropriate channels and, well, I am at a loss to explain their response. High Command insists the pirates were in fact long-time collaborators with the military and disavowed any intelligence that suggested otherwise. It appears...we were led astray somehow. I do not understand how."


An awkward silence filled the room, one that even Vette did not dare break. At last, I said what we had all realized.


"We've been duped." My eyes flared and my blood boiled. "When we find whoever was responsible, I will gut them. I will pull their entrails out through their throat, I will butcher their family and loved ones. I will make them bleed and beg for mercy."


Both Vette and Quinn could not meet my gaze. It did not matter. Vengeance would be mine.



And to wrap up the mini-arc.


Character: Demetrius Martell (but not from his PoV this time)

Prompt: (Un)Invited Guests/Deadly Sins (Wrath)

Warning: Gratuitous Princess Bride reference, also Demetrius does some not-so-nice things to some not-so-nice people, so beware!



The music shifted to a classical Alderaanian symphony as the dinner moved into its sixth course. For a meeting of pirates and outlaws, the evening was a rather pleasant one. Then again, the promise of a large payday would often smooth over difficulties, as would strict security and the recognition that one's host was one of the wealthiest men in the Core. There was a hint of something spectacular in the air.


The server droids were moving to and fro with the various alcoholic beverages that were demanded. Various Lomin ales for the two Corellians from the Infinite Voidstars, wine from Commenor for the Trandoshan, Mantellian brandy for several of the others. The money spent on the meal could have easily paid for the annual budget of a small city, but Demetrius Martell was not one to begrudge large expenditures when the occasion called for it.


He looked more lively than he had in years, motoring around the room in his powered chair to greet the famed Arlo n'Mbor, leader of the largest pirate fleet in the Hyperion Sector and share a laugh with the Rodian leader of the Aurora Stars. It was already well into the evening when he rang the bell to announce his intention to speak.


"It is time to get down to business." His lips flirted with a smile, but his guests took no notice, offering a hearty cheer in response. "My guests, my honored guests." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "It is good to see you all here, there are so few of you left. And fewer still soon enough." The last remark spawned some confused looks around the room, and more than a few wary glances from the bodyguards that had been disarmed at their host's request. "So many from the glorious Operation Forward Sweep have suffered unfortunate deaths."


There was a pregnant pause, as his speech was processed.


"Master Martell, a question." It was Moravir, head of the Galactic Suns, that finally put their unease into words. "Operation Forward Sweep was an Imperial operation. How would you know about that?"


For a moment, Demetrius Martell did not react. When he did, it was not as was expected; his mouth curved into a feral smile. Coming from a man renowned for having not smiled in over a decade, it was a terrifying sight. He waved away Moravir's concerns with an idle hand before he returning to the script that he had written so long ago.


"General Menzies on Balmorra, gunned down by an Imperial Intelligence agent given a faulty briefing. Colonel Thorus found dead on Taris. The confederation of pirates on Ord Carlin wiped out by a bounty hunter. Moff Ralforr on board his flagship over Dromund Kaas, who never saw the knife from behind." He paused. "Varric Orotheon on Ord Mantell. Vayla Monol in Czerka headquarters. Sith Lord Quayle, struck down by a Jedi ambush in his home." Demetrius let the moment breathe, taking in the stunned realization on the faces of the men and women around the room. Then, deliberately, he continued. "Your compatriots on Regus Station, struck down by a half-mad Sith dog that never knew whose interests she was really serving. So tragic, so much loss of life."


Moravir pushed himself away from the table to respond, but collapsed back into his chair, grasping his stomach as he was suddenly overcome by a wave of agonizing nausea. Around the room, many of the other guests were suffering from the same symptoms, though the host remained at ease.


"Carridine poisoning. I hear it's quite painful for those not attuned to the natural extract that is at its heart. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid and solid food alike. Unfortunately, it seems the chef for the night was better trained in espionage and black ops than avoiding such unfortunate results. Fortunately, I was blessed with parents that were quite concerned with my well-being as a child and have built up a resistance to the substance. The salmon really was lovely tonight, was it not?"


"You son of a *****! Do you think we will forget this?" This time it was Gosic, Mon Calamari lieutenant of one of the Outer Rim gangs that spoke.


