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So.....kneeling (KOTFE Spoilers)


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My Wrath doesn't take kindly to those that betray him as Darth Baras (if he were still alive) and Malavai Quinn (if Bioware had let me kill him) could testify to.


Darth Nox rose from slavery and refuses to go backward.


My Grand Champion refuses to take on a new client at a proverbial gunpoint.


Cipher Nine is an Imperial patriot. The agent refused to join Darth Jadus due to his crimes against the Galactic Empire and will refuse to kneel to Valkorion/Vitiate for the same reason.

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For me, much depends on whether Darth Marr somehow survives the encounter. <i.e. "revived and frozen maybe??>

Its more of a problem for my darksiders than my lightsided characters.


Based on what I saw on Twitch, Marr wouldn't approve of kneeling.

On the other hand, I could see my Darth Nox biding his time, kneeling until he finds a way to wrest the secret of immortality from the Emperor and then stabbing him in the back like the DarkV Assassin he is.

My Wrath, as a Zabrak, was very loyal to Baras and to Vitiate both before they both betrayed her. So, much will depend on whether Valk/Vit is going to continue on his galaxy-eating frenzy under the new empire or not. If not, she might very well decide to kneel.

Also unknown is why. One of the responders asked "I want answers", I couldn't hear the response because of the background talking and chatter. I want to hear V's response as to how he "justifies" his position.


My JK <LS5>, and JC <LS5> will refuse to kneel. "there is no death, there is only the force...."

My smuggler, who wasn't adverse to letting sel mor eat the galaxy sometime in the distant future if he could make his profit now - will kneel. My BH <LS5> will not kneel. "For Mandalor!" My RT <LS5> will not kneel "For the Republic!"

My Iagent <DS5>, who kneeled to Jadus, but didn't give the Codice to the Sith - she kept it instead -will kneel. Until such time as she can get her fellow chiss to put a stop to the emperor, and backstabs him....or gets her own GSI droid and kills him. <G>

My other agent <LS5> who fought against Jadus and will go the "triple-agent" route and give the codice to the Jedi - will not kneel to Vitiate or "whatever he chooses to call himself now", as he would put it.

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I'm not sure if any of my characters will kneel.


My Cathar smuggler(after power for himself, with a big pirate fleet (ds4)) will not kneel, because he doesn't kneel to anybody and he likes Lana and she likely won't like it if he kneels.


Darth Nox(ds2) will not kneel, because he is arrogant and thinks that he can defeat any enemy.


Darth Occlus(N) is a bit more careful than my Nox, he is still after Power and is loyal to the empire because he thinks he can achieve the most power in the empire. He could kneel, because he thinks he will achieve more power with Valkorian. But it doesn't sound like real power to me what Valkorian is promising, so he will likely not kneel.


My Chiss BH will not kneel(after the money, will take the best offer, but still will refuse some offers (LS3)), because he doesn't think valkorian has given up destroying the universe, he also likes his independence and he can send the bill for killing valkorian to the republic and the empire and who doesn't like to get paid for the same job twice.


I have a few other characters, but none of them is 60 at the moment, maybe one of them will kneel.

Edited by hanebuch
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I've thought about it -- and still may change my mind -- for the BH at least, yes ? maybe? ... but really, she probably won't --- she just wants to get rid of Gault and Skadge ( can they be prisoners in my place ? :p )

My JK, light side 5 ? --- no way --- stand up and fight to the death; the iconic Jedi Knight

My smuggler -- no way -- no one tells me what to do ...

My agent -- tough one, all those devious thoughts go through my head... but when she thinks about it, no ....

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My Darth Imperious would fight the emperor, for he knows what with his powers that he has the best chance to defeat the Emperor once and for all.


My Wrath is loyal to the emperor and only fought on Ziost because the emperor went mad, so he would kneel


My Imperial agent seeks chaos and death so he would join the Zakull Empire just for the chance to destroy the republic and empire


Bounty Hunter........depends on whether Zakull is a morally better place than the sith empire, that would determined if he would join them or not.