Martell's voice descended to guttural levels. "Did you think I had forgotten? That I would forgive what you and your kind did? You killed her. You murdered her children. You ravaged her world and so many like it. For greed, for profit, for an Empire that would enslave and butcher." His voice dropped to a whisper. "Her name was Valeria Martell." Demetrius shook his head to regain focus, and his voice recovered some of its previous luster. "Enough. It is time for justice to be done."


He keyed a command into the console located at the head of the table.


Several of the server droids had reappeared, unbidden and unnoticed by anyone. From the centers of their chassis sprung blasters, which sprayed fire into the guests, who were too distracted by their host or the increasing effects of the carridine to react. Not that it mattered, even perfect reaction time would have done little good for any of them. A few managed to escape from the table, and headed for one of the exits, but their fleeting hope was quickly ended by the carefully placed blaster bolts fired from the men lining the balcony of second level of the room.


Moravir had staggered to his feet, using the dead body of one of his bodyguards as a shield, scrambling towards the head of the table with a knife in hand. He never made it, as one of the droids rotated its chassis and tore through him with a volley of bolts. More screams erupted from the small congregation of pirates that had managed to overturn one of the end-tables and barricade themselves behind it as cover. The antique Alderaanian wood was lovely to look at, but afforded no protection from the flamethrowers being employed.


Demetrius Martell sat and watched, his eyes never leaving the carnage in front of him.


The comm located at the head of the table beeped twice, and an unsteady female voice spoke, "Mr. Martell, sir, you have an incoming Holonet message from a Dravis Tallin. He says he's from the SIS and has information on the whereabouts of Fillo MacTyre. Sir."


He winced as the carridine clashed with his aged, weakened, digestive system yet again. Enhanced resistance was not immunity. "Excellent, Elia, I will be right there. I just need a moment."


His gaze turned to his last remaining guest, the trembling figure of Artur Lesankyo, son of the leader of the Golden Claws.


"Your father could not make this dinner, which was most unfortunate. Most unfortunate, indeed." He paused, and dabbed at his mouth with a napkin. "Still, one must not ignore new opportunities when they arise. Your colleagues will all be discovered; you will not. Your father will understand, he will make mistakes trying to find you, and soon he will also be dead." The corners of his mouth twisted into a vicious sneer. "When he joins you in whatever hell you are sent to, do give him my regards."


With that, Demetrius Martell activated his chair's controls and disappeared.


A man stepped in from a shadowy alcove, moving behind Lesankyo He was brandishing Starfall, the sword first wielded by some long-forgotten Martell a millennium before.


The blade slid through the air, a deadly blur.


The room fell silent.



Martell!Verse notes:

One of my Ayrs posts in his thread covered some vague details of the Martell family; they're a (completely made-up) wealthy aristocratic family from Kuat mainly focused on banking and other financial concerns. Ayrs/Veresia's grandmother, Allyria, left to start a new life on Ithaca, which is why there are/were Martells there. They'll be largely background characters but I figured it would be better to have them use their resources in a rather visible way than have Veresia hunt each and every pirate down (since logically Ayrs will be pretty tied up being a soldier and what not).


Demetrius' plan was inspired by one of my detours into tvtropes, specifically this one


Lesankyo's father is killed by Veresia here, although I hate how that story came out and will be re-writing it.


Edited by Lesaberisa
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Yep, I agree, too much good stuff to comment on in one thing. I'm sorry :(


But taking it one step at a time, I am going to do replies:


Alaurin: Thanks :) I'm glad you're enjoying it :) I really enjoy you're pieces on you're smuggler and trooper. :o

Thanks to Lady-Jean, Striges and Lesaberisa for your reading, enjoyment, appreciation and encouragement :)

Bright: Yeah it really was. So that's why I wrote this lighthearted piece before getting back to dealing with what happened in the last post. Audra isn't always talking about it though they're the only pieces I've really written.




So I really wanted to write a gifts piece but... well, this blurted itself onto my page instead. It's a very lighthearted and I hope it's not too bad :confused:

Also, it's been ages since I finished my smuggler so I have forgotten a little of Risha's exact character. Apologies if she's a little off.

Set after he Anniversaries piece but before (maybe two days before) the Nightmare Lands incident.


Prompt: NotLP: Best Day Ever and in a way, Good Memories.

Words: 1100-ish

Class: Smuggler (Audra)

No spoilers.


Corso meant to knock. He really did. Even now that they're sharing a room he still knocks if he knows she's in there. And most of the time even when she isn't. Door open or closed, he will knock four times. Most people knock three but Corso always goes for the fourth (just to make sure they hear). That lazy afternoon is the first time he has not knocked. The door was wide open and he could see Audra in there doing... something.


'What are you doing, Captain?' Corso warily and confusedly asks from the doorway.


Corso knows every time Audra is doing something like this and has that intent frown that perfectly puckers her lips and those gentle waves appear between her eyebrows that it can only mean that he (and sometimes the rest of the crew) are in for something spectacularly fun, bizarre and frequently risky.


'What does it look like I'm doing?' Audra asks in reply. Corso grins despite his confusion at the genuine joyful lilt in her voice.


'Hanging from the ceiling blind folded,' Corso replies with a chuckle as he enters the room and peers over her upside down form. Her hair hangs loose and long with its split ends almost touching the hard ground. Her singlet is tucked into her pants to avoid it falling down and her bare feet are pressed into two loops of cloth that Audra has tied onto two metal hoops she soldered on the cieling the other day.


'Correct. I knew that despite your shooting your eyesight was fine,' Audra teases.


The blind fold stops Audra from seeing his slightly wounded frown and even if she didn't have it on, her mind is absorbed in the task at hand and that does not involve needing to see Corso's hurt or disapproval.


'Are you sure you should be doing that with your leg, Audra?' Corso asks in concern.


'The damage is done and it can't get worse. Now come and indulge this old cripple!' Audra playfully demands.


'What is it this time, Captain?'


'Tired of my games already, Riggs my boy?' Audra teases with a malicious grin.


''Course not, Captain. Just might need to fill me in on your latest game.'


'I am going to beat you at a game of sabacc blindfolded,' Audra triumphantly informs. 'Just like I told you I could. Now sit down, shut up and get out your credits out so they're ready for the taking.'


Corso grins and shakes his head. The card deck directly below her had escaped his notice. He takes a pillow from the bed and sits across from her. Corso takes out all the credits he has on him and lies them out in front of him as a mirror of hers.


'Ready for duty, Captain,' Corso informs.


Audra grins viciously. 'Good.'


Audra expertly picks up the deck and begins to shuffle. She deals the cards perfectly, her wrists and fingers moving in slender, practiced movements. They know the actions better than almost any other. They seem to dance along the cards or more make the cards dance as if they were a puppet and her fingers their controlling strings.


When Audra finishes, she grins over at where she thinks Corso is from the sound of even and deep breathing.


'Let the games begin. First to five?'


Corso nods and though Audra can't see it she know he is. After the third round (two won by Audra and one by Corso) Risha walks past with Bowdaar.


'What are you both doing this time?' Risha demands.


'Playing sabacc,' is Audra's simple and carefree reply.


'Blind folded and on your head?' Bowdaar growls harshly.




'It could be worse. Or weirder,' Risha whispers loudly to Bowdaar.


'Dammit, Corso! She's right! This would be better if we were playing strip sabacc!' Audra despairingly whines. Her mockery of Risha couldn't be louder or clearer.


'Don't think that would work, Captain,' Corso cautions as he taps three times for another card.


'You're right. There's no point in you sitting naked after my victory when I can't see you,' Audra teases.


Corso chuckles and Risha makes puking motions.


'Risha, if you're going to be that predictable at least show some originality,' Audra whines. She wasn't completely sure that Risha was doing anything but the gamble paid off.


'Now, are you in or do you just like to watch?' Audra asks mischievously. Risha's eyes narrow at her.


'I might be able to spare a moment this afternoon. I'm in,' Risha informs with a shrug. She rolls up her sleeves, enters the room (closely followed by Bowdaar) and takes the other pillow from the bed.


'Uh-uh-uh,' Audra negatives. 'You need to get a bottle of something to join. Bowdaar, you just do what you want, my big furry bro.'


'Seconded,' Corso agrees as he plays the winning card of the round. 'It's a six, darling. That's 23.'


'Damn it!' Audra curses. She throws her cards to where down would be if she was the right way up. Instead, they flip a little high into the air before fluttering back down around her like confetti. Bowdaar laughs and Corso grins.