My Jedi knight might, for I intend for him to fall to the dark side and after the emperor's display of power he may join the emperor...and also he believe the jedi should rule the republic anyway


Smuggler would join in a heart beat for the fancy technology and better ships, plus he could use them to help Risha finally get her crown


JC and Trooper would not bow because they're loyal to the republic.

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My trooper will kneel. Then draw hidden thermal detonator, which wasn´t found, when he was captured, yell "For the Republic!" and jump at Emperor, blowing him, himself and entire throne room to hell.:D:D Shortest game of all times. But it would be fittingly epic way to die in line of duty for Republic.

Mandalorian BH would never kneel to Force user, Jetii, darjetii or any other. Probably would try to blow windows, so that all in room will breath vacuum, while laughing at them, for being noobs and not wearing helmets:D

Loyal Imperial Agent (serving Sith Intelligence)would kneel, only to gather intelligence and plot ways to sabotage Zakuul empire and kill Emperor from safe distance, for Empire and to avenge Marr, he grew to respect like good leader of Empire agent loves and serves

Darth Occlus would probably try to fight him head on (she kept ghosts, so she could be powerfull enough).

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My Assassin, my Operative, my Mercenary, my Guardian, my Gunslinger, my Vanguard, and my Sage (probably) will not kneel.

But my Marauder will. For he is the Emperor's Wrath. Once a Wrath, forever a Wrath.


My Mercenary or Gunslinger may, though... Because credits are nice and all, but the chance to rule the galaxy...?

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My knights, LS just nope, my DS I don't really know, she may just want him dead.

My BH is light so probably no.

MY Sage is Gray, don't know.

My Sniper is light, and a totally loyal imperial citizen ;) another no.

My Jug is light so another no

My Assassin, maybe

My Shadow is dark, she might kneel

Kind of want to run through it on a insta-60 and see what happens if I do kneel then decide if I want to do it on any of my toons.

Edited by WayneJarvis
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-Kartmatu (SW, LS) - wont kneel, he will defy the emperor no matter what.

-Karajan (IA, DS) - He wouldn't care one bit about Valkorion or his eternal empire, just like he wouldnt care one bit about a dead Darth Marr or any other sith. He serves his own ambitions that mostly include the empire itself excluding the sith and the dark council. his choices are completely unknown until they are presented.

-Causey (SM, neutral/DS leaning) - she will do anything to get power and be the most powerful, she will sell out everything and everyone for it if she could get away with it. she would kneel only to stab the emperor in the neck at a later date to take his fleets from him.

-Jala (JC, LS) - she will not submit to valkorion in any form, end of story.

-Evek (BH, Neutral) - Ultimately for him, it will not be known until the choice is given to him. but considering all hes ever known is the empire and the mandolorian traditions along with his bounty hunting, its possible he would preserve that and keep his honor with the mandolorians. but then again there is a chance he could find fertile new hunting grounds elsewhere for bigger credits and rewards. so ultimately not sure yet.

-Dathon (JK, LS) - he wont even acknowledge the emperor, so the answer is already there.

-Rusot (SW, DS) - he will not kneel and would do the exact same thing Marr would do, to defy the emperor fearlesssly.

-Marino (SI, DS) - He will not kneel. he is more likely to shock everything in the emperor's chambers, valkorion included in rage rather than submit.

-Lumba (SI, LS) - she will not acknowledge the emperor.

-Takamura (TR, LS) - He will not kneel, he is 100% commited to the republic and spec force. even if hes not in a position to do so, he will continue to try. that means opposing evil, valkorion included.

-Kon-Montra (JC, LS leaning) - he wont kneel. but hes likely to ask the hard questions and provoke a response, as a trained diplomat he knows how to ask to get an answer, even from an enemy.


long story short as i have other characters as well, there maybe a few that will kneel or may kneel, the majority wont kneel.

Edited by Celise
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-Evek (BH, Neutral) - Ultimately for him, it will not be known until the choice is given to him. but considering all hes ever known is the empire and the mandolorian traditions along with his bounty hunting, its possible he would preserve that and keep his honor with the mandolorians. but then again there is a chance he could find fertile new hunting grounds elsewhere for bigger credits and rewards. so ultimately not sure yet.