'Corso, build the deck up again for me,' Audra sulkily informs.


'I wouldn't have to if you didn't keep throwing them,' Corso prudently informs.


'And I wouldn't have to keep throwing them if you didn't win,' Audra shouts petulantly. 'Risha, I may be blindfolded but I know you're still there. Fetch the liquor!' Audra commands with two smart claps.


Risha glowers and stands up with affronted dignity. She stalks to the bar room and picks up one bottle of whiskey. She hears Audra's indignant shouts and Bowdaar's roaring laughter. Risha picks up another two bottles.


When she returns after only three minutes absence, Akaavi and Corso are also tied to the ceiling and blindfolded. The three of them appear to be competing in some kind of competition that involves crunches and eating all their candy under them when they flatten out. Audra has three left, ten for Corso and four for Akavvi.


'I guess you don't need these then,' Risha comments as she waves the bottles. How does she even think of this stuff? Risha thinks in amused dismay. Let alone get everyone to go along with it.


'Alcohol!' Audra shouts in reply as she takes the last candy piece from her pile and cheers herself. Bowdaar claps and roars. Risha smiles and shakes her head.


Akavvi scowls and begins to demand a rematch in low tones.


'Always give up while you're ahead,' Audra sagely replies with a laugh. She places her hands on the ground and wiggles her feet free from their bounds. She eases out of her handstand with practiced grace. When the blood rushes too her head she loses her balance and falls onto the bed.


'So, what's next?' Audra asks with a grin to the ceiling. The crew share a look and Risha opens the first bottle. It's going to be a long afternoon and night.



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@Selentar, I like Lokin's countdown. Very secret agent-y. And the determination not to let his own identity go probably serves him well in the years to come.


@marissalf, I wasn't sure which way Kinka was going to go with that syringe. "Bugboy’s like an akk puppy; he’ll just follow you home again no matter how hard you kick him” is such a Kaliyo thing to say.


@sthrift, it's neat to see a freshly trained agent going over the basics. They train you to get it right.


@Zethrodek, good to see you back! After Xynri's traumatic legacy naming experience I'm glad she's found a good place to be.


@Lady-Jean, instant love for Zarro and his waltzing. Though I imagine it must look strange to someone who didn't grow up with ballroom.


@Lesaberisa, I love the way that sequence tied things together. Very...very Martell, to call back to the ASoIaF family name.


@Eversteam, "'You're right. There's no point in you sitting naked after my victory when I can't see you'" was good for a delighted *snrk*ing noise on my part.


I've been trying all week to write, and have in fact produced a number of words, but nothing finished or publishable. I was going to do an early relationship/late-in-functional-part-of-relationship piece for Ruth/Quinn and Wynston/Kaliyo as I did Vierce/Elara, but I just ended up depressing the hell out of myself. (Quinn having nice things and Wynston, for once in his life, falling in love, only for it to be Kaliyo? Miserable.) So I figured, hey, change of pace, I'll do Wynston dealing with Jadus, but that just creeped me out. Sometimes I have to veto my own characters' ideas. So...Colran? Ananz and Mellekor? All three are going somewhere specific but stubbornly refuse to take the first step.


But enough rambling! Expect a prompt later today.

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'What does it look like I'm doing?' Audra asks in reply. Corso grins despite his confusion at the genuine joyful lilt in her voice.


'Hanging from the ceiling blind folded,' Corso replies with a chuckle as he enters the room and peers over her upside down form. Her hair hangs loose and long with its split ends almost touching the hard ground. Her singlet is tucked into her pants to avoid it falling down and her bare feet are pressed into two loops of cloth that Audra has tied onto two metal hoops she soldered on the cieling the other day.


'Correct. I knew that despite your shooting your eyesight was fine,' Audra teases.



I had a genuine lol at that. Sounds like they all had a great time!

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@ marissalf: I'm glad you liked it! I wasn't sure if the jumping from Maldecka's accepting Zarro as her master to the future of having Orgus as her master worked. But hey so long as y'all enjoyed it :)

@Lesaberisa: Wow that's a lot of prompts. I don't even know whitch one I want to comment on. D: They were all punchy and focused.