-Rusot (SW, DS) - he will not kneel and would do the exact same thing Marr would do, to defy the emperor fearlesssly.

I'm curious about how you came about using these two names: they're both minor Cardassians that show up in either Deep Space Nine or The Next Generation. Are you a Star Trek fan?
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I've been thinking about this as well for my characters.


My neutral / DS leaning smuggler who is usually pragmatic will refuse to kneel, having been slowly drifting towards LS ever since his DS choices stopped being about conning people or governments...so slowly turning into a hero over the years.


My LS bounty hunter will not kneel and betray his clan and friends.


My DS inquisitor will kneel in order to try and betray the emperor later down the line (I know it won't happen due to carbonite but it's what he would do) the only companions he truly cares about are Khem, HK, and Treek as they are loyal to him, the others are expendable.


My LS agent defeated Janus without a fight, outsmarted the sith on many occasions and was brainwashed for a very long time. He will never be a puppet again.


My LS trooper would probably laugh in his face.


My DS knight would not kneel, as despite all his faults he really is trying to protect the republic.

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Out of my four mains


My Dark Side Assassin would surely kneel, only to learn as much as he can, wait for the right time, and slide his saber between the shoulder blades


My Dark Side Marauder - probably wouldn't kneel, the Emperor was a betrayer of the Empire and wanted to destroy the galaxy, in the end he's loyal to the Empire not the individual, and he would fight to the death to protect it


My Light Side Counselor - wouldn't kneel to evil and would probably try some stupid self sacrifice


My light side Smuggler - well are you paying me to kneel?


My Dark Side Agent would kneel for the same reason as the assassin, to gather intelligence find the best angle and execute the kill


My Light Side knight wouldn't kneel period


My Dark Side Bounty would only kneel if he could get paid and it would eliminate the competition


My Light Side Soldier not only wouldn't kneel, but he would try some kind of suicidal ill thought of plan.

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Miriah, my scoundrel, would only kneel to get a better push off for the crotch kick.

Mairella, my sage, would never betray her Jedi ideals, even though she did go with Theron to his ship to see his etchings.

Maison, my trooper, would die fighting before taking a knee.


So basically, even though I like Marr, it looks like he gets fried if the decision is based on whether I kneel.

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Since my character is convinced that Valkorion and Vitiate are the same person, then I cannot kneel. No Republic character would do it, and the only Imperial who would consider is the Wrath, and he/she was betrayed wholly by the Emperor.


I might make a character just to see what happens, but I can't say that anyone would kneel just based on the fact that, whether he really is or not, every character is convinced he's Vitiate.

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I'm very much torn on my Imperial Agent: Thelyssa is a diehard imperial, yes, but to what extent that remains true after what she has seen during the war I have yet to decide. It is entirely possible that, with the empire losing so many major worlds and battles lately, Thelyssa has lost her faith that the Empire can recover. I really don't know, and to me it really depends on if the Empire is able to make a come-back. If the empire can recover, Thelyssa will stay loyal. If not, she will kneel.
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^this All my characters would gladly kneel, hug Emperor, or did whatever he wanted, just to save Marr. As he is best hope for the Empire, and its future. (and great character)


I agree, without Marr the idiotic power squabbles of the Sith will see their empire fall apart. I can see bad times coming for the SIth.

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My toons split into 3 camps


Light Side Refuse: Guardian, Powertech, Consular, Gunslinger, Assassin tank, Juggernaught, Trooper (could go Light side kneel if feasible)


Dark Side Refuse: Sniper, Marauder


Dark Side Kneel: Assassin dps, Merc, Operative, Sorc


I'll run one from each group to see if "Light side kneel" is possible from a story perspective.


"Sniper, Assassin, Gunslinger" is probably the order I will go in.

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I thought my Wrath might kneel. But ultimately it all boils down to the fact my main characters are Legacy-bound, they're siblings. Two of them -- my Smuggler and my Knight -- were actually enslaved as youngsters and will refuse to kneel from a simple and outright refusal to ever again be someone's slave. And threaten THEM and the others will react with abject defensiveness. So my Warrior will defend her younger siblings, basically. It means none of them will kneel.

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