@ EverSteam: :D "Whatcha doing?" "Oh, hanging around"...I had a big smile on while I read this.

@ bright_ephemera: I'm glad you liked the waltz! I wasn't sure if it would work with Zarro, but I just liked the image of this big bad Knight waltzing in his spare time. I had a hard time describing it without saying, "He's waltzing" since Maldecka would be more familiar with circle dances from her tribe (me thinks)


Maldecka the Kid #16




Maldecka sighed and turned around. Her feet had tried to take her back to the initiates quarters again. But she didn't live there anymore. No, Maldecka lived with Zarro in the Master/Padawan apartments. Even a month later Maldecka's feet still refused to believe it.


Maldecka herself had trouble believing it. Being a padawan was very different from being an initiate. Maldecka's classes has changed to a more flexible style, lots of podcasts and independent projects. Much of Maldecka's education was now supervised by Zarro.


And then there was living with Zarro. Maldecka liked having her own room, but living in an apartment took some getting used to. Maldecka had a list of chores she had to do every day before she was aloud to practice combatives. But Zarro was a surprisingly good cook. At least with fish and vegetables. Knight Nettesh had 'kidnapped' Maldecka for a dinner, and Maldecka was a bit embarrassed by how hungry she was for red meat and potatoes.


Maldecka liked talking with Knight Nettesh. She was smart and had lots of funny stories from her own Padawan days. Knight Nettesh had also helped Maldecka figure out how on earth to braid the thin strand that signified her status as a Padawan.


Knight Nettesh was off world at the moment. She had added a bead to Maldecka's braid when they said goodbye, "I expect this to be a perfect braid when I get back. By then you'll be earning your own beads to add to this."


Maldecka glanced down. The bead was a dark emerald green. Nettesh said it matched Maldecka's eyes. Maldecka wasn't convinced. It didn't match her pendant or gold horn jewelry.


Maldecka flipped the braid to her back and continued down the hall. She was supposed to go meet Zarro so they could start dinner. Orgus would be returning from a mission today, and Zarro had invited him over.


Maldecka felt her feet move faster. Padawan's were not allowed to go on missions until they were ten. And, in seven more months, Maldecka would be ten, and she and Zarro could help Orgus and Nettesh our in the field.


Smiling Maldecka opened the door to the apartment.


"Ah, the wayward Padawan returns."


Maldecka looked up, wide smile fixed on her face. Orgus was sitting in a chair, looking clean but tired from his mission.


Zarro walked out of the kitchenette, two mugs in his paws, "Did you feet take over again Sunbeam?"


Zarro handed one of the mugs to Orgus as Maldecka set her classwork down on a bench, " I got to thinking, Master. How are you Orgus?"


Orgus sipped his coffee gratefully, "Tired, you'll understand after your first mission Mal."




The dinner was lovely. Knight Zarro really did know the best ways to prepare fish. They had all laughed and shared stories from the past weeks separation.


But, as Zarro was taking the dishes into the kitchen Orgus suddenly kneeled in front of Maldecka. He pulled a small box out of his pocked and handed it to Maldecka, "Yellows a hard color to come by in the traditional crystal caves. But, out on the rim, it's a bit more plentiful."


Then with a wink Orgus stood and continued to help clean up dinner.


Latter that night Maldecka quietly opened the box in her room. A beautiful amber gold streaked with darker tones. Maldecka held up the crystal and it cast light all over, even in the unfocused light of Maldecka's room.


Grinning, Maldecka placed the crystal back in the box and added it to a growing collection of pieces. Some leather from Zarro's old coat, some delicate metal hair pieces from Nettesh's old jewelry. Maldecka grinned, all she needed was to find the case and then she'd be ready. After all the biggest change from initiate to padawan...Maldecka would be allowed to construct a lightsaber.


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Week of 7/5/2013

Navigation - Our characters often find themselves navigating toward a goal by means of maps, tracking signals, advisors, or instinct. Write about some guidance that pointed the way.


And, as ever,

Night of the Living Prompt: Keep on using any prompt you like! Check out the list at http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=5223753&postcount=1675.

This week's featured NotLP:

Health - Jet-setting around the galaxy means exposing yourself to a ton of different viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Let's go, biology nerds!

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(even marissalf, I loved your Kinka pieces even if they made me sad ;))

Sometimes I feel like one of those old-timey villains twirling a really evil mustache while I write for poor Kinka :D


@ Lesaberisa, I love the way all of these pieces intersect. And can I just say, that last part with Demetrius put me in mind of a certain Red Wedding. Very sinister, very good.


@ Eversteam, Audra and crew seem like so much fun. Who wouldn’t think upside down strip sabaac is a good idea? :)


@ Lady-Jean, A nice buildup to arguably the most exciting part of becoming a Jedi.



NotLP: Health

Title: Road to Healing

The first in a series of missives that Kinka writes to her departed dad, Malavai Quinn, as part of a therapy assignment. Takes place several weeks after Sacrifice, where Kinka leaves Vector on Alderaan.

Mentions of agent spoilers. 300 words


Dear Dad,


I don’t know why I’m doing this. The whole thing is frankly a stupid idea, and it won’t work, but my therapist says it might help to express my feelings to someone who presents a nonjudgemental presence. And since you’re gone... I mean, it’s probably cheating. I’m probably supposed to talk to an actual person face-to-face, but I’ll work up to that. This is silly anyway. We’ll see.


I’m supposed to talk about all the things that have been happening in my life, so here’s where I’ve been in a nutshell: Joined Intelligence — you know that part — got brainwashed, took down a sinister galaxy-wide conspiracy hell-bent on destroying both the Empire and the Republic, and I nearly got blown to bits by my own sister. I think that’s everything.


What’s next...How am I feeling about all of this? I’m glad you asked, Dad. I’m anxious and angry all the time, and you know what? I have every right to be. My life hasn’t turned out the way I imagined. I joined Imperial Intelligence all those years ago because I wanted to see the galaxy, maybe do something good and worthwhile. And now I can’t escape the things I’ve done. The enemies I’ve made are everywhere. Why shouldn’t I be paranoid? I think it would be crazier if I weren’t.


They made me go to therapy. My crew, I mean. And I fought it with every ounce of me until the rest of them threatened to leave. And then I remembered the letter you left me and what you told me about Mother. And I realized that I was becoming her. So, here we are.


I don’t really know what else to say. I miss you.





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Before I post this, I wanted to say that with my other stories being so far past the class stories, I sometimes confuse myself with the shifting timelines of writing here. If I put something here that's so out of context it's confusing, I apologize.


Prompt: Navigation, but not in the traditional sense.

Miriah and Magdalane, spoilers for consular Hoth



Miriah approached her oldest sister, unaccustomed to seeing her still. Magdalane had contacted her eight days ago, and Miriah had hurried to retrieve her sister from Hoth. Mag’s panic had been palpable. Since she’d boarded, all the Jedi had done was lay in Miriah’s bed, not talking, not eating, not doing anything really. When she wasn’t staring at the bulkhead wall, she was sleeping. Miriah had checked her for all the known illnesses, and had concluded that it was burnout, stress, or a combination of the two.


Magdalane could turn off her body, but not her mind. She’d left Hoth, left him, and she didn’t know how to deal with the situation. True enough, she was tired, but if she’d wanted to, she could use the force to bolster herself. She didn’t want to. All her life, she’d denied her feelings, ignored any possible entanglements. Until him. She couldn’t even admit to herself what Lt. Felix Iresso meant to her, how could she ever tell him? She knew Miriah was worried and curious, but just didn’t have the energy to talk about it yet. Meditate, she told herself. Try to erase this…this emotion, this passion. It’s only a path to the dark side, she thought. Bantha poop, was the next thought she had. How can the Order teach that loving someone is bad? We love our families, and no one tells us that is wrong. I would kill for either of my sisters, yet no one has ever taught that we have to forget our families. “There is no emotion, only peace” was the mantra she’d been steeped in since she was three years old, but it had a hollow feel now. I didn’t mean to let him into my heart, she thought, it was just so unexpected. I wasn’t prepared. She groaned and repositioned her body, hoping for relief but getting only sleep.


Miriah looked in at Magdalane’s sleeping form, and quietly closed the door. She went to her chair on the bridge, seeing Corso there as well. “She’s still mostly catatonic,” she said in response to Corso’s unasked question.


“I know you’re worried about her, darlin’, but she’s safe and warm here. Whatever else is going on, we can do that much for her.” He reached for Miriah’s hand, their relationship still so new and fragile, but growing stronger every day. She linked her fingers with his, drawing strength from him.


“I’m going to make her favorite dinner, maybe she’ll eat today,” Miriah said, the smudges of fatigue clear under her eyes.


“I’ll help you,” Corso told her, bending to kiss her head. “It’ll be okay, I’m sure of it. Master Magdalane just needs some time, so she can process whatever happened down there.”


“I hope you’re right,” Miriah responded, knowing he cared for her sister.


Magdalane woke to the smells of home, of her childhood, and shook her head. Miriah, she thought. Of course, her sister would do whatever she could to make things better, it was her nature. She smiled to herself, and for the first time in almost a week, stood and made her way to the shower. Wearing some of Risha’s clothes that hung loosely on her lean frame, she slowly made her way out of the quarters where she’d spent her time since she’d gotten there, and out to the galley. Only her sister and Corso were aboard right now, which made things easier. She didn’t want to explain what was going on to a crowd.


Corso rose to greet her, and escorted her to a chair, seating her with a flourish. “So glad to see you up and about,” he told her, his smile genuine. He has a pure soul, Mags thought, and she could see the love he had for Miriah clearly shining in his eyes. Mags returned his smile weakly, not trusting her muscles to do what she commanded. Corso went to Miriah’s side, helping her bring dishes to the table, and they all sat to eat.


Miriah watched as Magdalane at first picked at the food, and then, as if some barrier had been breached, ate hungrily. “So good,” her hoarse voice said, as she continued to consume the spiced baked fish and fresh bread Miriah had made. When Miriah brought out chocolate cake for desert, Magdalane sighed happily, making them all laugh. “I’d forgotten what an excellent cook you are, Mir,” Magdalane said, sitting back from the table, her stomach full and her senses soothed. They moved to the lounge area, and Corso sensed that they needed some time together to talk, so he excused himself to the crew bunks, where he and Miriah had been the last week.


“So, “ Magdalane started, “you decided to take a chance, and you’re happy with him.” It wasn’t a question, and Miriah knew her sister could feel through the force that she was happy. She nodded anyway, and Magdalane sighed deeply. “I’ve fallen, Miriah,” she said, putting her hands over her face.


“Fallen? What do you mean?” Miriah spoke softly, wanting her sister to continue.


“There was a man, on Hoth,” she said, not meeting her sister’s silver eyes. “I was assigned to help him with the Republic’s efforts to quell a pirate group. We spent days, weeks, a couple of months together, every single day, and we grew close. Too close.” At this, Magdalane stood to pace, but her week of being in bed had weakened her muscles and she sat again instead. “I left him without telling him how I felt, how it frightened me. I thought, with distance, I could gain perpective.”


“How’s that working for you?” Miriah said, sensing her sister was miserable but knowing she had to face this.


“I am a Jedi! I can’t ever tell him!” Mags fought to keep the tears from her eyes, but was betrayed by their sting. “I love him, Miriah, and I can never find out if he feels the same, if we might have had a future together, because I have a duty to the Order.”


“Screw the Order! They’ve taken our father, and most of our mother already. They took you away when you were just a toddler. What do you owe them? Loyalty?” Miriah stood, furious at the thought of her sister being miserable. “You can be loyal to them, to the Republic, and still love. I know, I know,” she said, seeing the protest on Magdalane’s face. “No emotion, no relationships, yet our parents are both Jedi and they loved each other.”


“They were special. Master Yuon told me what a stir they created when they first announced their intention to marry. She also told me that love doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it’s how we use the emotion that matters. I just don’t know what to do about this, Mir. Everything has changed for me, I've never known emotion this strong before.” She covered her face and gave in to the tears.


Corso could hear the crying, could hear Miriah’s voice trying to sooth her sister, and itched to try and help. Magdalane helped me, so much, he thought. I wonder if this Iresso has any idea what a wonderful person she is. He lay in the bunk, wishing Miriah was with him but totally supporting her in helping her sister. When he heard no more crying, he cautiously stuck his head out in the hallway. He could see the sisters, sleeping on the sofa, their hands clasped. Instead of waking them, he covered them both with soft throws, and returned to his bunk.



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